In The High Court of Delhi at New Delhi

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+ OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016

S.E.INVESTMENTS LTD ..... Decree Holder

Through: Mr.Harshal Kumar, Advocate
PRIVATE LTD. & ORS. ..... Judgment Debtors
Through: Mr.Siddharth Tewari, Advocate for
JD-1, JD-2 and JD-4
Mr.Tarun Khanna, Advocate for JD-3


% 13.11.2019

1. All the Directors of judgment debtor No.1 including judgment debtors

No.2 to 4 are directed to file fresh affidavit of assets on the date of the cause
of action, date of the award as well as on the date of filing of the affidavit in
Form 16A Appendix E under Order XXI Rule 41(2) of the Code of Civil
Procedure within thirty days.
2. In exercise of power under Section 165 of the Indian Evidence Act
read with Order XXI Rule 41 of Code of Civil Procedure and Section 106 of
the Indian Evidence Act, this Court directs judgment debtor No.1 to file
additional affidavit in the format attached hereto as Annexure A-1 within 30
days. Judgment debtors No.2 to 4 are to file an additional affidavit in the
format attached hereto as Annexure A-2 within 30 days.
3. The amount deposited by the judgment debtor along with interest
accrued thereon be released to the decree holder within three weeks.
4. Vide order dated 15th April, 2019, the tenant of the judgment debtor
on the ground floor and second floor of property bearing No.A-44;
Sector-36, Noida,U.P. – 201301 was directed to deposit the rent with the
Registry of this Court. Learned counsel for the judgment debtors No.1, 2 and
4 submit that the judgment debtor are still collecting the rent and depositing
with the Registry of this Court which is in clear violation of order dated 15th
April, 2019.
5. The order dated 15th April, 2019 is modified and the tenants of
judgment debtors in respect of property bearing No. A-44; Sector-36, Noida,
U.P. – 201301 are directed to transfer the rent amount directly to the decree
holder in their bank account. The judgment debtor shall not collect any
further rent amount directly from the tenants.
6. The decree holder shall furnish the particulars of their bank account to
the tenants of the judgment debtor along with copy of this order whereupon
the tenant shall comply with the same.
7. The judgment debtors are directed to communicate the order dated
15th April, 2019 as well as today’s order to the tenants.
8. The judgment debtors shall not dispose of, alienate, encumber either
directly or indirectly or otherwise part with the possession of any assets to
the tune of the award amount along with interest thereon except in the
ordinary course of business such as payment of salary and statutory dues till
the next date of hearing.
9. The judgment debtors shall remain present in Court on the next date
of hearing.
10. List on 05th February, 2020.
11. Copy of this order be given dasti to counsel for the parties under the
signatures of the Court Master.

NOVEMBER 13, 2019/ds



I _______________________, son of / wife of /daughter of ___________________, aged

about ____ years, resident of ___________________________, am the Managing Director
of the _________________ and I do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:

S. No.
Description Particulars

1. Details of registration and incorporation

2. Current registered office and the registered offices

in the last ten years

3. Name and addresses of the directors when the

parties executed the agreement

4. Name and addresses of the directors when the cause

of action arose

5. Name and addresses of the directors when the award

was passed

6. Name and addresses of the directors on date of the


7. Name and addresses of the nominee and official


8. Shareholding of the Company, its fair market value

and inter-se relationship of shareholders

9. Particulars of shareholding of the directors,

In case of Trust, the affidavit shall be filed by the managing trustee.

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 1 of 8

promoters and their family members

10. Particulars of all related parties including subsidiary

companies, sister concerns, agencies, distributors

11. Particulars of the transactions with the related

parties whether in the form of expenses, loans or
otherwise from the date of the cause of action upto
the date of the affidavit

12. Net worth of the company

13. Number of employees

14. Location of the statutory records and books of

account of the firm

S.No. Assets List of Assets Present
On the date On the date of Present Estimated
of the cause the Market
of action award/decree Value
15. Immovable properties
Particulars of the immovable
properties including joint
properties, land, built up
properties, lease hold properties,
agricultural land and investment
in real estate such as booking of
plots, flats, etc.

Whether the possession of the

above properties is with the
deponent? If no, give status of the

Whether the title documents of

the above properties are with the

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 2 of 8

deponent? If no, give status of the
possession of the title documents.

