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Future of UNO: An Analysis. My Article published in J. World Times Magazine .

My Article Published in J. World Times

Future of UNO: An Analysis
Notwithstanding the United Nations has not done well enough,
the UN remains perhaps is the only available structure and a
global mechanism to save humanity from disaster and anarchy
Tuesday, January 01, 2013

The founding of United Nations (UN) represents mankind's latest and partially successful attempt to
ascertain some mechanism for world peace. Having taken birth from the rubble of Second World War,
this organization formally came into existence on October 24, 1945. In simple words the UN is an
association of states which have pledged themselves by signing the Charter to, 
1.    Save humanity from the scourge of War and maintain international peace and security. 
2.    The development of friendly relations among nations and resolving their social, economic and
cultural differences amicably. 
3.    To improve the living standards of people irrespective of their caste, creed, colour and
4.    Creating favourable conditions and respect for obligations arising from International Law. 
5.    Act as custodian of Fundamental Human Rights.

Signs of the brighter future of UN:

Despite imperfections, UN is the only organization that can save humanity from socio economic
disparity and can ensure peace and prosperity on this planet. The partial success of this organization
in past and numerous developments in present demonstrate that the future of UN is going to be

First of all, unlike its predecessor the League of Nations, United Nations in its sixty seven years of
existence has been successful in averting a large scale War. Even in cold war years when tension
between the two super powers was at its peak, no direct armed conflict took place. Instead it goes to
the credit of UN that it has always encouraged peace. This in itself is a big achievement which
promises a brighter future of UN.

Secondly, the hegemony of powerful nations has been challenged by the emergence of host of
developing countries. This development is destined to enhance the prospects of UN’s effectiveness.
Individually as well as collectively, these nations are vying for reforms in UNO to have their effective
say in the decision making process of this organization. The prominent among these are G4 nations of
India, Brazil, Germany and Japan and ‘Uniting for Consensus’ group member of Coffee Club, Italy
Pakistan, Mexico, Turkey and Egypt etc. This would result in increasing representation of the people
and democratization of UN which eventually would augment the effectiveness and prestige of this
world body.
Thirdly, UN has earned immense reverence for itself on account of its highly commendable efforts for
humanitarian assistance and development. The efforts of its various organs and agencies for
eliminating poverty, improving socio economic justice, protecting fundamental human rights specially
those of marginalized classes and protecting environment have cultivated among people a significant
esteem and a sense of ownership towards this organization. UN's response and tremendous
contribution in the wake of War, famine and natural calamity spanning the world from killing fields of
Cambodia to the burning building of Dili and from devastating Tsunami of 2005 to deadly Earthquake
of October 2005 in Pakistan are clear manifestations of the effectiveness of this organization.
Fourthly, the clout of UN is hoped to widen owing to the expansion of International Law. In fact it is
International Law which provides basic principles and customs which govern international relations
and diplomatic ties among nations of the world. It also sets grounds for resolving mutual conflicts
amicably. To foster international Law, UN has initiated hundreds of International conventions and
treaties ranging from agreements governing bilateral and multilateral trade, environment protection to
diplomatic relations. International Court of Justice and Security Council also seek guidance from this
Law. Therefore, expansion of International Law is a happy omen for the brighter future of UN.

Last but not least, there prevails a broader awareness among populace concerning the importance of
this organization. People today are more conscious about their rights and duties as well as for the
want and significance of peace. Thanks to the constructive role played by media and civil society, it
has been inculcated in the minds of citizen of this global village that UN only can prevent major
conflicts in the world and can preserve their fundamental rights. This understanding has positively
affected the decision-making process of UN where aspirations of the masses are considered.
Consequently, this wakefulness has proved to be instrumental in making UN a more potent world

Imperfection of the UN:

However, at the same time it remains a fact that UN has not been able to fulfil its objectives as its
founding fathers had desired. It hasn't measured up to the demands of its esteemed charter. At
certain moments it has let down the oppressed and downtrodden nations just when they needed its
support and assistance. Following have been the impediments which hampered the successful working
of this international body.

The unchallenged hegemony of some powerful nations over the decision-making and implementation
mechanism of UN has been the principal obstacle in the way of this organization’s coming up to the
expectations of the masses. The UN has been dominated by the big powers without any restraint or
restriction ever since its inception. The unjust and criminal use of the power of Veto has let linger on
some long standing international conflicts which pose a dire threat to the security of the whole world.
The issues of Palestine and Kashmir are perfect examples of the prejudicial treatment of big powers.
In particular; the recent American Unilateral attack on Iraq having completely sidelined the
international organization, has seriously undermined the credibility of this institution.

