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 Bednar     SM  203  
Nov.  8,  2010     Prof.  Gentile  
Sport  Marketing  Plan  –  Final  Project  
Executive  Summary  
  Our  product,  the  Freezable  Bandage,  is  the  next  innovation  in  recovery  
systems  for  a  sporting  injury.  In  the  current  economic  climate,  it  is  essential  to  
provide  a  cheaper  alternative  for  injury  treatment,  and  that  is  exactly  what  the  
Freezable  Bandage  provides.  Our  target  market  of  18-­‐22  year  old  males  who  
compete  in  DIII  collegiate  athletics  in  the  New  England  area  are  in  dire  need  of  a  
cheaper  treatment  option,  and  that  is  where  the  Freezable  Bandage  steps  in.  Our  
cheap  price  of  $5  allows  all  student-­‐athletes  to  be  able  to  afford  the  product.  
Through  the  numerous  marketing  strategies  that  we  will  employ,  it  is  our  hope  that  
we  will  be  able  to  gain  a  loyal  consumer  base  that  will  stick  by  our  product  and  
continue  to  buy  it,  especially  when  we  pursue  product  development.  
The  mission  of  Freezable  Bandages  is  to  provide  a  comprehensive  recovery  
system  for  individuals  who  sustain  an  injury.  When  sustaining  a  sprain  or  strain,  the  
RICE  approach  is  often  followed,  encouraging  rest,  ice,  compression  and  elevation.  
The  concept  of  applying  compression  and  ice  simultaneously  has  been  proven  to  be  
effective,  and  therefore  we  feel  that  it  is  our  duty  to  allow  individuals  to  recover  as  
quickly  as  possible.  Furthermore,  it  is  our  belief  that  not  only  should  athletes  have  
access  to  effective  treatment  products  and  services,  but  also  all  people  in  society.  
Hence,  it  is  our  goal  as  a  company  to  not  only  provide  the  necessary  product,  but  
also  the  knowledge  to  use  the  product  correctly.  Our  core  product  is  the  Freezable  
Bandage,  however  we  have  room  for  expansion  in  the  future.  Geographically  we  are  
based  in  New  England,  and  it  is  our  goal  to  target  males  who  are  18-­‐22  and  compete  
in  DIII  collegiate  athletics.  We  have  developed  a  useful  product  that  is  currently  
being  marketed  through  the  use  of  numerous  media  (newspaper,  magazines,  and  
television)  to  ensure  that  all  our  product  information  is  reaching  our  target  markets  
to  allow  them  to  make  the  best  purchasing  decisions.  
The  product  is  known  as  the  Freezable  Bandage.  This  product  is  based  off  the  
Ace  Bandage,  however  it  has  numerous  differences  and  advantages  to  it.  The  main  
difference  is  that  this  product  will  have  the  ability  to  be  frozen.  This  is  essential  
because  it  will  allow  for  an  individual  to  treat  a  sprain  in  a  more  effective  manner  as  
they  are  applying  both  compression  and  ice  at  the  same  time,  as  opposed  to  one  or  
the  other,  which  is  typically  the  case.  The  product  itself  will  be  made  of  a  material  
similar  to  that  of  Ace  Bandage,  which  will  allow  it  to  be  stretched  and  tightened  as  
necessary  to  apply  the  appropriate  compression  needed  for  treatment.  On  top  of  
this,  as  previously  mentioned,  it  will  have  the  ability  to  be  frozen.  When  the  product  
is  used,  it  will  slowly  thaw  out  over  20  minutes,  which  is  the  recommended  time  for  
icing  an  injury,  and  then  act  as  a  regular  Ace  Bandage  and  continue  to  provide  
compression  and  support  for  the  injury.  Once  the  athlete  wishes  to  refreeze  the  
injury,  they  simply  place  it  in  the  freezer  for  2  hours  and  it  will  be  useable  again  as  a  
Freezable  Bandage.  With  proper  use  and  care  of  the  product,  the  product  will  be  
useable  for  numerous  years.  
Pieter  Bednar     SM  203  
Nov.  8,  2010     Prof.  Gentile  
The  most  evident  reason  as  to  why  our  product  differs  from  those  offered  by  
competitors  is  because  there  is  no  current  option  that  is  similar.  At  this  point  in  
time,  the  most  similar  product  is  the  hot/cold  treatment  options  that  are  offered  by  
Ace.  This  product  differs  from  ours  in  that  it  does  not  offer  any  compression  
treatment,  which  is  one  of  the  core  aspects  of  sprain  treatment.  The  only  advantage  
that  this  product  has  over  the  Freezable  bandage  is  that  it  does  provide  heat  
treatment,  which  is  useful  to  treat  muscle  aches.  
