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Student Services / Studienfinanzierung

Rämistrasse 101 / HG F 22.1

CH-8092 Zürich
Telefon +41 44 632 20 40 / 88
Study and Living Costs for
international students (approximated)
Costs estimate in CHF

Compulsory study costs / semester from HS 20

Tuition fee 730

(including exam fees)
Other compulsory semester fees
ASVZ (academic sports association) 30
Scholarship Fund 7
VSETH (students association) 32

Individual study costs Costs per month Costs per year

Study material (books, scripts, chemicals etc.) max. 85 max. 1’000

Excursions max. 40 max. 500

TOTAL individual study costs max. 125 max. 1’500

D-ARCH individual study costs max. 400 max. 4’800

Individual living costs Costs per month Costs per year

Rent (room incl. heating etc.; ø 2018) 799 9’588

Meals (incl. Meals at the refectory/cafeteria) 500 6’000
Public transport (tramways, bus) (65) 1
48 (782)1 570
Health insurance Ø 110 Ø 1’320
Leisure activities, holidays, clothes 160 1’900
Miscellaneous costs (hygiene, dentist, insurances, indiv. indiv.
phone, newspapers etc.)
TOTAL individual living costs max. 1’630 max. 19’610

Total study and living costs Costs per month Costs per year

Study and living costs max. 1’890 max. 22’700

D-ARCH study and living costs max. 2’170 max. 26’000

Study and living costs ESOP/ max. 1’760 max. 21’100

ETH-D Scholarship

1) age ≥ 25 years June 2020

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