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Tma 02

2010 / 2011

Question one: the conclusion

In 2008, automakers recalled 10,200,000 vehicles in 642 recall campaigns, a 9% jump from 2007.
These recall campaigns include 233 safety investigations up from only 98 in 2007. Of the 10,200,000
vehicles recalled, 360,000 were Chrysler (down from 2,200,000 in 2007), and G.M. had recalls
involving 1,900,000 vehicles in 2008 (up from 538,000 in 2007) according to Chris Tutor for
Consider this:  In the past, if Chrysler were required by the government to initiate a recall to make a
$50 repair on a fleet of 90,000 vehicles, the cost would have been a staggering $4.5 million. A So, you
can imagine that today, Chrysler will exploit bankruptcy laws wherever possible, as well as exert its
influence in Congress so that it no longer is liable for its products sold by the old company.
Isn’t it time to tell our legislators that we insist on having federally appointed judges act in accordance
with the laws on the books instead of making up the laws as we go? Wouldn’t it be a good idea to hold
to the guidelines of the U.S. Constitution so that we are all provided with the security of the laws that
are in place? Do one or two entities trump the rights of its citizens?
We have provided over $95,000,000,000. In loans and bailout funds to the auto manufacturers, GMAC
Financial Services and other automotive related entities. Could we, as taxpayers, who are on the hook
for this money, expect to be treated fairly?
 Let’s hope we don’t witness what happens when there is a serious accident or fatality that occurs in a
G.M. vehicle and the injured party has to face the federal government (majority owner of G.M.) in
court to sue for damages!
As an automotive consumer advocate, I take my position very seriously. I present you with the
information that I come across. I ask you to perform your own research so that you make an informed
decision about your vehicle or one that you are considering in a new or used car purchase.
 I am not presenting this information to you because of a preference to other auto manufacturers, In
fact, the only vehicles that I currently own were manufactured by Chrysler and General Motors!
 The opinions stated here are based upon what information is readily available and I am not rendering a
legal opinion.  As your advocate, it is my mission to raise these questions, however.
Note: stealing is a bad idea, but asking to reuse our content is a good one!

Customers complained
August 5, 2009 at 1:10 am

Chrysler by taking such a stance is ensuring that most people will not purchase a new product from
them. They are in fact a sleazy group of (need I say it) used car salesmen. So some braindead judge lets
them off the hook for liability coverage. It doesn’t mean they have to take it. They have just proven to
me that they are not to be trusted. I for one will never purchase another Chrysler made vehicle because
of their mean spirited reponse to my request for a letter stating that the Canadian built Jeep Grand
Cherokee I gave to my brother who lives in Northern California is basically the same car as the ones
sold in the US. This letter is required by US customs to import a vehicle from Canada. While Chrysler
admits that they are the same car they refuse to give me the letter so my brother has to return the car to
me and I will attempt to sell it and send him the money so he can purchase something else and believe
me it won’t be a Chrysler product. What a horrible gang of blackmailing thugs these Chrysler people

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