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Section 1.

1 Problems
Ques 6​ :
Lucy's observations do not apply to all adults, since she only asked her friends and they could all
have the same taste in TV entertainment.
From the description of the survey group , it is not possible to draw a conclusion ​regarding age
of participants, gender of participants , or education level of participants because we are ​only
given their favorite type of TV entertainment and the fact that they are friends of Lucy

Ques 8​:
(a) Average miles per gallon - as a variable is a characteristic of the individual to be measured or

(b) The variable is quantitative. - A quantitative variable has a value or numerical measurement
for which operations such as addition or averaging make sense

(c)All new cars are the implied population - As we know that population are the objects/people
that are being investigated

Ques 12​:
(​ a) Salesperson’s performance is an ​Ordinal Level​.

(b) The price of the company’s stocks are ​Ratio Level​ , as they can be arranged in order and their
difference can be meaningful.

(c)Name of new products are ​Nominal Level.

(d) Temperature in the CEO's private office is ​Interval Level​ , as these measurements apply to
the data that can be arranged in order and their differences are meaningful.

(e) Gross income for each of the past 5 years is the ​Ratio Level​ .

(f) The color of the product package is of ​Nominal Level ​measurement.

Ques 14​ :
​ orm B is better, because in Form A everybody could answer differently and it will be difficult
to compare answers in people's own words. Answers on the scale of 1-5 are very easy to

Section 1.2 Problems

Ques 2​ :
In a simple random sample, not only does every sample of the specified size have an equal
chance of being selected, but also every individual of the population has an equal chance of
being selected.
In Systematic Sample, it is assumed that the elements of the population are arranged in some
natural sequential order. Then we select a (random) starting point and select
every kth element for our sample.

So the difference is that , In simple Random sample we select a subset of the population and
every sample has an equal chance of being chosen, while in systematic sampling , we choose
every kth member of the population

Ques 8​ :
(a) In a given survey , we will either select the first two rows or the last two rows. So every
student have an equal chance of being get selected

(b) No , It is not possible to include students sitting in a row with students sitting in row 2
because to select a sample , if heads comes up , then we select the 20 students sitting in
the first two rows . If tails comes up, then we select the 20 students sitting in the last two
The sample is not Simple random sample because in Simple random sample we select a
subset of the population and every sample has an equal chance of being selected.

(c) As we know “A simple random sample of n measurements from a population is a subset

of the population selected in a manner such that every sample of size n from the
population has an equal chance of being selected.”
So what we can do is , we assign every person in the class a different number from 1 to
40. Then write these all number on a slip of paper and put them in a box and draw at
random 20 slips from the box
Ques 20:
(a) This is a stratified sample because they (management team) are determining the
categories that the population will be broken up into (the strata are the length of
stays and then a simple random sample is taken from each strata)

(b) Use of a random number generator always means Simple Random Sample. Since
each patient has the same probability of being selected, this is a simple random

(c) This is a cluster sample because they are using predetermined divisors of
population (geographic regions) to divide the population, then selecting their
sample from there.

(d) This is a systematic sample because they are surveying every 500th patient

(e) This is a convenience sample because it does not use predetermined sampling
methods, and it can be heavily influenced by personal bias from the MMH
Section 1.3 Problems

Ques 2​ :
In Double-Blind procedure neither the individuals in the study nor the observers know which
subjects are receiving the treatment.

Procedure of Double Blind experiment is -

Randomly assign half of the subject to the control group either using a random table , random
number generator etc.The remaining subjects will be in the treatment group. The subject will not
be told which treatment will they receive, while the individual who measure the result of the
treatment are unaware of the treatment received as well so that they cannot influence the subject

Benefits :
(i) The benefit of such a procedure is that the observers cannot give something away to the
subjects that might reveal to them who gets placebos and who not.
(ii) It always keeps them impartial and it will thus not allow them to draw their own conclusion
but actually base them on the actual evidence.
(iii) Avoid error arising from biasness

Ques 6​ :
No, because studies were only conducted in the years 2006 and NOT in the year 2016.Also,
by 2016, Echo generation will be ages 28-39 and the perception of items as necessities might
have changed

Ques 8​:
(a) Here, Sampling technique is used. In sampling technique ​A sample uses
measurements/observations from part of the population. In this analysis , a sample of
31000 patients from New york hospitals is used.

(b) This experiment can only be done by using the simulation technique. A simulation is a
mathematical imitation of a real situation.Simulation is that numerical and statistical
simulations can fit real-world problems extremely well. The researcher can explore
procedures through simulation that might be very dangerous in real life.

(c) Here , We study the all league football score which implies to Census technique .A
census uses measurements/observations from the entire population.When the population
is small and easily accessible, a census is very useful because it gives complete
information about the population

(d) Experiment technique is used in the given study. In an experiment - a treatment that is
deliberately imposed on the individuals to observe a change in the response/variable.
In the given study 588 men and women are given some skin cream and are observed to
see the result for the given treatment.

