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Basics of Regression

Understanding Regression Equations and Interpreting

Regression Tables

Robert Upton
Cambridge, Massachusetts USA
1 Introduction 1

2 What is Linear Regression? 2

2.1 Understanding a Regression Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 Example: Using Regression Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3 Dummy Variables and Experimentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.4 Control Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.4.1 Example: Using Regression Equations with Dummy Variables . . 5

3 Interpreting a Regression Table 6

3.1 Example: Interpreting a Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Example: Interpreting a Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4 Special Cases 11
4.1 Interaction Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.1.1 Interaction Example 1: Finding Relevant Coefficients . . . . . . . 12
4.1.2 Interaction Example 2: Interpreting a Table A . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.1.3 Interaction Example 3: Interpreting a Table B . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2 Difference in Differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

5 Another Type of Table: Baseline Summary Statistics 16

6 Glossary 17

7 Recommended Resources 18

References 18

1 Introduction
Regression tables are an integral part of how economists share information about their
data and explain their findings. This guide is intended to help you understand the basics
of regression in order to interpret the results of regression analyses. Using explanation
and examples, we will go through the basic structure of regression equations and learn
how to glean relevant and useful information from regression tables. Someone new to
regression will benefit most from reading the entire reference manual in order while the
more experienced user can skip to the relevant section of interest. Each section contains
a set of key words that link to their definition in the glossary. Each section begins with
an explanation of the topic and examples follow.

2 What is Linear Regression?
2.1 Understanding a Regression Equation
• Regression Analysis

• Regression Equation

• Independent Variable

• Dependent Variable

• Regression Coefficient

A linear regression relies on a complicated mathematical process to create coefficients

for the regression equation, and so we typically use statistical software to do this for us.
Despite being a complicated equation to create, a regression equation is a simple formula
to use in order to determine causality. We use the regression equation by inputting the
characteristics of a person, thing, or group to get a prediction of the average result for
someone like that person. Examples of the type of result we might look at include income,
visits to the hospital, or height and weight. Essentially, the simplest form of a regression
is determining if there is a correlation between an input (or series of inputs) and the
outcome. In order to get a prediction, we take in the data on inputs and outcomes, then
try to draw a line that is as close to the trend as possible. Finally, based on how spread
the data is from the line, regression tells us how likely it is that the input caused the
outcome rather than the trend happening by chance.

Figure 1: This graph shows the relationship between height and weight. Notice how the
line follows the trend of the data.

In the above graph each dot represents a data point (in this case, each dot represents
a person), and the equation of the line is our regression. Our predicted height for any
given person is the point along the line corresponding to that person’s weight. While
the outcome variable is what we are interested in changing or observing, we usually
are not concerned about finding predicted values. Rather, we are interested in how the
independent variables affect the outcome variable, which the coefficients tell us. In the
following equation, we are interested in the height of a person and think it may depend
on a person’s age, parental income, and cigarettes smoked in a year.

Height = β0 + β1 ∗ Age + β2 ∗ P arent Inc + β3 ∗ Cigar + 

The equation follows the format we discussed. It is an equation that takes in the char-
acteristics of a person (Age, P arent Inc, Cigar) and produces a prediction of their result
(Height). The characteristics (Age, P aren Inc, Cigar) are the independent variables
(variables we pick as input) and the output (Height) is the dependent variable (the
variable that depends on the what we pick). Finally, what we are really interested in
are the βs (betas - called regression coefficients), which answer this question:
for every one unit increase in the independent variable that the coefficient
multiplies, what is the change in the dependent variable? Notice how β0 has
no variable that it multiplies. This is called the intercept or constant and represents
everyone’s starting point. If we plug in zeroes for every independent variable, we see that
Height = β0 . Therefore, β0 theoretically shows the height of someone who is age zero,
has zero income, and smokes zero cigarettes (this would be like a new born baby), but
most of the time, we aren’t interested in the intercept.
A common criticism of this equation is that it can’t possibly predict a person’s height,
and ultimately that is right. The predicted value tells us what the average height would
be for everyone sharing these characteristics, not what each specific person’s height would
be. The regression is limited to the characteristics we give it. In this case, that is age,
income, and cigarettes smoked yearly. While you can predict a bit with that information,
there is still a lot of uncertainty and information left out. The uncertainty and the
fact that people are different from the average are why we have the term  (epsilon)
in the equation.  represents what the expression can not explain by the given
variables and on average always equals zero (mathematical fact of regression).

