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Fa i 3 So 2 i= 5 i a i 2 S Ei fa = a fig s be ° 2 a = fra 3s S g c oP Grammar bbyRackel Finis, Carl Frain Gavit Hi, Karen Thome @ HEBLING LANGUAGES 2010 ‘uulbieglang.ges com frptpublohed 2610 wer re sa i Sod 30rd Gord dois ac | Als iohts esta ne pao hie abcatien maybe piodics toed a ete ein eran nay fom ry ary mau econ. een peteey 8 EOE, ‘eae, thot wp wre passer ofthe Pushes | ise 970-3-06272.225-2 | ‘he pbs made a tank along forte Kd pment rece he alg etagiasts and other copyright materi ‘Alery pl, p53, (CD Fo kon p36 bred), (CD: Fearon timate fo08) 187 tee ‘Ghocite, Sze, (€. Food Ions) p198 Ginploetrban, #6 Tips, 9305; Barbara Kone 197 Cie Corts pee, 0295, 304 Helaing Languenes 2240, p209. stockphato com p28, 93D 24 3, p76, 104, 194 p98 eoot 197 fraiealace, Bread, champagnsl, p18 cup ol tal 9210, 9218, 9231, ASE, p26, pe, oAB7, p22, 9334, 0928, nAKH Smaeesec p3d, p18, 27, 97h, 1 pas al, Beewt), 198 how of ful, tvessremberi 207, 1220, 222, p246, 306, p310, 0323: book ‘rie of SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE ty Donna Wliame: reprinted by permission of he Sandomn House ‘Gfoup tad p80, ken Commons p18, rejee managh aes ee by Fara Tike Designed by BNC comunicasione ores by Capctinea Ulrerated by ioberio Battin, Mattes Bafogn, Sergio Cingoan, Vlentina Rastlo, Dora Siolag rine by Aha Top Grammar 7 Top Grammar is a grammar reference book for teenagers and young adults learning English at all levels, from elementary to advanced. It covers all the main grammatical areas of the language. Top Grammar can be used for individual study, for exam preparation, or in class for specific training on grammar included in the syllabus. Top Grammar is easy to use, with clear explanations and lots of practice. The Student's Book pits 25 sections, each focusing on a specific grammar point. In addition, each section has a lexical theme, broadly based on the vocabulary topics covered in the PET and FCE syllabuses, ‘There is a wide variety of exercises and at the end of each section there is atwo- page Review containing evision exercises plus two pages of PET and FCEexam preparation. The interactive CD-ROM contains extra activities for each of the grammatical areas covered in the book, authentic texts from English and American papers and magazines with exercises we phonetic exercises. The Teacher's Guide contains tips on how to use Top Grammar inthe classroom or for individual study, with practical suggestions on how to develop grammar competence and how to deal with error correction. There are 25 tests, one for each of the sections and the keys to all the exercises and tests, Online Resources. There is a range of additional exercises for each of the 25 sections available online at www.helblinglarguages.com/onlineresources " 12 13 4 18 Contents ‘The words of grammar Present be Lexical theme: Friends and family Be present simple (/ am, I'm not Are you...?) Be present simple ~ Usage and idiomatic expressions. ‘There is / There are; Here is Here ore: Wt3/Thav’s — impersonal usage Review 1 Units 1-4 EER Present have (got) Lexical theme: People and ctothing Have got present simple {!'ve got, haver’# got, Have you got.) Have and have got ~ Usage and Idiomatic express ons Reviow 2 Units 5-6 Present simple Lexical theme: Weekend routines Present simple — Form (1 {I walk, Kdon't walk) Present simple ~ Foren (2) {Do you walk?) Present simple and adverbs of frequency - Usage (1) Present simple — Usege (2} Review 3 Units 7-10 EEO Present continuaus | Lexical theme: Hobbies Present continuous ~ Form (1) am leaving) Present continuous ~ Form (2) (?m nat leaving, Are you leaving?) Present continuous Usage Present simple and Present continuaus ~ Differences of usage Action verbs and stative verbs Review 4 Units 11-15 SED Exam preparation (i ie Ema) Past simple Lexical theme: Holidays Be past simple (/ was, | wasn't, Were yous..2) Past simple - Form (1) worked, went) Past simple — Form (0) (/ didnt go, Did you go...) Past simple— Usage Review 5 Units 16-19 IED Used to and Past continuous Lexical theme: Sport Used to/Would Past continuous - form (/ was/wasn't playing, Were you playing....?) Past continuous — Usage and comparison with the past simple Review 6 Units 20-22 REEEOR) Exam preparation Sa ESI) Past participle and Present perfect simple Lexical theme; The house 2 14 16 18 20 2 4 26 28 30 32 Er 36 38 42 46 a8 50 52 54 56 5B 62 68 70 8 26 a 2B 2 30 a1 2 4 uw 35 38 a 3a a9 40 a1 a Pn 5 6 a 8 Present perfect simple = with just, already, yet, not. . yet still. not Present perfect simple — with eves, never, recently, today, Presane perfect simple — with How long, for, since Present perfect simple and Past simple ~ Differences of usage Review? Units 23-28 Ea) Present perfect continuous, Past perfect simple and continuous Lexical theme: Education Present perfect continuous - Form and usage (ve been learning, Have you been learning?) Present perfect simple and kontinuows ~ Differences of usage Past perfect simple —Form (f had/hadn't started, Had you started?) Past perfect simple ~ Usage, { Past perfect continuous Form and usage J hadyhadit been playing, Had you been playing?) Review 8 Units 29-33 Exam preperation Ea Gia Rea) \ Future with going to and will Lexical theme: Jobs The future: going to Form and usage (ti/tim not coing to apply, Are you gaing to apply?) The future: will Form (Iwillgo. wont go, Willyou 807) The future: will Usage (t The future: will Usage (2) | Review 9 Units 34-37 EM) Other ways to express the future, Future continuous and Future perfect Lexical theme: Health | Present continuous and Present simple for the future Going to / Present continuous / Will future — Differences of usage Future continuous (/willeeaing) arid Future perfect {will have done) Review 10 Units 38-40 SEER) Exar preparation ft ia E> Imperative, Infinitive and -ing form Lexical theme: Shopping anc money, Imperative —Form and usage (Go! Don't got Let's gal) Infinitive - Form and usage (to play, ot t0 play, to have played) -ing form Formand usage (going, having gone) Verbs + infinitive (I want ta go} ‘Verbs + ing form / + infinhive started reading /toread} Prepositions +ing form -Ing clauses (I'm good at shing, Before/After going...) Review 11 Units 41-46 EERIE ‘Exam preparation [conc ce) ‘Modal verbs can, could, may, might Lexical theme:Celebrations Modials: Can / Could - General characteristics Madals: Can / Could - Usage and alternative verbs Modals: May ‘aight | Review 12 Units 47-49 SERIA) | Modal verbs must, have to, need 76 78 80 82 a4 jo0 102 10s 106 108 10 112 114 16 18. 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 52 3 58 60 82 8 88 1 2 1 4 16 n 1h Contents Need t0/'Need +-ing: Had to/ Will have to; Be obligad/Be compelled Review 13 Units 50-52 E> Other modal verbs Lexical theme: The weather Modals: Shall /Should Had better; Ought to; Be due; Be bound to Modals: Will/Would Would like zo; Want 0; Would prefer to Would vather Review 14 Units 53-56 Exam preparation NIG EEE The passive Lexical theme: Literature, inventions, procedures: Passive form: Passive form — Present and past tense Passive form —Perfect tenses and Future Passive form = infinitive, Modal Verbs and Conditional Passive form —Verbs with double object; He is sal to be... ‘Make /Let someone do something; Get someone te do something; Have / Get something done See someone do/doing something; See something being dane Review 15 Units 57-63 SORE) am preparailon (2 3 EISIED Articles Lexical theme:The natural world, geography ‘The indefinite article: @/an ‘The definite article: the (1) ‘The definite article: the (2} No article vs. the: Review 16 Units 64-07 EERE) Nouns, possessive ca Lexical theme: Entertainment Nouns, {regular plurals; compound nouns ‘Nouns: countables and uncountables{l) Nouns: countables and unceuntables 2) | Collective and plural nouns; adjectives used as runs Possesstve case (Tom' frend, 4 frend of Tom’) Review 17 Units 68-73 KHIR) Exam preparation [a a a> Adjectives Lexical theme: Famous people, music Qualifying adjectives {a big red apple / the book ise) Adjective formation (surprising, surprised}; nouns used as adjectives {a film stor) The comparative of adjectives (1) (cheaper than/ more expensive than) ‘The comparative of adjectives (2) (as interesting as fess interesting than) The superlative of adjectives (the cheapest /the most expensive/ the least expensive) ‘The comparative and superlative of adverbs (foster Fastest: more quickly,/naost quickly) 148 150 192 154 156 158 160 162 164 166 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 186 188 190 192 194 196 198 200 202 204 206 208 210 22 24 26 218 | 55 96 a 93 100 101 12 103 108. 105, 106 107 108 109, 10 Review 18 Units 74-81 FEEIIG) Exam preparation E23 EEG) Pronouns | Lexical theme: Everyday life, countries and nationalities Personal pronouns (, yau, he.../ me, you, him...) Possessive adjectives and pronouns (my, your... /-ning, yours...) Reflexive and emphasizing pronauns (myself yourself...) Demonstrative adjectives end pronouns {this / these, that / those) one “ones | Distributive adjectives and pronouns (1) (each / every everyone, Recipracal pronouns (each other/one anather) Distributive adjectives and pronouns (2) (both/ either / neither Carrelative structures (both... and... /elther... or... /nelthere:. nore) Indefinite adjectives and pronouns {1) (same/any/no/alittle/a fer) Indefinite adjectives and pronouns 2} (adat much / many: too much / too many/enough; mast (él) Compounds of some. any, Aa{1) Compounds of some, any, no (2) Compounds with -ever Review 19 Units 82-92 EOEEaR) Exam preparation Ga a CER) Numbers, dates, relative pronouns Lexical theme: Technology, gadgets Carclinal numbers i Ordinal numbers and dates | Relative pronouns in defining causes Relative pronouns in non‘defining clauses Relative advertos where, wien, why: which, what, a that in relative clauses Review 20 Units 93-97 Eonmrey | Wh- words, questions, agreeing and disagreeing Lexical theme: Technology, communication Interrogative adjectives and pronours; Exclamations Interrogative adverts ‘Structure of Yes/No questions and Wh- questions Asking for confirmation: question tags ‘Agreeing (So de I/ Neither do I/Nordo 4./ | think so) Disagreeing (Don't you? | do, /De you?! don't. / |dor't think sa.) Review 21 Units 98-102 EERE) ‘em prepartion i a ‘Adverbs, prepositions Lexical theme: Fame, celebrities and success Adverbs of manner (quickly, stoury...) Adverbs of time Adverbs of degree (too, very, quite father...) Word order in statements Prepositions of time {1} Prepositions of time (2) Prepositions indicating place and position (i) Prenasitinns indicatine nlara and nncitian 224 226 228 730 232 24 236 28 240 a3 2s 246 248 250 252 254 256 258 260 262 264 266 268, 270 2m 274 26 278 280 782 284 286 250 292 Contents 113 Prepositions to.and for; Verbs with double object, 114 Other prepositions Review 22 Units 103-114 EIEN) Lem preparation [i Ea EEE) Reported speech Lexical theme: Sports UB Verbs say and telt 116 Reported speech (I): Reporting orders; Reportingstatements in the present NT Reported speech (2: Reporting statements in the past 118 Reported speech (3i:Reporting questions Review 23 Units 115-118 Wetauses Lexical theme: Extremes and danger 119 Conditional verb form; future in the past 120 Mf clauses - Type zero and type one 121 clauses ~ Type two 122 Ifclauses -Type three 123 Conditional clauses introduced by when, uniess... wish... /JFonly. Review 24 Units 119-123 SEXIG) | M Exam preparation (a ERI) Connectors and linkers, word formation, prepositions, phrasal verbs Lexical theme: Food and drink, cooking 124 Connectors and linkers (1}:coordinating, concessive 125 Connectors and linkers 2k: reason, result and purpose 128 Connectors anc inkers (time linkers and sequencers, 127 Other connectors andllinkers (4) 128 Word formation {1}: Prefixes 128 Word formation (2 Suffixes 130 Prepositional verbs 131 Adjectives followed by prepositions 192 Phrasal verbs f}) Phrasal verbs 2) Phrasal verbs 6) Review 25 Units 124-133 ESE No Brom preparation (Eo EEEIS) APPENDIX | British ard American English —Main grammatical differences International Phonetic Alahabet (IPA) Punctuation marks. Modals and other verbs related to communicatve functions Modal verbs — tenses Use of modal verbs in if clauses ‘Comparing quantities Conjugation ofa regular verbs ‘Main irregular verbs INDEX 300 302 304 306 a8 320 322 324 336 328 330 332 334 336 338, 340 342 3d 346 348 350 352 354 356 ase, 359 360 361 362 363 365 366 370 Parts of speech The words of grammar (np ap “Gp aya) amp Sa TDL ‘The words of grammar ~ Parts of speech SNNONOUd SNOONOMd T¥NOSUHd ig Sun ‘nod um =e ays 3y ‘ni BIpP “ypaq “65249 ere asoyp rep ara 1 aeTONISp dower “pa ure owos ‘ECSU Avronts ou SySNUT 80H seep ese Soppou “uyypomos ‘quedare QNOI0S. SSALLDafd¥ ok +] aaysaada> aoun ‘iq ALLY NOD aaysuradlea “iq SorayEn 3 32 a4 Ther / Tere oe: Heres Her are five people in my family. 4 gil in my class called Angelina, ~stnueued great phato of you in this album, Grandma! onan lots oF reasons why good friends are important ‘ naman anniversary party tomocrow evening, .. i's fice to fee! appreciated, Talking this useless Tes useless teling ro 1 | The pronous itis sometimes substieuted with that, exci avhen we refer to the preceding sentence or to a fact or an idea Atrip to Miami? That's great! | | Yahnisn't coming with ws: Really? That's too bad!" | 'Shail we go to the beach?’ ‘That's fine by mo! ‘Lets play cards! ‘That's OK by med with me!’ EXERCISES 15 hat geet sp a7 4d Tick () the correct sentence. 1 a C1 “That's a lovely: day fora picnic, Mum. b H tesa lovely day fora pi dum. 2a D1 Do you like Sally’ hairstyle? Ire new, 6D) Do you like Sally’s hairstyle? “That's new. 3a Cl That's lovely dress, Julie sit new? b 0 Wea lovely dress Julic. Is char new? 44D tesa long way to Simbuls house. b CO) Thar’ a long way to Simon's house, 3 aL] That's a good idea to go and visit Granny, z b Cte good idea to go bod visit Granny, 6 aL) You're having a party! Its great! b D1 You'e having a party; That's grear! 4.2 Match the questions or the starements to the answers. 1d. 2 3 $15 Serre. 1 Mum, why must | eat an applea day? a That's good! You need it. 2 Twant a haircut, Mum, i b That’ expensivel 3 Look! That's Dave's mum! | ¢ Ita long way from here, 4 Ics only ewo degrees! des good for you! 5. Where's Mareias house? € Thats cold! 6 Iecosts 20, F No, fe his sister 4.3 Complete the dialogue with ##'sor thar's A: Come of. got upt LIE. a lovely day! B: sie... nic. Lets do something different, thet, Tknow! ,_..... Saturday, so let's go fora picnic cocoa great idea, Whar about going co Bluebell Hill? A: Hmm... 8 long way to Bluebell Hill, Bi... OK — the exercise-will do ts good! And")... a lovely ride oue thar way, As Pn true. bur, justa minute... my bike ist hete., ©. at Don's house. I cantt use it today: B18... a shame! Never mind, we can walk instead! 44 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the First one. Use the word given without changing it. 1 In my opinion, inviting Maria to the parsy is nova goed idea. Iv In my opinion, ......ititnte.goed. idea to invite Maria to the party 2. Tehink arguing wich your farnily is very upsecting TO Tile angue with pour Sumi, 3 That's Mums favourite vase, so done breale te! BECAUSE Dont break thar vase a _ Favourite! his evening is a good idea. oK ime if we go to the cinema this evening. 5 Mum says eating fish is good for me IT RII R12 RL RIA RIS EXERCISES Units 1-4 Choose the correct alternative. 1 Families is /@Dimportant, 2 Sophia not isalt my sister. 3 The boysén my family are / is all good-looking 4 Are Is Jennifer your oo: 5 Yes, No, James ign’ my boyfriend ... and I dent want to go out with him! 6 There arent / isn't any of my fiends who can beat me at chess. 7 There is / are nothing nicer than being with fumily and friends, 8 "Ts there an anniversary party at the weekend?’ "Yes, is there / there is, ‘Complete the sentences with the correet form sf the present simple of ba. 1 Natalie. if9't my mum; she’smy aunt, 2 Tivo late for the party? 3 There ....... some interesting people in your Furi. 4 Selina. my stepsnes: 5‘. you und Brian relared?' ‘No, we... just goad friends. 6 One of my relatives ouon a famous actos! 7 wenn there anyone in your family called Mr Stopes? 8. N03 [sesoumn Lindals mum! Linda i my sisted (Use the wards to write sentences or questions with am, i, ane. 1 David / my brother David is my brother. 2 all any relatives / lovely people 3 our scepfacher / 33 4 you/ bad-tempered in the mornin 5 my cousin and 1 / nor / like each other? 6 you and Jolene / my bese friends 7 your aranidfiucher f'a Runny man? § our parents / nut / at work roday Complete the paragraph with the corsect form of the present simple of be, alfixmative or negative, “Things "are... differene in my family these days. Suddenly, TO oon a member of a big Filly instead of being an only child. You see, my mum and Ste¥E eso ihated now, so he ® my new stepfather, And there... four children in Steve's family — Lucas, Alicia, Felix and Rosie, They om My stepbrothers and sisters now. We ™. all in the same house all the time —Steve's children 0... ina house wich sheir mum mostly, but they here with us ‘every second weekend, We have a loc of fun and... sm.eall good friends now, Fe!" uc. great being pare of a big family? Rearrange the wards and write the sentences, 1 your—name— mother’s— What's —? What's your mother’s name? 2 is — girl —sister— Which — your ~ 3. mum and dad's — Today ~ my—wedding ann versary ~ is 4 help — very —kind — you — to —Ies— affec — of - co 5 two = There ~ shopping — are — bags — fall of 6 parry — you — Aren't — for —late— the 7 How many~ in = your —are— children re — family RT R18 Complete the mini-dialogue with ONE word oc short form for each gap. 1 A: Hi, Mishke! How are you? sorry! T cant stop! I'm... in a hurry! 