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The Contemporary World

Research Paper

Research Paper

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Write a research paper on a topic related to Globalization.

Research Paper
The purpose of this Research is to give students an experience to write a research
paper with proper citation. Students can choose any Globalization topic to
research and approved by the professor.

Write a research paper on a topic related to Globalization with proper


Used the IMRaD format. IMRaD is an acronym for the main sections of a
scientific article namely: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. This
format is a common organization structure of a scientific article.


I. Preliminary Pages
A. Title Page
B. Approval Sheet
C. Dedication (Optional and 1 page only)
D. Acknowledgements (Optional and 1 page only)
E. Abstract
F. Table of Contents
G. List of Tables (Optional)
H. List of Figures (Optional)
I. List of Abbreviations (Optional)
J. List of Symbols (Optional)

II. Body
A. Introduction
1. Rationale/Background of the Study
2. Statement of the Problem
3. Purpose/Objective of the Study
Course Module
The Contemporary World
Research Paper

4. Significance of the Study

5. Scope and Limitation
6. Hypotheses (if the study is quantitative)
7. Conceptual Framework and Theoretical Framework
8. Review of Related Literature

B. Methods
1. Research Design
2. Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Technique
3. Description of the Respondents
4. Research Instruments
5. Data Collection or Data Gathering Procedure
6. Statistical Treatment of Data

C. Results
1. Data Presentation
2. Data Interpretation
3. Data Analysis

D. Discussion
1. Summary of Results
2. Conclusion
3. Recommendations

III. References
IV. Appendices
V. Biography
The Contemporary World
Research Paper

Research Paper (Grading System : Rubrics)

Title of Research:
Date Submitted:

Course Module
The Contemporary World
Research Paper
The Contemporary World
Research Paper

References and Supplementary Materials

Books and Journals

1. AMAES Student Research Manual c2016

Course Module

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