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Steps for configuring the application:

Step 1 – Download the inventory-warehouse management system.xlsm file

Step 2 – Open the file and enable macros (Macros is for the QR Codes as the QR codes are generated
using APIs)

Step 3 – Download and install the barcode font from -


Step 4 – Follow the steps to download and install the add in for barcode scanner from -

Step 5 – After installing the barcode scanner add-in, connect the “Scan-IT to Office” app in your phone
to the Excel sheet.

Step 5 – Create barcodes in the “Barcode” page of excel and print them. Note – While creating barcodes
make sure you use the format *product code* and then change the font to barcode style.

Step 6 – Go to “inventory check-in” page in excel file and start scanning the barcodes using the app
“Scan-IT to Office” in your mobile.

Step 7 – Go to “Products” page in the excel file and you can see the product quantities changing.

If you have any further queries then please refer the Youtube video – link is given in the summary and

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