2.2 Example: Using Regression Coefficients

Let’s use a medically inaccurate but nevertheless interesting example to understand how
to use regression coefficients. We will use the same regression equation from the last

Height = β0 + β1 ∗ Age + β2 ∗ P arent Inc + β3 ∗ Cigar + 

Once we have the equation, the next step is to find the regression coefficients. Nor-
mally we plug data into a statistical computer program, and the computer tells us the
values of the regression coefficients. In order to keep it simple, I have made up some
coefficients and plugged them into the regression equation above to get

Height = 20 + 1.9 ∗ Age + .0004 ∗ P arent Inc − .001 ∗ Cigar + 

Now let’s make a chart of the βs. To find the coefficients, we look at the constant
(β0 ) and then the numbers that multiply the independent variables to get

β0 β1 β2 β3
20 1.9 .0004 -.001

So what do these numbers mean? Let’s look at β1 . If we look at the first equation
we see that β1 is the number that multiplies Age. This means that β1 shows the change
in height due to a one unit (in this case, one year) increase in age. Since the number is
1.9, we know that a 1 year increase in age results in a 1.9 inch increase in height. What
about β3 ? We see that the corresponding number is -.001 and so we know that a 1 unit
increase in the number of cigarettes smoked a year leads to a .001 inch decrease in height.
If we wanted to predict the height of someone who is 20 years old, earns $20,000, and
smokes 365 cigarettes a year, we just plug those numbers into the regression equation to

Height = 20 + 1.9 ∗ 20 + .0004 ∗ 20, 000 − .001 ∗ 365 +  = 65.6inches

Does this mean that we think everyone with those characteristics is 65.6 inches tall?
No, we just think on average they are 65.6 inches tall. The uncertainty and the fact that
people are different from the mean are captured by the .

2.3 Dummy Variables and Experimentation

• Dummy Variable

Often, the reason we use regression equations is to tease out the results of an experiment.
In order to use regression to test the effects of receiving the treatment in an experiment,
we add what is called a dummy variable. A dummy variable is a variable that
equals 1 or 0 depending on whether or not a person can be defined by some
designated descriptor. For example, in the case of an experiment, the variable
equals 1 if the person is in the treatment group and 0 if the person is not. Let’s
say we are trying to find the effect of giving a person a million dollars on that person’s
health. In order to test this, we give a random set of people a million dollars and give
the rest nothing. In order to account for this in regressions, we create a variable called
T reat and set it equal to 1 if the person was in treatment and therefore received 1 million
dollars and we set T reat equal to 0 if we gave them nothing. The variable, T reat, is the
treatment dummy. We will also add in variables for age, sex (also a dummy variable, in
which Sex = 1 if female and 0 if male), and number of siblings. The resulting equation

Health = β0 + β1 ∗ T reat + β2 ∗ Age + β3 ∗ Sex + β4 ∗ Siblings + 

In the above equation the β1 represents the effect of a 1 unit increase in the treatment
variable. In other words, it shows the effect of going from T reat = 0 to T reat = 1 on
health. This means β1 shows the effect of receiving treatment vs not receiving treatment,
and this is exactly what we want to know from our experiment.

2.4 Control Variables
• Control Variable

Let’s look at a regression that has the variable T reat which indicates whether or not
someone received treatment.

Health = β0 + β1 ∗ T reat + β2 ∗ Age + β3 ∗ Sex + β4 ∗ Siblings + 

Despite being primarily interested in the effect of treatment, we added age, sex, and
number of siblings. These added variables are called controls. Controls are a type of
independent variable we add to a regression that are usually of no interest to
us but might affect the result. For example, when looking at health, age is a useful
control since as someone gets older, they probably become less healthy. While we don’t
care about the effect of age on health, we want to account for whatever effects age might
have on health.
If we are evaluating an experiment and it is well randomized, controls don’t play a
large part in the analysis. On the other hand, if the two groups are different from the
start, then controls become very useful. Let’s say we are trying to see the effect of a
treatment on someone’s height, and somehow, one group starts out much taller than the
other group. If we add a control for starting height, the regression is able to account for
the difference in the starting height. If we don’t control for this difference in starting
height, results can become misleading as whatever is given to the taller group will look
If an experiment is well randomized, controls should not affect the coefficient of the
treatment much, and in fact, this is a good test of whether or not an experiment is well
randomized. If adding controls radically changes the treatment coefficient, then
the group is probably not well randomized.

