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Student Recording and Reflections

Name: Sujay Agrawal My Photo

Grade: 9
Year: 2016-2017
IGCA Level: Silver
Cover Sheet – Check List

My IGCA Reflections

Reflections covering all the 4 Criteria through the following events:

Independence Day Eye camp in village bass

Teacher’s Day Christmas
UN Day Interhouse Cricket

Carnival Halloween’s Day

PWS MUN Math Fest

Peace Day Dwarka Half Marathon

Joy of Giving Mufti Day

Month of Heart Teej celebration with village kids

Jogathon of Hope


All my Reflections are supported with RELEVANT pictures
My JOURNEY of Growth & Development from Bronze to Silver

Name: Sujay Agrawal Level: Silver

Grade: 9 Year: 2016-17
Section: D Date of Submission: 20th March 2017
Independence Day

15th august has always been a very important day for us Indians and South
Koreans as on that day we Indians celebrate independence from the British.
This day reminds us of the hard work, sacrifice and the dedication of those
freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives and fought for our Independence.
The 70th Independence Day was celebrated in our school with a great
dedication, fanfare and gaiety. The entire campus was decorated with
beautiful Tri- color flags and amazing rangoli of flowers. The celebration
started with hosting of the Indian flag which was followed by the Indian
National Anthem. The day was marked by the fantastic performance of the
participants. The rhythmic dance and the melodic music kept the patriotic
fervor of the occasion.
The day was further celebrated by amazing games that were held in the upper
Han and the lower Han field. There were truly exciting and thrilling
Teacher’s Day
5th of September is the birth date of Shri Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who was
and Indian Philosopher and was the first vice president of Indian and the
second President of India. Teachers Day is celebrated on 5th of Sept in India
remembering Shri Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s Birth Anniversary.
Teachers day was celebrated in our school with great joy and enthusiasm. It
was a special day for teachers as well as students. This teacher’s day students
had put in great effort to keep the teachers happy. The students performed a
play in which they acted like different teachers. The atmosphere which they
kept was remarkable. The day remained a memorable day for all teachers and
UN Day

We have a basic aim while we celebrate UN day that is to encourage and

perform equality and peace between everyone. In Pathways, we celebrated
this by organizing a sit-down lunch for more than two thousand people. This
celebration was mostly led by students. On this day, we tried to give the
people respect who help us and serve us in our daily lives by serving them
lunch and we appreciate their hard work. It was not just serving them lunch,
the celebration was even bigger. People from the village had come to our
school and they enhanced this occasion by making us understand our country’s
traditional dress, food. I was very lucky that day, because it happened to be my
birthday on that day, I was very much happy that I served and helped many
people on my birthday and the UN day. Helping people makes me feel very
happy from inside. I had a lot of fun and I learned lot of things that day.

Carnival in Pathways is celebrated with great happiness, excitement and great
passion. 10th of December was the day we celebrated Sabrang in pathways
world school. Not just me but everyone who became a part of it must have had
fun a must have carried many memorable thoughts with them. That day is one
day for which I wait eagerly to arrive. It leaves us with great happiness and joy.
Being with my friends playing some enjoying games was a great part of that
occasion. Having rides with my friends was one of the things that I am going to
remember for my whole life. I just loved being a part of the Sabrang this year.
I had not been able to be a part of the MUN conference but I had been a part
of the special opening ceremony of the 6th PWS MUN. Our school performed
various dances and other performances were also performed by our school. It
was a great time, watching the participants dance and perform other styles of
entertainment. I particularly feel that MUN is an opportunity where we get to
know different people and we also get to know some major problems
occurring around the world, and how to deal with those problems. Through
MUN we understand how things work in a real UN (United Nation)
Peace Day