2 As Sandy = Matk’s fster; she’s his cousin. Be Yes, you're right. | 3 A How old is your brother now? BR ite 12. | 4 AsAre you OK? | lo, I'm... Tm del it time for breakfast BENG, 5 eonns Cat. 6 A: This owe OY Rew E-shircl s lovely! | | 5 ‘Where is Richard? eS") 8 A: Leck go tw the beach today. Bi seen fine by me. ‘Choose the correct alternative. 1 Hit Thae’s (fe))Belinda, Is that you, Carmen? 2 Tes / That's very kind of yois to buy she this, Aunt Gloria. 3 What's it f that?” I haven't got a clue” 4 ‘Do you like this food, Claire? “Hm is 5 Hey! That's / It’s the Gch of May tomorrow — Dad’ birthday! 6 Mmm — delicious! I chink it’s / that’s the ? "Do you like the present?’ ‘Yes, that’s! irs greut, thanks!” | Choose the correctaltemativ, | Today ("QV are Saturday, ® There's / It's a lovely sunay day and Jake is its at home, His parents "is / are at work and his sister, Lily, is / are ara friend's hoase. At ten o'clock in the ‘marning he gets a text message on his mobile. ® That's / Fes from his friend Andy and i says, “Where is / are you?" ‘There's J I'm in the park and“ there's / that’s a skatchoard race at cleven, Come along’ Jake replies,“ That's / There's fancaseic I'll be "here / there in half an hour? Present continuous (/ am not leaving, Are you leaving?) Form (2) A “The negative Form of the present continuous ieformed by adding mot between the auxiliary be and the -ing form. \ Negative l am not {im not) You are not faren't) He/She /it isnot (isn't) We aienat faren't) You are not (aren't) They arenot faren't) Shore form: Subject + *m not / isn't aren °c verb in the -ing form In negative sentences the shor: form is the most used. Fm net going aut, She iit stuxlying chemistry, she's studying physics, B nterrogative | Am! Are you Ishe/she/it leaving for Paris? Arewe re you Arathey \ | Interrogative form: Am / Is //Are + subject + verb int Areyou calling Jack? | | Js Simon coming hhomeor dinner? Jn negative questions, the short forms aren't: Aren't thechildren sleeping? | Ismtshe doing her homewark? | Tn share affirmative answers the verb be is!acyershoreeHed, ‘Are you joking?“ No, tm not! 1 1s he matching TV?*Yes,heis! 1 | eed | D Wh. questions are constructed by purting the question woid first. Question word + am / is / are + subject + verb in the -ing form Whatare you doing? | \| ‘Where are you going? i | i Why oren’t they flstening? 121 122 EXERCISES Use the words to write negative sentences in the present continuous, T/paine / any more pictures I, Shane / write / his blog we / go to the cinema they / compete / in the karate competition she / do / Sudoku puzzles Harry and Bob / skavcboard | Frasent centinuaus— Form 2} not painting. any more pictures, A Gabe ‘Complete the short answers. | 1 Are you learning how eo wld? 2 Is Bvemre seudying astronomy! Are your brothers playing fee hockey? Arc you enjoying the Formula One racing? Are Jon and Dave acting in dhe school play? Are you going skateboarding bo Saturday ‘Choose the correct altetnative,| Are /(G@)Matilda learning to use a microscope? Where are / Are where you going now? Why dont aren't you watching the Formula One rece? ‘Are Nathan / the boys makisig model cars in their mom? Tsa't/ Aren't Jamie listening to music at che moment? What ! When are you making? Rearrange the words and write the questions. 1 mum = drive — how ~ your ~learning/~ to = Is—? Tyyeur enum learning haw te driver you— drama — going —group— to— che — Are —? 4 ave— What doing — you_> 5. kite~ fly—leaming— Who how — isto — watching, 8 Arenit— today ~in ~ they ~ band the playin ‘Match the answers to the questions from exercise 4. Tees Riki Bac Doe a My brother, e Ys, Tam b No, be isnt, £ T'm going to the youth club. Sin Hine B Present continuous Usage ‘The present continuous is used: * cw say what is caking place in 2 given moment (for example, when we are talking on our mobile phones, describing a scene or picture}, In this case, we often: use adverbs or time expressions like snow, just / right now, at the moment, at peegent, which usually come at the end of the sencence. Look. ir raining hard. itm watching a fil right novi | ‘My father’s working in the garden at the moment. 1 | * to describe an action thar has already begun but hac’ dnded, not necessarily atthe exact moment you are talleing, but at that tine. 1 11m fearting Feench. (at this time) ‘She's taking @ course in business English. (and she hasn't Rrished it ye | * to highlight, with a certain sense of annoyar¢e, somechynig which is done insistehtly, or which isuicdone, bur should be. We use the adver’s with the presene continuous in this case, You're abways talking ic iicates me) i | 10 talk abour situations chat are temporary o1 different {im staying with an English family. (ac thistime. is nox This week, Im working in the shorning, (not. always; anty tm teaching in a private school this year || | | om. what one usually does. mal residence) | * to talk abour future actions thar are ready fjceseen of planned. In this case, we always use an adverb or a time expression like toalght Soploren, yext week / year. | What are you doing next summer? 14] I'm going to the mountains, | Tm meeting him atthe airport tomonrcw atin ttock. Tm starting a new school nexé year. 1 | 1} | i Wat 132 4 EXERCISES re ti ‘Choose the correct alternative. I'm looking afier my friend!’ pet spiders ac the present. The kids are going bird-watching last / next weekend, Be quied! You'te always / never tallking about your hobbies! Where ate you going nexe night / summer? Sol’s going rollerblading at right now. Fred and Vera are spending a lot of time bird-watching thesc days F moments; Pm nor doing anything special yesterday / romomow. ‘Areyou cartying on collecting Spider-Man comics last this year? Find the mistakes and under 1 We're meet Simon ae the edneert at seven. We're meeting Simen.at.the cencert.at seven. 2. They'se studying English il London tase month. 1¢ them. ‘Then write the correct sentences. 3 Angela's spending always her money on stupid things 4 Learning you how to cook Chinese food? I. " 5 Sophie and I am callecting flowers 4r the moment. | | Simon is writing to his parents about 6 What are you doing evenirig? Sitbeday 40.002 train on te beac 112,002 have luich in the Rote Complete the text using the words in the box, [ Theyre 2) “you're s(ea]__ave ea) Fim _latening waling spending ting | _ Lim talking to you from Camron Youth Centre, The young people are all busy. [caring new hobbies and pastimes. Some of thei", making things our of pottery they'te ow to use the potter's wheel chae we hve here, but ic in easy! Others ae painting and one boy carving something out of wood, One group of young people sitting in the nest room. Thefts umnmnn 10 a guest speaker who”... ealking abour writing blogs. ®.scnuni.u getting some advice and learning what not to do when they're & their blogs. IF, looking fora new way of — your free time, why aot came and Present simple and present continuous Differences in usage The present simple “The present continuous is used to talk about is used to talk about + habia actions, nor necessarily happening as you are speaking * accions happening as you are speaking I play basketball from 6 pm} to8 pm. every day. It’s seven otlock. He's playing basketball * temporary actions, which involve a change from routine 1 142 4 EXERCISES Tick (¥) the correct sentences and correct the sentences with mistakes in them. iC) Pm going ro summer camp every August. Ege ta.sy pevery August: Present snl ond present cantnuous— Diferences usage 2 1A Do you collect phone cards? 3D They usually are spending the surfing the Incetnet, 3 4 © Sally and! I visit Harlech Castle today. aaeaa 3 DD You're always make a mess when you paint! 6 Darren stays in London ae weekends 7 Go away! I'm writing ay blog! 8 0 I don't colletinganythig for a hobby. ‘Match the two paris of the spe Sai Gis Le 2 Su 4 1 Every weekend, a enjoring your new hobby? 2 Do you | b learning aboue astronomy. 3 Are you Steve and his mates go fishing 4 We usually d spend your free time reading? 5 Sabrina’s © enjoy the same hobbies as my sister: 6 Ident F go bircewacching togecher. Complete the dialogue using the presént simple or continuous of the verbs in brackets, Alem “What ")...ane yeu.reading.|(vou / read), Ben? ee jo CLP read) abour farnstis climbers. Alex: Why?” | (you / nocclimb) mountains. Bent Onsen (Lf Raho), be 9 é the Alps and ® a Ales: Hom ... mountain dimbing * * tea (11 save up) to go t0 ~~ (1 plan) what to do when I'm there. (not be) 4 hobby that (interese} me, Ben: My friend Jack. na (learn) how to climb and (, enc he / have) a geese time. What (you / do) in your free time, anyway? Ales: 82. -v-newes (1/ Sit) at my computer surfing the net or waiting my blog. Ben: Well, | think mountain climbing is a loc more fun! Alex: Yes... and sitting at the computer is a lot safet Complete the sentences using the expressions in the box. [ Are you enjaying docsetandersiand not ving up ‘We usually visit I They're all having Bobby plays Does your brother ‘spends his free time 1 Ulla...deetnt understand how to do Sudoku, Basis nee the go-Karting lesions? 3 Liteas a playing the saxophone, 40m so fishing Fn just having 3 break from it. 5 use his digital camera a lor? a great time wateh ng the ice hockey finals, _with his temate-rantenl car at rhe moabande —— 7 a a Action verbs and stative verbs Action verbs Gan be used either in the simple form or the continuous firm. He speaks Engtish. He's speaking to Mr Jones, ‘Verbs which do not express an action (like, know, want...), also known as stative verbs, aré not usually used in the continuous form. “These includes + verbs of perception like see or hear which are usually accompanied by the modal verb ean, eat see. Can you hear that novse? * verbs thar are used tp tal about emotions and thoughts, like Forgive, care, lilee, mine, want, know; understand, believe, remember. Doyou understand what 'm saying? | don't mind cooking the dinner tonight. She remembers you very well and she’ Inviting yauto the party. * verbs of possession: own / possess, belong, have got (see p.34) Some verbs expressing feelings, preferences or sensations, lie feel, hope, can be used in the simple form and also in the continuous forms. | ‘How do you feel?" 1 don't feel very we ‘How are you feeling today?’ Ym feeling great!” Ihope you like it. Scientists are hoping ta find clean source of energy | i | Note abo: i i| + the verls think is used in thé simple form when, rsnlngis ‘opinion, and in che continuous form when expressing an intention or reflection. / think it’s a good ideo, (expressing an opinion) “What are you doing?’ fm thinking. (reflection) + the verb enjoy is used in the simple form as a es Vai ait a de asian owhen it means to have fun. ‘enjoy walking in the countryside, | Hm enjoying my holiday. the verb see is used in the simple form when ‘when it means mect someone for an appeit | see what you are saying, || understand) 'msesing the doctor tomorrow moming. (I've got 3° a ppdiriment) rstand, and in the continuous form Wat 152 154 EXERCISES ‘Choose the correct alternative, 1 Gm thinking chink of aking up mountain biking in my spare ime. 2 What are you doing / do you do in your free time? 3 hate am hating fishing! 4 | forgive / am forgiving you for taking my skatebcard, 5 We see f are seeing Norman larer to have a look at his DVD collection, 6 Frank is eating / eats sandwiches when he’s out climbing. 7 I don't remember am not remembering how to play the guitar & Yes, 1am enjoying / enjoy spn the moment! Action vers ard state verbs Use the words to write sentendes using the present simple or continuous. 1 1/ enjoy F this game of ice hpckey Tm enjoying this game af ibe héekey, 2 John / think / of / buy / me new rollerblades 3 they / noc understand / how ka write Blogs 4 Jason J nor ike / walking the dog 5 1/ think / snowboatding / be /a dangerous hobby 6 he / aoe believe /T can rollerblade Find the mistakes and underline fae write the correct sentences in your exercise book. 1 Loge the climbing instructor romorr Tm, feging the climbing inttructor tomorrow Wete thinking it's a great idea to take up jugeling! Lenjoy this game a loc ar the moment! T'm knowing how to look after tropical fish, Tim not belicving Scan does baller in his free time! Tm understanding, all the rules of chess now: aun Tick (V) the sentence (a or b) which has the same meaning as the first onc. 1 He's hating every minute of this photography lesson, a DD He hates photography lessons. b [i He is nor enjoying this lesson, 2 Sarah enjoys looking for wild Aowers. a O Sarah is having a good time.ar the moment. > L Sarah has a good time when she look for wild Bowers, 3 Tsee- what you mea. a O) ! underseand what you're saying, b C1 Lam looking at you. 4 Tm seeing Marcha tomorrow and we'e going bind-warching a C1 Tam watching Marcha bird-watehing tomorrow, fou 4 R42 RA Rat RAS EXERCISES Units 11-15 Choose the correct altcmative, 1 Clyde and f am /@doing some gardening chis summer, 2 Do / Are you like watching old movies? 3 Tim not f dont learning about astronomy any more, 4 Neville is / does mountain climbing this weekend. 5 Sury is having / has difficulty doing this Sudoku puzzle, 6 Do yau like / Ate you liking bird-warching? 7 Donny is thinking / chinks about learning :9 jupele. 8 V'm dieing / dying wo see a live Formula One race, ‘Complete the sentences with the carrect farm of the present continuons of the verbs in brackets. 1 “The boys... OF? #93@yi ng... fishing with their dad. (enjoy) Bem YYOUE fFi€N go onr-nenemenn CROKE COOKECY? (study) 31 woo al] the ancient monuments in England next summer, (visie) 4 She. to music at the moment, (not listen) 5 you sill stamps as a hobby, Anny? (collect) 6 you _ the dog? (feed) J Nancy sinensis model aeroplanes any mpte. (not make) 8 {your mates _... mouniain biking tamortow! (go) Match the two parts of the sentences, Vad Oe S 4 Rao Gehl 8 1 The girls are 4 shey watching s DVD? 2 Do you bb puzzles right how. aI <¢ like mountain clirmbing? 4 Moira and Sam d surfing che Incemet. 5 Ae € using the computer at the moment? 6 Helen £ am reading shout astronomy: 7 Ae you & collects stamps from America. 8 Jenny isnt doing hare collecting flowers and insects. 3 ‘The cats 4 Mum and dad 5 The dog 6 Grandad 7 Grandma —— Complete th Kelly and her ster usually Sauurdays at home. They ® co warch cartoons in the morning and in the aftemoon they ° _ the Internet and © _.e-mails to their friends, But today is diffeséat, Their cousin from Seodand ®._...._...—.... with them en chew ( him Pandan Ai the marmenr thew ronnd the contre FAG Present simple or prescnt continuous? Complete the dialogue with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. Put the adverbs of frequency in the correct position. A: 1 Deyou.eften come. (you | come f often) to the office canteen for lunch? B: No, quite rarely, 1% -» {have J usually) a sandwich or a salad in the cafeteria across the road. Ie's quiecer. As So why & |. (you f have) lunch here today? Bs Well, 1° (wrant} to see if the quality of che food is better now, as they © —.|{say). As And whac'® {um (YOU think) of today’s menu? Br The rosse beef a (be) quite tasty. Whar 1 __| pownaee (not Like) are che people who , co = (eet) talking and”, 3 (nat f mind) their own ~-; tbe) good, and the vegerables ® busines ‘As Ook! | R41 Presca simple ot present aliens Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the ‘verbs in the box, make gi lookat |) lookfor want ‘Whe iy serve 1 The kids a0 flying. wns their new kite atthe moment. 2 Uncle Bill wears the stars through his telescope when the night is clear. 3 Sasha wen llecting wild fawers. aos Some rally exotic meals in that restaurant, L . a mess in che living zoom, onnincts tO give Mp hier hobby of model making 7 Scht Let me listen. The teacher .. smnmnse tS some advice about writing essays, 8 Natarha her camera. She can't find ic anywhere RAB Complete the posteard using the presesit simple or continuous of the verbs in brackets. Dear Jack | Here Da cud (be) in stay California! 1. _-- (have) a great time, | (hay) ina lovely hotel in Santa Barbara, Every smormng Tannen (Go) fa the Blac, BUE Decne (ROE swim) every day because the water is really cold! At the moment, Toons mwshnioeiv] Gi) bn my hotel rooin with Amy. We lh (watch) football on the TV. Brazil and Germany = plophl Teil iS Ue) nik exefsing amet fyoulda) these days? oa (you/haye} asm (youlstudy) as usual? See you next week | Love Baz 172 EXERCISES Complete the sentences with the past simple of the regular verbs in brackets. ast spl — Form (1) 1 We .watehed... che jecskis whizzing over the wares. (watch) 2 The Wave soeeninnnnen against the shore. ¢ 3 People sieve su u-enns about their holidays, James to interest us in his holiday photos, (rp) 5 We voenwmninnsnsane Outside 2 seiall café for a break. (sop) 6 The Weather ue use On the second day we were there. (change) 7 The travel agent |. usa full refund, (offs 41. in Bean br three weeks, (ray) the past simple of the fatlowing irregular verbs. Then rewrite the sentences 1-8 in the Baseform Past simple Baseform Past simple buy a ...bevaht see e come b i swim £. give 6 take f leave Ee . ell Be gerncrciete 1 Elcanor buys souvenirs from every destination. Fleanar heught souvenirs Seem, evedy destinal 2 The ene ea tells passengers where to go. 3 Tsce some amazing sights in London | 4. We swim in the sea despite the cola! = 5 He comes home from his business ei ‘on Friday. & “The boat leaves eatly in the morning ‘Complete the text with the past simple|of the verbs in brackets. When we weet... (ga) on holiday last yeas, it®, ai Ae} all a bit of a rush. My friend Sue ‘Ge! ta the travel agentsoa the Wednesday and sve (OOK) a holiday for che two of us We® (Ger off) from home at sis on the Friday morning and Give} tothe ainpor, where We enn (eave) car for the week. At the airport, we... (heck im) ae soon at we could, then ” oue find) che micest caféand (O .imunnens (have) a cafice. We", ionic Sit) there and os (plan) * all the things we. (want) to do on our holiday in Spain, Wiehin an hour, 76 ay, —.. be) in the departure lounge and by ten, we were on the plane and on our way to Spain, The plate "uneven flan wr E Past simple (i didn't go, Did you go... ?) Form (2) es eS TRAE A. The negative form oF the past simple is foumed by inserting the auxiliary did (the same for all persons) and the negation not berween the subject and the base form of the verb, Negative full form U/You/He/She/It/We/They didnot go tothe parkyesterday, Negative short form LiYou/He/She/it/We/They didn't. = go ro the park yesterday. Full negative form: Subject + did + not + base form of verb Short negative form: Subject + didsit + base form of verb ‘The short form is the most camnion. " didn't like the fim. iy i We didn’t take the bus, We ment by taxi, | \ ; 8 Interrogative i | Did I/you/ he/she / tv we/they go tothe park yesterday? i | Negative questions ft Didn't 1/you ‘he/she /it/ we they go to the parkyesterday? | Incereogative form: Did + subject + base farm cf verb Did you take any photos of the baby? Didthe plane land on time? \ i In negative questions; the short form didu’t somes before Abe subject, | 1 Didn't you know theanswer? | | |G Shoreanswers are formed using: Yes, + subject pronoun + did. | | No; + subject pronoun + didnt. I “Did yousleep well "Yes, Idid? | | li i | “Did they buy any souvenirs?” ‘No, they eltdh't? | | D Whe questions are formed using: Question ward + did + subject + base form ! "When did your father arrive?’ He arrived two hoursage’ || | “Why didnt you wait for me?’ “Because {was ing Miry! | used in che past simple. i i 1 i ENB; In che pase sirnple, the verb have (in allies jveanings) requires the auxiliary did. Got is never i had a cat when | was little, Ididn't haveadog, Did youhaveany pets? Hecida'thave a driving licence wben he was inthe States, (nat He didnt have ger.) ‘Didyou have agood time attheparty?” Yes, weds: | | | ! Affirmative Negative Interrogative 18.1 182 18.3 EXERCISES ft pF Rewrite the sentences using the negative form. Use the short form, 1 They went to Paris on a cheap day return, They dido't 90 te Paris. ona cheap day return, 2 Wehada od time on the woyagc to Greece. 3.The travel agent gave usa brochure about the pacha del, 4 “The fare to New Zealand edt a lo. 5 My friend put us up at her tl .. 6 “The passengers thought the ee was excellens, 7 enjoyed the meal in the sushi bar, Use the words to write questions in the past simple. Then complete the short answers, 1 you ely ve ight Did you enjey:the fight? 2 your mum / stayin bed and bessbinsr ‘ No, wud. didn't . evi 3 the customs officials / explain / cverfthing any i io ceererereel lan er Yeh pie 4 they I find / the tour of the capital interesting ses No, vai 5 you / go/ surfing in Au = sbi wef Yen —.— 6 the gile/ ete fish in the rock ve sly No, .. 7 he/ see [am alligator in the Louisiarla swamps aaa Yes, Yesterday, Joan set off for her holiday; Read the list of things she needed to do and write what she did and didn't do. | pack clothes 7 | 1 Jeon packed herclothes. remember passport 2 Bs i “give the tad driver a tip X ian a cheek in at eight 7 hg s © buy some perfume iF 5 sg - havea coffee at the airport Xx 6 a o .go through custome at nine > . 7 Bre "board the plane 7 vo 8 Answer the questions ising the correct form of the past simple. 1 Whar did you do, yesterday: afternoon? 5. What did you have for breakfase this moming? EXERCISES 4.1 Complete the sentences with have or has, 1 Dad ...A@f... cleaned the liv Preset perfectsimple = Foe oom carpet. 2 Anna and Jane —_..... moved! to a new flac, 3 Mum made lunch fat everyone. 4 Ournew dining room chairs |. arrived. 5 The Graysons wou-in» bought a semi-detached houe, 6 They «« invented a vacuum cleaner that cleans on ity ownt 7 Mike's c2r -oesnns broken dojwn again! 8 The flowers... grown weil chis year B22 Complete the sete wth he fret frm ofthe proven pore simple ofthe verb in baht E They eo ABE Gould some ares in the vilinge. (cut) 2 Mandy won fe het bedi fedecorate) RG i Nicks new lay; is great: (se) 4 We 5 _. some new bushes. (plant) 5 ey ascssguci ou a a anda: Qh 6 Tyee erentanipooecicaup hte sitet ta London: (visi) 243 Use the words to write questions ia the present perfect simple. Then complete the short answers. 1. Jane / invite you / to hee howgewamming parry thes Jane invited you te her heutewarming party?, No, ghehose't 2 Doveand Ryan / epi! he hoe in he ook - a Yes, 3 Henry / usc / che yardening vols we gave hirn oi — insti sh i - Ye 4 the builders ie work in the attic 7 No, 7 244 Find the mistakes and underline them, Thea write the correct sentences, 1 What do you ea so far today what have.yeu.saten so far today’ 7 2 Are you washed che kitchen floor ye? és = setifis hi 3. Has Candice moves ro her new fat? 4 Where have they build their new house? - 5 Olge’s grandpaients are living in thax covtage all hele 6 Sorry; Mum, I not Finished the housewsike - m5 eae the text with the correct form of the present perfect simple of ehe-verbs in brackets, do be noteat forget make hang sweep cook wash tidy dean | Us half past one now, and Mum "has bee wery busy in the last hour and a half! Whar she... SSH ON —m the beds and she“... --om~ the dishes. She also Up all the leaves and she ns the liviae room. And Misr Present perfect simple Uses with just, already, yet, not... yet, still... not ‘The prevent perfect sienple fs used: * co calk about recent actions chat affect the present or thar have results that are visible now, without being specific about when they took place. Look what I've bought. =/ This T-shirt i rir is visible) We've moved to anew house. (and now we live wm that house) You've put on toa much make-up, {the results in fant of my eyes) + with the adverb just ro indicate thar an action hag not Jong taken place. They've just got rrartied. We've just started eating. I've just come back, * with the adverb already to indicate thar something is over and done with ve citeady finished my homework. We have alteady bought his birthday present. j {In afitmadve sentences, the adverbs just and already are placed between the ausliaty have and the past participle, i * with the advesbs already or yet to ask if something has beth done thar needed doing, Already is ‘usually used when we are surprised that the actidal has been|done, whereas yet is used when we are expecting the action, that needed doing, fo have been dong! Have you already had tunch? (Ws so-eary, wouldn't have theught so) {| Have you read today s newspaper yer? It (Usually you've finished reading it by now) In quescions, che adverb already is placed bewieen the subj {dnd the past participle, whilst the adverb yet ls placed at the end of the sentenc * with che adverbs nots. yet oF sll». not to indicate iat fiction lias pill to happen, The use of still mplies thar the action should have taken place already. | haven't read this baok yer, // stl haven't read this baok, She hasirt packed her suitease yet /She stil hasn't pirched het sutease Even in negative sentences, the adverb yet is plastd at che|cnd of the sentence, whit stil is placed becween the subject and che auniliary have. | | 2.4 2 Ba 254 Ba EXERCISES resent perecsimple—Uses with is yt ca el x ] (s] qi domes has ust decorated his room. 1 James [ decorate | his room 2 they / move / into their new:home 3 the kids accive / a che yourh hostel 4 the plumber J repair / our wishing machine earl 5 the clectricity go off | = 6 the last party guests / leave | ‘Complete the sentences with bien, ‘yer or still 1 I'm sorty. Thaven't done the hopping ..,_.yet 2 Its OK, Mom's ._ | iade breakfast. 3 Have you wou... moyed to the new studio? 4 Anthony has...» found somewhere to live when be goes to university. 5 Has Sandra paid for her new furniture _. 2 6 We can’ anyone rowdy We on aventt decorated the living room, 7 Melanie —rononumehasntt found anyone to share hes fat with. B Weve nes taken Lots of photos of the palace ‘Choose the correct alternative, 1 Have you found a gardener who can help you jase {Ged} 2 ‘They've yet / just installed central heating, 3 The architect has still / already drawh the plans for the extension, 4 Have you paid the gas bill yet / just? 5 Pauls just / still ordered his new dishwasher. 6 Te yet / already met the new neighbours. 7 Dad's already / yet decided he needs 2 new garden shed when ke moves! 8 T already / still haven't thought abour what colour so paine the livieg oom, Match the questions to the answers. VE a Bee Mace. Bae Bn 1 Have you already eacon? a No, she hasn't, Nor yer 2 Has the architect phonedl you? b Yes, someone from Ameriea’s just bought it 3 Has Sue already paid this month's rent? -T've just gor back from London, 4 Where have you been? el haven'e got anyching yet. 5 What present have you bought Ann? © Yes, I have, thanks 6 Have the Blacks sold their house yet? F No, he hasnie Complete the text with alveady, yet or just Sheena’s excited because she has"... vst. moved into a new at, She hasn't found anyone ro share with her 2. 4, But she's put an advert in the local newspaper and she's stv had a few phone calls about it, The Hats very big, buc Sheena and her murs have painted ir, and Sheeng’y mum has“... arrived with snme new cuirraine c Present perfect simple Uses with ever, never, recently, today... “The present perfect simple is also used: #10 tlk about actions thar took place in » period of time that isnt clarified, for example life experiences f've been to London many times. (laont say when | went} (My father hes travelled toa lot of places. i. dort say wien he went to these places) Note the difference berween been and gone: They/ve been to Hang Kong, but now they'e back) They've gone to Hong Kong, (and they're stl * with the adverbs ever and never, to ask and talk abou personal experiences, ‘Mave you ever hed aride on arolter coaster? ‘No, ve never tried” “Have you ever sium in acter? "Yes, have. Many times! “Anyone wiho hasnever made amistoke hos never tried anything new’ (Albert Einstein) The present peefecr simple with ever is lio found in clauses that followa supedlative Thisis the bestriovel "ve ever read. This is the most important match they've ever played. Ever and never are always placed between the autiliary have and the pase part * wich the adverbs recently / Tately; sear, 1 before, which fre placed at the end of the sentence, I haven't seen many people recently. I've stayed at. home mastofthe ime, Nothing has happened sofa, | im sure I've met her before. | * with the tithe expressions today, this weele /‘month period of tine hasnt yer finished ac the time pf speak I've been very busy today, (the day set over yet) He's only written me two e-mails this month, {the end of the month hasr'tcome yet) Janet hasn't been very well in the last few days, . | | {including todoy) | the last few hours / days..., when a EXERCISES Tick (#) the sentence (2 orb) that has the same meining as the first one. 1 Jess and Tanya are in © C1 Jess and Tanya have been to New Zealand. New Zealand at the moment} — b [¥f Jess and ‘Tanya have gone 10 New Zealand. 2 Sandy isn't here because she's) [7] Sandy has been to look at a new flat. looking ata new flac today; | ty C).Sandy has gone to look at a new fat, 3 Jason doesn: live here now: he a J Jason has gone to America moved to America last month F 1'Jason has bees to America, 4 The estare agent has been here to value our property. Fresont perfect mpl — Uses with ever neve reed today. 4 D)"the estate agent came to our property to value it: b D1 “the estate agent is valuing our propercy at the moment. 5 Mum and Dad have pone 2 Gi'Mum and Dad are our looking at houses, ; house-hunting, | 6D Mush and Dad went to look at houses and are back home now. 6 Eric has gone to find our el about mortgages. cis talking co someone abou mortgages at the momen, 1 Bric raked to someone about morrgages some time ago, ‘Complete the sentences with ever or never, 1 Have you ... ever... choughe about moving into your awn pla 21 __. seen such ant amazing villa! 5 That's the smallescbedsie I've... seen! 4 Robereand Vieky have son emo. Shared a far before. 5 Theres nunnue been a better tim# to buy your own house, Prices are very low now: 6 Has your mum... had che House valued? P They've owns bothered to-do anything to the garden. 8 Ruch’s an» decorated the leitchen. Rearrange the words and write the sentences. 1 never ~ Sally's — beftre — her — own — bn — lived Sally's. never lived on. hte befor a Leoand Bob ~nover ~ in — youth hostel — stayed — have you — attic — looked ~ in~ the ever + Have —? invited ~ Has ~ ever = you—to—house = Nigella — ? 1d ~ been — 20 ~ never — has a — morgage —able cyer ~ landlord — my — put up — "The ~ has = rene 7 you—who — wondered — Have — ever — mansion — lives — in — thar —? 8 the ~ Jeversy— used — never — central heating ~ has nuswN ‘Complete the dialogue with the words and expressions in the box. ererdone Ihave haeyouerer | Gordon: Hey, Ken, "haveyeu.ever... considered sharing x flat? Ken: Hmm —not really. Have ie ever_never_[venever you e Gordons Yes, ° ewe | shared with two guys when I was at college in Oxfocd, Kens How wasit Gordons Well, esomnsee MEE CWO, guy's who wee more untidy ~ that’s For suite! Kea: I can imagine! How did you share things like the cooking? Gordon: Ive es om Worked outa good system for things like that, to be honest. Present perfect simple Uses with How long, for, since ‘The present perfect simple is also used: A +o talk about situations thar stared in the past and are still happening now. I've been In England for three years. (icemme three years aga and f' stil here) {re lived in London since May 2006. (J moved to Landon in May 2006 art stl iv here) +h the preposition for, co specify the duration of the action. Its six otlock, They have been here for two hours. for two hours + with the preposition since, to specify the moment in ate he action began, They have been here since four otcfock. Va oetocke since-4 o'clock ~~~ B+ task about the duration ets ce sinlation. Questions bare with How long... 2, For how long... ? or Since when... | “Haw long have you been on ‘nage ‘For a week! | ‘Since when have you had this car?! Since last, sue i | A | He's been away a week. i Mewaited an hour. i For is nor used before all, | i} ve been tat week. | j | © + For can sometimes be omitted , especially after d te D Note the expressions for long / for a long time and for | haven't played tennis for a tong time; since | broke my ankle twplyears ago. ve known them forages, eee we were cl nies As you cam see in the above examples, since is alsa used as a Kdonjunction, Tt introdkices a secondary (clause, which usually has a verb in the past siinple | Pee ved in this town since dwas born. | | We've loved each other since we first met, | Present perfect simple and continuous Differences in usage Both che present perfect simple and the present perfect continuous followed by for ar since are used to express the duration of an action up to the present tinue The present perfect simple (sce p. 80) is usec: | * with stative verbs (be, know, have, own...) that afe not usually used in the continuous form. Tom's been in hospital fora week. She's known Sally since 1990. ‘My parents have always had a dog. ‘I've owned my car for three years. The present perfect continuous is used to express an action thar is apparently uninterrupted. le been raining for a long time, Ive been typing for three hours This sentence could also be expressed like this; | started typing three hours ago and i'm still typing, Some verbs, for example live, work, play, dan be wed with hoch the present perfect simple and the continuous | ‘How tong have you lived / have you been Hlvitig in Ls | ‘We'vetived/We've been living here foraverylong tire’ | Mets worked /has been working for the sane frm sce 1992, {cis also possible to say: | He started working for thot firm in 1992 and he's stil working there. Note the difference in meaning thar the continuows| form caq live in respect to the simple form: They've been playing football for an hour. without stopping) They've played football since 2005. (hey 100k up ghe'sport in 2485 but they haven't been playing continuousiyl) | | EXERCISES Choose the correct alternative, 1 Thave never been going Kbeen)to night school. 2 Perer has been reading / has read his geography book all afternoon. 3 Have you finished / been finishing your exams now? 4 Thave been trying / tried 16 learn this for hours and I gill dentt kinaw itt 5 She's tired because she's taken / been taking tests all day. 6 Joan isnit here — she’s gone j been going to college. 7 They've played / been playing in the playground all morning, 8 Sallys ted and sweaty because} Been doing / done PE Present perfect simple and continous —Diferences ih sage Complete the sentences with the prescne perfect simple or continuous of the verbs in brackets, 1 OFA goon hosed... wo books today! read) : 2 Jenny |. 19 go to night school. {leave} 3 Molly osionoomennnnnnnns uu all night For her exam tomorrow! (study) zs Lu. his homework since he got home? (do) A | their new secondary school for very lang, (not actend) you — ™ se cookery lessons? (take) _ which university to apply to. (not decide) in OWE tests yer? (mark) Match the two parts of the sentences, TiS y Boe Gen Bell Syn) Bie zee 1 The students havebeen a been thinking of enmlling ar technical college. 2 Have you b scudying hard this rem? 3 Ive & demorjstrating against the new curriculum, 4 They d they pissed their exams? 5 Have you been € seen Phofessor Thomson anywhere? 