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Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Laguna

Document Title Document No. CID-LRM-001


SUPPLEMENTARY READING Effectivity Date June 21, 2018
MATERIALS Page No. 1 of 2

Subject: TLE-Q2M7 Level: 9

Working Title: Draft Roof Plan
Suggested Title:

Page/Line Description of Error Recommended

Number Found/Comment/Findings Correction/Revision/Suggestion
108  you will be task  You will be tasked
 skilful  Skillful
 The module is divided into five (5)  Titled
lessons, namely(?):  Though it is based from the
 Lesson 4 – Draft Roof Plan; CG, it would be better if
Lesson 5 – Types of Roof Frame Lesson 5 comes first than
Lesson 4
109  What kind of roof can you suggest  What type of roof can you
to him to comply with his needs? suggest to him to comply
 Chloe noticed that the water from with his needs? Consistent
the roof is not dripping or flowing with the title.
properly (how?). ***. Which of  *** - it would be more
the following is the possible logical if there is a scenario
reason? that supports the word
 What does the arrows noticed.
represents in a roof plan?  What does the arrows
 represent in a roof plan?

116  Walk around your community  Consider places with high
and identify the different roof risk of getting infected by
types that you see. Report your COVID19. Based on the roof
findings through a graph illustrations, it can be
presentation. determined in an aerial view.
Suggest using Google Maps
if possible.
119  Identify what part of a roof is  Identify what part of a roof is
described in each number. being described in each
120  Instructions:  If this is required, then using
Take a picture of your own Google Maps is possible.
roofing system. Identify and label Explain how the students will
each part (only those that are submit the output (Online?
applicable for the type of roofing Printed output?).
system) using any photo editing  One of the vital parts
application of your choice.
Submit it to your teacher for
further checking.
 One of the vital part of a roofing
system is the material of the roof

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Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Laguna
Document Title Document No. CID-LRM-001


SUPPLEMENTARY READING Effectivity Date June 21, 2018
MATERIALS Page No. 2 of 2

121  Show below are the different kinds  Avoid hard-to-read

of roofing materials. instructions; use proper tense.
126  One of the vital part of a roofing  One of the vital parts
system is the material of the roof
 What I Have Learned (All Parts)  Learned thoughts are already
enumerated. Students shall be
given an option to express
their own learning. Use
multimodal assessment.

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“CONTROLLED COPY” stamp. Otherwise, please refer to the Control
of Documents & Records (CDR) for your updated copy.

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