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+ HEADQUARTERS PAKISTAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY Terminal-1 JIAP, Karachi-75200 Tel: (92-21) 9924-2033 Fax: (92-21) 9924-2032 June 02,2020 IMPLEMENTATION OF REVISED STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER AND CHARTERED FLIGHTS Further to the measures being taken to prevent the spread of COVID- 19, the revised subject Standard Operating Procedures have been approved by the Competent Authority for Intemational Passenger and Chartered flight operations conducted between June 03-10 2020. 2. — The revised Standard Operating Procedures will come into immediate effect and full compliance with the instructions contained therein shall be ensured by all Airline Operators / Ground Handling Agents / Authorized Flight Permission Agents (copy of SOPs enclosed) 3. An undertaking assuring ful compliance in letter and spirit with the instructions contained in these SOPs shall be submitted to this Office at the time of fling request for authorization of any such flight. 4. All Airline Operators / Ground Handling Agents / Authorized Flight Permission Agents are to ensure strict compliance. 4 i‘ Encl: As Stated IRF: BIR Air Commodore Director Air Transport & Economic Regulations For Director General PCAA Alll Scheduled and Charter Airline Operators Alll Ground Handling Agents All Authorized Flight Permission Agents Secretaty, Aviation Division, Islamabad * Additional DGCAA, HACAA, Karachi = Deputy DGCAA (Reg), HQCAA, Karach * Deputy DGCAA (APS). HQCAA, Karaci Dxxector Flight Standards, HQCAA, Karac! All Chief Operating Officers/Airport Managers Scanned with CamScanner International Passenger/ Chartered Validity: 3 ~ 10" June, 2020, Se edrow Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority Operational SOPs for International Flights The aircraft operations shall be subject to ful compliance of PCAA instructions regarding aircraft disinfection, passenger and crew protection measures. In order to ensure safety of passengers and crew (cockpit & cabin) and to minimize the risks associated with COVID-19, following measures are to be taken in case of passenger and chartered aircraft flight operations to Pakistan: PRE-EMBARKATION: 1, The aircraft will be disinfected in accordance with the procedures prescribed by PCAA at each station before passenger boarding. The disinfection certificate from the airline/operator shall be countersigned/ verified by the CAA Staff. The disinfection is to be logged in aircraft documents. The Captain of the aircraft shall satisfy himself regarding full compliance of PCAA instructions on disinfection. Similar disinfection standard shall also be mandatory prior to embarkation from a foreign airport for flight to Pakistan. 2. An inventory of essential PPE, comprising protection suits, gloves, surgical masks, goggles, and N-95 masks, etc. shall be maintained in each aircraft. 3. The Inbound International Passenger Health Declaration form will be disseminated to all potential travellers to Pakistan before boarding the flight. 4, Completion of Inbound International Passenger Health Declaration Form by passengers/ guardians (in case of infants/ disabled) shall be the operator's responsibility ‘The Form will be filled and signed before boarding the flight. 5. The airline through its station manager/ or the GHA where applicable, shall be responsible for providing the passenger manifest to the destination airport in Pakistan, before take-off of the flight. The Airport Manager at the destination airport shall transfer this passenger manifest to the concerned ICTY provincial government focal person on immediate basis. 6. Passengers are to be scanned through thermal devices for high fever before boarding. Either a thermal scanner or a calibrated non-contact thermal device shall be used for the purpose. Any passenger or crew member with raised body temperature shall be examined by a Health professional at the airport of embarkation. 7. Boarding passes shall be issued with a gap of at least one adjacent seat. The off duty crew will be accommodated on seats in such a way that the aforementioned gap of at least one seat will be maintained. It shall be mandatory to keep the aft three rows vacant, and shall be used only in case of medical emergencies Scanned with CamScanner DURING FLIGHT: 8. Passengers are to comply with the following instructions during air travel to Pakistan. These are in addition to any other instructions whick are otherwise mandated for safe air travel, or as issued by the Cabin Crew from time to time during the flight :~ a. All passengers are required to wear surgical masks throughout the duration of flight. The masks shall be provided by the airline at check in counter of the airport if the passengers do not have their own. b. Passengers are to occupy only the seats allocated to them and not change the seats in any case. They are also not allowed to congregate in the aircraft during the course of air travel. ¢. Inflight temperature of each passenger shall be checked after an interval of 90 minutes. A calibrated non-contact thermal device shall be xsed for the purpose. . Any passenger having symptoms or feelings of COVID-19, including but not limited to shortness of breath, coughing, high fever and sore throat, must immediately inform the cabin crew. 9. All cockpit and cabin crew will wear appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) dress and surgical masks throughout the duration of flight without conspromising on safety. 10. Cabin crew will provide hand sanitizer every hour during the flight to each passenger except during the food/ beverage service. 11. Food and beverage is strongly discouraged for flights of less than 150 minutes duration. 12. Three Aft rows shall be kept vacant for the passengers and crew displaying symptoms of illness. 13. The passengers and crew members displaying symptoms of illness will be isolated towards aft of the aircraft and kept there till the termination of flight. Such persons will remain at this seat in the aircraft til such time the health crew is called in by the cabin crew for medical evacuation. 