The  projected  core  product  is  the  freezable  bandage.  The  basis  of  this  product  
will  be  an  ace  bandage,  which  will  be  manufactured  in  such  a  way  that  it  can  be  put  
in  the  freezer  and  still  retain  it’s  flexibility  and  ability  to  wrap  a  limb.  One  possible  
product  extension  would  be  a  “Wrapping  Class”  which  would  demonstrate  to  all  
who  participate  the  correct  and  effective  way  of  wrapping  limbs  in  order  to  ensure  
the  quickest  possible  recovery  period.  Another  possible  product  extension  would  a  
class  that  focuses  on  the  correct  recovery  steps  to  a  sustained  injury.  
Situational  Analysis  
Economic  Climate  
At  this  in  point  in  time,  the  United  States  economy  is  facing  a  time  of  turmoil  and  
uncertainty.  The  United  States  is  currently  experiencing  one  of  the  worst  recessions  
it  has  ever  faced,  and  there  are  numerous  theories  as  to  when  the  recession  will  end,  
or  if  in  fact  we  have  already  begun  the  recovery  period.  Many  prominent  economists  
(Gulanti)  believe  that  there  are  numerous  indicators  to  indicate  we  have  hit  a  period  
of  recovery,  however  there  is  also  room  to  fear  for  a  double-­‐dip  recession.  Despite  
this  bleak  outlook  on  the  possibility  of  a  double-­‐dip  recession,  the  fact  that  we  have  
hit  a  recovery  period  is  reason  for  optimism.  In  the  New  England  area,  despite  the  
bleak  outlook  of  the  United  States  as  a  whole,  there  is  actually  a  sliver  of  hope  as  the  
number  of  people  who  are  unemployed  has  actually  decreased  in  the  area.  
• Today’s  interest  rates  range  from  3.25%  to  5.15%  depending  on  the  type  of  
loan/mortgage  that  is  being  taken  out  
• Currency  exchange  and  fluctuations  
o US  Dollar  ($)  vs.  the  Euro  ( )  
§ $1  =   0.721  
§ Exchange  fluctuations  since  2006  
Pieter  Bednar     SM  203  
Nov.  8,  2010     Prof.  Gentile  
o US  Dollar  ($)  vs.  British  Pound  Sterling  (£)  
§ $1  =  £0.623  
§ Exchange  fluctuations  since  2006  
Legal  Environment  
The  biggest  concern  for  any  company  that  attempts  to  claim  a  segment  of  the  
“health  care”  market  is  that  of  liability.  With  any  company  that  provides  a  product  or  
a  service  that  “promises  to  heal”,  they  have  to  be  very  careful  to  ensure  that  the  
product/service  delivers  as  promised,  because  otherwise  there  is  always  the  chance  
that  they  will  face  legal  ramifications.  Furthermore,  in  order  to  supply  a  product  
such  as  the  Freezable  Bandage,  it  is  essential  that  it  undergoes  numerous  tests  and  
certification  processes  to  ensure  that  it  is  a  top  of  the  line  product.  
According  to  the  most  recent  Census,  the  number  of  people  who  are  uninsured  in  
the  Northeast,  which  is  our  target  market,  has  increased  by  647  thousand  from  2007  
(DeNavas),  which  is  when  the  recession  started.  On  top  of  this  number,  the  number  
of  uninsured  people  between  the  ages  of  18  and  24,  which  is  my  target  market,  has  
increased  by  932  thousand  from  2007  (DeNavas).  Furthermore,  there  are  
approximately  93,000  male  student  athletes  who  participate  in  DIII  collegiate  
athletics,  and  the  number  is  steadily  growing.  (NCAA).  
Demand  Trends  
Perhaps  the  most  important  demand  trend  that  applies  to  my  industry  segment  is  
the  continuous  growth  that  is  experienced  and  demonstrated  by  3M,  which  is  the  
company  who  owns  Ace  Bandages,  which  is  a  similar  product  to  the  Freezable  
Bandage.  In  the  most  recent  fiscal  quarter,  3M  reported  a  17.70%  growth  in  their  
sales,  which  demonstrates  that  there  will  be  adequate  demand  for  a  new  product.  