6 Miranda F haven't graduated yet, 7 Has 8 hasnt becn doing well at school this term. 8 Have hh Stephen been learning how ca speale German? Look at the aotes and write sentences about the people. What have they been doing? What kave they done? Me Brown teach Class 5 | tellther about whales Mel ond Trevor ork an the computer learn haw to send e-mails my triends at at their desks write an the students read thet aise things for their exam iy mum tall te night gree tv coral foe TP chisses 1 think about En do this exercice Past perfect (had/ hadn't started, Had you started?) aa Form rami earraMesaiN The past perfect simple is the tense used to talk abour actions that happened before others that had already taken place in the past {cis formed with the ausiliary have in its pase form (had) and the past pacticiple of che main vesbs Subject + had + past participle of verb { For the formation of the pase participle, see page 72) The let oF irteglar vetbs is on page 366, A Affirmative I/YoufHe/she/tt/We/They had made a mistake ‘When arrived: Jane had already ieft. | (he let before eny arrival) ‘haar starred read my ven wen rp mceE pine rae | B Negative 1/You/ He/She /It/We/ They had not(hadn't} = made2 mistake. Full negative form: Subject 4 had + noe + past participle | Short negative form: Subject + hadwle + post partidple || | Ihade't been very well in that period. Hy When the teacher asked meto hand in my projet. ta her had ished yee. C | interrogative Had I/you/he /she/ it /we/ they made a mistake? | Negative questions Hadn't I/you /he /she /it/we/ they madea mistake? | iy | Interrogative form: Had + subject + past san | | Negative questions: Hadn'e + subject + past participle | Yes, + subject pronoun + had, { No, + subject pronoun + hadn't. 1 |_ ‘Had you seen everyone before you left? Yes, had | | ‘Hadn't he cashed the cheque yet?’ ‘No, hehado't, Enfanate) Short answi | EXERCISES Tick (#) the sentence (a of b) that has the same meaning as the first one. 1. Martin had studied ac Cambridge before he started warking here, a LJ Martin came to work! here before he went te. Cambridge, b [@ Martin went to Cambridge before he came here 2 When | met May; had a my exam resus a E11 gormy exam results after meeting Mary, b OF Igor my exam results before I: met Mary. 3. Josh arrived at college after Thad phoned him, C1 1 phoned Josh before he artived at callege, 5 C1 I phoned Josh after hi-had arrived at college, 4 Mum tried co ring my mobile after {had switched ie of a C1 Vowitched my mobil off hefore Mum tried to ting, b Ma cried to ring before switched my moile off Billie had brealfase before she packed her school bag, 2 C1 Billie ate breakfast affer packing her school hag, b C1 Billie packed her school bag after breakfast. Jason had learnt to read before he started primary school. 2 C1] Jason went vo peimaty school, then learnt ro read. b C1 Jason learnt to read, then went to primary schoal, a Complete the sentences using the words and expressions in the bax. 1 David had the university he wanted to go to belore he ixth-form col | 2 Where hefore you slarted technical college? 3 Luckily, che school play |__ when we arrived 4 The students... Fearne passages from their history books before they rook the exam, S Tages the vest would be difficulr even before I had read the questions. 6 Jim hadn't goe the right qualifications, so he vw the job. Rewate the sentences by forming one sentence only: Use the past perfect simple and the words given, 1 Thought a new English book. Later, Lenzolled for English ac night school (befors) Lhed bought a new English book before enralled for.English at night sehool... 2 Jessie studied at junior school. Then she went to grammar school. (before) ccperiae ica ISRI 3 The students finished their project. Afterwards, (after) ys cnet hm a etre _ 4 The teachers had @ mecting at nine. Lessons startec at ten. (before) 3 siete 5 Larrived ar school. 'The science lesson started before I arrived Geer) pathy a 6 Tstudied for hours in the evening. | took the English test (before)... icy Went Out. Past perfect continuous (!had/hadn’tbeen learning, Had you been learning?) Form and usage “The pase peeféct continuous is used to talk abour an action or situation that had already started before a certain time but had not finished, Ie is formed with che past peefect of be and che -ing form of the main verb, Subject + had beets + verb in the -ing form | Affirmative 1/You/ He /She / It We /They had been reading a book. When Imiet her in the park, she had been Jogging for ant hour Negative 1/You/He/She/|t/We/They had nat(hadn')been reading a book. Full negative form: Subject + had + not been + verb in the -ing form Short negasive form: Subject + hadn't been + verb in the -ing foren “The negative form of this verb tense itn ofien used, In nega the past perfect simple, | hadi Been singing fora long time and my vote oa \vé sentences, it is more common co use (or Ihadint surg...) Interrogative Had /you/he/she/it/we/they been reading a book? \ | it Intecrogarive form: Had + subject + been + verbin the -ing form Short answers: Yes, / No, + subject pronoun + bad f hada’. ‘Hod they beer rehearsing since three olock? Yes, sg \| “The pase perfect continuous is used: | | I * only with action verbs, lke all verb tensesjin che ' ae fotm. Tes usually found when we talk abour aerions that are in the past simple tense, t9 ind fe action was taking place before someshing else happened, | | 4 Hearrlved at last, We had been waiting For him diatemoon, 1 | + with for and since, co indicate the duration of an sition o7 otzain situation up to « moment in the Jhad been swimming for a.couple of hours when my.coach t Hime Ieould stop. | * with the expressions all day, all afternoon... indicate that something took place without interruption for that period of time, 1 | heb | thad been raining all day andl we were tooking a roa ite bit ofsun. EXERCISES Petpet annus —Fomnand ise Ea Choose the correct altemative, L Mr Watson had@been)y be weaching for cen houre by the end of the day! 2 When I saw Mick, he has //had been sitting in the same place for over an hour, 3 Thad been wait ¢ waiting for the teacher for ten minures when he arrived. 4 Tessa was tired because she has / had beea studying physics for four hours, 5 Paul had been learnt / learning woodwork for thice years before he got his qualification, 6 They'd | They've been waiting far over an hour wer the school finally opened. 7 The teacher found the RE book she had / was becn looking for all morning 8 Elsa had to hope f been haping to pass the exam, bur sadly she didn's. ‘Complete the sentences withthe past perfect continuous ofthe verbs ln brackets. 1 The girks..htd.been glayihg... in che playground before the teacher gor ther. (play) 2 Before the job affer, Nigel 1... of applying to universicy. (think) 3 Miss Ralphs. waeaenyovia| one a my School for 20 years before she retired, (teach) FT — German for two months before took my German exam at universiy. (lear) 5 Sarah stood out as the best #husic student, which is hardly surprising, as she ausic since she was small. ¢seudy) oh long before my mater wumed up. (not wait) Rearrange the words and write the sentences, ‘This is what had been happening before school strta! yesterday. 1 playground — ball ~ the — had — ‘The ~ kicking ~a— been ~ in = boys The.hoys had been kicking a ball inthe playground, : 2 tests = been — Miss — marking — et 3 been —classroom — their ~ had — 4 heavily — had — raining — It — been 5 looking ~The — new - curriculum -| been ~ headieacher ~ ar ~ had — the 6 lessons ~ The ~ planning ~ been — PE — had — extra — teacher —had iting — in — Some — children Complete the questions and answers by inserting one word only in each sap. TAD ose.» you been reading for long? B 2 Thala. 2 At Had Sars ow revising? Br Yes, the nian 3 At Had... been rehearsing for the play? Bi No, they su. 4 ds - all the teachers been marking homework since they got to school? B: Yes, they Complete the sentences with the past perfect continuous. 1 Malcolm started studying at ren o'clock By. 12 o'clock, Malcolm had.been studying fartwe,kours. 2 The teacher started reading wo us at hine o'clock. By half past ning, the teacher 3 [started writing my essay at half past two. By half past three, Fa 2 4 Olga started doing her homework at seven, t ROT RBZ Re3 Re4 a EXERCISES Units 29-33 ‘Choose the correct alternative, 1 Class ae is been having a pottery lesson. 2 Petra and Dana have bad / been srudying for hours. 3 I know youve been do / doing your best this term, so well done! 4 Twas / had been waiting for the break so | coukl get a drink of water, 5 Hadn't / Haven't she been revising before you got home? 6 The scchnical college had closed when / sinee I gor there 7 Sally had been practising her violin all / for day. 8 ‘Had you met that tutor before?’ ‘No, Uhaven’t/ hadn't.’ ‘Choose the correct alternative. remember my first day at sccondary school very clearly. Mum (Gad)/ bas cold me al about the school before | # had went / went thers, of coutst, and we had ©’ to visit / visited an Open Day to have a look around, We talked / had talked 1o te teachers to0 while we were there, so | © Jenew i had Known it was a nice school. But some of my friends ® did / had decided to go wa different secondary school and I thought Pd miss them. However, once I walled / had walked into my first class on that first day, 1% had known # knew |! worried / had worried for no reason, Everyone was very nice, and before long I'd "get / gor three new best fiiendd Use the words to write questions in the past perfect continuous. ‘Thea complete the short answers, 1 Sam / revise fall evening Had Sam been revising all evening? 2 Michaela and Josie / rehearse / for the schoal ply 3. Profestor Robert Patker / prepare / the curriculum 4 the students / have / extra lessons in science University 6 you / study / for the maths test : =a ean bi a 7 Sophie and Leila / yaie f for their exam results weet | ves, ea & It/ snow / since the weekend. | 9 a (No, ses ‘Complete the sentences with the past perfect simple or continuous of the verbs in brackets, 1 By ten, the students ..had been doing... their exam for two hours: (do) 2 the reacher nouns the seuderts to hand in theic projects before F got xo the lesson, (ask) | 3 YOU sr for the teacher for long before she came? {wait} 4.No,1 of applying to technical college until you suggested ic. (think) 5 Her years at junior sehool +» same of the happiest of Judy’s life, (be) 6 Of course Mum was tired! She... i for hours before you saw het (work) 7 When I saw Tom, he... his schaal hae wer aesin! floes) R85 RBG Complete the text with the correct alternative. Paul has never “?...B... co Italy, bur he ® She Lorella ..... cheee weeks in Totnes, in the south-west of England, and © course. Paul and Lorelia.... e-mails almost every day” toltaly®...., so he® summer in Malaga with his grantlparents, who 1 Agone (heen 2 Ahas recently started —B ftarted recently 3 Asnudies Bhundied 4 Ahas spent Bdpene 5 A attended B has arrended, 6 A exchange B bichanges F Afor Blince 8 Aat july B ext July 9) Abas booked B fias been booking 10 A used B has used to. LI A have bought B had bought ‘Complete the sentences with the appropriate tense of the verbs in brackets. Choose between: Present perfect simple or continuous, past simple, past perfect simple or continuous, this job since fase April. (ave) oul Japanese|for nearly six -nonchs now. (learn) nt +» in Fratce since 2002, when he... job asa teacher of English in Nantes (live / get) ‘on this project since the beginning of the week. (svark) to the library for eo weeks now, since the day she the chief librarian, {not come / qsarrel) for over an hour when the door 1 1_.ve had 2We 3 Colin NEE emusic 5 Mise Potter ee ico A 6 The reaches nnn suddenly and che headmester 7 The students... clock this morning, They AbeY een 8 Tbe MAM om to rain. Gust finish / srart) corresponding with a pil called Lordla from Verona: — English for five years now and is rally enthusiastic about this language. Last year, «a Lbw-cost light from Manchestet to Venice, He will then takes train wo Verona, It wonk be Paul’ first time abroad. When he was a child, he, - a long meeting at che Students’ Union since eight yet, (have / discuss nu painting the school gare when it suddenly... wot finish} aa 2 Fall-immetsion she past rwo months, He's going spend every a Blac there after retiring, Copa Codi recently start Chas been studying C has been spending. C did arrend C have been exchanging C fom C last July C books Cused to C have been buying into the elasstoom. (talk f open / wall) various matters for over two hours and Gl C2 oa ©, B, Exam preparation PET Reading Part 5 Read the text and choose the correct word(s} (A, B, C or D) for each space. w» you heard that moving house is one of che most stressful things you can do? My friend Natalie has ©... house reeently and she stil © wore het weelks to unpack all her things and find places for them in her new home, She hasn't onan everything.as she wants ic! And there are some things Nataliehat and shes fourd since she moved. She. recovered from the experience! It has been in her new lar... a month. paid the remoyal company’s bill ..._.. Shesays they“... doa good job, so she isn't going to pay them. 1 A Has @Hare C Did D Are 2 A moved B moves C move D moving 3 A have Bhas C havent =D hasn't 4 A took. B taken C tales D caking 5 Ago B gets C get D getting 6 A already Bsince © yer D por yer 7 Ayer B already C for D since: 8 A since B yet Cin D for 9 A never Bever C since Dye 10 Ahavent — B hasnt C not D didi 11 A already B for 0 far D ever 12 A hasnt B dide’t C dont D haves PET Writing Part 1 ‘Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. 1 Sony2 studied art ac night school, then she went co university. nya chad stedied art. ar night school before she wenc co university. 2 Miss Nelson started ceaching at nine and she's till teaching at three. Is three o'elock. Miss Nelson 3.1 did iny homework, chen Mum aiked me-o belp hee I so ottuinadininninsoe Py homework when Mum asked me'to help het, 4 L vasa my deck fom six unl Da got home ‘Whoa Dad gor hots, I... wemy desk for fous hours: 5 Dicky helped Chery with her TT homework Or wo hgurs. Then he went out. Dicky ou seus Cheryl with hee IT homework for ewe hours before he went our. for six hours! PET Writing Part 3 ‘This is part of an e-mail you received from an English friend who is on a gap year in South America. Write an e-mail answering his questions (about 100 words). Do you know, I've bean hare we weeks and already home coms a cletant memory: We've made friends with the vilage people and we've fearnt a few words of thet daiect. So, whst’s been hhappesing back there? Have you finlshed your 7 eee ‘exoms yot? Has everybody fram our greup gone en halidey or are they hanging around? How about evn a Exam preparation FCE Use of English Part 2 Read the dialogue below and think of che word or short form which best fits each space. Use only one in each space. Shella: "Have. you visited Tom's villain Francs? Helen: Thave: fs an amaring place! Have you Sheila: No.1" been there Helen: Well, ir really is fabulous, And, —o- worked hard to make it look tice, Sheila: Whae n-ne he done? eden: Peo... redecorated everywhere and hes ®. nem lots of flowers and trees outside, so the: onl che Jovely. Shella: Well, he... /invited me to go ever in June. Helen: ['ve “1 same photos, [can show thetn to you iFyou like before you go. FCE Use of English Part 3 | Read the text below. Use the whrd given in|capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Fast education {found ic incredible when I realised how quickly miy school years hhad passed, Ican well remember my very frst day at "nursery... NURSE school, and it only seemed like s}x montis before Iwas leaving juntat school and moving on to alarge™ school SECOND six miles away from home. Then, just as quickly, | had -ead through a college ® uw and was busy filling in che PROSPECT hans forms co go and study languages. And now L APPLY have my . and am looking pee job. How time fliet — QUALIFY FCE Use of English Part 4 | Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given, Do not change the word given. You muse use between two and five words, including the word given, 1 Its ten o'dock, and Molly rang the estar agene five minutes ago. Just | Molly bafjestrwng, the estate agent, 2 Imade my bed earlier, Mum. es us» Mum, uatter past nine; the postman comes at half past. The postman rive 4 T dont wane te read the property section of the paper; I read it hefote ALREAD' Dae --sosniewsnane the property section of the paper. 5 Leonie is moving inzo her new house tomorrow, HAS Deane an - ‘her new house yet. The future: going to (!'m (not) going to apply, Are you going to apply?) Form and usage The fuwuse, expressed with going to, is mainly used wo talk abour our intentions, A Affirmative Subject + am / is / are + going to + base form of ver Subject + ‘m/s "re + going to + base form of ve-b fm going to think about it. | Negative Subject + am/is are + not + going w + base form af verb Subject + 'm mot /isn't / arene + going to + base form of verb She isn't going te apply for that job. i | Interrogative ‘Am /Is/ Are + subject + going to + base form of verb ‘Are you going tahire-a bike when you get to the istanc?* | ‘Yes, Jam, ifit doesn’train. The shore forms, both affirmative and negative, are more common than the full forms. I In spolgen American English, the form gonna (contraction df going to) it occasionally used, Its gonna be ahard day. { If sentences with going to don't indicate a Gertain ime, it aieaas the action will happen in the immediate future, i You're going ta work in groups of four. i H Verbs of mation such as go, come or arrive are usell more offen in the present continuous, but can | also have a future form with going to. | | ; | fn going to university. Fm going to go-to university. | Bo The furure with going to is used: | * to talk about things chat we have decided to do, Hur thar wy haven't yer planned in detail ‘Mike's going to organise a welcome party. i} In comparison to the present continuous, which 1s used fod acxions that we have definitely planned (see p, 42), the furuze with going to only express} willingness and intention of doing something. pa: going togive them a wedding present, | j tbut | havent deciced what to get yet) | | I'm giving them a set of cutlery as. wedding present, \ (ve decided and | might have even bought the present alreddy} C +o talk about long-term projects iL | | Whatare you going ta be when you grow up?’