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Anas Anshari, 2020, National Character Education for Nahdliyyīn by MWC NU Prask Sumenep, Thesis,
Masters Program in Islamic Religious Education, Postgraduate IAIN Madura, Supervisor: Dr. H. Zainuddin
Syarif, M.Ag. and Dr. H. Mohammad Hasan, M.Ag.

Keywords: Character Education, NU National Character, MWC NU Prasional

In this study, there are three focus issues that are examined, namely: 1) What national characteristics
will be built by the MWC NU Prumen Sumenep in nahdliyyīn ?, 2) What are the steps of the MWC NU
Prasional Sumenep in building the national character for nahdliyyn ?, 2 3) What factors support and
hinder the development of national character for nahdliyyīn by the MWC NU Prasional Sumenep?

To answer these three problems, a qualitative approach to the type of research is conducted. Data
collection is done by conducting observations, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis uses
descriptive analysis method. The data obtained is checked for validity by extending the presence,
perseverance of observation, triangulation, and external audit. The research method used in this study
is a qualitative method. It is a method for producing descriptive data in the form of written or spoken
words from people and observable behavior.

The results showed that: 1) The national character that would be built by the MWC NU Sumenep Praga
in nahdliyyn is referring to the character that has been outlined by NU institutions, namely: Tawassuth,
Tawāzun, I'tidāl, Tasāmuh, Nationalists and Cinta Tanah Air, Setia to the Republic of Indonesia, and
Received Pancasila. 2) The steps of the MWC NU Sumenep Institution in building the national character
for nahdliyyin are in two ways, namely: a) Routine and structured activities, such as: Cadreization,
Rajabiyah Activities and Commemoration of Islamic Holidays (PHBI), IPNU Activities / IPPNU, Publishing
and teaching of NU books, b) Non-temporal temporal activities, such as nahdliyyn community events,
handling cases or social-social problems, giving answers to questions from the community individually or
in groups. 3) Supporting factors in building the national character for nahdliyyin by the MWC NU
Sumenep Pragam is the availability of complete human and institutional resources, the culture of the
Prasional community which from the beginning was NU, the number of pesantren and religious
education institutions affiliated with NU. While the inhibiting factors include the large number of NU
members who are indifferent to the NU program, the existence of miss-interpretation (misperceptions)
related to NU methods, the rise of social media and the lack of the ability of NU Prasional citizens to
filter content on social media, starting the inclusion of the transnational movement especially
Wahhabism in Prasional.

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