Whether any litigation is pending

in respect of the above properties.
If so, give particulars

16. Financial Assets: Account Number Name of Bank Current

(i) Details of all bank (i)
accounts of the judgment debtor




(ii) Particulars of the safety

deposit of lockers

List of Assets Current

On the date On the date of Present
17. Corporate/Business Interests of the cause the
of action award/decree
List the interest of the judgment
debtor, directly or indirectly, in
any corporation, unincorporated
business, partnership, trust, joint
venture and Association of
Persons, Society etc.

18. Investments

Details of all investments and

their current value:
(i) FDR(s), NSC, IVP, KVP,
Post Office schemes, Provident
Fund(s) etc.
(ii) Deposits with Government
and Non-Government entities
(iii) Stocks, shares, debentures,
bonds, units and mutual funds,
(iv) Loans given by the
judgment debtor

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 3 of 8

(v) Other investments not
covered by above items

19. Intangible assets

Intangible assets including
patents, trademark, copyright,
design, goodwill and their value

20. Garnishee(s)
Name(s) and addresses of
Garnishee(s) of the deponent and
the particulars of the debt, trade
receivables and other properties
of the deponent recoverable from
the Garnishee(s).

21. Whether the above assets are

unencumbered? If no, give the
particulars of the encumbrances in
respect of each property and the
name of the
person/institution/company in
whose favour there is an
22. List of all the properties
transferred/agreed to be
transferred or parted with the
possession by any mode including
sale, gift, relinquishment, General
power of attorney, Special power
of attorney, exchange, agreement,
family settlement, lease etc. from
the date of cause of action upto
this date; name/address of the
transferee and the sale
consideration received from the


S. No Description On the date of the On the date of the Present

cause of action award/decree

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 4 of 8

23. Income from business/profession

24. Income from Other Sources -

(i) Agricultural Income
(ii) Rent
(iii) Interest on bank deposits
and FDRs
(iv) Interest on investments
including deposits, NSC,
IVP, KVP, Post Office
schemes, PPF, loans etc.
(v) Dividends
(vi) Income from machinery,
plant or furniture let on
(vii) Profit on sale of movable/
immovable assets.
(viii) Any other income not
covered above
25. Annual turnover/gross receipt

26. Gross Profit

27. Income Tax

28. Net Income


29. Has any of the Director(s) of the judgment debtor ever

been arrested?
30. Has any of the Director(s) of the judgment debtor ever
been kept under detention?
31. Have any Court issued bailable/non-bailable warrants
for appearance of their the Director(s)?
32. Have any of the Director(s) ever been released on
bail/anticipatory bail?

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 5 of 8

33. Have judgment debtors and/or its Director(s) ever been
prosecuted for any offence?
34. Have the judgment debtors and/or its Director(s) ever
been convicted for any offence?
35. Have the Director(s) ever been declared as proclaimed
offender/proclaimed person?
36. If the answer to any of the above mentioned questions
(S.No. 29-35) is ‘Yes‘, give full particulars of the case/
arrest/bail/detention/conviction/sentence/ punishment
etc. and/or the name of the case.
37. Details of all litigations, disputes, claims, arbitrations
pending in any Court, Tribunal, Forum, Authority,
Arbitrator, etc. in which judgement debtor is a party.
Give the name of the case, name of the Court, nature of
case and the next date of hearing.
38. Details of all litigations, disputes, claims, arbitrations
decided by any Court, Tribunal, Forum, Authority,
Arbitrator, etc. in which judgement debtor was a party.
Give the name of the case, name of the Court, value of
case and date of decision.
39. Particulars of the unsatisfied decrees/awards against the
judgment debtor.
40. Details of loan/credit facility(s) from banks and other
financial institutions in the last five years and the
present status.
41. Do the Directors of the judgment debtor intend to
travel outside India? If yes, Give details of the visit,
purpose of visit and the approximate expenditure on
the visit.


S. No. Document Description of Document

42. Income Tax Returns, Balance Sheets, Profit & Loss
Accounts for the last five years.
43. Documents relating to the income from other sources
including Lease Deed(s)/ Rent Agreement(s)/ Licence
Agreement(s) in respect of the rental income; Interest

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 6 of 8

Certificate in respect of the interest income; and
Dividend Certificates

44. Title deeds of the immovable properties of the

judgment debtor
45. Documents relating to the debt, share and other
properties recoverable from the Garnishee(s).
46. Title documents relating to the properties transferred,
alienated or parted with person or agreed to be
transferred between the date of the cause of action
upto the date of filing of this affidavit.
47. Documents relating to the pending litigations

48. Documents relating to the decided litigations

49. Documents relating to the unsatisfied decrees/awards

1. I declare that judgment debtor has/does not have† the means to satisfy the
2. I declare that I have made full and accurate disclosure of the income and
assets from all sources of the judgment debtor. I further declare that judgment
debtor has no income and assets other than set out in this affidavit.
3. I undertake to inform this Court immediately upon any material change in
the income and assets or any other information of the judgment debtor included in
this affidavit.
4. The copies of the documents filed with the affidavit are the true copies of the
originals and I have self attested the copies after comparing them with the
5. I understand that any false statement in this affidavit may constitute an
offence under Section 199 read with Sections 191 and 193 of the Indian Penal

Please strike out what is NOT applicable.