“tm going ta Be a reporter’ D | + to foretell an event that will happen in the immediace furtre, especially on che basis of what we see in the presents Hey, look! She's going to fall down. | We're going to take offin just @ couple of minutes, | “To talk abour the immediate farure, we can alspuse the expression be about t. Sit down, everybody, The fim’ about to stare She's about to retire from work, | EXERCISES fatto Forand sage Eu Complete the sentences with the cottect form of ging to and of the verbs in brackets, 1 Ted .in.geing.te.be... a doctor when he grows up. (be) 2 They a .. far jobs in the same office, (not apply) S.Toe 7 vm €0 get a qualification in sales and marketing, (try) 6 Wen. af an office part at Christmas. thave) 5 O86 ves zi this weekend. (not work) 6 ‘The students, ed 7 line... 8 The mechanic 9 YOU BOS poner 10 Trhink T.. ia aw f0 the job centre and look for summer jobs. (go) sin fainonnoe- With that company for much longer, {aot stay) ‘| ts «and look at Dad's cas. (come) svcoes- Very pleased wiien he sees that! (not be} this job! (like) Use the words to write questibns with going to, ‘Then complete the short answers. 1 Hlenty / look for temporary work! this Js Henry going te look for temporary wark 2 your colleagues / organise / h surprise party J for the boss mer 3 you / apply / for promosion\/ next yer 4 Sarg ake over f the job of managertss Fes iats sty as 5-11 gets may Cheitmas bonus this rhonth 6 they / move # to offices close to the Fity centre on a 1. eeygrernmainiins NOG seis ‘Complete the dialogue with che comme form of going to and of the verbs in the box. tell ask notde take not ehange | be fe es Andy: Hey, Jane, Look busy! The boss ‘'|is.geing tebe. here ina minute! Jane: Is he? Thac'e good. 1 -vvomesveag Hoa HFT gan see bien for a few minutes Andy: Why? Jane: Because [8 5 him why we aren't happy with our jobs! Andy: There's no point, He knows and he Mo. anything about it Jane: Isnt het Well, i nobody speaks up, ehings Andy: I chink it needs more than one little ehat co do that, Jane: Youre always so negative. When you... ners $ORGE ati Andy: like an easy life. And, Jane, I don't want to hear chas you have lox yout job. Complete the sentences with the correct form of going to and of the verbs in the box. advertise offer employ not ete interview move get not ge 1 You work very hand: you re geing-to.gef...... ahead in this eompanye 2 I think they ane 4 wo him the job, Aoi: . -- £0 Londan for work? Wag -—» some new builders: 5. Vm sure Rose and Betyh cu .~ the suck! By PTR Es The future: will (/ will go, | won't go, Will you go?) Form Affirmative Full form ‘Short form twill come come You will come You'll coms He / She /it will come We / You f They will come Hell /She'l / It'll come. We'll You'll/ They'lt come Afftmative form: Subject + will/ Ul + base form of verb | For the firse person singular and plural, shall can bclised insdad of will shall come /We shall come), However this use is nor very commen. it ‘The short form (U) is used 2 lot in spoken language. i itwillbe ie flbe sunny tomorrow, | We'll get there by noon, ! i Negative Full form Short form Iwai not come | won't come You will not come He / She / It wilinot come We Pou They will net come You won't come He/She /R won't come We /You #They won'scome i | ecucall Affirmative form: Subject + will mot / won't + basz form of verb You won't have tine to do aif that work, i} Ie wortt happen again, | promise. | Interrogative Negative questions will come? Won't | come? will you come? Won't yourome? Will he/she /iecome? Will we/ you /they come? Won't he /zhe / it come? Wan't we / you/ they come? Incertgasive Form; WILY Wan’ + subject» base form of vezb Will tbe hot atthe weekend? | Won't they stay abit danger? j | Short answers ace Formed using: Yes /Na + subject pronot {a ¢-will /wonk. ‘Will you be ready by ten o'clock?'*¥es, | will'/’No, I wert tn affal ‘Who will go?" will! | ‘The fue of be i willbe for all persons. wil ba You wi be. Note also: There will be... it ‘There won't be. | There'tl be hundreds of people at tre conference, I The strike’s been called off. There won't be any dek | EXERCISES Rearrange the words and witite the sentences, 1 chef — as — be — a - will — inhreresting — Working Werking af.0.chef will ke interesting. 2 will sec — manager — you +The ~ soon 3 be —He— busy —eammer4all— vill 4 Will hey — newspaper — foenise jobs —in— th 5 Grace ~ sure ~ get — will — itm — promotion —the Will— good ~ they 7 work 1 wil care you~ the 8 interview — think — Do ydu—well — will — - do Rewrite the sentences using the short negative form, 1 Lwill be at work tomorrow. 2 “The doctor will have time to see yena|later. 3 The pay for chat IT job will be very high: 4 Elizabeth will get 2 qualifcacion in sedicine. 5 The electeician will charge a loc far his work. 6 Wewill geca good pension when we retire, Match the questions to the answers, 1b 3 4 5 1 Will you apply for che job? 2 Will Iget six weeks’ holiday a year? 3 Whar will the money be lie? 4 Willic bea permanene poston? | 5 Will chey advertise the job Locally? 6 Will there be time to see the managet? | 6. The future: i= Form e— the? at— the Lent be at work tome ree a Yes, you will b No, T want « Yes, ic will d No, there won't. Yes, they will F Trwill be good! Use the words to write questions with wilt, Then complete the short answers. 1 you / look / in the job centre again Willyeileek.in.the jeb centre again?. 2 there be / any vacancies here soon 3 he/ feel / nervous at the invetview 4 you / catch up / on your work before che weekend 5 they / eqpect / me ta work at weekends Yes, Lusi... Yes, No, Yes, No, Verbs + infinitive (/ want ta. go) AR Sa OE Many verbs such as want, ask, mean can be followed by the infinitive. She asked to leave the room, NB: IFche subject of the main clause is different from that in the dependant clause, we use Subject + verb + object + infinitive {id like my students te attend the conference. Do you want me to help you? ‘Many verbs can be followed by object + infinitivt, such as tell) ask, remind, expect, invite, beg asked her to wait forme. He reminded them to be punctual, Sometimes it is possible to drop: the infinitive ard have just to, leaving the rest of the sentence implied, I Do you really want ta. go to the party? | dont want ra\impliec: goto the par) ohn’ parents wanted him to go to university, but he didn't wnt fo, i mpliéc go to unlversty) Lore of other verbs are ao followed by the infinitiver | agree expect need refuse | arrange have (to) offer poem | i choose hope plan | i decide manage promise | We had planned to join the safari but in the end wedecided. ppt to. ‘He promised to give up smoking | } ‘ After the verbs explain, know, discover / find out we use the Construction how + infinitive. After the! verb fear, youcan use how 4 infinitive or juse “ infinitive, | know howto make this cake. I've gat the recipe. | You should leam (how) to take care of your pets. “The verbs remember and forger are usually flloyed by er Remember / Don't farger to bring your packed Junch, | 1 § temember is followed by the ing form when ir mej ‘to felive a memory’, Forget is followed by the -ing form whem it hess to on something that happened in the past. Tremenyber being a very lively child. | Tinever forget crossing the Atlantic by ship. The ver lp is usually followed by the infinite, buts also be followed by che base foom, Thi construction is more informal and more typical: of ‘American English. He helped me ita) start the engine, | ; ad EXERCISES Rearrange the words and waite the sentences: 1 receipe to Retnember— keep ~ your 2 decided ~ Nancy —account—to — a ~ banke—open 3 to ~ grocers — Mum —at~ prefers — shop — jocal ~ the 4 t9~ Shall — you ~ help ~ carry —1 —this = bag -? 3. t0~you — cash ~ have — pay -| Do — by. 6 refused — assistant — help — The— sales ~ tome wae Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the bar. remember refuse hope pln war it kiow tote expe 1 I think I'l... iqvite. race to come to towrn with us. ‘ 2 Thear they th build a new shopping centre on the edge of town: Buea ‘not t6 tell ajyone your PIN! 4 Lid eb ‘hie many bargains in the sale! 5 The sales assiseanc........].__ to exchange the ‘eans for another pair. enw to have endugh money to buy-a digital eamera son, to study sales and marketingat college, woos how t@ writea cheque March the two parts of the sentencess Vivek: Wii: Dace 5 6 1 Thaverit gor time to a. Hatt collecting old coins. 2 ‘The bank manager offered to b Walk round dhe chops with you, 3 Ineed w © give me a credit card if | opened an account wieh hem. 4 David refused co disse this ATM 5 Do you know how ro © boshopping with his wife ever again! 6 My daughter has decided to f thange this cheque into foreign currency. Complete the dialogue with the verbs in the box. tosend tose remember to let have topay deoded-te-do to pay bills forgettodo to order tozarrange As De, degided te. de. some of my shopping from a mail-order catalogue, By That's a good idea! Do you". rommecne €veHY Week or every month for the things you buy? At Every month... by credit card or cheque. Ts eaay forme acu 8 cheque every month. Bz Yes, thar's fine, as long ax you dont... it At Well, [could go to the bank and ask them © one payment every month out of my account. Br Yes, all che bankes can arrange A OK, [ll make an appointment ‘ B: Yes, do; Oh. su for their customers the manager. nd. 8. ‘me see your catalogue some time! I might want sono Something, form /+ infinitive (! started reading / to read) “The ing form comes after: | | slomeatic work, With the verb do, the -ing form js preceded by the article. | ge dancing. go shopping £9 swimming I dotheironing do the deaning the washing-up I 8 * verbs that indicate a start, continuation and an ord and waht thar indicate ‘intention’ and ‘try’. | begin give up start | contione goon/keep {on} top finish intend uy | She finished wilting the minute the bell sang. They kept annoying me. | was really cross! | Start, begin, continue and intend can also be fol owed by the infinitive without changing the meaning of the sentence. It started raining /to rain as soon as we left What do you intend doing ‘todo? ! Stop and try can also be followed by the infinitive, bue es a difference meaning, i stopped teading and went fora walk, | | stopped 10 let them crass the road. i Tryusing a diferent colour and sée what i fooks I | Ie tried to fly a kite many times, but! haven't been ery successfull © © verbs thar express preferences, such as: | ‘ like /enjoy prefer n't na love dont mind atc hate being tate! | | | can't stand shouting! | | don't mind doing the washing, but prefer cobking: i Love, like, hate and profer are followed by form (Fi love toss I'd like t0-++), | {dike 0 see you again. || tid love to go-vath therm! | | (ike to drive caret 2 infinitivy when they sre used in the conditional t ‘The ing form also follows numerous other verts{and expjessions, such as imagine suggest miss fant hel postpone its no use there’ ne point in practise it’s no good isle its worth EXERCISES Choose the correct alternative. 1 [wane taking deeb traveller's cheques abtoad with me. 2 Do you fancy coming? 0 come to have a loole rund the new shopping mal? 3 Mum can’t stand people to push / pushing in queues 4 Vm sory to tell / telling you that the sore is about to close. 5. "We try 10 go to swim / swimming every weekend during dhe summer 6 Te like knowing / to know more abiour savings accounes, please. 7. They hope catching / to catch shoplifters by having all those CCTV cameras. 8 Ron’ given up buying / to buy Superman comics. 9. Now you've retired, do you yniss working / to work ae che bank? 10 T promise nar to spend / sptading all my pocker moncy in one go! 12 Match the wa parts of the sentences, tude 2 Bossi Beysel 6 1 Do you like a doing xy homewnzk, so lets go out now. 2 We managed bb going windoyr shopping 3 Ive finished © tosce my new mail-order catalogue? 4 Would you like to find lots of bargains in the sales, 5. Mum enjoyed © shopping and went for a coffee. f 6 They stopped trying all the different hats on, ‘Complete the text with the. ~ing form br with the infinitive of the verbs in the box. [ig open tip tent ear a I need mM buy te.s88, a bank manager very soon. Iam kevin for university next month and [i like ~v--veinewe MY Money sorted out before I go. Tam planning © wwhar’s called a deposit account and want the bank “| ~ mea credit card. I think T'l need one when I go Bo .—: Ljust hope Tean concrall my #. snasiee Whi ta lots of clothes and C/Ds|and '* T muse remember clown what I spend svery ‘nvaway! Ie’s no use no money left for food anid electricity: " 354 Tick (7) the correct sentences. Bath sentences may be correct. 1a Assoon as we arrived at the mall, irstarted to rain. b Assoon as we artived at the mall, irstarted raining, ¥. 2 a Mum stopped pushing the shopping wrolley ta tlk on het phone, 5 Mum stopped pushing the shopping trolley calking on lier phone, 3a I didneagree paying for your new trainers! b I didn'e agree to pay for your new trainers! & Tnced to get some enros before I go to Spain b Tnoed getting some curos befire [ go to Spain, 5 a Whar do you intend to sell in yout new shop? b Wher do you intend selling in your new shop? 6 a Uve given up trying to find wendy clothes in this shop! b Tre given up to try to find erendy clothes in this shopt . 7 @ Lintend taking a holiday soon, b Tintcnd to take a holiday snan poy 13 R131 R132 R133 R134 EXERCISES Units 50-52 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of must (o), mustn't (~) and nar have to (-). 1 Now everyone (+) ..2n¥ft.. wear a seat belr when they drive, bue when I was young, you & dida't have fo. wear ons. 2 You(s) wear a swimming cap in the pool, and you (-) get into the water until the instructor comes. 3 The children (+) on Sezurday ane Sanday. « ge to school from Monday eo Friday, but they (-) 4 Pal YOU (-) eanennimnme smoke inside the estayrant! And you realy (4) saxo glve-up smoking altogether! F Cyclists (4) ernsoneeanne Wear athelmet at all ines, and they (=) —uemvee tide without holding the handlebars with atleast one hand. 6 When you're in court, you (+) tull the truth, and you (-) wu Speak unless 4 you are asked « question. Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of ave got ro. 1 Must F'go to my piano lesson conight? Havel getty go te nay piano lesson tonight? 2 Must they come to the station with us? 3. Muse yon leave your books allover the floor? 4 Muse she work lee ac night 3 Muscwe finish che project by sy 6 Must he keep playing thac computer game Find the mistakes and underline them. ‘Then write the correct sentences. 1 I dont have go there a Ldon't) i 5 Does he bal wo woik on Friday? 6 ‘They haven to buy them aow, | Write five trne sentences about you using the verbs in brackets. 1 fmust) Lust Finish my. history essay by Friday. need 10) ann ancora {not have to} {will have ta) fvo colleagues are talking in the office. Complete the dialogue with mrt; muscu, have o need. NB: At times, both have and need are possible. Larry Do you ") have... to go to London agait, on Monday? Sally: No 1) *© relax a bit, so I'm taking Monday off: Bur the boss wants me to go to Paris.on Friday, soj1 prepare for chat, Larry: I've done all the photocopies, Do you need any morc help? Sally: Nos i's OK, thanks. I've gor enough information. AI... caida now is 0 go 00 the banke and ger some cuzos. And 1°. forget to take my passport, Oh, aad I also to tign some documents before I go. Larry: Well, 1° fo now, Is there anything mote you... 10 tell meabout the Patis project? Sally: I dont think so; if You don't op smenene $0 WORT about it any Larry: Thats good news! "le. then, because 1! tg make a few phone calls, Match the sentences to the hppropriate comments. ihe 2. Poa 1 6 1 You mustn't rus in che corridor. | a No, I'm afraid I have to go home nov 2 Your hair is very long. | b Soy I'm late for a dass, 3 You don't need 10 Ginish thar now. ¢ Yes: Ir will make her very happy, * Must I goto the theatre with Aunt Mary? d Yes, i needs cutting 5 Can I talk to you fora mimure, please? © Ie must be The Skelccons, I cant stand them either, 6 This music is terrible! f Its OK ~itll only take a few minutes, Tick (1) the correct sentences and correct the ones that are wrong. 1 L) When Twas young, 1 have to wear a schoo! uniform. When] was young, | ha, 2s eel uniform, Co We needn't gee the train lasc night. Mum gave us a lift Verein caren ‘The traitfs already lefe! 3 O)¥ou musta run, Jan 4 Cl what a beautfl ring! It muse have been very capansive Bight. ced to Joc’s for dinner. 5 (You dont have to use your mobile phone duct 6 We won't need to cook tonight, Were im Modals: Shail/ Should Shall and should are modal verbs that arc usually used co ask and give insiuctions, advice and suggestions. Shall is used in questions with the frst person sitar and phar. Shall 1/ Shall we + base form of veel | eis used to: “ask whar needs doing, as for instructions, ‘Shall take a bus?’ ‘Yes, a number 32° ‘What shai buy? "Get some cheese! * offer to do something that we think may be useful / helpful. ‘Are you cold? Shall get you a pullover? ‘No, thanis. tm al right! ‘Shall | close the door?" "es, please do! make suggestions. ‘Where shail we go tonight?" Let's go to the pub! | ‘What time shail we meet?’ ters meet at three iclcck’ =| I ‘Shall we meet at the bus station?’ Allright! In the previous examples, itis also possibl Arierican English. Should | takea bus?