Product  Life  Cycle  
When  a  company  is  in  the  introduction  stage,  it  is  expected  that  costs  will  be  high  
and  that  there  is  no  guarantee  of  profit.  However,  at  this  stage  it  is  the  most  
important  to  be  willing  to  spend  money  to  market  your  product  in  order  to  ensure  
that  one  is  able  to  secure  a  segment  of  the  market.  During  the  growth  stage,  
profitability  begins  to  rise  and  the  public  image  of  the  product  becomes  established,  
Pieter  Bednar     SM  203  
Nov.  8,  2010     Prof.  Gentile  
therefore  diminishing  the  need  of  marketing.  During  the  maturity  stage,  there  is  an  
increase  in  competing  products,  and  market  saturation  has  been  reached,  therefore  
making  it  necessary  to  market  again  to  ensure  the  company  retains  the  market  
segment.  During  the  decline  stage  it  becomes  less  profitable  to  produce  the  product  
and  therefore  encourages  the  company  to  develop  new  products  to  maintain  it’s  
portion  of  the  market.  For  our  current  product  we  are  still  in  the  introduction  stage  
as  our  product  is  yet  to  be  introduced  to  the  market.  It  is  our  hope  that  with  our  
product  we  are  able  to  have  a  long  product  life  cycle,  however  we  have  already  
prepared  a  new  product  to  be  released  at  the  time  that  the  Freezable  Bandage  has  
hit  the  decline  stage,  and  that  is  the  Freezable/Heat  treatment  Bandage  that  will  
allow  for  both  hot  and  cold  treatment  in  bandage  form.  
Technological  Trends  
One  technological  trend  to  consider  while  marketing  for  the  product  is  the  
continuing  change  that  occurs  with  the  typical  treatment  of  a  strain/sprain  and  so  
forth,  which  would  be  the  typical  use  of  our  product.    The  old  adage  used  to  be  RICE,  
which  stands  for  Rest,  Ice,  Compression  and  Elevation.  However,  there  have  been  
numerous  studies  that  have  developed  a  newer  method  known  as  PRINCE,  which  
stands  for  Protection,  Rest,  Ice,  Nsaids  (nonsteroidal  anti-­‐inflammatory  drugs),  
Compression  and  Elevation.  It  is  essential  to  keep  up  with  the  technological  or  
theological  advances  for  the  market  in  which  our  product  is  based.  
Competitor  Analysis  
Direct  Competitor  
Ace  Bandages  
Product  Characteristics  
• Braces  and  Support  (prevention)  
• Hot  &  Cold  Therapy  
• Elastic  Bandages  
• Currently  established  brand  name  
• Effective  treatment  
• Numerous  products  for  numerous  injuries  
• Very  little  advertising  (in  my  opinion)  
• A  saturated  market,  due  to  generic  brands  
• With  current  economic  climate  people  will  be  turning  to  more  cost  effective  
• Still  have  room  to  increase  their  product  line,  and  the  injuries  that  they  target  
to  treat  
• Has  no  real  competition,  and  therefore  when  a  competitor  comes  into  
existence  they  won’t  know  how  to  treat  it  
Pieter  Bednar     SM  203  
Nov.  8,  2010     Prof.  Gentile  
Current  Market  Share  
• Majority  of  market  as  they  are  the  only  true  provider  of  this  product  (there  
are  many  generic  brands  that  are  far  cheaper)  
Current  Actions  in  the  Market  
• Have  recently  produced  a  Hot  &  Cold  treatment  program  that  will  allow  for  
muscle  relaxation  and  cold  treatment  for  injuries  
Probable  response  to  your  actions  
• With  the  creation  of  our  product  and  marketing  actions  there  is  a  good  
chance  that  they  will  develop  their  product  in  such  a  way  that  they  will  be  
able  to  create  a  similar  product,  which  shouldn’t  be  too  difficult  for  them,  
considering  that  they  already  have  the  Hot  &  Cold  treatment  program  
Indirect  Competitor  
Ice  packs    
Product  Characteristics  
• Generally  used  for  keeping  food/drinks  cold  in  coolers,  however  also  serve  
the  purpose  of  providing  cold  treatment  for  injuries  
• Products  have  numerous  purposes  
• Reusable  
• Are  very  awkward  to  keep  on  an  injured  limb,  as  it  is  not  their  intended  
• Development  in  the  consistency  of  ice  packs  will  allow  them  to  have  
numerous  uses  and  make  it  simpler  to  use  for  treating  injuries  
• Development  of  my  product  would  pose  a  threat  to  the  use  of  ice  packs  that  
are  used  for  athletic  purposes,  however  they  will  never  be  completely  lost  
because  ice  packs  have  numerous  other  uses  
• Regular  ice  is  a  threat  because  it  is  just  as  easy  to  make/use  as  an  ice  pack  
and  is  far  more  cost  effective  
Current  Market  Share  
• Have  a  very  small  share  of  the  athletic  use  share  due  to  the  presence  of  Cold  
