Allen's Handbook Reviews & Remarks

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) Qe» Publications. HaNDROOE OF MATERIA MEDICA AND HOM(EO- ATHIC THERAPEUTICS By T. F. » M.D. ia now im = ‘by the Hahnemann Publishing House and js promised in ‘ay. Ever since the completion of the Encyclopadia, Dr. Allen has been engaged on ite revision. “Errors haye been corrected, super- fiuous matter eliminated, symptomatology condensed, new matter added, and clinical sections giving reliable data of the therapeutic * range of each drug appended,” and the Handbook thus brought up to date will be a yaluable addition to our working volumes of Materia Medica. This work can be used by every Homeopath ; even those who were so anxious for the condensed Drug Patho- genesy of Hughes and Dake,can find comfort in this, because they can use it in the selection of a remedy, while Drug Pathogen- esy is practically worthless, except for toxicological reference. While pergonally, we do not favor condensation in Materia Medica, we consider this the most judicious condensation yet produced in our schoal, BOOK REVIEWS. A HANDBOOK OF MADERA MEDICA AND HOME- OPATHIC THERAPEUTICS, By Timoray Fre.p Avven, A. M., M.D, L. L. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the New York Homeopa- thic Medical College and Hospital, etc., etc., etc., Phil- adelphia: F, E. BorricKr. 1889. ‘THis great work for which we have long and impatiently waited is at last before us, and provesto be all that could ° have been anticipated. ‘The amount of labor involved in its preparation has been enormous, and Dr. Allen has placed the profession undef great obligationto him for furnishing them with the most comprehensive and reliable work on ma- teria medica ever published, Three hundred and eighty- eight remedies are included, embracing many of the newer ones, such as Antipyrin, Calotropis, Astragalus Menz., Con- vallaria, Homarus, Epiphegus, Onosmodium, Oxytropis, Stro- phanthus, the Viburnums, etc., making in all a magnificent quarto volume of 1163 pages, and which would have been much larger had it not been for the author’s excellent meth- od of condensation, by which he has practically succeeded in placing within one volume, all the symptomatology of the entire ten volumes of his encyclopedia. In addition to the symptomatology he has also given under each drug the origin and method of preparation; the general action and re- lationship; the conditions of aggravation and amelio ration; and many inportant clinical observations, ‘The latter are an invaluable feature of the work and will prove of great aid to the practitioner. That these are not absolutely complete and reliable is to be expected, but they are certainly as near correct as it would be possible to make them at present. The author himself says: “The Clinical sections have given the author a great amount of tribulation. To sift the enormous mass of report- ed cures is no light task; much has been rejected, some mod- ified and admitted after comparison with the observations of the most careful prescribers, There is no doubt that much fault can be found with admissions as well as with rejec- tions; doubtless some reliable clinical indications have es- caped notice, but it is believed that what is here gathered 222 Northwestern Journal of Homeopathy. fairly represents the therapeutic range of our drugs as at present known.” There are some points that might be fairly criticised but we think that the general excellence of the book entirely overhadows them. While the volume is too bulky and ex- pensive to ever become popular as a*text-book, especially for students, it nevertheless is now and will long remain the standard work on Materia Medica, and should be found, not on the shelves, but on the working table of every homeop- athic physician. The publishers have done an excellent job, the print, paper, binding and general arrangement be- ing the best possible to obtain. > AND Homeeopathic Therapeutics - BY.. TIMOTHY FIELD ALLEN, A. M., M.D., LL.D. In this big book you have the provings of 383 remedies complete. Where else can they be found ? Also in proper place the verified therapeutics of each remedy so far as they have been verified. It is the standard materia medica. It should be on every office table. £,165 pages quarto. Half Morocco, $15.00; met, $12.00. Expressage extra For Sale at All Pharmacics From the sample sheets of Prof. T. F. Allen’s new work, a “Handbook of Homceopathic Materia Medica,"one can gain a slight idea of the great amount of labor necessary in its preparation and its value when ultimately completed. BY T. F. AWLEN, M. D. The second book of Allen, the “Hand-book of Ma- teria Medica and Therapeutics,” possesses merits which, so far as the needs of the every-day practitioners of homceopathic medicine are concerned, place it at the very head of any works on homeopathic materia medica yet produced. ‘There is absolutely no other work which can compete with it, save by the addition of reme- dies introduced since the publication of the “Hand- book;” and that list is so small that its’ practical value is insignificant. The clinical notes alone, furnished by Allen in the “Hand-book,” are of such value that it seems their publication in separate form, without comments, would be a blessing to the young physi- cian.