/ What should it Sa door? / Where should we go tonight? Should fall forms}. | ‘Affirmative Negative If You/ He/She /it We / They? Should 1 /You/He/ She/It/We/ They should not (shouldn') | Interrogative Negative questions Should |/ you he/she fit /we /they...? Sholilde’tL/ you /he/ she /'it/'we # they It is used to: | * give or ask fir advice, You should arte earfier tomorrow Ifyou wi You shouldnt drink alcohol, ie'sbad for your health, ‘Should! go fori Yes, | think yourshour! * say whut you believe is the right thing to do, | ay what yo. 6 * sake an asumnpton say that something i probable Helefta long time ago, He should be there by no Look at the map. it shouldn't be far. In formal British English, should can also be uf! in thag |lauses after the following verbs advise insist, propose. recommend, suggest and a few others. They insisted (that) | should have dinner with therm, Isuggest (that) we should cook something light. EXERCISES nds Pal Stout Ea Change the sentences into questions to ask for insiructions or to offer to do something. Use Shall F/ wens? 1 Flake my umbrella when go ca school. Till catch the bus if they clear che snow, We'll come if ic doesn't rain, Tl buy some winter clothes tomorrow. We'll go to the beach if the weather changes. Tl bring you some boots fur when it snows. nal fake ey venbrella whea Tiga te seh we Read the answers and writs questions with shall. Use For weand the words ia the box. [Wee when Wt wik How Who ] 1 (D) What. shall Ebring te.thb party? Yo can bring some juice and bse othe party 2 (090) rcenerpnneeranrnn You can get there at three olclock. 30 t thet i ‘Wear che woollen coat, not the raincoat. 4 ve} 3 a ‘You can rake the 29 bus to get to my house. F Oven “ 2 : ‘You cam ask Peter to go to the dance with you. GOV alain | ‘You can mect me in fronz of the cin. Rearrange the words and write questions with should. 1 1- party—wear= co What — the Should —2 What should eparty | 2. we = problem — When —abour— the - tell —should— him ~? 3. us—we—our— bring —cloches — vith ~ spores ~ Should — 4 when — Whar say ~1—1— him — meet ~should — 5. the—lend —ask~ Should —her—1— money —to— me —? 6 you we — for—wair~ if— Where — rains — should — it ‘White recommendations and assumptions with should | shouldn’. 1 Mick / smoke (advise) Yeu shevldn'timeke, Mick. 2 Linda f get to work bare (advice) 3 Jimmy } rake mote exeecise (advice) 5 s 4 Don left for Landon at six o'clock. Its nine o'eleek now, ‘The joumey takes two hours (supposicion) Dor shad bein Londen ky-nete 9 There was ice on the road this morning and i was difficuft to drive, The REVIEW 14 R41 R142 R143 Rida EXERCISES Units 53-56 ‘Wite the questions with shall I...? 1 Ask whar time te: méet your friend at the leistwe centre, What time shall 1. meet yeu at the leigure centre? 2 Ask whae-t0 wear to the fancy-dress party 3 Offer co help your friends wich the preparatians. 4 Askifyou should camghvardewaiiclights; 5. Offer to go to the supermarket for your mum, 6 Ask where to bang your coat “Write what we should and shouldn't do to help save the environment. 1 use public transport in cicles (4) We should use public trangpartia cities. 2 switch off the lights when we leave an empry wom &) ‘wt oem ae 3 leave the tap running while we dean our teeth O se tonne aimee Sane 4 pur old bottles in the hottle bank for recycling ) Steen 5 cuc down trees in the rainforests of the world Q : mteegereery nner 6 protect the natusal c Dereon Match the awa parts of the sentences. 1s. 2 + 4 5 6 1 You shouldn't eat a 2 He should rake b carly for school 3 les quite lare. They better © too much chocolate. 4 Macy would always be d catch the bus. e f more exercise. | alone chan with you! ‘cup of tea now. 5 Tm sure you'd like a 6 Paul would rather go ‘Write sentences with had bester (HB +), had better not (HB —) 10 (OT -). 1 its eccaae hard. We / drive home (OT -) IE inewing Aard. We ought not te d 2 Its pouring with rain, We / rake our umbsell (HB +) .. sions aaah tteee alt 3 ‘The sun is very strong now. You / sunbathe in the morning. but nor OT) sist hf 4 Tes cold in the evenings. I forget my pullover the middle of the day ma RIAS Use the words to write requests with Will yons.? informal) and Would yon...2 (formal), 1 Your fitend Paul / help you dig the garden jeudrelp me dig the gorden, please, Paul? 2 Your sister / go shopping with you will 3 A passer-by / tell you hove th get wo the station 4 Avwoman an the bus f close the window 5 Your dad / 10 drive you to the school dance 6 Your maths teacher / explain how to salve chie prostem ERIS Underline che mistakes in it sentence. Then rewrite the sentences correctly, 1 You.will play én goal for oud team? Willymy playin goalfor ourteam? She would like go ro Moscow nest yet. 3 They better go there by bus. It's the dasiese way. 4 "What would you le 0 dente" like a cap oboe” 5 He dite would came to the parcy vith me. 6 They’re bound do wel they're wery good studenes 114.7 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. would rather isbound should we id would tite are bound ia to visit Rome next jear ZT om drink coffee than tea, 3 vie open the windows? 4 Hei. «0 fil his exam. He never studied. 5 Asa git, Jed smumenn always talk abou school! 6 Its four o'clock, he wn. be ready to starts 7 They ~-vn £0 Win the match — they'te che best team, FL F2 F3 Exam preparation PET Reading Part 5 Read the text and choose the correct word(s) (A, B, C or D) for each space. Dave: Hi, Mike“... you help me ca uk box downstairs, plewse? Mike: 1° help you, Daye, but I'm afraid f've hurt my arm. Dave: Oh dear! How did you do it? T.conuue tell you really — you'll jst laugh at me, ©h, come on! T promise T°... tell anyone. Well, OK ... Last Tuesday morning, since we ,...... gp to school, I stayed in bed lave. reryone else was out, and T was asleep when the doorbell rang. I decided that ®.. answer it. So I got up too quickly and fellover, hitting my arm on the end of the bed. Dave: You did it last Tuesday and ir still hurts?! You see a doctor. Mike: Ysaw adoctor this moming and he ssid 12... get ie X-rayed, bur 1... play football tomorrow, and if there's something wong, they're! say [cant play. Dave: ‘That's stupid, Mike! ”.._..._. miss one game zomorrow, or play and risk hurting it mots, so you'll be "9... .u.. miss the next en games? Go and get the X-rayt! 1 AShall @can C Must D Need 2 Awould rather Bhave goreo — C doute need wo D would tike to 3 Ancednt B need to C shouldn’e D should 4 Awont B wouldnt C newdn't D might not 5 Ahad co B haven't got to. C have to D didn't have to 6 Acught B oughe wo Chas‘o D muscto 7 Aneedo't B would like to C had better D shall 8 Ashould B shall Coed D want 9 Amuse co Bdonthawew Cwasobliged io — D want to 10 Adue to B bound to ought 10 D need wo 11 ADoyouhaveto BArcyoudueto © Would you father D Need you 12 A forced to. B need to. Chave ro Dought to PET Writing Part 1 ‘Complete the second sentence so that it means thesameas the first. Use no more than three words, § 1 There's no school tomorrow; it’s a public holiday. We dont ....824-2..... go w school romosron: isa public holiday. 2 You must finish your homework by six chiryy. You tw finish your homework by six thirry 43 [may go to che theatre tonight. PEERED on nonmneneen tO the cheat tonight 4 You ought nat to do that. Ie’ illegal! Youd do that. Ie’ illegal § When will the London train astive? ‘What time is the London train re 6 Stop making so much noise! Dow so much noise! PET Writing Part 3 Here’ part of a letter you received feom an English friend, Exam preparation BE Tim Gnishing school this year, My dad seys I must go straight into the family supermarket business. But T would rather 49 to university to study art, What do you think I should do? 3 FCE Use of English Part 2 Read the text below and sel of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in cach space, When I was. child, L)_..hall._ ca eat everything oi my plate before my mother lt me go out and play. She said dae 1" ~ to eacall the food which she cooked if T a ow {0 grow up Healthy and strong, Td... chips like my friends than eax fay mother’s food, but she said 1 food. And so I didn’. She said my friencls were 9, have eaten burgets and ee never eat sich sn 40 get-very fat, and I had nin fONget about fun food if was to havea long and healthy life. She Forgot about “happy! dont ® .. f to cell you how unhappy I was eating her food - vegetable soup, porridge, cabbage andl chings ike that, But now Iam grawn up, and I look ar my friends, I think thar they © to change their diets if they want t0 live to a ripe old age! They are all overweight and sail eating the same stuflt And here Taen, slim, fit and attractive, T!_ like co thante my mother for this, FCE Use of English Part 3: Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that Sts in the space in the same line. I don’t know if you've ever been im an Engtish ”), courtroom. courr but they are rather strange places, almott like a theatce The. som §s brought in by the police and has DEFEND to stand in front of an ‘audience’ of fas ly, friends, the jury and the ». who Will defend and Law prosecute him ar her. The mase important person in dhe court, of course, is the judge, whe will decide the #!_ s PUNISH ‘ifthe defendanc is found |, GuLr If the verdict is ‘not guilty’, the defendant is set free: FCE Use of English Part Complete the second sentence sa that it has similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given, Do nat change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1 Theres no need to go to work tomorrow. 4. She must finish her project by Tueselay. HAVE Gor You.den't have te... go to work tMOrtow. — She menmmsnn _. finish her praject 2 You otight to go and tell the police about it, by Tuesday, BETTER 5 Perhaps ll visit John next summer. Vou ——goand tll the police MIGHT about i. Les —-» John next summer, 3 Twould prefer not to-po there oh Sunday, Bh Tiitretats rllee blll vers nities Zz Passive form ‘The passive form only exists for transitive verbs. Passive structures-ane not possible for intransitive verbs, as they have no object that can become the suafect af a passive senrence. ‘The passive form, forall che renses, of the verb: Subject + be (in approp formed with the auailiary be followed by the past participle tense) » pas participle, Reytencnca! The pase parciciple is formed with the aiff -ed for regular verbs (painted, played...) whilst for irregular verbs, the forms are shown in che chird column of the verb table (made, taken, put...). See page 72 and the list of irregular verbs onipage 366. Noce bow semetce changes from sctve/on¢ tad pattve pee ecneidodavind painted’ whe mOna ites. > Theffonatisa tmspaieed —tyteinaaioda Wick subject vero objet = wbject. passive verb agent What happene in the change from active to passive? | + The subject of the active sentence (Leowant da Vil) becoses the agent, preceded by the preposition by. oT bees ble pats’ danvena te gum bps ssl feb the tive tamer fa hie case, was isin the past simple like painted), and is followed by the past pacticiple of the main verb. | \ Negative farm: Subjece + be + not + past participle This dish isnot coaked in the traditional way. Interrogutive form: Be + subject + past participle + ...2 Short answerst Yes/No) + subject pronoun + va be (allrmacive/ negative). ‘Are these toys made in China” "Ves they are!/ No, they aren't They're madein Vietnam? Wh. questions: Question word + bes subject + past participle + ...? Where are these oranges imported from? i What is this machine used for? | NB: The preposition is placed at dhe! end of the sentence. “The paseive form is used: t + when we wane 10 put emphasis on the action or af che reshle of the action, rather chan who does it. In this case the agent isnt needed. Eo a ‘My wallet was found inthe street, | p Alor of trout are caught sis ake. } * instoud of an active sencence, when the subject ig genetic of sot clearly identified. Carnival iscelebrated in February. ! “The active sentence would conrespond iy ‘Peoilel celebrate (3 rv, “(gener ube) + in announcements or regulations | Passengers are requested to proceed to exit gate 9. The rooms are cleared dil. * in scientific texts, in descriptions of processes or experiments, Heated crude oll is pumped inta the fractioning coluamn and isp into separate hydrocarbons. E S01 EXERCISES fenton Ea ‘Mateh the two parts of che sentences. TuBs Be Bg 5 6 1 This fairy tale was wrinten | a first prize in the competition. 2 These plays were fist perforined b by the author himself, 3 This short story was awarded by Oscar Wilde, 4 His pocms were not considaeed dimthe 17th century. | 5 My aunz was given this book ¢ because of ies length, 6 His new novel was criticised F for the new anthology. | ‘Change the sentences from active to passivé. 1 They grow a lor of oranges in Sicily. Alet of prangesare sreken in Sicily. 2 They make Parmesan cheese|near Parma, 3 People borrow lots of books from the library every day. 4 They print the books in Hong Kong. 5 They don’t use artificial colouring in fhese sweets ee ih teehee 6 They wrote this pocm two thousand peass ago, 7 They speak English and Gettnan hove. 8 They build MINI cars In Oxford. Rearrange the words and write the. iiiiees: 1 in— ravioli —are ~ What ~used ~ thid ingredients —? What ingredients.are usedin this ravielif.. 2 made — factory ~ What — of — this che ~ in — pare— is? fe eames cenanh 3 for —arc— used ~ computers = these~ What —2 4 usually ~ time — che delivered ~ What — are ~ papers 5 fruit from — cake ~ Wha that — made = was © novel — sas — Who — by ~ this — writen — es - in - Which - are - countries — found = 8 grapes- make - used Whete fis. wo cwine owen 9 played - the -was -rugby — time When - for — fine. Passive form — perfect tenses and future Look a¢ the table below thac compares the active foun and tlie passive form of the present perfect and] the past perfect, and the various ways in which to expiess the fucure in the third person singula, tense active passive present perfect ss haas made has been made past perfect had made had been m future (going ea) | ...is going ro make |... is going ro be made future (will) |... willenake | __ will be made future perfect ithave made |... will have been made Here are a few examples using the renses in the eatle, | Present perfect Have you ever been invited-to her parties? | Sorry, your car hasn't been fixed yer. | “This veel sense is common in journalistic wricing, when the gxact moment in which som: happened isn't mentioned. ‘An agreement has been reached betwreen the two rival factions, He has been proclaimed leader of hie party ‘Compare the use of the preseine petféct with the pose simpl The newr sports centre has been inaugurated by the teuen| mayo} then exactly isnt said i | ‘The new sports centre was inaugurated yesterday. | (the time adverls yesterday Indlcates's specific time) | Past perfect ‘She had just been chosen for the main role in the schoo! musical when she was offered a part ina filmas well ‘Our roo had been cleaned just before we arrived ot she hotel ‘Future (going to) i |t t He Is going to be elected president of the golfclub, | You are gaing to be asked a lor of questions. | Futnze (wil ‘don’t think your proposal walt be taken seriously. | His book will be published next month. The nome of the winner will be announced tomorrow! Furuse perfect | ‘This tense is used to say by when a certain action will have been completed, Iris followed bya tin expression with by, | | The nome of the winner will have been announced by this time tomorrow, EXERCISES Choose the correct alternative. 1 The arrangements has been {fad bed) made hefore Lartived. 2. Theis wedding has been / had Been announced before I knew about ic. 3 The results have been / were given last night. 4 Donic wony! Everyone has béen / had been cold, 5 ‘The plan hagn'e been / wasn't communicated to anyone yet, 6 he children have just been had just been informed when the svorm began. March the ewo parts of the ie 1.8. 2 2 4 Diss 1 Fer next play wil be written | a by 2012. 2 The answers will be found by in verse 3 ‘The sport facilities will be completed © in frone of a large audience, 4 His new poems will be read 4 coaccommodace the immigeancs. 3. The lecturer will be asked. ¢ atthe end of the book. 6 New houses will be built f to speak for 50 minutes, ‘Change the questions from active to passive without changing the verb tense. 1 Are they going to mect him ar the aizpore, Sphe going to be met at the airp 2 Are they going to ake her sr wee Header? 3 When will they i issue the nexg set of stamps? 4 Wil they have Finished the reheated by midnight? 3 te 5 Where will they hold the next Olym est 6 Will they have starced the new school building by the time you go dere? Use the words to write sentences with the passive form of going to. 1 Paul's new novel / publish / in Noversber Pavli-nete novel is going ta be pu! 2 Jane's play / staged at Christmas 3 Susan's poems / enter / in a poetry competition 4 Daves shorr story ! include / in'an anthology Passve frm —partec tenses and future Passive form — infinitive, modal verbs and conditional ‘Transitive verbs also have a passive form in the infinitive, Present infinitive passive: ta be + past participle to be done Past infinitive passive: to have been + past participle to have been done The car needs to be washed teday. He hated not to have been Jnformed. The passive form i often used with modal verbs (ean, must, may, should...) t0 express deductions, permission, abligations, posibilty ané request tha refer xo the present the pat ‘The seructure of passive sentences with any modal verb is as follows: Present: Subjece +modal + be past participle The lift cant beused | by children, Pas Subject +modal+ have been + patt participle Thismovie must have been timed | in Alaska, Nore the change from an active sentence to a passive one with the presence of a modal: Theymight havelost your paper. Your wewer || might — have been lost, ete ate‘ few examples ith vatéous modal verbs followed ty the present infinitive pasave ‘This problem can be solved in many different ways. (possibility) | | ‘The research mustbe /has tobe dane by tomeyrant, (gator) ‘The ball can't be touched with the hands. (ban) i ‘This work shouldbe /ought tobe finished before the end ofthe month. eques) ‘Onlya monofinguat eettonary may beused ding the ram. (icession) ‘Here are some more examples with modal verbs followed by che past infinitive passive. The schedule might have been changed. (its possible byt it's not gerain - denotes uncertainty) It could have been done much better than this! (there was possibisty ~ denotes reproach) We should have been warned ofthe dey. rey should have wayhed us - denotes dsatsfacton or feproach) ‘alike to have been givenra prize. (wish that's not benifits Compare the ative form and the passive form of she prscht and past conlional (see p24), ‘active passive 2nd conditional main clause sos would make | --- would be made would have madg + would have been made The strite would be called off fan agreement was reached tonight, (there is stil posstollty) The strike would have been called off ifan agreementhad been reached. (but it never happened) EX ERCISES Fassive form — infinitive, modal verbs and conditional E = Rearrange che words and write sentences, They all have a passive infinitive, 1 be ~ midday ~ homework ~ to ~ finished — needs Your homebork needs fy be finished by midday Your 2 ought ~ weekend - The~ the — started — wotk — be before ~ to 3 about ~The — the — to.