2.4.1 Example: Using Regression Equations with Dummy Variables

Let’s say that 50 people out of a group of 100 are randomly exposed to radiation that
turns them into superheroes. We want to know the average effect of radiation on people’s
height. We will consider the radiation the treatment. In order to find the effect of
radiation on someone’s height, we need to compare two hypothetical people who are the
same in all possible ways and observe what the height difference is between the person
who was treated and the person who was not. So let’s find the difference between two
people who are identical except that one person receives the treatment and the other
does not. We will use subscripts Bob and Sally to represent the two people and on this
lucky day Sally receives the treatment. Here are each of the equations for Sally and Bob.

HeightSally = β0 + β1 ∗ T reatSally + β2 ∗ P arent IncSally + 

HeightBob = β0 + β1 ∗ T reatBob + β2 ∗ P arent IncBob + 
Next let’s write an equation that represents the difference in height between Sally and
Bob. Since we want to know the difference in their heights, we want to know HeightSally −

HeightBob . We can subtract the two equations to get
HeightSally − HeightBob = β0 + β1 ∗ T reatSally + β2 ∗ P arent IncSally + 
− (β0 + β1 ∗ T reatBob + β2 ∗ P arent IncBob + )
Since Sally and Bob are identical in all aspects except for treatment, we know that the
income of Sally’s and Bob’s parents are the same ie P arent IncBob = P arent IncSally , so
when we subtract the two equations we get

HeightSally − HeightBob = β1 ∗ T reatSally − β1 ∗ T reatBob

HeightSally − HeightBob = β1 ∗ 1 − β1 ∗ 0 = β1
Since the two people are identical in all regards other than treatment (T reatSally = 1
and T reatBob = 0), the only explanation for why one person is taller than the other is
the treatment. Therefore β1 shows us the change in height caused by treatment!
The math is just trying to explain one thing: the key to finding the effect of a
treatment is to compare two people who are identical in every way except
whether or not they were treated. In a randomized control trial, the two groups are
identical on average, and so the coefficient in front of the treatment variable is the effect
of treatment.
Most of the time you can just interpret the coefficient corresponding to your treat-
ment without going through the math like we have here, but this exercise is useful for
understanding where the coefficients come from.

3 Interpreting a Regression Table

The primary way an economist represents a regression equation in by using a regression
table. While regression equations are useful, we need to know how to find the relevant
information in the regression table and apply it to a regression equation. Below is an
example of a regression table.

Figure 2: This table shows the effect of weight, mileage and car type on price.

First notice that there are two columns. Each column represents a different regression
equation. The first column (column (1)) shows a regression where price is our dependent
variable, and our independent variables are weight and mileage. The second column
represents a regression equation that also includes car type as an independent variable.
At the top of each column is the dependent variable (P rice), and each row represents an
independent variable.
Focus only on column (1) for the example. The result we are trying to find is the
price of a car and so the price is the dependent variable. What are we using to predict
the price? We are going to use only mileage and weight because they are the variables
included in the regression equation that gives us the information in column (1). Car type
is left blank in column (1) because this variable was not included in the regression equa-
tion corresponding to column (1). Car type was excluded from this regression equation
because, in this case, it is not part of what we are interested in. Finally, we need to know
what the regression coefficients (βs) are. At the moment, we have the following equations
for column (1).

P rice = β0 + β1 ∗ W eight + β2 ∗ M ileage + 

We know β0 is the constant so it is 1946.1. Since β1 is multiplied by W eight, it is the
effect of weight on price. To find the coefficient for weight, we want to look at the row
containing Weight (lbs.), and we see that the value is 1.747. This is our β1 . Next, we can
use the same reasoning to look at the row for Mileage (mpg) and see that the coefficient
is -49.51. The table below summarizes this.

