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Long Answers 

1) ‘All we have to fear is fear itself”. Discuss the statement in the light of the story and
establish its relevance.

It is an emotion and its in the brain...a component od the brain….fear is physchological barrier develops through an experience which is not a pleasant…...fear of loosing...fear of
missing….misadventure...bad experience...everytime u encounter such situation u get triggered
n the response is similar……..

Fear…. U r challenged physically n emotionally …..aversion is not just crippling but creates a
sense of dislike….when u fear smthng u tend to dislike it

Incident of california beach...,was it disastrous n did he feel life threatening….he avoided water
for a while until he turned 10 and his mother advice him to join the YMCA club for swimming
lessons…… this is the way he addressed his aversion….later he started learning
swimming….he was conscious abot how he looked n what people thought abt him…

.how aversion turned into fear…...YMCA was an empty pool...he was suddenly
tossed intio a pool by a senior….it was life changing for him….he didnt understand how to
react….his mind was telling him to fight...he had a did not work...his
hope was diminished,....he was feeling lack of will power...he pushed himself again to rise
up...after a lot of effort he came up ...but again sank ...n the third time he lost hope….

Maybe it happened only in 2 to 3 mins….but the misadveture has been described into 2
pages….how did it impact emotionally...n physically…. What did he had to for go to live a
normal life….a moment where he decided for himself….william he had enough of drowning into
water,,,n decided to learn swimming…..hired an instructor n followed a very strict schedule ...he
was diligent in working...had faith in his instructor ….the instructor’s role was very critical….wen
he went to the trainer...he learnt how courageous he is …..after he dived into the lake….he
faced it n did not run away..n talked to his fear..n he said im not scared of u anymore……..all
the while he realisedis that he shouldn’t have feared deep water….but if he didnt fear he would
have not realised...his training made him a better person…. All we have to fear is a realisation


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