14, After the completion of boarding, the Senior Purser/ Lead Cabin Crew will take a picture of each aircraft zone displaying passengers seated while wearing masks. The photograph of Passenger Seating, taken by the Senior Purser/ Lead Cabin Crew after boarding, will be submitted to the concerned Health staff at the airport of disembarkation Staff electronically/ through Whatsapp. The airline will maintain copies of these images in its record. 15. Cabin Crew will spray disinfectant in the lavatory after every 60 minutes of flight. 16. Before landing, the Captain of the aircraft will confirm to the concemed Air Traffic Controller that International Passenger Health Declaration Form has been filled by all. The completed Form will be checked at the entrance to the boarding bridge at the airport by the PCAA/ ASF Staff. The Captain of the aircraft has to confirm to the ATC that all Passengers on board have filled the Form; otherwise no one shall be allowed to disembark the aircraft 17. The cabin crew shall use alcohol-based disinfection wipes to clean and disinfect their hands. After touching or disposing wastes, hands should be cleaned with hand sanitizer or soap. Page 2 of 4 Scanned with CamScanner 18. Upon contacting ill passengers (having symptoms of COVID-19), cabin attendants must ensure use of N9S masks, gloves and protective goggles in addition to their Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) suit POST-DISEMBARKATION: 19. Disembarkation will be done row wise in an orderly manner from front to back ensuring social distance. 20. Seat Map will he provided by the airline staff along with copy of the passenger manifest to the PCAA and Health staff, and the receipt will be obtained from the receiving party along with name and designation. 21. All passenger Inggage and cargo shall be disinfected by the airline soon after tnloading from the aircraft. The airline shall be responsible for provision of appropriate masks and gloves to the staff involved with handling the checked baggage and cargo. 22, Passengers shall not be allowed to pick up their luggage from the baggage carousel themselves. Instead, the respective airline/ GHA staff shall pick up the luggage from the belt and place it in such a way that each piece is at a safe distance from the other. The passengers shall wait behind tensa barriers placed in such a way that social distance is maintained. Groups of passengers, no more than 10 each, shaii be allowed to pick up their luggage at one time. The airline/ GHA staff deputed for handling luggage shall ‘wear protective masks and gloves. 23. All passengers and flight crew, including chartered aircrafts, shall arrive via the passenger terminal building. Upon arrival all passengers will be guided to the arrival Tounge by PCAA staff. 24, The Passenger Health Declaration form shall be collected from each passenger by Health staff in the arrival lounge. 25. Upon arrival in the arrival lounge, the passengers and flight crew shall be subjected to thermal scanning by the health authorities. 26. Health authorities shall also test all passengers and flight crew for Covid-19 as early as possible. After the tests, passengers and crew members shall be allowed to proceed to their homes with the advice to remain in self-isolation. The results of the tests shall be communicated by the health authorities as soon as available. The crew shall have priority for RT-PCR testing, along with any other special case such as those passengers accompanying dead bodies. 27. Aisline crew for positioning or cargo flights returning from an origin where the crew did not leave the aircraft will be exempted from testing protocols upon arrival. 28. The decision regarding quarantine requirement for any individual passenger shall be made by health professionals at the airport. 29. No meet and greet shall be allowed at the airport. Drivers shall stay inside the vehicles in the parking lot. 30. Data of all passengers and flight crew with their mobile numbers shall be kept for record and further follow up through the track and trace system. 2020.06.03 ver 20- International Inbound SOPS PCA Page 3 of 4 Scanned with CamScanner INTERNATIONAL Validity: 3% = 10 June, 2020 * Jaatarareet Pakistan, l Aviation Authority Inbound International Passenger Health Declaration Form, 1, Mi Ms Passenger of Flight No, dated Seat No. . Passport No. and CNIC/ NICOP/ POC No. ‘Address in Pakistan Mobile Phone No do hereby solemnly affirm, declare and undertake: 1. That I traveXed to countries (a) (0) © during the last 14 days. 2 That my health status is as follows (Encircle the relevant one): Fever YES NO Cough YES NO ‘Shortness of breath YES NO Sore throat YES NO ‘Any other medical condition 3. That Lhave/ have not been in contact with a COVID-19 patient during past 14 days. 4. That I will follow all public measures adopted at the departure and arrival airport for anti- COVID-19. 5. That I will undergo all processes applicable for COVID-19 screening, including RT-PCR test and quarantine, as per decision of Health professional at the airport after my arrival in Pakistan. 6. That I will comply with all anti-COVID-19 precautionary measures! instructions of the cabin crew during flight till Border Control checks/ clearance. 7. Thereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, Tam aware that I may be held liable for offence under all applicable law(s) of Pakistan, Date: Signature ( NOTE: iis clarified that provision of untrue declaration or undertaking or information to public authorities ¥s an offence under Pakistan Penal Code 1860 and violation of public health safety laws and all applicable laws). Passengers may be required to pay for the cost associated with quarantine and transportation et. if assessed by the Health professionals. Page 4 0f 4 Scanned with CamScanner

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