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 7 of 8

Code punishable with imprisonment upto seven years and fine, and Section 209
of Indian Penal Code punishable with imprisonment upto two years and fine. I
have read and understood Sections 191, 193 199 and 209 of the Indian Penal



Verified at ____________on this ____ day of ___________ that the contents of

the above affidavit relating to the income and assets of the judgment debtor are
true to my knowledge, no part of it is false and nothing material has been
concealed therefrom. I further verify that the copies of the documents filed along
with the affidavit are the copies of the originals.


OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 8 of 8



I _______________________, son of / wife of /daughter of ___________________, aged

about ____ years, resident of ___________________________, do hereby solemnly affirm
and declare as under:

S. No. Description Particulars

1. Full name

2. Age

3. (a) Present residential address with particulars of

police station and district

(b) Permanent residential address with particulars

of police station and district

(c) Present Office address with particulars of

police station and district

(d) E-mail address

(e) Mobile No.(s)

(f) Landline Phone No.(s)

4. Educational/ Professional qualifications

5. Occupation

6. Sources of the income in the last five years

(Specify all sources such as: employment, business,
vocation, interest or investment, income from
properties, assets, etc.)

7. Monthly income

8. Marital Status

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 1 of 14

9. Names of family members with their age,
occupation, address and income:

(a) Dependent -

(b) Independent -

S.No. Assets List of Assets Present
On the date On the date of Present Estimated
of the cause the Market
of action award/decree Value
Immovable properties
10. .
Particulars of the immovable
properties including joint
properties, land, built up
properties, lease hold properties,
agricultural land and investment
in real estate such as booking of
plots, flats, etc.

Whether the possession of the

above properties is with the
deponent? If no, give status of the

Whether the title documents of

the above properties are with the
deponent? If no, give status of the
possession of the title documents.

Whether any litigation is pending

in respect of the above properties.
If so, give particulars.

(In case of partnership/HUF

/company, give the particulars of
the assets of the firm/HUF/

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 2 of 14

Financial Assets: Account Number Name of Bank Current
11. (i) Details of all bank Balance
accounts including Current and (i)
Savings Accounts in your name,
or joint name.
(In case of partnership/HUF
/company, give the particulars of
the assets of the firm/HUF/

(ii) Cash in hand

On the date On the date of Present Current

of the cause the Value
of action award/decree

12. Corporate/Business Interests

List any interest you hold, directly

or indirectly, in any corporated,
unincorporated business,
partnership, trust, joint venture
and Association of Persons,
Society etc.
Details of all investments you
hold or, in which you have
interest and their current value:
(i) FDR(s), NSC, IVP, KVP,
Post Office schemes, Provident
Fund(s) etc.
(ii) Deposits with Government
and Non-Government entities
(iii) Stocks, shares, debentures,
bonds, units and mutual funds,
(iv) Life and endowment
policies and surrender value
(v) Loan given to friends,
relatives and others
(vi) Other investments not
covered by above items
(vii) Pensions and Retirement

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 3 of 14

Savings Plan- Indicate name of
institution where accounts are
held, name and address of pension
plan and pension details.
Movable Assets
(i) Motor Vehicles (List of
cars, motorcycles, scooters etc.
along with their brand and
registration number)
(ii) Livestock
(iii) Mobile phone(s)
(iv) Computer/Laptop
(v) Other electronic gadgets
including I-pad etc.
(vi) TV, Fridge, Air
Conditioner, etc.
(vii) Other household
(viii) Quantity of gold, silver and
diamond jewellery
(ix) Quantity of Silver Utensils
(x) Any Other movable
asset(s) of the value of
more than Rs.25,000/-
Intangible assets
15. Intangible assets including
patents, trademark, copyright,
design, goodwill and their value
Name(s) and addresses of
Garnishee(s) of the deponent and
the particulars of the debt, share
and other properties of the
deponent recoverable from the
17. List anything else of value that
you own, including precious
metals, collections, works of art,
jewellery or household items of
value of more than Rs.25,000/-