β0 β1 β2
1946.1 1.747 -49.51

Let’s now interpret these coefficients. We know that β1 is the change in price due to a
unit increase in weight. This means that for every pound the weight increases, the price
increases by $1.747. For β2 , every increase in mpg leads to a -$49.51 change in price.
We can translate between a regression table and a regression equation in
the following way: first, find the outcome we are trying to predict (normally
the top of the column) and and plug it in for the dependent variable; then
find what we are using to make this prediction (usually the left most column),
then look at each row to get the βs.

3.1 Example: Interpreting a Table

In this example, we will look at the effects of having a racial minority roommate on one’s
attitude towards diversity. Let’s focus entirely on the second column.

Figure 3: The table shows how ones attitude toward affirmative action changes based on
ones roommates.

Our goal is to find the effect of having a black roommate on a person’s

attitude towards affirmative action.
As a quick note, observe that the top of the table says ”Ordered probit regressions”.
This just indicates that the regression measures likelihood. This means that a positive
coefficient implies that a respondent is more likely to approve of affirmative action, while
a negative coefficient indicates that a respondent is less likely to approve of affirmative
Now let’s use the regression equation to find the effect. One thing to note is that
the constant term is not reported in the table. This is due to the fact that
we are almost always interested in the effect of a treatment, not in predicting
someone’s outcomes. When we subtract two equations to find this treatment
effect, the constant term cancels out. First, we will translate the table back into
a regression equation. Each row indicates a different independent variable and each
independent variable has a coefficient. Each variable is also a dummy variable that equals
one if the row describes one’s roommate and zero if the row does not. The dependent
variable is how likely one is to support affirmative action. The final regression is

Approve = β0 + β1 ∗ B + β2 ∗ M in + β3 ∗ I1 + β4 ∗ I2 + β5 ∗ I3 + β6 ∗ I4 + 

In the above equation B indicates having a black roommate, M in indicates a room-

mate who is a minority other than black, and I1, I2, I3, and I4 represents having a
roommate with a family income below $50,000, between $50,000 and $74,999, between
$150,000 and $199,999, or above $200,000, respectively. Approve represents how likely
one is to approve of affirmative action.

In order to find the effects of having a black roommate on one’s attitude towards
Affirmative Action, we compare two students who are the same in every way except that
one of them has a black roommate. Let’s write the regression equation for person 1 and
person 0. For person 1 the regression equation is

Approve1 = β0 + β1 ∗ B1 + β2 ∗ M in1 + β3 ∗ I11 + β4 ∗ I21 + β5 ∗ I31 + β6 ∗ I41 + 

and for person 0 it is

Approve0 = β0 + β1 ∗ B0 + β2 ∗ M in0 + β3 ∗ I10 + β4 ∗ I20 + β5 ∗ I30 + β6 ∗ I40 + 

To find the difference in approval between the two students we subtract their equations
to get

Approve1 − Approve0 = β0 + β1 ∗ B1 + β2 ∗ M in1 + β3 ∗ I11 + β4 ∗ I21 + β5 ∗ I31 + β6 ∗ I41 + 

− (β0 + β1 ∗ B0 + β2 ∗ M in0 + β3 ∗ I10 + β4 ∗ I20 + β5 ∗ I30 + β6 ∗ I40 + )

The important thing to remember is that we are assuming that the two people are
identical in all ways except for whether or not they have a black roommate, so the
variable values for all variables other than B are the same. In other words, this means
that M in1 = M in0 , I11 = I10 , I21 = I20 , I31 = I30 , and I41 = I40 . On the other hand,
since person 1 has a black roommate, B1 = 1 and since person 0 does not have a black
roommate, B0 = 0. This causes the above equation to become

Approve1 − Approve0 = β1 ∗ 1 − β1 ∗ 0 = β1

Looking at the original regression equation, we see that β1 multiplies B. This means
that β1 is the effect of having a black roommate. Returning to the regression table, we
look at the row for having a black roommate and see that it is .489. Since .489 > 0,
the table is saying that having a black roommate increases the likelihood that someone
approves of Affirmative Action.

3.2 Example: Interpreting a Table

In this example, let’s focus completely on column (1).

Figure 4: Table shows the effect of each grandparent being eligible for a pension.

