Guideline For Oral Defense During The Community Quarantine

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Office of the Dean of the Graduate School


Before the Oral Defense
1. The TW student shall send electronically to the dean the soft copy of the thesis manuscript via
this email address together with an endorsement letter of the thesis
2. The dean shall acknowledge the submission of the thesis manuscript and shall advise the TW
student to settle the clearance and to pay corresponding fees at any of these partner banks:

BDO Lucena Branch – Account No. 3590-2526-12

Unionbank Lucena Branch – Account No. 0006-20006-882
BPI Family – Account No. 5363-33606-1
Security Bank – Account No. 0492-027100-001

3. In settling the clearance, the following procedure shall be observed:

a. check balances from the student’s individual portal
b. scan or take a screen shot of the balances
c. pay corresponding fees at any of the aforementioned banks
d. take a picture of the official bank receipt together with the scanned or screenshot balance
taken from SHC website
e. send to the dean, via her email, the scanned official bank receipt and the picture or screened
shot balance
4. The dean, upon the receipt of the official bank receipt of fees, shall verify from the finance of
such payment.
5. The dean shall schedule the oral defense upon the acknowledgment of the finance office of
such receipt.
6. The dean shall copy furnish the members of the Oral Examination Committee (OEC) with the
soft copy of the thesis manuscript together with the rating sheet upon the consultation of
their availability for an oral defense.
7. The dean shall confirm the schedule of the oral defense to the TW student and OEC members.

During the Oral Defense

1. The OEC Chair shall call the proceedings to order. He/she shall likewise serve as the host of the
oral defense.
2. After calling the proceedings to order, the TW student shall lead an opening prayer.

Sacred Heart College • 1 Merchan Street, Lucena City, 4301 Philippines • Tel. Nos +63(042)7103888/+63(042)7102505
• Fax No. +63(042)3734240 •Website • Email or
Office of the Dean of the Graduate School

3. The thesis adviser shall introduce the thesis advisee. The OEC members shall also be introduced
to the TW student.
4. The TW student shall be given 10-15 minutes only to present his/her study focusing on the

For Proposal Defense

a. the title of the study
b. reason for conducting the study
c. Statement of the Problem
d. Framework of the Study
e. Research Methodology

For Final Oral Defense

a. The title of the study
b. Summary of the recommendations of the OEC during the proposal defense
c. Statement of the Problem
d. Summary of the Findings of the Study
e. Conclusions
f. Recommendations

5. The OEC Chair may call to halt the presentation if the given time for presentation has been
consumed already.
6. The OEC Chair shall request the OEC members to cite the strengths of the paper, to pose some
clarificatory questions, to mention other comments, and to provide suggestions and
recommendations for the refinement of the paper.
7. The discussion of the paper shall be done part by part and only major concerns shall be tackled.
8. Minor concerns on the paper such as grammaticality, mechanics (capitalization, spelling,
indention, etc.) may be written in the over-all recommendations sheet and need not to be
taken up during the discussion.
9. After the thorough discussion on the paper, the OEC Chair shall request the TW student to
leave meantime the meeting/video conference to give them ample time to finalize the ratings
of the oral defense.
10. Given the ample time to finalize the individual ratings, each OEC member shall verbally
announce her/his computed grade. Then, the OEC Chair shall record and collate all ratings,
compute the average rating, and make the final announcement to the OEC members of the
computed average grade.
11. The OEC Chair shall call the TW student and request him/her to join again the meeting/video
12. The OEC Chair shall then announce to the TW student the average grade obtained.
13. The TW student shall then deliver his/her message of gratitude and shall lead a closing prayer.
14. The OEC Chair shall take the picture or screen shot of the EVALUATORS’ OVER-ALL RATING
sheet with his/her electronic signature to be sent to the dean via her email address.
15. The OEC members shall likewise take the picture or screen shot of the following to be sent
to the dean via her email address:

Sacred Heart College • 1 Merchan Street, Lucena City, 4301 Philippines • Tel. Nos +63(042)7103888/+63(042)7102505
• Fax No. +63(042)3734240 •Website • Email or
Office of the Dean of the Graduate School

a. accomplished individual rating sheet with electronic signature

b. over-all recommendations

After the Final Defense

For TW 2 Students

1. The dean shall send to the TW student, via email, the OEC’s over-all recommendations for the
refinement of the paper.
2. The TW student shall revise the paper within 3-5 days with the guidance of the thesis adviser.
3. She/He then shall submit the revised paper to the OEC’s chair and members with the thesis
adviser’s endorsement.
4. After satisfying the OEC’s recommendations, an approval letter by each OEC member shall be
released to the TW student.
5. The TW student shall then submit the revised paper to the dean for final review with an
attachment of the OEC’s approval letter.
6. The dean, after due review of the revised paper, shall feedback to the student the result, may
advise the student to run the paper for plagiarism test, reprint the paper in the official thesis
paper, and proceed to hardbounding of the final thesis manuscript.
7. The Office of the Graduate School shall facilitate signing of the thesis manuscript in hardbound
as soon the government allows free movement of people in the community.

For TW 1 Students

1. The dean shall send to the TW student, via email, the OEC’s over-all recommendations for the
refinement of the paper.
2. The TW student shall revise the paper with the guidance of the thesis adviser.
3. She/He then shall enroll TW 2 upon the endorsement of the thesis adviser.

Sacred Heart College • 1 Merchan Street, Lucena City, 4301 Philippines • Tel. Nos +63(042)7103888/+63(042)7102505
• Fax No. +63(042)3734240 •Website • Email or

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