18. About disposal of properties

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 4 of 14

List of all the properties
transferred/agreed to be
transferred or parted with the
possession by any mode including
sale, gift, relinquishment, General
power of attorney, Special power
of attorney, exchange, agreement,
family settlement, lease etc. from
the date of cause of action upto
this date; name/address of the
transferee and the sale
consideration received from the

19. Properties acquired by the

judgment debtor in the name of
the family members

(i) Particulars of the

properties (movable/ immovable)
acquired by the immediate family
members (wife/husband/children/
parents) of the deponent from the
date of the cause of action upto
the date of filing of this affidavit.
(ii) Whether the deponent
contributed any amount in the
above acquisition. If so, give
particulars of contribution.

On the date of the On the date of the Present
S. No Description cause of action award/decree

In case of salaried persons:

(i) Designation
(ii) Name and address of the
(iii) Date of employment
(iv) Gross Income including
the salary, D.A.,

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 5 of 14

commissions/ incentives,
bonus, perks etc.
(v) Perquisites and other
benefits provided by the
employer including
cars/other automotive,
sweeper, gardener,
watchman or personal
attendant, gas, electricity,
water, interest free or
concessional loans,
holiday expenses, free or
concessional travel, free
meals, free education,
gifts, vouchers, etc.
credit card expenses,
club expenses, use of
movable assets by
employees, transfer of
assets to employees,
value of any other
benefit/amenity/ service/
privilege and the value of
such perquisites and
(vi) Deductions from the
gross income
(vii) Income tax paid
(viii) Net income
(ix) Value of stock option
benefits, if provided by
the employer
(x) Pension and retirement
benefits payable at the
time of retirement
In case of self-employed
(i) Nature of business/
(ii) Whether the business/
profession is carried on
as an individual, sole

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 6 of 14

proprietorship concern,
partnership concern,
company or association
of persons, HUF, joint
family business or any
other form.
In case of an individual
/proprietorship firm:

(i) Office address and the

branch offices, if any,
(ii) Number of employees
(iii) Annual turnover/gross
(iv) Gross Profit
(v) Income Tax
(vi) Net Income
(vii) Details and value of
benefits in kind, perks or
other remuneration
received from the business
e.g. provision of car,
payment of
accommodation etc.
(viii) Amount of regular
monthly withdrawal or
drawings from the business
(ix) Current value of your
business interest(s)
(x) Current value of your
business assets
(xi) Location of the statutory
records and books of
account of the business
In case of company,
23. partnership, HUF, joint family
business or any other form:

(i) Details of registration and

(ii) Current registered office
and the registered offices

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 7 of 14

in the last ten years
(iii) Details of shareholding of
all the directors and
promoters and their family
(iv) Details of all subsidiary
companies and sister
concerns of the company
(v) Net worth of the company
(vi) Number of employees
(vii) Annual turnover/gross
(viii) Gross Profit
(ix) Income Tax
(x) Net Income
(xi) Details and value of
benefits in kind, perks or
other remuneration
received from the business
e.g. provision of car,
payment of
accommodation etc.
(xii) Amount of regular
monthly withdrawal or
drawings from the
(xiii) Current value of your
business interest(s)
(xiv) Current value of your
business assets
(xv) Location of the statutory
records and books of
account of the firm
Income from Other Sources:
(i) Agricultural Income
(ii) Rent
(iii) Interest on bank deposits
and FDRs
(iv) Interest on investments
including deposits, NSC,
IVP, KVP, Post Office
schemes, PPF, loans etc.
(v) Dividends

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 8 of 14

(vi) Income from machinery,
plant or furniture let on
(vii) Gifts
(viii) Profit on sale of movable/
immovable assets

25. Any other income not covered




26. Have you ever been arrested?

27. Have you ever been kept under detention?

28. Have any Court issued bailable/non-bailable warrants

for appearance against you?

29. Have you ever been released on bail/anticipatory bail?

30. Have you ever been prosecuted for any offence?

31. Have you ever been convicted for any offence?

32. Have you ever been declared as proclaimed

offender/proclaimed person by any Court?

33. If the answer to any of the above mentioned questions

(S.No. 26-32) is ‘Yes‘, give full particulars of the
punishment etc. and/or the name of the case.

34. Details of all litigations, disputes, claims, arbitrations

pending in any Court, Tribunal, Forum, Authority, in
which you are party.