Section 2.1 Problems

Ques 2​ :
The classes should contain all possible data values, and also the low and the high.
We note that none of the given classes (10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49) contain the high of 52.
Thus a class should be added, namely the class 50-59.

Ques 6​ :
Since, the class width is the difference b/w the largest and the smallest data value divided by the
number of classes (round up to the nearest integer.)

Class width = (120 - 10) / 5 = 110 / 5 = 22.

Now, we increased the computed value to the nearest highest whole number. So the ​class width
is 23
Class Limit should start with the smallest value in the data set and each interval should have
width of 23.
10 - 32 33 - 55 56 - 78 79 - 101 102 - 124

Ques 8​:
The distribution would be uniform, because each of the 100 colleges will receive a UNIQUE
rank between 1 and 100 and thus every rank value will contain exactly 1 value.
Ques 10​:
54 55 55 57 57 59 60 65 65 65 66 68 68
69 69 69 70 70 70 75 75 75 75 77 82 82
82 88 89 89 91 91 97 98 98 98 280

(b) ​ Yes there appears to be an outlier, because there is a large gap in the histogram. The outlier
appears to be 280. This salary is most likely the owner's salary, because the owner is often the
person who earns the most.

The distribution reflects the salary distribution better, because now the histogram has five
non-zero-height bars, while the previous histogram only has two non-zero-height bars.
Ques 16​:
45 66 83 71 76 64 59 59 76 82 80 81 85
77 82 90 87 72 79 69 83 71 87 69 81 76
96 83 67 94 101 94 89 94 73 99 93 85 83
80 78 80 85 83 84 74 81 70 65 89 70 80
84 77 65 46 80 70 75 45 101 71 109 73 73
80 72 81 63 74
(a) Class width = (109 - 45) / 6 => 64 / 6 => 10.6 => 11

(b) Class Limit​starts at the smallest value in the data set and each interval should have
width 11.
The ​class boundaries​subtract 0.5 from the bottom class limit and add 0.5 to the upper
class limit
The ​midpoints​are the the averages of the class limits
Frequency​is the number of value that fall within the class limit
The ​relative frequency​is the frequency divided by the total frequency.
(c) Histogram

(d) Relative frequency histogram.

(e) Both the histogram and relative histogram are ​skewed left shaped​, as we can see that in
both histograms one tail is stretched out longer than the other.

(f) In order to make the ogive we will follow the given steps -
1. Make a frequency table showing class boundaries and cumulative frequencies.
2. For each class, make a dot over the upper class boundary at the height of the cumulative
class frequency. The coordinates of the dots are (upper class boundary, cumulative class
frequency). Connect these dots with line segments.
3. By convention, an ogive begins on the horizontal axis at the lower class boundary of the
first class.
Section 2.2 Problems
Ques 6​ :

(a) A​ s we can see, the left graph does not start from 0%. That’s why the differences
between the categories are exaggerated.
So in order to adjust the difference we should have a vertical axis that starts from 0% .
So we should adjust the vertical scale on the left graph to start from 0%.
Ques 10​: ​Education:​ College Professors’ Time How do college professors spend
their time? The National Education Association Almanac of Higher Education
gives the following average distribution of professional time allocation: teaching,
51%; research, 16%; professional growth, 5%; community service, 11%; service
to the college, 11%; and consulting outside the college, 6%. Make a pie chart
showing the allocation of professional time for college professors.
Section 2.3 Problems
Ques 6​:
The scores for the first round were as follows:
71 65 67 73 74 73 71 71 74 73 71 70 75
71 72 71 75 75 71 71 74 75 66 75 75 75
71 72 72 73 71 67

The scores for the fourth round for these players were as follows:
69 69 73 74 72 72 70 71 71 70 72 73 73
72 71 71 71 69 70 71 72 73 74 72 71 68
69 70 69 71 73 74

(a) The stem and Leaf display for the first round scores-
Not ordered
6 |5 7 6 7
7 |1 3 4 3 1 1 4 3 1 0 5 1 2 1 5 5 1 1 4 5 5 5 5 1 2 2 3 1

6 |5 6 7 7
7 |0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
(b) The stem and Leaf display for the Fourth round scores-

Not ordered
6 |9 9 9 8 9 9
7 |3 4 2 2 0 1 1 0 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 2 1 0 1 3 4

6 |8 9 9 9 9 9
7 |0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4

As we can see in part (a) the lowest value 65 is lower than the lowest value 68 in part (b)
For higher value - the highest value 75 in part (a) are higher as compared to highest value 74 in
part (b).
Thus the values in part (a) are more extreme than value in part (b)

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