Greek Myths Poem

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The Olympians

From Mount Olympus My daughter Artemis

to earth below arrows she hurls
the gods have sent you she adores her animals
this poem, to show. and protects, young girls

My name is Zeus, Now Ares with his sword

and I am the god of the sky you shouldn’t upset
when you hear my thunder the other gods dislike him
I’m right nearby he’s war, he’s threat

Goddess Hera The opposite to him

she’s my beautiful queen, Aphrodite, goddess of love
protectors of all women is a beauty to adore
jealous and mean. With her symbol, of a dove

With trident in hand Hephaestus the blacksmith

Poseidon, god of the sea god of sculptor and fire,
on a chariot of horses who makes all the weapons
really doesn’t like me. the gods require

Goddess of the Harvest Hermes the messenger

and of sacred law, the trickster divine
Goddess Demeter with a snake entwined staff
gives us grain to store. communication, his line

My palace protector As goddess of the hearth

knowledgeable and wise, and the fires within
is Goddess Athena my sister, Hestia
with those owl-like eyes. protects the family and kin.

Prophecy and Philosophy Of a mortal mother

and this poetry given this god of wine became
are thanks to Apollo he’s one of my sons
who by the arts is driven Dionysus, be his name.

Last but not least

the final god of all
Hades of the underworld
to the darkness, you fall.

Read the poem carefully and answer the questions which follow: /15

1) What you say was the purpose of this poem? (2)


2) Does this poem have a rhyme scheme? If so, what is it?(2)

3) What part of speech is the phrase “with owl-like eyes”. Is it a simile, metaphor or
personification? Explain your answer. (2)
4) Certain gods are depicted (shown) in a negative light. Name one of these and say which
words put them in this negative light. (3)
5) Quote two examples of alliteration from the poem (2)
6) Of all the gods in the poem, which one would you want to be? Give a reason for your
choice. (2)
7) Did you enjoy this poem? Why?/ Why not? (2)
8) Write a short verse about your favorite / least favorite god/goddess. (5)

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