The polarization of the globe along ideological lines has also played havoc with the effectiveness of
UNO. Immediately after the inception of this World body, the harmony of action disappeared among
Allied Powers and a cold war started between the communist bloc and the non communist bloc.
Besides this, inter faith harmony and inter civilization feelings of tolerance and peaceful co-existence
have been injured badly. As a result of this polarization, the progress on certain long standing issues
hasn't been made. History would have been different, had the UN taken a firm stand when Israelis
were driving the Arabs out of their homeland. This contentious issue hasn't been given serious
attention only because of the acrimony between Islamic world and the Western Bloc. Similarly the
West has always refrained from speaking vociferously in favour of the right of self determination of
Kashmiris. The vested interests and Inter and intra faith disharmony have also a lot to do with current
Syrian Question. 

UN isn't a sovereign body and doesn't have power and mechanism to force its members who are
sovereign entities. Besides this there are some structural flaws. The absence of a significant
mechanism to implement the decision and finding of its principle organs and agencies is a large barrier
in the way of better performance of UN. This fact is manifested in failure of UN in implementing the
resolutions of Security Council's on Kashmir. Similarly, the verdict of ICJ on the construction of West
Bank Fences by Israel also hasn't been put into effect. This fact has significantly decreased the
potency of this organization.

The abject poverty in the world is no less than a challenge to the future of UN. This organization
hasn't been successful in bridging the gap between the rich and the poor countries. In fact, the
economic disparity between Developed countries and less developed ones is on persistent rise. It is
quite unfortunate that 86 % of the world GDP is shared by the 20 % world population. The rising
terrorism, militarism, and crime have their direct link with economic frustration in poor countries. As
the plights of the common men haven’t been considered on priority bases, they have got disillusioned
and have lost their hope in UN.

 The measures destined to strengthen the UN:

However, there is still a general consensus that despite its limitations and failures the UN is vital to
the stability of the world. Therefore, it is high time that international Community focused its attention
on the resurrection of this prestigious organization. Following are the steps which are needed to be
taken on priority basis.

To make the UN a more effective organ of maintaining international peace and security, it is needed to
initiate comprehensive process of reforms. UN should reflect the power realities of today’s world and
not those of 1945. The world has come across a significant change after the disintegration of Soviet
Union and the incident of 9/11. Therefore, from various corners special stress is being laid on reforms
in Security Council. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon rightly said, “The UN Security Council reforms,
being debated since two decades are too long overdue and the necessary expansion must be made
considering how much the world has changed.” The present composition of Security Council is entirely
unfair. Where Europe holds two permanent seats, Asia accounting the majority of the world population
has only one seat while Africa and South America have no permanent representation at all. Therefore,
some responsible developing countries, obeying International Law and having a significant record of
human rights protection should be conferred upon the status of permanent membership so that the
Security Council may be made a democratized institution representing the whole world. 

Besides this, the principle organs and socialized agencies of UN have to be made more potent. In this
regard it is pertinent to make International Court of Justice more powerful and its verdicts be
implemented in letter and spirit. Moreover, by conferring more powers upon General Assembly the
imbalance of power between SC and GA has to be balanced. In particular, the scope of humanitarian
assistance, developmental activities and peace-keeping missions need to be broadened. To deal with
the difficulty of budget insufficiency, the developed countries need be made bound to contribute
sufficient funds to be spent on these areas. These acts are destined to make this world body a potent

Feeling of amity has to be cultivated among people of various nations and civilizations and inter faith
harmony needs to be fostered. Peace cannot be established unless various conflicting nations and
ideologies come to some sort of agreement on co-existence. In this regard prevalent mistrust between
Islamic world and the western bloc needs to be removed. For this, UN needs to take proactive actions
on all those issues which have added to the mistrust among various ideologies, religions and regions.
In this way the contentious issues posing threat to the world security can be resolved and the
reverence of UN can be enhanced.

Further, the prospects of UN’s becoming a strong global organization can be brightened if the world as
a whole endeavours for it. For this, all the members of world community are desired to strive for
attaining their due share in the decision-making process of UN. Unless they shun the practice of being
indifferent towards the policy making process of the UNO, the stronger nations would continue using
this organization as a tool to further their ignoble designs.

In order to strengthen this organization, this world body has to be inculcated in the masses. The more
the reverence and prestige for this organization is cultivated in the people, the more this world body
would have the confidence of them and the more esteem it would enjoy. For this, there should be a
proper mention of need, importance and effectiveness of this institution in the textbooks of all nations.
Media and civil society are also required to play a proactive role in this regard. In this way masses
would be better aware of the effectiveness of this organization and would play their vigorous role in
making it a potent world body.

To conclude the words of U Thant, the ex. Secretary General of UN seem to be most pertinent.  "The
United Nations born of the Charter has done well, but it has not done well enough. In a sense it is a
great parliament of mankind to which guild, injustice and aspirations of mankind are being brought, it
has helped to prevent local conflicts from turning into worldwide conflagrations. It has assisted 1000
million people to gain independence, it has condemned and fought colonialism, discrimination and
racism in all its forms, and it has looked far into future, warning nations and men of worldwide
dangers ahead. But the United Nations has not done well enough”. However, the UN remains perhaps
the only available structure and a global mechanism to save humanity from disaster and anarchy.

Tassawar Bosal

Tassawar Bosal
Article viewed 285 times.

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