therapy  and  regular  ice  in  general  
Current  Actions  in  the  Market  
• No  current  actions  target  the  use  of  ice  packs  for  athletics  
Probable  response  to  your  actions  
• Will  have  no  real  response  to  my  actions  as  the  main  target  market  for  many  
producers  of  ice  packs  is  not  athletes  who  need  it  to  treat  an  injury  
Pieter  Bednar     SM  203  
Nov.  8,  2010     Prof.  Gentile  
SWOT  Analysis  
• Bold  new  direction  
• Combines  two  essential  aspects  of  the  RICE  or  PRINCE  treatment  ideology  
• Newly  developed  product,  and  therefore  will  have  to  deal  with  loss  of  profit  
and  the  costs  associated  with  a  new  product  
• One  of  a  kind  product,  and  therefore  if  marketed  correctly  will  hold  the  
majority  of  the  market  and  will  be  able  to  withstand  any  competitors  
• New  developments  from  other  companies  such  as  Ace  Bandage  
• Current  economic  condition  
Analysis  of  Target  Markets  
Target  Markets  
Our  target  segment  within  the  market  is  that  of  males,  aged  18-­‐22  who  are  DIII  
college  athletes  in  the  New  England  area.  There  are  numerous  reasons  for  this.  First  
and  foremost,  generally  speaking  DIII  collegiate  programs  do  not  have  the  same  
funding  that  is  available  to  bigger  programs,  and  therefore  if  students  have  access  to  
an  effective  treatment  alternative  (Freezable  Bandage),  it  will  make  it  simpler  for  
athletes.  Secondly,  the  New  England  area  is  an  important  consideration  because  I  
have  the  most  knowledge  of  this  area  and  have  direct  experience  with  this  area,  
which  will  allow  me  to  more  accurately  market  the  product.  
Segmenting,  Targeting  &  Positioning  
According  to  Mullin  et  al.  (2007)  buyers  engage  in  purchase  decision-­‐making  in  one  
of  the  following  ways:  
• Economic  –  this  view  of  consumer  behavior  looks  at  the  ideal  concept,  in  
which  the  consumer  makes  objective  purchases  based  on  logic  and  facts.  
Those  who  ascribe  to  this  view  believe  that  if  you  put  a  good  product  in  
front  of  consumers  for  a  reasonable  price,  they  will  buy  it.  
• Psychological  –  this  approach  examines  consumer  attitude  and  its  effect  
as  a  predictor  of  behavior.  However,  it  is  important  to  note  that  there  may  
be  a  difference  between  the  intent  to  purchase  and  what  is  actually  
• Sociological  –  this  approach  identifies  social  influences  such  as  
demographics,  parental  influence,  and  peer  group  pressure.  These,  of  
course,  differ  with  each  consumer  or  market  segment.  
• Behavioral  –  this  concept  forwards  the  notion  that  everything  is  a  result  
of  interaction  with  the  environment,  rather  than  a  stimulus  and  response.  
The  ultimate  intent  is  a  change  in  behavior.  
Pieter  Bednar     SM  203  
Nov.  8,  2010     Prof.  Gentile  
Furthermore,  the  consumer  purchase  decision-­‐making  process  can  be  broken  down  
as  follows:  
• Identification  of  the  need  
• Quest  for  information  
• Evaluation  of  product  alternatives  
• Purchase  of  the  product  
• Post-­‐purchase  satisfaction  
Using  all  this  information  we  can  fully  understand  the  main  influences  of  purchasing  
decisions,  and  we  can  also  understand  the  steps  that  a  purchaser  goes  through  
before  making  their  final  decision  regarding  a  good.  As  an  organization,  when  we  
approach  segmentation,  we  will  base  a  lot  of  our  segments  on  the  economic  and  
sociological  aspects  of  the  purchase  decision-­‐making.  
Market  Size  
• 727,441  males  between  the  ages  of  18-­‐24  in  the  New  England  Area  
• 92,786  male  student  athletes  participating  in  DIII  collegiate  athletics  
• 54,654  uninsured  for  health  care  in  North  East  
• 29,313  uninsured  for  health  care  in  the  18-­‐24  age  range  in  the  United  States  
• Increasing  number  of  people  who  are  uninsured,  due  to  the  current  economic  
Market  Research  
When  collecting  primary  data,  there  are  numerous  different  methods  that  
can  be  used.  One  method  is  through  the  use  of  direct  surveys,  which  entails  
presenting  questionnaires  through  the  mail  or  via  an  online  survey  site  in  order  to  
collect  opinions  on  a  topic  under  investigation.  A  second  method  that  can  be  used  to  
gather  primary  data  is  through  personal  interviews  or  focus  groups.  When  
conducting  a  focus  group  study  we  asked  the  following  questions:  
• If  you  were  to  get  a  sprained  ankle,  in  your  opinion  what  is  the  most  effective  
way  to  treat  it?  