I had hardly heard about a day such as peace day before come to this school.
The first time I celebrated peace day was something which I would always to
remember. Celebrating peace day is something very important to do. I get a lot
of peace inside my heart and my sole by celebrating peace day.
In my school, we had a peace walk where we silently move to an area keeping
our mind and sole away from all sorts of distraction and keeping our mind free
and maintaining peace between everyone. It is believed in China that making a
thousand origami cranes fulfils a wish. We were told the story of Sadako Sasaki
who was a victim of the Hiroshima atom bomb attack in Japan. She was killed
few years after the Bomb attack because the radiation affected her body. We
were told her story and how she and her friends made paper cranes. Cranes
were then made a symbol for peace. Keeping her story in mind our school
celebrated peace day by also making a thousand paper cranes and hanging the
all over the campus to ask one wish which was “Peace between all”.
Joy of Giving / Thanks Giving Day

Thanks, giving is occasionally celebrated mainly in North America and in some

other parts of the world. We at pathways celebrated this on the 24 th of the
November 2016.
That evening was further enhanced by some teachers of the Anubanmuangmai
chonburi School, Thailand. They performed a special traditional dance in their
cultural dress, giving respect to the Thai King. On that day, some students gave
a thanks messages in several languages. The audience truly enjoyed that
evening. The delightful dinner was served by Caterman. It was a memorable
moment when students sat in the dining hall having dinner in complete silence
and enjoying the candle light dinner.
Month of Heart
Month of February is proclaimed to be the month of the Heart. February is not
just knowing as the month of heart because Valentine’s day lies in this period.
In Pathways, we got to know about various people who helped people and
were very caring towards others. In our grade, each section made power point
presentation on heart problems, various personalities and people who were
very caring and how to deal with different kinds of heart diseases.
Jogathon Of Hope

Every year our school perform a charity marathon called Jogathon where all
student run around 3-4 kms. Keeping in mind about the Month of heart
teachers and principals decided to organize a Jogathon. This event was also
became competitive where very participant contributed to their house.
Remembering the efforts of Terry Fox to raise awareness for those who
suffered from cancer like him. We were then given knowledge about Terry fox
and his life. He is famous for walking across Canada with a Prosthetic Leg and
we were told more about his life.

Camps have always been amazing , exciting. It’s always fun to go for camps
with your friends enjoying a life just opposite than our life. This academic Year
Grade 9 had a visit to Mashobra, a camp site near Shimla. Our day started with
long and tiring journey. We reached the camp site in thirteen hours. It was very
tiring evening. The cold breeze was simply amazing. It was quite cold there in
Mashobra because of the high altitude. We reached at night and then we
headed towards the dining hall for Dinner. The dinner was simply delicious and
made me feel much happier being in that camp site. Our camps continued with
many adventurous activities such as Mountain biking which was awesome.
Then we went for rock climbing for which I was scared and was also quite
difficult for me, but I overcame that fear. We also went for night treks which I
really enjoyed because I got to know other people and make new friends. We
were all divided in different tribes and then on the last day we had a
competitive game that included treasure hunt where we needed to find some
materials which are required to make a catapult. Then our tribe and our tribe
leader made a catapult in that and then shot tennis balls and measured the
most distance travelled by each tribe’s catapult. In camps we get to mingle
with others and make new friends. The campfire was astonishing, the stories
shared that was something I will remember for my life.
Hariyali Teej Celebration with village school