—beeh — boys — told — trip = have ~ onghe 4 tepaired — The = needs + quickly — be — cooker 5. pur— Those — have — there -lboxes ~ not— ought — heen — 10 ‘Change the sentences from active to passive without the agent. They all have a modal yer, 1 The police may have fond yur missing wallet. Your missing wallet may havebeen fount 2. We ean't mend our new eelevision at home. 3 They coulda'r use cheir car lave week + it was at the 4 They must have made this furniture it India, ea 5. He might have found the treasure by how. 6 They would have finalised the ar sangeet if they aad had time, ‘Wilte questions for the following answers, Use a modal verb and the passive, 1 Can the machines be used when itt 2 ‘No, the machines can't be used when irs co! a No the clasroom couldnt be opened easier in the arming! 3 in rn mesma No, they couldn't be helped by anyone! sin — No, the onions mustn't be added after the 5 tomatoe No, the dogs shouldn't be fed ewice a day! No, the daor aught not to be left open during the day! [Choose the correct alternative. 1 The cake can't Le Area Rave Raabe already! 2 In this game, only the feet can be / can have been wed, 3 The house must be / must have been broken into hase nighe. MEE Passive form - Verbs with double object; Heis said to be. A ‘There are some verbs that, in the active form, ate followed by a double object in the following order: person « thing, without any preposition. sent an e-mail te John. fsent John an e-mail, ‘Verbs thar behave In this way are: ails buys bring / take, give, grant, offer, lend, pass, read, send, show, tell, write and teach, as well as othess. In the passive form, the person, and not the thing, 2ecomes the subject, An e-mail was sent tadahn, “> John was sent an e-mail Look ac these other examples, Active sentence Passive sentence They give prizes to the best students. The best students ore given prizes. They offered him a big discount, se was offered abig discount Somebody gave mea present, was given apresent, They told her a nee story. She was told a nice story: ‘When verbs of opinion like: believe, consider, find, knorr, report, say, suppose, think, arc a few 4 ‘others, are used to express widely shared opinions, they can have a double passive construction: Impersonal: It is + past participle + (that) + subject + verb in the present tense [tis thought that heis abrood, | Subject (person) + be + past pasticiple + verb in the infinitive He is thought to be abroad, ‘The second (personal) construction is the mast used. | Note also that in the impersonal construction that tan be omitee. Iwas found that he was guilty. Hewas found to bequily. ‘twas known they were good actors, > They were knajm to be good actors. {tis supposed you should be studying, + You are supposed to. studying, Why arent you? Personal: Af the opinion oe the assumption refer to the past, che passive ini They are supposed to have finishect by now. Note the difference between: | People think he wos a genius. + He is thought to heve been a genius. ((ris.a present-day opinion) | People thought he was agenius. He was thought tebea genius. (itwas an opinion that was had in that period af is used, i, eo have + participle EXERCISES ‘Change the sentences from active to passive using the personal canstraction. Dost use the agent 1 Her mother bought hera new dress. She Was bought nele dress. ST ne 2 Helene them his-new tent. They aes te = 3 We showed hit the complezt range, He i sat Saree ers 4 L caught her haw to swim. | She so | war arc 5. She asked us to get some bain for hes, We wes — 6 He granted me permission od go there Tick (¥) the correct sentences and correct those with mistakes in them. 112 My friends wore all seara|letee 2 C1 My dog were given 4 bone, My deg was given a bone, no _ 3 C1 1 was aughr a new cong, 4D Wewas brought some nige cakes. | 5 C1 He was offer a high salary | 6 C1 Iwas passed a sccret nate | 7 C1 She were shown a pretty ting, Change the sentences from impersonal passive sentences into passive sentences with a personal subject, 1 Itis repowted thar he isin Fiance, | He freperted te bein France... | 2 Ivis said that ivis a very valuable book The book 3 Icis believed shat she isa besutifil gic, She cca 4 Ics considered that it isan important paineing, ‘The painting 5 It is known that he is a brilliane author, He 6 Iris supposed that she is very invelligent, She Make/ Let someone do something; Get someone to do something; Have/' ‘Get something done DIOLS SEMA ‘Look at the following expressions, which are similar to each other bur vary in meaning: * the verb make + bese form: make someone do something, which has quitea ‘neutral’ meaning J or is used with the idea of obligation. Don't make metaugh! The boss made me stay in the office til seven last right. (the passive structure is also possible: made io stay in the office. ..) My parents made me attend this course, but I dida't really want to. {also possible: | was made to attend...) the verb let « base Form: let someone da something ar with che verb allow + infinitive allow someone to do something, which are both used with a sense of permission. My dad fet me use his computer yesterday. They let her go on holiday on her own. They allowed us to parkour cor in the staffer park, (alco: We were allowed to park...) * the verb get + infinitive: get someone to do something, used in the sense of convincing somen wo do something, Mitget herte talk te him, | We gat him to sing a song at the party. | *» the verbs oblige ar force + infinitive; oblige / force someone io do something (stronger sense of obligation than ‘make someone to soracthing’).| 4 The police obliged, forced him to surrender. (also. Ke was obliged / forced to surrender) * the verb cause + infinitive: cause something to happen, iasually with negative effects The frost caused the plants to dle, ‘Look at the following passive construction: get / have something done (by someone). In this 088, if6 always someone else who does something for uss usually-a type of service. The person isnt 4 ‘expressed when I's obvious who it is doing it. Sandra got / had her hair cut very shost (by the hairdresser) —eaeensonneee Tt | Note the difference berween: {|| | They re going ta have the Kitchen painted yello # Moya painted) ‘They’ going topaint the kitchen yellow (They/te aie going th 6 it themselves) on us. Compare for example: igot my car fixed after the accident. (it's me who decided) ‘Whac is done to us can also be against our will or — thad my bag stolen. (\ certainly didrit want tis to happen’ “The following constructions exe also common: | need tw / T want to / 1 must have something done Ineed to get these photos printed. | g want to have some trees planted in my garden. | {mast ge this jumper dry-cleaned, EXERCISES — sertasinon Have Get something done Use che words to write sentences with the conrect form of make someone do something, 1 Peter's mother / make / him / sidy his bedroom / yesterday Petar’ mother mads him ty hig bedroom yesterday. 2 The teacher / always / make | me / stay lege at school, 3 The doctar / make / Sarah / fo / to sce a specialis:/yeseerday 4. Working in the garden I usullly make / me / fel very tired 5 “The fm we watched lat night make | Jan / Vel very faghicned. 6 Those big boys f often f mak Paul cry / when he was younger , me ~ skateboard — use ~ yesterday — his ike let-meuse his skateboatd yesterday. ae els 2 Jane— stay ~ allowed ~The - in ~ classroom — the ~~ teacher 3 as on — sofa the — 10 ~Tim~ deep — made 4 to—after— him — The - two |= police! | go— hours allowed ~ home 5 wash —me— Wendy —cac—nd hate ler her 6 allowed — bee — James - The ~ to — of pet — yestenlay — out — doerar Match the two parts of the sentences. lua. 2 3 UL een 1 My parents had their bedroom a. decorated ir pink last month, 2 My brother got his car b filled next eek, 3 Daisy is having her tecch & upgraded comorrow. 4 Mrs Smith had che hedge 4. manicured yesterday, 5 Andy is getting the computer ¢ repaired by any neighbour. 6 Laura had her mails f immed by the gardener lass week, Use the words given and the verbs in brackets to-write sontences, 1 gee tear! washed (need) Ineed to.getieny conwashed, 2 My brother / have/ hair eur (need) 3 Lucy get/ bicycle / mended. (must) 4 My mum f have / kitchen / extended (want) See someone do / doing something; see something being done A “The most common verbs of perception are: see, hear, smell, taste, feel and afew ochers such as notice, listen to and find. These verbs are often accompanied by the modal ean. You can see the cathedhal on your right, What can you hear? I could smelf samething buming, 8 Perceiving active actions “Two different consteuctions can be used to tall about a person of a thing that actively carries out an action. * Ifthe action percenved is immediate oof short duration, we use the construction: see / hear someone do something heard him slam the door. (| perceived the entire action, from start ts finish) * If the action petceived is prolonged in time, them we use the construction: see / hear someone doing something j Theard her crying. {\ perceived only a part of crying) Lookeat these other: ee | esse ata heptane = ey They got an the bus. {saw this. They were waiting for the bus. tsavr this. Isa them get on the bus. > | saw them waiting for the bus. {action that started and finished) faction that extended itsefFin tine) NB: In sentences thar conrain the adverbs always, never, offen... and in negative sentences. itis preferable to use the construction with the base form of the ye. I"venever seen her smile. | | | didn’t hear the bell ring {| C Perceiving passive actions | ‘To talk about an object (person or thing) chas undergoes an fiction, we use the construction: see / hear something (being) done 1] | save him being chased by a dog. | heard hername called out. We've never seen anyone treated like that, Perception verbs in the passive form i ‘When a perception ¥erb isin che passive form, the'verb chae follows fein the invinitive (to + base form) or in the -ing form, They were seen to leove the pubateight otlock, Hewas heard:o shout / shouting, Shewas last seen walking around in astreet market. EXERCISES Seomireda do sting esa bg dre ba 1 Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. listen to 1 Teould ....he@"._ the bells ringing at the church. ‘smell laste feel 2 Ten some lems, favour in this cake, 3 Would you like ra |. me playing my violin? 4 Leould, Andy walleing towards me, 5 Can yot soon, Ur hingh cooking in the kite? | 6 Teould _ the cold wind blowing down my back 2 Join the two sentences and wiite one sentence that has the same meaning. 1 They were coming in our didection. I sawr them, Lsow them coming nour dibection, 2 They were working in the steer Paula heard thera, 3 Twa students let schoo! carly. | noticed them. 4 She was cooking the cabbaye, [ smelt i 5 Danny came home very late last night. | heard hima ele Jane shim. 6 He was digging in the M4 Tick (7) the correct scntences and correct the ones with mistakes in them: 1 & Theard the baby being bathed. 2 Ci Taw the dog wo be wken ora walk Liew the deg being takenforawelk|, . 301 Tve never seen an animal being heine like tha | ut at by the teacher, ou hear the building being demolished? 4 Cl Teaw him belng s 6 Li Listened to che team coach interviewing on TV, O Did you see her being award che prize? Complete the sentences with the words in the box. being (2) sing a ~ tering — wag] I Atthe moment, | can see my friend Paolo ... 49g. at his desk. 2 Yesterday moming, we heard some vandale ogee nas OU gan 3 Can't you smell the roast _. in the oven?! 4 Yesterday evening, I saw my friend un bis motorbike without a helmet, 5. He was unconscious and couldn't feel the stretcher bot ps | EXERCISES Units 57-63 R151 AIS RISD White questions for the following answers. Use the pascive and keep the same verb tense. buses still being made here now? es, they are still making buses here now. thay starcel the Facrory 200 years aga: fes they found coal and ison in the hills. 4 Yes they still make che buses with iron from the bills 5 Yes, they have improved produetion in recent years. 6 a nk Yes, they'll produce lorries here in the Fiature Answer the questions with negative sentences in the passive form, Keep the same verb tense, 1 Does he make the pots here? Ne, the pets aren tmade. here, ae Was he repairing the fridge yesterday? ‘Ate they going to hold the party here comorrow!) ur 4 Had they stared work on the fat when she left? 5 Will they have secved dinner by the time we arrive? Hare shnsy made tty ch yges to the system yer? 7 Have they repaited my compucer yer? 8 Will they have reached an agreement by tomorrow? Change the sentences from active to passive, Use the agent. 1 The eeacher gave us these new books. We.were given these.nelw books by the teacher. 2. When did Michelangelo paint the Sistine Chapel? | 3-‘Whin will Napoll ncer wio she Ieallan League? | 4. Carter discovered the Valley of the Kings in Egypt 5 Our baler bakes fesh bread every morning, 6 Prince Charles Is going to present the prizes 7 Chris Thomneon weote the screenplay for the lawst Thor movie. 15.6 PRISA Match the two parts of the sentences, a oe. a 1 Your homework must 2 Their ear needs 3 Thar fish cant 4 My photos ought 5 The match may not 6 That dog shold Rearrange the words and write sentences, 1 presents ~ She—a~ presents — given — lot ~ was —of Shawas siven a lot of p 2 the ~Ie= valuable — vases ie eR a be played if irrains. } w bedeveloped by now, © be finished by seven o'clock. 4 to becleaned. 4 be kept om its lead, 1} be eaten until its cocked. resents. ce en belicved ~ thar — very - was ~ were — were + beautiful be~ to —were ie rare — is — 6 sunt — expensive — shown — was ~ hale very — some, ~My force 1 The guard ....,..ferced 2 The teacher 3 Sally STG 4 Ben's parencs__. 5 The heayy rain a. 6 John 2 T They een 8 Charlotte... i Glse see) need get him wake of his bat, : th cudents do.a et every day. her hai ine in Landon, aera stay sp kate at the parey the river to flood the town, to get his. Hair ‘sur tomerrow. -- leaving the town soon afer the fire broke out, playing het favourite sonatz on the p 0. 61 62 ck} PET Reading Part 5 Exam prepara Read this account of the life of a glass factory and choose the correct ward(s) (A, B, C or D) for each space. Gl They production buile by a Vier turned out in their mil and he ®, "AL omade in our town today, and ic, neatly 2,000 years ago. ‘The factories where glass objects jan businessman called Joshua Sly. In Sly’s time, bottles made very rich by his products by the rime of his death in 1912, But his son, William, was more artistic, and many products ®, swith in his time: vases, bowls and drinking glasses. In che end, fc! crystal drinking-glags marker. Once the machines %.. finally started in 1920, Beaudiful wine glasses that tradition has remained, Currendly, the factory made here when the Romans lived here . produced are abour 150 years old. experimented w decided to enter the changed, and the workers recrained manufactured, and managed by Andrew Sly Joshua’ great grandson. 1@jisbeing Bwasbeing Chas been D had been. 2Aisbeing — Bwasbeing — Chave been D will be 3 Anas B will be Care D have been 4 Ava B were Chave been Dare 5 Bae Cwas Dwere 6 Abad been — Bhasbeen — C have been) Divrere 7 Avwas Bowere Cis Dare 8 Ais Bue Cwas Dis being 9 Avwasbeing Bhasbeen Chad been Diwere 10 Aswas Bwere C has been D will be 11 Awas B were Chas been Dace 12 Awas Buere Cis Dare PET Writing Part 1 Complsie the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words. 1 ‘They produce crystal drinking plasses a Sly’ Factory. Crystal drinking glasses are produced at Sly’s factory “The company will have cared one million pounds by Christmas One million pounds will .. by the company by Chrisemas, 3. David Beckham has started a new sports club in Los Angeles A new sports club ‘ |. by David Beckham in Los Angeles. 4 You cannot use this machine today. This machine coday, S Teis thoughr that he died when he was 60 yearsold. He is thought when he was 60 years old. 6 Soe painters dacoeated chair far for them laa yen They z decorated hy some paincers last year, PET Writing Part 3 Use the notes co write about an imaginary football club in the past simple passive (60 words). Strawfield Football Club: They found the club (1910). Thay start work on the first stadium (1915), Bill Smith manages the club (1910-1920), They buld a new stedlum (2952). They win promotion to o Exam preparation | FCE Use of English Part 2 Read the dialogue below and think of che word which best fits cach space, Use only one word in each space. Danny: Have thoie Ttalian orders"! bego. completed yet, June? June: Tort think so. The order forms nced so sent fies, Danny: What?! The forms stil! been sen ou? Janes Un sorry, Danny, bucthey shold be signed — _ Mr Roberts first. Danny: And he ° beén scea by anyone far days, I suppose! June: Well, he ®_ t » said to be ot holiday this week... Danny: Oh is he” Very interesting, How docs he expect this office to " st efficiently fhe’ awayll che time? June: Teould # ~v them signed by Mis Johnson. Danny: They never... |... accepted by the Halian Istanch with her signature on them Juner Well theres nothing else we'can do, so [think acup ofa. need right aie! Danny: Good idea! | FCE Use of English Part 2 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of cach Line ta form a word that fits in the space in the same line, “These toy cars have been in... predvetion... for mone than PRODUCE 45 years, and mose of our ®.. CUSTOM remember them front their eaily 9 aan CHILD However, nobody buys them any more. Some of the lates the toy wotle are rauck better INVENT than our, products. We need ideas fom FASHION the oo of this company If' we are to survive, MANAGE FCE Uso of English Part Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentenee, using the word given, Do not change the word given. You minst use between two and five words, including the word given. 