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Shirkada adeegyada kala

duwan ee HATCO

Xogta iyo sharciga shirkada

Horn Advertisement Technology Company

Xogta iyo sharciga shirkada

Maclumaadka shirkada

Magaca shirkada: shirkada adeegyada bulshada ee Hatco

Kala xidhiidh

Garaac: +252 634258673, +252 634001517, +252 634104751 +252 654001517



Xafiiska shirkadu waxa uu ku yaalaa Hargaysa, Somaliland.

Dagmada 26 JUNE, wadada Telesomta

Boodhka (mulkiilayaasha) shirkada

1. Mukhtaar Abdilahi Mohamed

2. Xams Ismaaciil Ibraahim

1. Gogol dhiga shirkada Adeeg bixinta

Shirkada adeega bahiyaha bulshada waxa la aasaasaya sanadkan cusub. waxana

aasasay arday dhigata jaamacadaha hargeysa iyo qaar dhameeyayba, kuwaas oo
aqoon buuxda u leh adeegyada ay u qabanayan bulshada oo ah adeegyo kala duwan oo
ay u bahanntahay bulshada reer soomaliland. Sida kiraynta guryaha iyada oo la
adeegsanayo habab casri ah, adeegyada qurxinta guryaha, kiraynta baburta iyo
adeegyo kale oo ay bulshadu aad ugu bahantahay sida xayaysiinta, ibinta qalabka
Electronic iyo stationary. Sikastaba ha ahaatee, shaqsiyaadkan bilaabaya shirkadu
waxay caawin doonaan bulshada reer Somaliland ka dib markii ay ogaadeen baahida
loo qabo horumarinta bulshada iyo inay u bahan yihiin adeegyo kala duwan.

Hadafkayagu waa inaanu qancino macmiisha doonta inaanu u fulino adeegyo

Waxaanu xooga saaraynaa fulinta iyo u adeegida ujeedooyinka

macmiilka/bulshadu u baahi qabo in loo fuliyo.

2. Boodhka shirkada Adeeg bixinta

Adeegan Ganacsiga waxa maamulaya 2 qof, kuwaas oo leh khibrad kala duwan
oo ah xaga adeegyada ay qabanayaan. Waxay ku lug lahaayeen horumarinta
ganacsiyo ama adeegyo kala duwan oo ay hore usoo qabteen.

Maamulayaasha Adeega shirkadu waxay u taaganyihiin soo ururinta

macluumaadka, waxay aqoonsadaan isbadalada ganacsiga iyo dib u eegista

2. Higsi

Inaan noqono shirkada bixisa adeegyo kala duwan oo ay ku qancaan

bulshada Somaliland kana turjumaysa bahiyaha bulshada oo tabanaysa
dhinacyo badan oo baahi wayn loo qabo.

3. Himilo

Inaan noqono shirkada ugu wayn ee bixisa adeeg yada kala duwan
uguna wanagsan geeska Africa.

4. Ujeedooyinka shirkada

Inaanu siino macmishayada adeegyo ay isku halayn karaan oo tayo


Inaanu xalino dhibaatooyinka qurxinta guryaha.

Inaanu iibino qalab tayo leh anagoo adeegsanayna habab casri ah.

Inaan bulshada ka cawino sidii ay ku heli lahayen adeeg kiro oo
 hufan iyadoo la isticmalayo hab casri ah.

5. Adeegyada ay shirkadu bixinayso

i. Qurxinta guryaha.
ii. Xayaysiinta casriga ah shirkadaha.
iii. Qorshaynta iyo naqshadaynta guryaha.
iv. Iibinta qalabka electroniga ah.
v. Kiraynta guryaha.

6. Sifooyinka shirkada

▪ Shaqan wanaag.

▪ Daacadnimo

▪ Laxisaabtan

▪ Tayo

▪ Hal abuur

▪ Raali galinta macmiilka

Sharciga shirkada

Qodobka 1aad: asaaska shirkada

1.1. Halkan waxa lagu aasaasayaa shirkada magaceeda la yidhaa Horn

Advertisement technology construction oo loo soo gaabinayo (HATCO).

1.2. Xafiiska shirkadu waxa uu ku yaalaa magaalo madaxda Hargeisa.

1.3. Luuqadaha xafiiska shirkadu waa ENGLISH iyo SOMALI.

Qodobka 2aad: qaabka maamulka shirkada



Adeegayaasha maamulka
shirkada maaliyada

maamulka shaqo

2.1. maamulayaasha

Arimaha shirkada waxa maamulaya mulkiilayaasha shirkada.

Shirkada waxa maamulaya 2 qof oo ah mulkiilayaasha shirkada.
Mulkiilayaashu waxay waxay masuul ka yihiin dhamaanba
howlaha maamulka shirkada iyo Adeegyada ay fulin doonto.

