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Business Plan on Live Stock Farming

To start a livestock farming, one can start from the backyard or as a small-scale or even on a large scale.
Livestock production is the only way to turn the natural vegetation that covers vast sections of India into
protein goods that humans can use. It provides the crop enterprise with draught power and manure and
this will, in effect, provide feed and fodder.
Business Plan on Live Stock Farming

1. run livestock farming from your backyard or as a small-scale or even on a

large scale. Livestock production is the only way to turn the natural vegetation
that covers vast sections of India into protein goods that humans can use. It
provides the crop enterprise with draught power and manure and this will, in
effect, provide feed and fodder.

Do a SWOT analysis. SWOT is a popular acronym used in businesses and economics that

stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Strengths and Weaknesses are the
internal or controllable characteristics of a business. Opportunities and Threats are external
characteristics that are out of your, your business or an industry's control. To do a SWOT
analysis, make a table with four columns, with the titles being: Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats. Place these titles at the head of each column. Or, if you think it's
going to be too tedious and inconvenient to use a table, then you can also use a separate page for
every factor.[3]
1. Such an analysis is very simple and flexible to use, since you can use it to analyze
your personal self, your business, or the industry you are wishing to start a career in.
2. These four planning strategy factors should describe everything about you, from
showing what you can and can't do, what you may need assistance with from more
professional and knowledgeable people, what you're willing to learn, what troubles and
issues you may face in your farming venture, and what chances may enable you to
both succeed and become profitable.
 Remember that there are two forces that will affect you and you will need
to analyze:
 Internal forces that you have control over such as what breeds
you choose, whether you want to run an intensive or extensive
operation, how you feed your animals, etc.
 External forces that you have no control over such as the weather,
the topography and soil-type of the land you are farming/ranching on,
local, national and international industry issues, market prices,
product demand and consumer preferences.
Business Plan on Live Stock Farming

3. Do an internal SWOT analysis of you and your operation. Ask yourself what your
good at and what needs improvement, what you can do to improve and what things
may make you reconsider doing any sort of farming. This will also include the
consideration of getting help from people who are more experienced than you in
certain areas of your plan and your pool of knowledge. Help can range from advice
from a veterinarian, an accountant that has experience in doing financial assessments
of farming operations, a farm building inspector, a breeder that has been in the
business you are interested in for over 20 years, etc.[4]
 Also analyze your farm, the land your farm sits on and your family. Ask
similar questions as mentioned above, only with your family you will need to
ask about times you should have to spend with them, what will happen if you
put your farming operation before your family, what you can do to encourage
and teach your kids to be involved in your operation, etc.
4. Do an external SWOT analysis of the type of livestock industry you plan on
getting into, whether it's bovine (beef or dairy), equine, porcine, poultry, caprine/ovine,
or even exotics (such as bison, elk or emu). It is highly recommended to do your
research in order to complete a thorough SWOT analysis of the type of industry you
are interested in. Look at everything from national industry news from well-known and
local agricultural newspapers and magazines, to visiting trusted websites. For example,
if you are wanting to get into the Canadian cattle business, have a look at the Canadian
Cattlemen's Association webpage at You will find plenty of information on
national industry news and concerns. Western Producer (for the provinces of Alberta,
British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba) is also a great newspaper to look
through for various industry news and updates.
 The more research about what you're getting into that you do at this stage,
the more aware you will be of what to expect when surprises do come. When
you finally get started on your business plan, you'll be far more aware of the
pitfalls, challenges, needs and requirements it takes to be involved and
compete in the kind of livestock/farming operation you want to have.