Let’s say we want to know the effect of a mother’s mother’s eligibility on

the grand kids’ weight/height score. Since the groups are randomized, we
can just look at the number in the table corresponding to the row ”Mother’s
mother eligible” and that is the effect of one’s Mother’s mother’s eligibility
on one’s weight/height score.
Now let’s use the regression equation to see why that is the case. Before we start,
let’s note a few things. At the bottom of the table, we see that there is a row for
control variables, but we are going to choose to ignore those since they don’t contain
information that is interesting to us for answering our question and are accounted for
in the coefficients. Another thing to note is that there is no constant term.
This is due to the fact that we are almost always interested in the effect
of a treatment, not in predicting someone’s outcomes. When we subtract
two equations to find this treatment effect, the constant term cancels out.
Now let’s translate the table back into a regression equation. Each row indicates which
grandparent is eligible for pension. The first row is a dummy for the mother’s mother’s
eligibility (MM), the next row is the father’s mother’s eligibility (FM) etc., so that we
have four dummy variables: MM, FM, MF, FF. The final equation is.

W eight/HeightScore = β0 + β1 ∗ M M + β2 ∗ F M + β3 ∗ M F + β4 ∗ F F + controls + 
Let’s try to find the effect of one’s mother’s mother being eligible. In order to do this
we need to compare two hypothetical people (Person 1 and 2) who are the exact same
except that one’s mother’s mother is eligible while the others is not. We will do this later,
but for now the regression equations for person 1 and 2 are
W eight/Height1 = β0 + β1 ∗ M M1 + β2 ∗ F M1 + β3 ∗ M F1 + β4 ∗ F F1 + controls + 
W eight/Height2 = β0 + β1 ∗ M M2 + β2 ∗ F M2 + β3 ∗ M F2 + β4 ∗ F F2 + controls + 
We are interested in the difference of their scores, so we subtract one equation from
the other. We will shorten Weight/Height to W/H.

W/H1 − W/H2 = β0 + β1 ∗ M M1 + β2 ∗ F M1 + β3 ∗ M F1 + β4 ∗ F F1 + controls + 
− (β0 + β1 ∗ M M2 + β2 ∗ F M2 + β3 ∗ M F2 + β4 ∗ F F2 + controls + )
Now we will plug in the values for each person. As stated before, the two people are
the same in every way except that the mother’s mother of person one is eligible for a
pension, while the mother’s mother of person two is not eligible for a pension. This
implies M M1 = 1 and M M1 = 0. The rest of the variables are the same so F M1 = F M2 ,
M F1 = M F2 , and F F1 = F F2 .

W/H1 − W/H2 = β0 + β1 ∗ 1 + β2 ∗ F M1 + β3 ∗ M F1 + β4 ∗ F F1 + controls + 

− (β0 + β1 ∗ 0 + β2 ∗ F M2 + β3 ∗ M F2 + β4 ∗ F F2 + controls + )
And so finally

W/H1 − W/H2 = β1 = .099

This means that if your MM is eligible, then you receive a .099 point increase in your
W/H (Weight/Height) score.

4 Special Cases
4.1 Interaction Variables
• Interaction Variable

Another type of variable we can add to a regression equation is an interaction term.

We get our interaction variable by multiplying two different variables. If you have reason
to believe treatment might affect the outcome of one subgroup differently than another,
you can use an interaction term to test and account for this. Examples of subgroups
include white vs. black, tall vs. short, or rich vs. poor. For example, giving fertilizer
to a plant in a sunny location will probably make it grow more than giving fertilizer to
a plant in a cloudy location. While the fertilizer causes both plants to grow, if we don’t
add an interaction we won’t see that it is more effective for the plant in the sun than
for the plant in the shade. Instead, we would just observe the average growth across
all plants due to fertilizer. This can also extend to education where we can see which
demographics receive more gains from education. Let’s say that we interact T reat and a
dummy variable Sex. For the next regression we are only going to look at the interaction
between T reatment and Sex.

Height = β0 + β1 ∗ T reat + β2 ∗ Sex + β3 ∗ T reat ∗ Sex + 

The T reat∗Sex term represents an interaction as the T reat and Sex variable interact
by multiplying each other. The point of this interaction is to find the effect of treatment
on the height of the specific male and female sub-populations. How do interactions
account for the sub-population? The table below shows us how.