Teej is a festival or a celebration celebrated in Haryana mainly to remember

the reunion of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.
This year students of grade 9 including me went to four different schools to
celebrate teej with the village kids and people. I had never celebrated Teej
before, and I was not feeling very much interested being a part of it. When I
reached there I saw the smile on each village kid. I saw the atmosphere their
and the beautifully decorated surroundings. I then got excited to celebrate teej
and I felt that I am very lucky to be in a place like this. I and my friends played
some games with small kids for some time. I enjoyed learning new games and
playing with them. I then turned and saw our school and their school
competing in kabaddi. They were surely a tough competition. My friends called
me to play and then the celebration became even enjoyable. They were very
energetic and for some time It became quite tough for us to get points, but
then the game changes when Aabhas got 4 people out in the raid. That gave us
more confidence and then pathwaysians gave all their energy and won the
game. After the games, we were served snacks for which everyone was waiting
eagerly. We then taught students about basic hygiene they need to maintain
within themselves and at their home. I felt glad sharing my knowledge to those
kids who never knew what precautions we need to take and how to maintain
hygiene. Then few girls of their school performed a traditional dance. Then we
all took a group photo and went back to school with some memorable
Eye Camp with Rotary Club in Village Bass (stage 2)

On 10th of November, students of PWS went out to each house in the village
inviting them to come and get their free eye checkup. We had great day ahead
on the 12th of Nov. Our school with the rotary club had organized an eye camp
in a government school in village Bass.
The doctors of the Rotary club provided expert medical assistance for proper
eye care of the village people. The day started with a large part of the
population coming with great hopes. All together 230 villagers registered and
got their eye check – up and almost 110 spectacles were given out to the
villagers who had difficulty in their vision. We had an amazing experience and
we felt happy from inside seeing a smile on each villager which motivated us to
work even harder. We had a successful eye camp and we had found 16
Cataract patients whose treatment would be done in the next stage of the eye
camp. In this event, we learned our roles and responsibility in our life and
learned how to work as a team and stay organized.
Merry Christmas

It was the second last day before the winter breaks were starting. This day we
boarders celebrated Christmas and New year with great joy and happiness.
After a week of hard work, all the residences were decorated beautifully to
celebrate Christmas. The celebration started with amazing Christmas assembly
which included melodic Christmas songs and amazing dance performance by
all the participants which also included resident parents. Then Caterman had
served amazing diner in the lower Han field. Me and my friends wished
everyone happy new year and merry Christmas in advanced and enjoyed the
Diner. It was a moment where I enjoyed being with my friends.
Inter House Cricket

Inter House cricket was held this February in which all four house took part.
This time there was a girls’ team also who played cricket. I was lucky enough to
become the captain of Fire House B team. I was happy to become a team-
leader and I had certain responsibility. Our first match was against Earth house
where our players showed up great dedication and played with their heart and
we won the first match. I was very happy to win the first match. The next
matches became difficult for us to win and we lost the other 2 matches. I was
very sad, but we did not lose hope. It was a learning for us and we understood
where we went wrong. We learned new things from different players. I
enjoyed the event. Next time we will be even better.

Halloween’s Day
Halloween’s day was celebrated in October in pathways. It was titled “Glow in
the Dark”. We all were dressed in casuals and were very enthusiastic for the
party. We had to go to Nalanda for the party. As we entered it was all dark all
around. Great music was playing and all students were dancing. It was a disco
party. Me and my friends all made a group and started dancing. I had fun
dancing with my friends. I enjoyed that evening. We were also served snacks
that included popcorn which were refreshing. I want to have the same party
again next year.
Math Fest

On the day of Children’s day, the celebration was further enhanced by the
popular math fest which was titled Mathways@pathways. The colorful photos
and stalls explained math about each game. There were number of stalls
organized by the mathematics department. Students gathered near stalls like
Special – 22 (Math Bola), Time your money, Strike it right, and Straw Khalifa.
There also many more stalls. Teachers had also taken part in games like Tic-
Tac-toe. A M-athlete – a math relay was the most exciting and the best thing to
watch. Teachers and students had taken part in this. Players on one side would
run in different costumes to one end and solve some questions and then other
players would run to another end and whoever finishes first and gets all
correct solutions wins. It was fun to learn new things and solve math problems.
Dwarka Half Marathon Charity Run
On 11th of September, students of pathways took part in Dwarka Half
Marathon Charity run. It was held for solemn cause and I thought that giving
some money to charity would improve an unprivileged person’s life. Everyone
was given a T-shirt from the organization. We woke up early in the morning
and were geared up for the marathon. Everyone participant ran with great
enthusiasm. As everyone finished the marathon they were awarded a medal of
appreciation. The marathon was undoubtedly a great experience for me as
well as other students who had taken part in this. We all came back with great
pride and experience.
Mufti Day