• How  would  you  suggest  marketing  the  product?  
• Do  you  feel  that  this  target  market,  male  college  athletes  in  New  England,  is  
an  adequate  choice?  Why  or  why  not?  
• Are  there  any  suggestions  that  you  have  that  could  improve  the  product?  
• Would  you  use  this  product?  
• Do  you  have  any  concerns  with  the  product?  What  are  they?  
• What  aspects  of  the  product  are  major  draws  for  you?  Why?  
• Do  you  feel  as  though  regular  Ace  Bandages  have  too  strong  of  a  hold  on  the  
market  to  allow  for  Freezable  Bandages  to  enter  the  market?  
• As  an  athlete,  would  you  rather  use  this  product  as  treatment  for  an  injury,  or  
would  you  prefer  to  pay  for  professional  treatment?  Why?  
Pieter  Bednar     SM  203  
Nov.  8,  2010     Prof.  Gentile  
• Would  you  feel  that  as  an  organization  providing  a  treatment  product  that  it  
is  a  requirement  for  us  to  provide  workshops  or  demonstrate  proper  
wrapping  treatment?  
From  conducting  the  focus  group  study  we  were  able  to  gain  a  lot  of  important  
information  about  our  product  and  any  changes  that  should  be  made  regarding  our  
product  or  marketing  plan.  This  focus  group  was  responsible  for  our  future  
development  of  a  product  that  provides  both  an  icing  and  heating  element.  
  When  collecting  secondary  data,  it  is  important  to  realize  that  this  is  
characterized  by  the  fact  that  it  is  not  conducted  directly  by  the  organization  or  its  
agents  and  does  not  entail  the  analysis  of  an  organization’s  own  customers,  but  
rather  samples  larger  segments  of  the  general  market.  From  a  secondary  research  
service  (the  Census)  we  were  able  to  determine  that  there  are  727,441  males  
between  the  ages  of  18-­‐24  in  the  New  England  area,  that  there  are  92,786  DIII  
collegiate  athletes,  54,654  uninsured  for  health  care  in  the  North  East  and  that  
29,313  are  uninsured  for  health  care  in  the  18  to  24  age  range  in  the  United  States.  
Benefit  Segmentation  
One  specific  product  benefit  that  I  will  use  to  segment  my  consumers  is  price  and  
accessibility.  This  will  allow  for  segmentation  because  college-­‐aged  individuals  
generally  speaking  do  not  have  the  disposable  income  to  afford  cutting  edge  
treatment  options.  
Sport  Marketing  Objectives  
Competitive  Advantage  
This  product  is  based  off  the  Ace  Bandage,  however  it  has  numerous  differences  and  
advantages  to  it.  The  main  difference  is  that  this  product  will  have  the  ability  to  be  
frozen.  This  is  essential  because  it  will  allow  for  an  individual  to  treat  a  sprain  in  a  
more  effective  manner  as  they  are  applying  both  compression  and  ice  at  the  same  
time,  as  opposed  to  one  or  the  other,  which  is  typically  the  case.  The  most  evident  
reason  as  to  why  our  product  differs  from  those  offered  by  competitors  is  because  
there  is  no  current  option  that  is  similar.  At  this  point  in  time,  the  most  similar  
product  is  the  hot/cold  treatment  options  that  are  offered  by  Ace.  This  product  
differs  from  ours  in  that  it  does  not  offer  any  compression  treatment,  which  is  one  of  
the  core  aspects  of  sprain  treatment.  The  only  advantage  that  this  product  has  over  
the  Freezable  bandage  is  that  it  does  provide  heat  treatment,  which  is  useful  to  treat  
muscle  aches.  