Give the name of the case, name of the Court, nature

of case and the next date of hearing.

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 9 of 14

35. Details of all litigations, disputes, claims, arbitrations
decided in any Court, Tribunal, Forum, Authority, in
which you were party.

Give the name of the case, name of the Court, value of

case and date of decision.

36. Particulars of all the unsatisfied decrees/awards.

37. Details of company(s) in which the deponent is a

director or had been a director in the last five years.

38. Details of all firms and other business entities in

which the dependent had interest in the last five

39. Details of loan/credit facility(s) taken from banks

and other financial institutions in the last five years.

40. Particulars of place of residence where you have resided during the preceding five years

Period Address in full with Police Station & Distt. Whether owner/tenant?
If rented, the amount of

From To

41. Do you intend to travel outside India? If yes, Give

details of the visit, purpose of visit and the
approximate expenditure on the visit.

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 10 of 14

42. Particulars of the countries visited till now?

43. Status of the deponent/family:

o High
o Upper Middle
o Middle
o Lower Middle
o Low
o Below poverty line



S. No. Document Description of Document

44. Aadhar Card

45. PAN Card

46. Passport

47. Attested copies of the title deeds of the

immovable properties of the deponent.

48. Attested copies of the documents relating

to the debt, share and other properties of
the deponent recoverable from the

49. Attested Copies of the title documents

relating to the properties transferred,
alienated or parted with person or agreed
to be transferred between the date of the
cause of action upto the date of filing of
this affidavit.

50. Statement of Account of all bank

accounts including current and savings
accounts for last 5 years (In case of
partnership/HUF/ company, give the
particulars of the bank accounts of the

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 11 of 14

firm/HUF/ company).

51. Income Tax Return(s) along with the

balance sheets, statement of Income and
annexure(s) for last 5 years (In case of
partnership/HUF/company, give the
particulars of the ITRs of the firm/HUF/

52. In case of Salaried Persons

(i) Appointment Letter
(ii) Salary slip
(iii) Forms 16, 16A & 12BA
(iv) Cost to Company Certificate and
CIBIL Certificate, wherever
(v) Copies of TDS certificates

53. In case of self-employed persons

(i) Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss
Account for the last five years.
(ii) Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss
Account of the proprietorship firm,
if the business is carried on in the
name of a sole proprietorship
concern for the last five years.
(iii) Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss
Account of the partnership firm, if
the deponent is a partner in a firm
along with the Schedule showing
the distribution of partners’
remuneration and share of
profits/losses of the partnership
firm and the copy of the
partnership deed for the last five
(iv) Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss
Account of the Company in which
the deponent is a Director for the
last five years.
(v) Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss
Account of the Association of
Persons, HUF, Joint Family

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 12 of 14

business or Trust in which the
deponent has share for the last five
(vi) Copy of account of the deponent in
the books of the business
(vii) Copies of TDS certificates
In case of Income from other sources:
(i) Lease Deed(s)/ Rent Agreement(s)/
Licence Agreement(s) in respect of
the rental income.

(ii) Interest Certificate in respect of the

interest income on deposits and

(iii) Dividend Certificates

55. Documents relating to the pending


56. Documents relating to the decided


57. Documents relating to the unsatisfied

decrees/awards against the deponent

58. Copies of the FIR(s) in which the deponent

was or is involved

59. Other relevant documents relating to

Income and Assets


1. I declare that I have/do not have *means to satisfy the order/decree/award.

2. I declare that I have made full and accurate disclosure of my income and
assets from all sources. I further declare that I have no income and assets other
than set out in this affidavit.
3. I undertake to inform this Court immediately upon any material change in
Please strike out what is NOT applicable.

OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 13 of 14

my income and assets or any other information included in this affidavit.
4. The copies of the documents filed with the affidavit are the true copies of the
originals and I have self attested the copies after comparing them with the
5. I understand that any false statement in this affidavit may constitute an
offence under Section 199 read with Sections 191 and 193 of the Indian Penal
Code punishable with imprisonment upto seven years and fine, and Section 209
of Indian Penal Code punishable with imprisonment upto two years and fine. I
have read and understood Sections 191, 193 199 and 209 of the Indian Penal



Verified at ____________on this ____ day of ___________ that the contents of

the above affidavit relating to my income and assets are true to my knowledge, no
part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed therefrom. I further
verify that the copies of the documents filed along with the affidavit are the
copies of the originals.


OMP (ENF.) (COMM.) 36/2016 Page 14 of 14

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