Control (T reat = 0) Treatment (T reat = 1)
Male (Sex = 0) β0 β0 + β1
Female (Sex = 1) β0 + β2 β0 + β1 + β2

We derive the coefficients for a male and female in treatment in the next sections as
an example. In the table, we can the see the height of someone who entered treatment
as a male or a female. This means that instead of looking at the effect of treatment on
the whole treatment group we can focus on the subcategories male and female. If we are
looking for the height of someone who is part of the treatment and is male we look at the
top right box and get β0 + β1 . Otherwise you plug in the relevant values and see what
coefficients are left in the equation. This type of variable will become essential when we
look at regression tables.
The key takeaway is this: interaction variables are just two variables that
multiply each other. The point of interactions is to look at the effects of an
independent variable on the dependent variable for different subgroups. This
gives important information as the treatment may effect different demograph-
ics differently.

4.1.1 Interaction Example 1: Finding Relevant Coefficients

In the previous section we looked at the regression relating height with treatment and
sex. Let’s derive the coefficient for a male in the treatment group and a female in the
treatment group. First let’s look at a male and call him Joe. The regression equation for
Joe is

HeightJoe = β0 + β1 ∗ T reatJoe + β2 ∗ SexJoe + β3 ∗ T reatJoe ∗ SexJoe + 

Since Joe is a male, SexJoe = 0, and since Joe is in the treatment group, T reatJoe = 1.
When we plug these values into the regression equation we find that

HeightJoe = β0 + β1 ∗ 1 + β2 ∗ 0 + β3 ∗ 1 ∗ 0 +  = β0 + β1 + 
This corresponds with the intersection of male and T reat = 1 in the table above.
Now let’s do the same derivation for a female. The equation for a female in treatment
(call her Megan) is

HeightM egan = β0 + β1 ∗ T reatM egan + β2 ∗ SexM egan + β3 ∗ T reatM egan ∗ SexM egan + 
Since Megan is a female, SexM egan = 1, and since Megan is in the treatment group,
T reatM egan = 1. When we plug these values into the regression equation we find that

HeightM egan = β0 + β1 ∗ 1 + β2 ∗ 1 + β3 ∗ 1 ∗ 1 +  = β0 + β1 + β3 + 
This corresponds to the intersection of female and treatment in the table above! Let’s
say we want to compare the effects of the treatment on a male and female. To do this,
we subtract the Joe’s height from Megan’s height. (HeightM egan − HeightJoe ) gives us

HeightM egan − HeightJoe = β0 + β1 + β3 − (β0 + β1 ) = β3

4.1.2 Interaction Example 2: Interpreting a Table A
Let’s look at a table with some interactions now. Tracking is a dummy variable for
whether or not the student was in a school where classes were split based on the students’
ability level.

Figure 5: This is a table linking academic tracking to a student’s total test score. The
table also accounts for what quartile the student started in based on test scores

First lets take a look a column 4 and let’s try to find the effect of being tracked for
a student in the second quartile. First, we will define dummy variables for whether or
not a student belongs in a certain quartile: let X1, X3, and X4 represent a dummy for
whether or not the student was in the first, third or fourth quartile. T rack is a dummy
variable for whether or not the student was in a tracking school. The equation for the
regression is

Score = β0 + β1 ∗ T rack + β2 ∗ X1 ∗ T rack + β3 ∗ X3 ∗ T rack + β4 ∗ X4 ∗ T rack + 

Since we are looking for the effect of tracking on a student in the second quartile, we
need to compare one student to another and have the only difference between the two
students be that one receives treatment and the other doesn’t. This means that both
students are in the second quartile. Let’s say student A is in treatment and student B is
not. We will shorten T rack to T . Student A’s regression is

ScoreA = β0 + β1 ∗ TA + β2 ∗ X1A ∗ TA + β3 ∗ X3A ∗ TA + β4 ∗ X4A ∗ TA + 

ScoreA = β0 + β1 ∗ 1 + β2 ∗ 0 ∗ 1 + β3 ∗ 0 ∗ 1 + β4 ∗ 0 ∗ 1 +  = β0 + β1
TA = 1 because student A is in treatment and the rest of the variables are 0 because
Student A is not in the bottom, second to bottom, or top quartile. On the other hand,
student B’s regression is