Marketing  Objectives  
• Obtain  endorsement  from  medical  professionals  
o 5  medical  institutions  in  the  New  England  area  
o 5  medical  institutions  in  the  United  States  (not  New  England  area)  
• Target  new  market  of  female  DIII  athletes  
• Conduct  market  segmentation  analysis  to  compete  with  
o Ace  Bandage  market  of  sport  participants  treating  injuries  
o Athletic  trainers  target  to  DIII  athletes  
Pieter  Bednar     SM  203  
Nov.  8,  2010     Prof.  Gentile  
• Increase  sales  of  product  
o 10%  increase  in  overall  product  sales  
• Increase  visibility  of  product  
o Increase  marketing  expenditure  by  10%  
o Measure  visibility  of  product  through  consumer  surveys  
Time  frame:  One  year  
Quarter  1:  
• Obtain  medical  endorsement  from  3  New  England  medical  institutions  
• Complete  market  inquiry  to  determine  whether  DIII  female  athletes  is  an  
adequate  target  market  
• Determine  which  company  we  will  use  to  provide  secondary  market  data  
• 2.5%  increase  in  sales  of  product,  and  ensure  that  sales  department  has  a  
report  to  demonstrate  their  findings  –  if  not  on  track  to  meet  objective,  
reassess  and  set  new  standard  for  the  objective  
• Commence  active  marketing  campaign  in  numerous  medias  (magazine,  
newspaper,  television,  internet)  
Quarter  2:  
• Obtain  medical  endorsement  from  2  New  England  medical  institutions  and  1  
medical  institution  in  the  USA  (not  New  England)  
• Conduct  trial  experiments  in  new  target  market  to  assess  plausibility  of  
• Allow  chosen  company  to  perform  secondary  market  research  for  2  quarters  
• A  further  2.5%  increase  in  sales  of  product  (5%  overall),  and  ensure  that  
sales  department  has  a  report  to  demonstrate  their  findings  –  if  not  on  track  
to  meet  objective,  reassess  and  set  new  standard  for  the  objective  
• Continue  active  marketing  campaign  in  numerous  medias,  and  also  address  
newer  media  forms  (social  networks,  youtube)  
Quarter  3:  
• Obtain  medical  endorsement  from  2  medical  institutions  in  the  USA  (not  New  
• Begin  marketing  product  to  new  target  market  to  increase  anticipation  of  
product  and  willingness  to  buy  product  
• Allow  chosen  company  to  perform  secondary  market  research  for  2  quarters  
(this  is  the  2nd  quarter)  
• Further  2.5%  increase  in  sales  of  product  (7.5%  overall),  and  ensure  that  
sales  department  has  a  report  to  demonstrate  their  findings  –  if  not  on  track  
to  meet  objective,  reassess  and  set  new  standard  for  the  objective  
• Distribute  consumer  surveys  to  our  target  market    
Quarter  4:  
• Obtain  medical  endorsement  from  2  medical  institutions  in  the  USA  (not  New  
• Commence  selling  the  product  to  our  newly  developed  market  segment  
• Have  chosen  company  report  to  our  organization  to  allow  us  to  act  about  the  
findings  that  are  obtained  from  the  secondary  market  data  
Pieter  Bednar     SM  203  
Nov.  8,  2010     Prof.  Gentile  
• Further  2.5%  increase  in  sales  of  product  (10%  overall),  and  ensure  that  
sales  department  has  a  report  to  demonstrate  their  findings  –  if  not  on  track  
to  meet  the  objective,  reassess  and  set  new  standard  for  objective  
• Collect  and  analyze  consumer  surveys  to  determine  whether  we  have  
increased  the  visibility  of  our  product  
Sport  Marketing  Strategies  and  Tactics  
1. Traditional  Market  Strategies:  
a. New  market  penetration  
i. According  to  Brooks,  market  penetration  involves  “attracting  
more  participants  to  your  established  programs”.  Market  
penetration  can  take  one  of  two  directions;  an  organization  can  
pursue  new  markets  with  existing  products  or  attempt  to  have  
existing  consumers  consume  at  a  higher  rate.  
ii. Market  penetration  applies  to  our  organization  as  we  are  a  
newly  developed  organization  and  we  are  attempting  to  gain  a  
hold  of  the  market  for  our  freezable  bandage.  
b. Market  expansion  
i. Market  share  development,  or  market  expansion,  is  an  attempt  
by  the  organization  to  increase  the  volume  of  products  sold  to  
totally  new  consumers.  Market  expansion  is  achieved  by  
getting  a  bigger  share  of  the  untapped  consumers  to  purchase  
your  product  or  service,  basically  attracting  a  new  market.  
Market  expansion  is  most  often  accomplished  with  either  
better  or  more  promotions  to  ensure  that  the  new  market  is  
informed  about  the  product.  
ii. Market  share  development  applies  to  our  organization  as  we  
could  try  to  tap  into  other  markets.  We  are  currently  focusing  
our  efforts  towards  males  who  are  18-­‐22  and  participate  in  
DIII  athletics  in  the  New  England  area.  There  is  plenty  of  room  
for  market  expansion  as  we  could  market  our  product  to  
females  in  the  same  age  range,  or  we  could  look  to  target  a  
completely  different  demographic.  
c. Product  Development  
i. An  organization  can  also  expand  their  market  by  creating  new  
products  and  services  to  meet  the  needs  of  existing  markets.  