1 He is believed «0 be visiting South Aftiea Tr | Tis believed that... heis visiting Sourh Africa. Whar do they use these vegetables for? ARE What sess fort 3 They might have recorded these songs in Britain BEEN These songs... rap in Britain. 4 “The builelers are gotng co build him anextension. HAVE Hes 5 soo an extension built $ Those boys broke the window: I saw them, BREAK Lsew 7 : the window, “The indsfinire article has wo forms, a fam, thar are the same forall nouns, aman awemen adog —_avucksack Ais used before words chat stare with: *a:consonant or a semivowel (wr, y): a book a gir 6car 0 table. a widow, a young man pirated h: @house, a horse, chand, ahot day che sound /ju/: 0 uniform, a university, unit.@ eure, a European country ‘Am is used before words chat start wich: * 2 vowel: am apple, an egg, an calor, an umbrella, ar allan student * mute he an fraur,an helt, an honest person ‘The only words that begin with « mute h are: hous, heir, heiress, honour, honest and theit | derivations (hourly, honourable, honestly...) f ‘The article a / am is used before singular counrable nouns (see p.196) to indicate: ‘2 thing or petson amongst others (any one, not one in particular) Takea chair, please, She gave mea red rose, | ‘a person or thing that is mentioned for the first tiie in a sebry. A goad king ruled over the country at that time. 1" | HWeneverseen amanvith such along beard, | an caample that represents an entice species or cathgory: Allon isa wild animal. | An oak is @ big tree, | * an object that we have or don't hve Fve got anuinbrella, Thaven't gota watch, ‘The article a/'am is-also used before sAouns that indicates + professions and occupations. He's an engineer and his wife is an. interpreter. | * ccrtain ailments or illnesses. | Ie gata cough. She's gota high temperoture, ‘The article a fan is also used: * in expressions of — ptive: three poundsa kilo — speed: 50 miles an hour — frequency: three timesa day, twicea month + in numeric expressions. | couple. adozen, halfa dozen, a hundred, athousand, amilion * in eiclamations, before a singular noun, Whara Wife! What a horsible day! | * before Mr/ Ms + surname; to indicate ‘s certain spmeane’. AMr Cox lives here, but I've never seen him. EXERCISES et ie rm ‘Write a or an before the words ar expressions. 2 aes 7 1 ooo Walt tree 2 inno hippo 8 erune: ae Borin dog 9 neenew hundred 4 canis ea 10 orange 5 hourly bus Ti oa. jeeberg 6 nm universal cruth, B worker ant | Rearrange the words and write sentences. 1 bag jot ~ pear -in — a— ah — and —apple— I've~ my Tasetan eerleand apeohineahag 2 have ~ in —uncle— Canada cousin —and=I—an 3 tiger - car —is— | Choose the correct alternative, 1 As@deducation that you enjoy is a! an importan: scart in life 2 Ad Am apple a day keeps a / an person healthy. 3 AJ Am honest person isa / an useful friend co have 4 AP Am hyena is af an horrible kind 6f animal. 5 Al Am white tiger is a fan unuisaal ohe, 6 AF An interesting book is a/ an object worth finding, Tick (v/) the corteet expressions and corvect the false anes, 1 © an interesting person | 2.0 an uniform a,ynifor 301 an elephant 4C7 an hour snd 2 halt 5 C1 an unique model 6 Caunhappy boy 7 Cl enitish musician 8 U0 a intelligent woman a Collective and plural nouns; adjectives used as nouns A Collective nouns are used 1s talk about set of people, animals ar things that form a group, for example: tearn, gavemment, family, army, crews staf, swrarm, flock, herd, fleet “The verb thac accompanies collective nouns can usually be cither singular or plural. Ourteam is/are first in the championship. It's /They‘reagseat team! Nore the plural agreement of the object with the subject, We've alt gor umbrellas, (plueal subject > plural ole each person has one) They came on their bikes. Some nouns can only be plural, They are often preceded by a pair of. (apalr oft binaculars barracks goods (a pair of} glasses cattle ‘obiskirts /suburbs {a pair of} pliers clergy People (apair of pyjamas clothes police fapalr of scissors contents savings (a pair of} tongs pincers customs surroundings (a pair of) trousers earnings youth The police have arrested a dangeraus robber, There were fots of people at the party. Where are your pylarnas? | This barracks hists/ These barracks host the new recruits, | ‘Note the agreement with the phiral verb, Barracks te also be useil asa singular noun, Ieis possible fora qualifying adjective to funcsidn a4 a noun, {o indicate: « acategary of people, \| theyaung, the old, theetderly, therith, the poor, the living, the dead (also possible: young people, até people, rich people... bur not: theyoungs,theokds..). Singullar: ayoung man, an ald man, a tick man (nor: anoldée-youngarich). } +a population, i t the English, the French, tre Dutch, the Chinese, Singular: en Enplishinan, 2 Frenehnnan, a Dutchman BUT: aChinese. : | | * an abstract concept. the beoutiful, the impossible. the supemetural | There are also plural nouns that derive from adjectives: sweets {from the adjective ‘sweet’, vegetables, valugoles, crtmifials, the classies, the ancients, the natives | ‘My valuables are now safe in the bank. | read ¢ lotof classics when livas young. | | ‘toon! people are the natives of New Zealand. Choose the correct alternative, | The police has been /(jave beeBploo\ting for the thieves for a fong time 2 Could I borrow your sclssom, please? Mine don't / doesn't cut very well. 3 The contents of the box was hidden / were hidden by the Jid, # Ifyou want oo watch the news, hurry up — its {they're just scart $ The local youth are / is all cr} gaged in some voluntary work. 6 People like 1 likes ycting fie gi H22 Complete the expressions with the words fram the box. [ships atotk of cows wolve] e-teanrof a swarm of | Sa herd OF nner — Qrnssinnnelene binds ith the nouns in the box. Watch outs there is one extral trousers congratulations pyjamas barfacks binoculars savings _outskiris 1 Skirts look very nice. but when it's cold, Alicia alweys wears frausert 2 There are a lor of shopping malls on the -sof the cy. 3 fice marching on the parade ground, the soldiers returned to their 4 voy Lutey, You have won firsc prize in tie competition. 5 I've told Grandad to put his into a sank 6 Pass me the .... there’ an interesting bird over there. |.T24 Write the before the nouns where necessary, Tt the article isn't needed, write 0, 1 The... French are proud of their cooking: 2 snmecin sweets are bad for your teeth, 3 Paul is reading a lot of thrillers these days 4 We can't do youu impossible, bur we'll try! 5. For cwn- Fapanese, serving tea is anvatt G nonsonn Yeeetables and Fruie arean imnnrrane mare af menrennale _ EXERCISES Colective and tue nouns; djectves wed a nouns Possessive case (Toms friend, A friend of Tom's) ‘To indicate the possession of something, affilstion or kinship, we use the possessive case. A The possessive ease is formed by placing the nour that refers co the possessor beffre the object that they possess (withoue any article!) and by adding ro the poseestor when the possessor Is: a singular noun. the bag of the teacher the teacher’ bag the garden of my neighbour - my neighbour's garden the twin sister of Samantha > Samanthars twin sisier * 2 plural noun thar doesnt end in -s. the children's toys: Only the apostrophe is added when the possessor is a plural noun that ends in -s. the students’ deems she Smiths’ flat ‘When: the possessor consists of a proper noun o¢4 surname that ends in -s, sis usually added, the diary of James > James's diary ‘the house of Ms Jones “> is Jones’ house ‘Sometimes, however, with historical names or surnames of famous characters chat end in -s, only the aposcrophe is added: Jesus’ birth, Dickens’ works NB: IF the same object belongs to ewe: or more people: ita and Betty's 100mm (they shate the rom) | ‘BUT: Rita’: and Barty’ roonts they each have theit win ror} B The possessive cae is used when the posiesso ida person {Toms cousin), also expres with an indefinite pronoun (someones birthday) or an the fottes, thin -> the thinnest, Bur: deep > the deepest (it ist doubled, ac thete are nwo vowels} ~-st is added co adjectives chav end in large > largest, pale > polest + Adjectives with ewo or more-syllables (apart from two-syllable ones thar end in -y) foem the supertzxive with the adver’ most. themostfamous themostcommon themostpopstar + Two-syllable adjectives chat end in -ow, -er, -le and certain och scupid...) can have both forms. thecleverest/the mostclever the quietest/thernastqulet (quiet, polite, friendly, Supeclative adjectives are nearly always preceded by the definite article (the) or by a possessive (my, your, his, Lucy’. Timis the most popular student in his class, Thar wes tis greatest success, world, in Europe...) or by the preposition of whed the oran expression of time (ofall my friends, ofall es. Chicago is one of the largest cities in the USA. Februaryis the shortest month ofthe year. | ‘The comparison can also be expressed by a relative clause w perlict, which is sometimes accompanied by the adverb Itsone of the funniest films (that) ve seen. | | “| He was the most generous person | had ever met, | © To emphadise « superlative, the adverbial expression by far ean be used, Hes by forthe mosttalented musician in the orchestra D. | The superlative of fess is least. ‘This bag was the least expensive they hadin the shop, | Ith the feast relevant thing Fveever heard, | EXERCISES The syperlatve of aceetves Write the superlative of these adjectives. 1 all . 6 hard “ 2 narrow 7 heavy aie 3 nice ue. | Bip _ dey 8 - 9 dark ce oger 5 exciting — 10 comforeable Use the words to waite sentences with the superlatives 1 Paul / tall / boy / Lfever/ mbet Baul inthe tollesthoy Wve ever met 2 Ie/ funny / play /1/ ever! si 3 They f loud ¢ band | we! 4 Te! pretty / village / he J 5 That / amazing f concert / Tj/attend a 6 Inf dangerous f place / 1 / belto Rearrange the words and write questions with the superlative. 1 man ~ faseest— Who —on ~ is~ the — Farth -? rhe fartestman on Earth? aly — ip— mountain — Whit - hight io — ch z 3 city — world —in — biggest - Where [hel isthe=? 4 call tallest — ig— man — Herp — the + 5 supercar ~ Which — the ~lealian — is + fastest 6 the — world — is diamond ~ Which [valuable ~ the — in ~ most _ Complete the sentences with the words in brackers. Use rhe least + adjective + noun. 1 (book / intcresting) Irs the least interesting book... I've ever read. 2 (invention / useful) Ies tee Eve ever seen, 3 (guide / helpful) Hes es ---. we've ever had 4 (march f exciting) Te was occu he had ever watched. 5 (comedian / amusing) He's _-. Ve ever heard, 6 (person / patronising) Sb soos : a Pve ever met, ‘Complete the interview with the superlative of the adjectives in the box. A: How does it fe 10 be ®)_the most famous vomedian on the showbiz scene these days? Bi Well its on of ~~~» feelings I've ever had. Everyone recognises me wherever I yo. But this has also its negative side A: Do you mean you haven't gat any privacy any more Bi Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. That's... 7 aspect of my being so popular, The funny thing is that [was ®, 7 my class wher T was at érhanl and Fame The comparative and superlative of adverbs (faster / fastest; more quickly / most quickly) “The comparative of adverbs is formed in the same way to thar of adjectives, In particular: ++ ris added toadverhs that have the same form as adjectives, following the same spelling rules, fast => faster high = higher Compace the senvences thac use an adjective to those that use an adverb, Thisés afaster car, Iegoes faster, This peak is higher. This plane files higher + adverbs thar end in -ly are preceded by more in the comparath slowly > moresiowly quickly > more quickiy ‘Speak more slowly, please. | can’t follow you. Wich the comparative, we use the preposition than. Yesterday, wwe got up earfler than you. He arrived later than me. My mother drives more carefully than my father. letook much longer than! expected. | We use the structure: as + adverb + as, | (ean run as fest as you. | He hasn't treined as hard os the rest of the tearm, “To form the superlative, adverbs fallow the same rufes.as adjdetives. Adverbs are preceded by the and are modified by: i + adding ~est to adverbs thar have the same form ayan adjective: long the longest The turtteisone of the animals that jve the longest. | | ++ adding the most before adverbs thac end in -lys quickly >| the most quickly She works the most quickly when she is alone and not under pressure, In formal English, sometimes most is used before adverbs, Its meaning is stronger than very. In this case, the is omitted, | | | Please drive most carefully, there’s.a baby in the car, They behaved mast stupidly, EXERCISES recompile fade ra In cach sentence, circle the comparative of the adverb 1 This is a faster car than yours; in fac, it poesCGieer tha everybody's can 2 Mike works hardier chan everyone; he's the most hard-working of all my employees. 3 He’ amore careful driver than anybady I know. He drove more carefully shan his inscructor along that toad. 4 Summer arrived lacet this yoar— ie was a later summer than usual, 5 Itwasa higher climb than vfed done before — we went higher than ever before 6 He gi liven oderspencoth aula kewsotes dat eons creo Toes 7 Eat more slowly —a slow eater is a healthier person. Complete the sentences with the comparative of the adverb formed from the adjective in brackets. 1 (Slow) The bis went mers slab. 4... than iz usually did. 2 (expensive) The film scar wat dressed svn than anyone else, 3 (loud) The Cemzy Four played aj -ie-bennn-~aersu thartall che other rock bands. 4 (late) Dont worry — you ear ative wn than the other guests, 5 (happy) The children:danced _. emmeseweoynon than theit parents. & (oovest) She kissed Bim onto. than ever before. 7 (convincing) In the last debate, she spoke -» than ever before, ‘Complete the sentences with a... and the adverb formed from the adjective in brackets. 1 (neat) T can't draw as neatly.as you can 2 (quick) Tm sure Diana ean tun vasa). oon Sally, 3 (cleat) J know I can't speak | him, 4 (just; nice) He knows how to sing sussceeesne TRE, 5 (careful) They drive Ee we do, 6 (deep) She doesnt sleep — wom Mary does. 7 (hard) This term, you haven'r studi Jase weer, Rearrange the words and write sentences, 1 played — the — Paul — all - quietest — children, —Of-— the Of all tre children, Paul played the quietest 2 race — in — Hamilton — last ~ fastest — the - drove - the 3 behaved — during ~ sensibly ~ the ~ school trip - mast —"The ~ children nine dclack — by — here ~be —latest~10 = the at 5 thoughtfully — He ~ most — mother helped ~ sick — hie 6 at~ lessons — diligently ~ They ~ most — Italian — worked their 7 1 ~ church ~ the “They — generously — most — gave Comparative and superlative: irregular forms. (better / the best) Certain adjectives and adverbs have irregular comperative and superlative forms, adjective adverb comparative superlative ‘good well better thebest bad badly worse the worst ‘Hes French Is better than mine | She speaks French better than me, | He's agood friend. Actually, he’s my best friend. | Yesterdey the weather was bad, but taday i'seven Wars. J think | did worse in this exam than in the other one. What was your worst experience ever? ‘Other adjectives and adverbs with irregular comparative and superlative forms are: + far farther /further the farthest/ the furthest For distances, either the first or second form can be used, York is farther /further from here than Newcastle. The road was blocked, so they couldn't: go any fartber4 further. | | Further also has the meaning of ladiicional. | Furthest means ‘extreme’, | Ask for any further information you should need. | | | * old older/eider the oldest the eldest | “The irregular form elder / the eldest is wsed when talking shout people only, primauily 10 con the ages of brothers and sisters within a family Hl John is my elder brother there ste twig song thevelor the corrgalative l& used) (My sister is the elciest, t'm the youngest in the family. {there are * ore than two childten, therefore th superlative is used) | i * late later the latest/ the last ‘ “The latest indicates the last in order of time, the pnost cecqnt. The last indicarss conclusion, This isthe latest issue of Science Magazine. (the ibe otherispves) This is my Jast day in London. (} eave tornarraw)} smuch/ many more the most litle less theleast ‘have more students this year, about 30, bud mycollzgue Joris ‘has got the most: 52 studentshave: Inils course} Peter/nas got the leost baggage ofall justa smal backpack. Most (without the) before a plural noun means the majotity of,..'. ‘Most peaple eft the room before the conference mas over. EXERCISES ‘Complete the sentences with the comparative of the irregular adjectives and adverbs from the box. litte good far much bad otd_| 1 This flute is... better. 2 His voice sounds really bad ~ jus a for - thai mine, 3 That guitar is very expensive; ts costs £500 z than a Fendedt 4 HE you want —.—joisaunun imformation about the concerts, please phone, 5 Ifyou pay... oo» for yout Festival tickets, you'll get bad seats. 6 My

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