— Pacific Coast Journal of Homeopathy. 1,165 pages quarto. Half Morocco, $r5.00; nef, $12.00, Expressage extra, For Sale at All Pharmacies. Allen's Handbook 6f Homeopathic MESH MEdicd.—The prospective publication Gf this important work was announced by us on the first page of last Recorver. It is to be of Webster quarto size, comprise about 1200 pages, and we sent out subscription blanks for the work with the request to forward them to us with the reader's name. We have since learned that the probable cost of the work will be from $15 to $16, and that the author will try to complete the MS. within a year. Sample sheets of the work were forwarded to the profession, and we are ready to supply all those who failed to receive these six sample pages. Our appeal for subseribers has been liberally responded ta, but we would much like to obtain several hundred more. A subseriber will be informed of the completion of the work, and will have his copy forwarded without delay. The author's name is a guarantee for faithful work, BOOK REVIEWS. A Huxppoox or Mawenta Mupica axn Homcor: tac Turrarevtics. By Timothy Field AM, M.D.,LLD., Prot. of Materia Medica in the New York Homoopathic Medical Col- lego and Hospital, Fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences, etc. Philadelphia: F. E. Boericke. 1880. In his preface our author states that his purpose has been “to provide the profession with « work- ing handbook,” and wo beliove that as such the book he has produced will be useful. As student, teacher and practitioner Professor Allen has had large experience, such as was requisite to the suc- cessful performance of the task he set for himself: this task was to further the elimination of what is falso and the preservation of what is true in al- leged pathogenetic and curative effects of drugs. Perhaps he has been overcautious in pruning the pathogeneses, as hitherto recorded, of some but great caution should be exercised in this work. By emphasizing with heavy typeand italics import- ant pathogenetic effects, and by interspersing clinical notes after regional pathogenesis, Professor Allen has rendered unobtrusive those parts which he considers less important, and perhaps untrust- worthy, in his recorded pathogeneses. In a work upon Materia Medica Pura there would be no excuse for omitting such cases of poi- soning as the author thought “would not be of any practical valuo” (p.iij.), or for altogether omitting the pathogeneses of some fifteen drugs to which are ascribed clinical uses, but Professor Allen owes no apology for these omissions from his book, which is distinctly intended as a “ working hand book.” He has said in a few words (pp.vij.viij.) perhaps all which tho facts at present known war- rant upon the subject of dosage. Wo believe that the clearest understanding of the principle of homeopathy would be conduced to by avoiding (when spoaking of homeopathy) such expressions as prescribing for diseases (p.¥j.) and treating symptoms (p.vij-), and by keeping conspicuous the fact that Fomeopathic treatment is essentially and always a treatment of patients with remedies indicated by symptoms. Tho clinical notes comprise a valuable part of the work, and one of which the practitioner will juently avail himsolf. These notes serve as guides to the use of the drug, while the more spe- cific indications are supplied by the symptom. atology in the general text. Of this the author says: "The clinical sections have given the author a great amount of tribulation, To sift the enormons mass of reported cures is no light task. Much has been re- jected, some modified and admitted after comparison with the observations of the most careful prescribers, There is ni ubt that much fault can be found with admissions as well as rejections; doubtless some relia. ble clinical indications have escaped notice, but it is believed that what is here gathered fairly represents the therapeutic range of our drugs as at present known. The publishers have done an excellent job, the book being printed from new type provided for this special edition, while press-work and binding are of the best. Prof. Allen’s new materia medica is one which will receive a hearty welcome from the profession, which has been awaiting its coming with great interest. Cc, 8. M.

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