These  would  be  products  or  services  of  a  similar  nature  that  
current  customers  would  be  interested  in  purchasing.  
ii. This  marketing  strategy  applies  to  our  company  as  we  are  
looking  to  create  new  products  that  will  allow  us  to  target  a  
similar  market  to  the  one  we  are  currently  looking  at.  Often  
times  ideas  for  a  new  product  comes  from  brainstorming  
sessions.  When  conducting  a  focus  group,  one  of  the  questions  
we  asked  was  whether  they  had  any  suggestions  for  product  
Pieter  Bednar     SM  203  
Nov.  8,  2010     Prof.  Gentile  
changes  or  improvements,  and  numerous  people  suggested  
adding  a  heating  option  to  the  product,  which  will  be  taken  into  
d. Diversification  
i. Diversification  is  characterized  by  creating  new  products  for  
new  clients.  
ii. It  is  hard  to  determine  where  this  will  apply  to  our  
organization,  however,  once  we  gain  a  steady  hold  of  our  
current  target  market,  we  will  look  to  diversify  our  product  
portfolio  and  target  market.  
2. Brand  Management  
a. A  brand  is  a  name,  term,  sign,  symbol,  or  design  or  a  combination  of  
these  intended  to  identify  goods  and  services  of  one  seller  or  group  of  
sellers  and  to  differentiate  them  from  those  of  competitors.  Often  
times  the  brand  is  based  on  the  product,  experience,  identity,  and  
associations  (Stotlar).  
b. Sport  enjoys  a  unique  position  in  the  marketing  world,  because  of  the  
team  as  brand  concept.  There  are  many  brands  to  which  consumers  
are  loyal,  however  the  power  of  a  sports  team  is  unparalleled.  
c. Our  company  will  position  ourselves  to  demonstrate  that  we  meet  all  
the  steps  of  the  IEG  Brand  Model:  
i. Product  –  quality  of  product  and  mission  fulfillment  
ii. Experience  –  pricing  and  customer  relations  
iii. Identity  –  ads,  media  selection  and  the  logo  
iv. Associations  –  suppliers  and  competitors  
3. Relationship  Marketing  
a. Relationship  Marketing  focuses  on  the  interactions  between  the  
company  and  the  consumer.  Relationship  marketing  can  be  defined  as  
an  integrated  effort  to  identify,  maintain,  and  build  a  network  with  
individual  consumers  and  to  continually  strengthen  the  network  for  
the  mutual  benefit  of  both  sides  through  interactive,  individualized,  
and  value-­‐added  contact  over  a  long  period  of  time.  (Stotlar)  
b. Relationship  marketing  can  provide  two  very  important  benefits:  
i. Relationship  marketing  techniques  allow  managers  to  become  
more  knowledgeable  about  customers  and  assist  the  
organization  with  product  development  and  market  
ii. Economic  advantage  in  that  it  is  generally  accepted  that  it  costs  
at  least  five  times  as  much  to  recruit  a  new  customer  as  it  does  
to  maintain  an  existing  one.  
c. As  an  organization  it  will  be  essential  to  maintain  an  effective  
relationship  with  our  customers,  and  therefore  will  place  an  emphasis  
on  relationship  marketing  to  maintain  a  loyal  fan  base  that  will  
continuously  buy  our  product.  
4. Tribal  Marketing  
Pieter  Bednar     SM  203  
Nov.  8,  2010     Prof.  Gentile  
a. Tribal  marketing  focuses  on  the  connection  between  customers,  who  
are  generally  linked  by  a  shared  passion  or  emotion.  
b. As  a  newly  developed  organization  that  is  entering  the  market,  tribal  
marketing  will  be  essential  for  us  as  we  develop  a  loyal  fan  base  that  is  
willing  to  share  our  product  with  others  who  may  not  be  part  of  the  
“tribe”.  Furthermore,  as  an  organization,  we  could  provide  an  option  
to  the  loyal  fan  base  to  be  the  first  to  experience  our  new  products.  