This year Mufti Day was celebrated with great passion and cheerfulness.
Students had to come to school wearing their casual dress instead of their
normal school uniform bringing several shining colors. The students were
delighted and enchanted after knowing that students will be shown a movie
apart from their normal lessons. Grade 9 and 10 watched a documentary
“Home” which did not work out well so they played “Now you see me 2 “which
was interesting enough. Then we were refreshing and chilled ice tea with
popcorn to enjoy the movie further. Students donated 100 Rupees each to the
interact and the rotary club to help the unprivileged. I had great time enjoying
and watching the movie with my friends.

As I have already received the IGCA bronze award, I thought of Mentoring a

new boy or a child who had not received the bronze award. My friend Aditya
Tripathi of grade 9 had recently joined our school and had no idea about IGCA.
That moment I decided to help him and make him understand about IGCA and
what all requires to receive a bronze award. I explained him that this award is
very useful and important for your future. I made sure he does his work with
great hard work. I first explained him the reflection part, then went on the CAS,
I told him that he had to do any type of community service at least for 8 hours
which is must in Bronze award. I was happy enough after he understood
everything what I wanted him to understand.
My Journey from Bronze to Silver
My journey from Bronze award to silver has many moments that I have kept
with me. It took some while to understand the importance of this award.
When I was introduced to this award I thought it was a waste of time and had
no outcome. When it was time to submit, it I had hardly started doing
anything. Being honest I thought that I was forced to do something like this.
The reflection part of it was the most boring part which I felt before receiving
the bronze award. We also had to include CAS which we had to do for 8 hrs in
total. I had never thought how community service would help in future. But I
did my community service with great hard work and dedication. I was teaching
my maid’s son who was in grade 4. I felt bored in the first 15 minutes but after
interacting with him I got passionate about doing community service. My hard
work and dedication got me the bronze award. When I heard, my name
announced for it, I felt glad. Receiving that award made me feel the
importance of it. That gave me more confidence. This year I had decided that I
had to get the silver award. This time writing the reflections were not difficult
for me, it became easier as I recollected all my memories celebrated with my
friends and while writing it, it reminded me of the great time I had with my
friends. I worked hard in community service also. This time I did not see the
limitation for the reflections, I just kept on writing about the events in which I
had taken part. I have now realized that I am an International Global Citizen
whether I get the award or not. But my hard work and dedication will get me
to writec place.
Community Service
Last time I did the community service with great hard work, but this time I
decided not just to teach someone just for an hour or just 16 hours. I did not
do it just for the sake of doing it. The office attendant in Han, Mr. Bijendar
bhaiya, he was very interested in learning English so that moment I decided to
teach him how to speak and write English. I started teaching him basic English
conversation between two people. Then later on started teaching about nouns
and to make it easy translated it in hindi so he understands better. Starting
with nouns I explained him the definition of nouns, then gave him some
examples. Then I gave him a exercise where he had to underline the noun in
the giving sentence.
Then I taught him about pronouns and followed the same plan to make him
understand pronouns. I continued teaching him about prepositions and
adjectives. This wasn’t it, he used to take leave every month, so I decided to
teach him how to write a leave application. I started teaching by make him
understand what is leave application which he already knew. So I first told him
the format of leave application. Then I taught him, what to write in a leave
application and the formal way of writing it. Then I asked him to write a leave
application on “ to grant leave for sisters wedding”. He wrote is pretty well.
Then I had been revising stuff again and again to make him understand
whatever I had thought.
I felt glad after sharing my knowledge with him and his smile on the face gave
me happiness and satisfaction.

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