Business Plan on Live Stock Farming

In a separate table, write four columns starting with "Where am I at now," "Where do I
want to be," "How do I get there" and "How do I know I have arrived". Again, brainstorm
your way through this. If you only come up with one or two points, that's fine, but to break down
these four questions further to help you answer them, here are some points to consider when
answering these questions:
1. Where am I at now? Include a SWOT analysis (see earlier step), for these areas:
customers, operations, human resources, and finance. If you don't have a business, a
SWOT analysis as mentioned in the previous step is totally fine.
2. Where do I want to be? This is the question where you establish all
your goals and objectives that you wish to achieve within the next 3 to 5 years. Include
everything such as financing, marketing, herd health, breeding, birthing, weaning,
culling, selling, pasture management, feed management, costs analysis, etc.
 This question is also good to address your personal, family and business
goals. When doing family goals, have each of your family member write out
goals for themselves, not discussing anything when writing them out, but
discussing them after they have been written out.
 Personal goals include things like working fewer hours, furthering
your education in areas like different commodity markets or
accounting and production programs, etc.
 Business goals are focused mainly on the farm unit as a business
entity; examples include maximum debt load to carry, possibly
owning or controlling x number acres, etc.
3. How do I get there? This is the most important part of your business plan,
because this is the area where you put on paper how you want to get the things you
want for a better you, family and business. Brainstorming is great tool to use in this
section, as you can always have a Plan B, C, D, etc., in addition to your Plan A.
4. How do I know I have arrived? If you visualize your business plan as a journey,
it is not difficult to understand that you will need to measure your progress along the
way and determine if you are moving towards your goals, spinning your wheels or
rolling backwards. This is done by defining, collecting and reviewing metrics,
measurements and Key Performance Indicators on a regular basis in order
to validate your plan and decisions, direct your future activities, justify any
modifications to the plan and intervene when things are not happening according to
Business Plan on Live Stock Farming

the plan. All your goals should be measurable. Metrics and measurements will give
you the answer to this important question.

On a different file (if you're typing on a computer) or a different piece of paper/page, start
writing out your Business Plan. Create the Business Plan by making three main plans: Strategic
Plan, Operating Plan, and a Succession Plan:
1. Strategic Plan. This is where you tie in all your brainstorming thoughts, ideas,
objectives and goals together from steps 2 to 4. Basically, the kind of business plan
you would see other firms develop is the following:[5]
 Vision Statement: A statement of what you or your farm will look like in
the next 5 to 10 years.
 Mission: This determines or defines the purpose the organization attempts
to perform in society. This statement should concisely explain what the
company does, for whom and why.
 Values: These are general standards or guidelines that are important to
your farm and farm family.
 Situational Analysis: This is the process of identifying and understanding
how your business is positioned within the environment you operate, both
internal and external. Step 3 is what this part of the strategic plan is all about.
 Goals: What are the major achievements you would like to accomplish in
the next 3 to 5 years?
 Objectives: How do you plan on achieving your goals?
 Critical Success Factors: Areas of performance critical to long-term
successes of an organization, and its development, growth and achievement.
For each CSF you should define one or more Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs), which are metrics you will use to determine if you are achieving your
CSFs. CSFs are expressed as general statements of goals ("Maintain customer
satisfaction.") while KPIs are more specific ("Decrease in number of product
packaging complaints.")
Business Plan on Live Stock Farming

 Plan of Action: Strategies and actions that are implemented to meet the

targeted objectives.
 In a nutshell, you don't have to go through the headache of
answering all of the questions posted above. Instead, use the three
simple questions above in Step 4 as a means to answer all 8 of these
standard business-plan questions.
2. Operating Plan. This is the plan where you outline the day-to-day activities of
the business including what gets done, how it's done, who does it and when it's done.
This plan is generally shorter term and usually revolves around a production cycle.
There are four sub-plans that are important to this plan: Production plan, Marketing
plan, Financial plan, and Human Resources plan:[6]
 Production Plan: What will be grown or processed to be sold? For
livestock producers this includes two main components: Animals,
and Cropping systems. With the animals, this is where you lay out things like
breeding, culling, weaning, care of newborn animals, herd health, etc. The
second includes number of acres and type of commodity to be grown to
support the herd (hay, silage, green feed, pasture, grain, etc.).
Identify all types of enterprises on your farm.
 Production resources are also important to mention: Land base,
Equipment base, and Buildings and Structures.
 Marketing Plan: Where and how will you sell your commodities?
Remember, selling is just getting rid of what you have. When you market, you
have to plan to sell commodities at a good price.
 Financial Plan: This includes budget analysis, revenues and expenses,
debt, unpaid labour, opportunity costs, benchmark analysis of yourself from
other operations, statements of cash flow, depreciation of machinery, animals,
buildings, etc., wages, family living costs, etc.
 Human Resources plan: Most farms rely on one worker (i.e., the owner)
to run the operation. But, nonetheless, human resource plans should highlight
hiring issues facing the business and how to address them. It should further
describe the kind of people that are required to operate the business (general
responsibilities, title, skills, availability and any training programs needed.)
 Quality plan: Quality control is the ability to define what you will
produce and the desired quality you must achieve in your products, establish
Business Plan on Live Stock Farming