ScoreB = β0 + β1 ∗ 0 + β2 ∗ 0 ∗ 0 + β3 ∗ 0 ∗ 0 + β4 ∗ 0 ∗ 0 +  = β0
Where TB = 0 because student B is not in treatment, and the rest of the variables
are 0 because Student B is not in the bottom, second to bottom, or top quartile.
The difference between the two regressions is

ScoreA − ScoreB = β0 + β1 − β0 = β1 = .18

This means that being tracked causes a .18 point increase in total score for a second
quartile student, compared with everyone else (i.e. those who were not in tracking schools
as well as those who were in tracking schools but not in the second quartile).

4.1.3 Interaction Example 3: Interpreting a Table B

Now lets take one more example and look at column 4. What is the effect of being tracked
for a student in the third quartile? The equation is still

Score = β0 + β1 ∗ T rack + β2 ∗ X1 ∗ T rack + β3 ∗ X3 ∗ T rack + β4 ∗ X4 ∗ T rack + 

In order find the effect of tracking on a student in the third quartile we need to
compare two students in the third quartile and have the only difference betweem the two
be the fact that one is tracked and the other isn’t. Let’s say student A is tracked and
student B is not. The equation for A is

ScoreA = β0 + β1 ∗ TA + β2 ∗ X1A ∗ TA + β3 ∗ X3A ∗ TA + β4 ∗ X4A ∗ TA + 

ScoreA = β0 + β1 + β3
We plugged in TA = 1 since person A receives treatment and we set all X = 0 except
X3 = 1 since the student is in the third quartile. For person B, TB = 0, and the X’s are
the same as person A

ScoreB = β0 + β1 ∗ TB + β2 ∗ X1B ∗ TB + β3 ∗ X3B ∗ TB + β4 ∗ X4B ∗ TB + 

ScoreB = β0
Finally when we subtract B from A we find

ScoreA − ScoreB = β1 + β3 = .018 − .014 = .166

The equation above shows that being tracked adds .166 points to the test score of a
students who was in the 3rd quartile. If you look at the first example the effect was .18
and so it seems being tracked is slightly more beneficial for students in the 2nd quartile.
A simple way to find the effects of treatment on a group is to add all the coefficients
that are relevant for the group in question. For example, for a student who is being
tracked and is in the third quartile, we add the numbers .18 and -.014 together. We use
the first number (.18) because the student is in a tracking school and we use the second
number (-.014) because the student is in a tracking school and is in the second to bottom
(third) quartile.

4.2 Difference in Differences
• Difference in Differences Estimator
The final type of regression we will discuss is difference in differences. This type of
regression is used to compare how one group’s outcome changes compared to how the
other group’s outcome changes over a certain period of time. For example, we could use
it to find the effects of an increase in minimum wage on employment. In order to use
Difference in Differences it is best to use two groups that are essentially the same. They
deal with the same issues and circumstances so when a change happens, say a change in
the minimum wage, the only difference between the two groups is the change in minimum
For this example, we will compare the groups of people who are on the two sides of
the Pennsylvania-New Jersey border when New Jersey suddenly hiked its minimum wage
up. Since the people are geographically very close and subject to the same economy,
we assume that the New Jersey side of the border would undergo the same trend that
the Pennsylvanians dealt with without the hike of minimum wage. The only difference
between the groups is the change in minimum wage. Since this is the case, you can
compare the economic trend PA undergoes to the trend NJ undergoes. By subtracting
the trend of PA away from NJ you can theoretically find the minimum wage effect. The
below graphic tries to paint a picture to explain this.

Figure 6: The top solid line is the trend for PA, the bottom solid line is the trend for NJ,
and the dotted bottom line is the trend NJ would have underwent if it did not increase
minimum wage.

The regression table for this is below and focuses on outcomes for restaurants near
the border.