5. Tools  for  implementing  strategy  
a. Product  
i. Our  product,  the  Freezable  Bandage  meets  the  needs  of  the  
consumers  in  that  DIII  student-­‐athletes  need  a  cheaper  
alternative  to  provide  treatment  for  simple  sprains  and  strains.  
ii. The  sport  product,  in  our  case  is  a  hard  good  that  is  related  to  
the  field  of  sports  as  it  provides  treatment  for  a  typical  sports  
injury.  With  our  promotional  aspects  we  also  provide  a  service  
in  the  clinics  on  adequate  wrapping  techniques.  
iii. Our  product  will  be  developed  and  marketed  in  such  away  that  
is  based  on  mass  marketing.  Our  product  is  a  universal  product  
that  will  have  no  customization,  as  there  is  no  room  for  
customization  with  our  product.  
b. Price    
i. Pricing  theories  
1. Supply-­‐demand  –  The  basic  interaction  of  the  market  in  
which  the  supply  and  demand  of  a  product  set  the  price  
of  the  product.  
2. Utility  –  Consumers  essentially  base  the  price  on  the  
utility  (enjoyment)  that  the  consumer  gains  from  
buying  the  product.  
3. Elasticity  –  Price  elasticity  of  demand  relates  to  how  
demand  changes  in  relationship  to  changes  in  price.  
4. Marginal  costing  –  Many  sport  companies  use  a  
traditional  cost-­‐oriented  pricing  structure  that  begins  
with  a  calculation  of  the  cost  of  production,  marketing,  
and  distribution.  To  this  figure,  the  manufacturer  adds  
its  desired  profit  margin.  Eventually,  wholesalers  and  
retailers  add  desired  profit  margin  to  arrive  at  the  final  
retail  price.  
5. Our  choice  of  pricing  theory  to  be  used  will  be  the  
supply-­‐demand  approach,  which  will  also  be  influenced  
by  the  elasticity  approach  on  the  basics  of  economics.  
ii. Breakeven  Analysis  –  purpose  of  analysis  is  to  determine  how  
many  unites  must  be  sold  at  a  given  price  to  fully  cover  costs  
1. Fixed  Costs:  $100,000  
Pieter  Bednar     SM  203  
Nov.  8,  2010     Prof.  Gentile  
2. Variable  Costs  (at  a  production  volume  of  100,000  
units):  $50,000  
3. Cost  per  unit:  $1.50  
c. Place  –  When  determining  what  the  place  and  distribution  channels  
are  for  our  product,  there  are  numerous  things  to  consider.  The  
product  can  be  bought  in  numerous  locations.  It  can  easily  be  found  at  
a  sporting  goods  store  (Dick’s  Sporting  Goods  and  the  Sports  
Authority)  and  it  is  also  sold  in  Wal-­‐mart  and  many  of  the  larger  
pharmacies  (CVS,  Walgreens,  Rite  Aid,  Target).  
d. Promotion  –  When  it  comes  to  selling  our  product,  we  intend  to  use  
numerous  promotional  activities  when  we  first  enter  the  market  to  
ensure  that  people  are  willing  to  buy  our  product.  One  promotional  
activity  that  we  plan  on  using  is  the  “buy  1  get  1  50%  off”.  A  second  
promotional  activity  we  may  instill  at  one  point  in  our  marketing  plan  
is  to  provide  a  coupon  with  the  purchase  of  our  product  for  a  free  
clinic  on  adequate  wrapping  and  treatment  techniques  for  given  
sprains  and  strains.  
e. Public  Relations  –  as  an  organization  it  will  be  essential  for  us  to  
pursue  positive  public  relations  to  ensure  that  we  maintain  our  
consumer  base  and  to  increase  our  consumer  base  and  extend  to  
numerous  other  target  markets  
Works  Cited  
DeNavas-­‐Walt,  Carmen,  Bernadette  D.  Proctor,  and  Jessica  C.  Smith,  U.S.  Census    
Bureau,  Current  Population  Reports,  P60-­‐238,  Income,  Poverty,  and  Health  
Insurance  Coverage  in  the  United  States:  2009,  U.S.  Government  Printing  
Office,  Washington,  DC,  2010.  
Gulanti,  R.  (2010,  March).  Roaring  out  of  Recession.  Harvard  Business  Review.    
Retrieved  from  http://hbr.org/2010/03/roaring-­‐out-­‐of-­‐recession/ar/1  
NCAA.  (April  2008).    1981-­‐82  –  2006-­‐07  NCAA  Sports  Sponsorship  and  Participation    
Rates  Report.  Retrieved  from  http://www.ncaapublications.com/p-­‐4124-­‐
Stotlar,  David  K.  Developing  Successful  Sport  Marketing  Plans.  (2009).  Morgantown:    
University  of  West  Virginia.  

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