the processes required to do so, continually check your product against quality
parameters, recognize when you have not delivered the desired quality and
have the means to improve your process activities to correct the issue and
return your product to the desired quality. There are many quality frameworks
and methodologies, but one of the simplest is Dr. W. Edward Deming's
Continuous Quality Improvement cycle. It has four steps, which are repeated
continuously to gradually improve quality and process maturity over time.
 Plan: Establish the objectives for whatever it is you intend to do,
the processes necessary achieve those objectives and the metrics and
measurements required to control the processes and prove that the
objectives are being achieved.
 Do: Execute the plan and collect metrics and measurements along
the way as defined in the previous phase.
 Check: Review the results, metrics and measurements and
determine if any improvements can and should be made to the plan.
 Act: Implement the improvements so the next time the process is
executed the results will be better.
3. Succession Planning. This can be the hardest part of a business plan, as one has
to plan what should happen if the main operator is injured or worse, dies. Succession
planning includes developing a continuity plan for your business and determining the
process of transitioning a business to new owners. This transition may be an outside
sale (equipment and land auction sale), or an inheritance sale (passing the business
down to the next generation).[7]

Identify the type of farm ownership. There are seven main types of ownership: Proprietorship,
General Partnership, Limited Partnership, Co-ownership, Joint Venture, Corporation, or Trust.
These are outlined briefly next:
1. Proprietorship: This is the simplest form of business organization. It primarily
involves one person running the whole she-bang. Debts and negligent acts committed
by employees are the responsibility of the proprietor. But, all the legal complications
Business Plan on Live Stock Farming

and expenses and negotiations for agreements are not required, nor is a business name
2. General Partnership: This means two or three people running an operation. With
more than one person running a farm, this means that the business must have a
registered name, and each partner is responsible for all debts, obligations and liabilities
of the operation. This partnership automatically dissolves with a death, bankruptcy, or
3. Limited Partnership: This is basically one person is responsible for everything
in the firm, whereas the other is only there to supply capital, nothing more or less. A
limited partner has no active part in the goings-on of an operation, but he may inspect
the books of the firm and advise management.
4. Co-ownership: This is where two or more persons own property jointly.
5. Joint Venture: This is commonly used in farming, where there is a joint
partnership between parties, and is created in order to conduct a specific or limited
commercial venture without creating a partnership. This is commonly a temporary
arrangement between two parties.
6. Corporations: These are legal entities where shareholders own the corporation
through the ownership of shares. It is a separate legal entity, distinct from its
shareholders. The individual shareholder's liability is limited to that person's
investments in the corporation, unless the shareholder has personally guaranteed the
obligations of the corporation. A corporation can provide very flexible framework in
terms of succession to the next generation. The owner may also give employees shares
in the growth and profit of the operation without giving up management rights of a
7. Trust: This is a relationship where legal ownership of the property is separated
from beneficial ownership of the property.

Tie it all together. Don't be afraid to make changes to your plan. A business plan is not some
rigid rule-setting standard that must be set in stone. Rather, it is a paper that can be changed as
the business grows and as new ideas and new issues arise. Usually a business plan should be
Business Plan on Live Stock Farming

reviewed at least once a month to once a year to look at what was written and what changes
should be made

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