To find the effect of the increase in minimum wage on employment, we first find the
change in PA employment over time and we see the change is 21.17−23.33 = −2.16. This
means PA experienced a 2.16 drop in the average number of fast food workers in each
restaurant, and it is important to note that PA did not raise its minimum wage. On the
other hand, NJ experienced a change in employment of 21.03 − 20.44 = .59, so while the
employment in PA dropped, the employment in NJ did not! If we believe that the only
difference between the two states is the hike in minimum wage, then we are somehow led
to believe that an increase in minimum wage actually increased employment. It seems
unlikely, but the difference in trends is N J − P A or .59 − (−2.16) = 2.76, and so it
seems the increase in minimum wage actually increased employment by 2.76 people per
restaurant. Now keep in mind this result is barely statistically significant, and this paper
is very hotly contested because we rely on many assumptions, but this is a good example
of difference in difference nevertheless.

5 Another Type of Table: Baseline Summary Statis-

In this section, we consider the type of table that uses baseline data rather than data
collected after some treatment or event causing a change in our outcome variable. In
the case of an experiment, baseline data is the data collected before the start of the
experiment. When we randomize a group of people to treatment or control we need to
know people’s starting values for the variables we are concerned about. On top of this
we need to understand if the groups are equivalent. This is an assumption we make if we
ignore controls in regression analysis. In order to see if the differences are statistically

significant, we use regression. In other words, we use regression to figure out if the
difference is large enough or precise enough to care about. When testing who lives longer
after receiving free health care we don’t want to compare those who are already sick to
those who are not sick. We want them to be basically equivalent on whatever metrics we
can gather. If there is a statistically significant difference between groups on a baseline
variable, we can use the baseline variable as a control variable in our final regression
(where the outcome is the dependent variable). Below is an example from a paper that
looks at the effects of a summer job on youth violence.

Figure 7: Baseline Table

When we look above we see the statistics are nearly the same. An important part
of this table is the final column: P-value. Think of P-value as Probability Value or the
probability that the two numbers are essentially the same due to random chance. For
example, in the percent days absent row, we see that there is a 99% chance the two groups
are the same.

6 Glossary
• Control Variable - A type of independent variable included in a regression. We are
not interested in what effect these variables have on the dependent variable, but
think that they might effect the outcome. Therefore, we add control variables to
make sure these factors are accounted for.

• Dependent Variable - An outcome variable that we hypothesize depends on the

values of the independent variables.

• Difference in Differences Estimator - The difference in differences estimator is the
difference in trend for the treatment group over the course of treatment minus the
trend in the control group over the course of treatment.

• Dummy Variable - A variable that equals 1 or 0 depending on whether a person can

be defined by the designated descriptor or not. For example, the variable equals 1
if the person is in the treatment group and 0 if the person is not.

• Independent Variable - A characteristic that we choose to input into the equation.

The dependent variable depends on our independent variables.

• Interaction Variable - An interaction variable is a type of independent variable that

is created by simply multiplying two variables together. It allows you to look at
how an independent variable affects the dependent variable differently according to

• Regression Analysis - A statistical method of using data to predict an average

outcome for a person, group, or thing based on pre-existing characteristics.

• Regression Coefficient - Often written as β, it tells us the relationship between the

variable that it multiplies and the output. The numerical value of β tells us how
much the output variable changes with a one unit increase in the variable that it

• Regression Equation - An equation that takes in the characteristics of a person,

group, or thing and produces a prediction of the average result for a person, group,
or thing with those characteristics.

7 Recommended Resources
• A crash course in econometrics and regressions - Mastering ’Metrics: The Path
from Cause to Effect by Jorn-Steffen Pischke and Joshua Angrist.

• Introduction to regression

• Introduction to regression with math review

• Interactions

• Difference in Differences

[1] Duflo. Grandmothers and granddaughters: Old age pension and intra-household
allocation in south africa. American Economic Review, 90(2):393–398, 2000.

[2] Kremer Duflo, Dupas. Peer effects and the impact of tracking: Evidence from a
randomized evaluation in kenya. American Economic Review, 101(5):1739–1774, 2011.

[3] Krueger Card. Minimum wages and employment: A case study of the fast food
industry in new jersey and pennsylvania. American Economic Review, 84(4):772–793,

[4] Heller. Summer jobs reduce violence among disadvantaged youth. Science,
346(6214):1219–1223, 2014.

[5] Ben Jann. estout.

[6] Jake. Example: Regression line, 2014.


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