2.2. Gudoomiyaha

Mid ka mida mulkiilayaasha shirkada ayaa noqonaya gudoomiyha

shirkada mudo hal sano ah. Xilkan waxa loo dooranayaa si iskuxigxig
ah mulkiilashaa dhexdooda. Gudoomiyuhu waxa uu masuul ka yahay

2.2.1. Qabashada howl maameedka xafiiska shirkada.

2.2.2. La xidhiidhida macmiisha

2.2.3. Maamulida kulanada kooxda maamumulka guud

Qodobka 3aad: saamiyada

3.1. Tirada saamilayda shirkadu waa 2 qof, lakin waa laga kordhin
karaa hadii loo baahdo iyadoo go’aanka lagu qaadanayo.

3.2. Dhamaan 2 qof saami waxay u kala leyihin sida tan:

❖ 
Xamse Ismaaciil Ibraahim …….….. 50%
❖ Mukhtar Abdilahi Mohamed……..50%

3.3. Hantida shirkada waxa lagu qaybsanayaa sida kor ku xusan.

3.4. Hadii mid kamida mulkiilayaashu geeriyoodo, qoyskiisa waxa u

banana inay qaataan saamiga shirkada iyo inay qayb ka sii
ahaadaan shirkada.

Qodobka 4aad: shaqaalaysiinta

9.1. shirkadu waxay shaqaalaysiin doontaa dhaliyarta aqoonta u leh adeegyada

ay qabanayso.

9.2. shaqaalaha waxa lagu xulandoonaa khibrad iyo aqoonta ay u leeyiin

shaqada ay qabanayaan

9.3. shirkadu waxay tix galin doontaa dhamaan suruucda u taala shaqaalaha
iyo guud ahaan sharciyada soomaliland u yaala.

HATCO Multi Services

Company profile
Service Company information

Name: Horn Advertisement Technology Company

Contact information
Tell: +252 634258673, +252 634104751, +252 634001517,+252654001517
E-mail address:

Hatco head quarter (HQ) is in Hargeiysa, Somaliland
Address: 26june district, Telesom Street.

Directors or shareholders of the company

1. Mukhtaar Abdilahi Mohamed

2. Xamse Ismaaciil Ibraahim

1. The Background of the company service provider.

The community service provider is set up this year. It is created students at the
Universities of Hargeisa and some graduates who have full knowledge of services
they provide society like, rent a home with using modern methods, decorating
services, rent cars and Other community-based services such as advertising, selling
the Electronics and stationary. However, these individuals are starting the company
will help the Somaliland community after they have discovered the need for social
development and for a variety of services. Our goal is to satisfy customers'
demands to deliver services, we focus on the implementation of the objectives of
the client and service / social needs to be fulfilled.

2. The Service Provider's Board

The business service is managed by 2 people, who have different experiences the
services they are doing. They are involved in the development of businesses or a
variety of services that they had previously done. Managers of the company are up to
the collection the information recognizes business changes and reviews Services.

3. Mission

Being a company that provides a range of services to the satisfaction of the

community Somaliland translates community outreach in many areas great need.

4. Vision

Being the largest provider of multi services and various services the Horn of

5. The Company's objectives

➢ 
 We provide customers with quality and reliable services.

To solve the problem of decorating homes.

➢ 
 We sell quality equipment using modern methods.

 to achieve a decent lease of service using
To help the community
 modern methods.

6. The services provided by the company

❖ 
 House decoration.
❖ 
 Modern advertisement for companies.
❖ 
 Planning and designing of homes.
❖ 
 Selling electronic equipment.
❖ 
Renting a home.

7. Characteristics of the company

 Innovation

 Integrity

 Commitment

 Quality

 Client focus

 Customer satisfaction

Article 1: the foundations of the company

1.1. Here is the name of the company called Horn

Advertisement technology abbreviation (HATCO).

1.2. The company's office is located in Hargeisa.

1.3. Business office language is English and Somali.

Article 2: Board of Directors

Corporate issues are governed by the owners of the company. The company is
managed by 2 persons of the company. Landlords are responsible for all activities
the management of the company and the services it will carry out.
Board of


Procurement Admin
Team And finance


2.2. Chairman

One of the owners of the company becomes the chairman company for one year.
This time will be chosen for the whole within the property. The chairperson is
✓ 
 2.2.1. Conducting the operations of the business office.
✓ 
 2.2.2. Contact customer service
✓ 
2.2.3. Managing board meetings

Article 3: Shares

3.1. The number of shareholders is 2 people, but can be extended if necessary in

the decision.
3.2. All 2 parcels are as follows:
✓ 
Xamse Ismaaciil Ibraahim........ 50%
✓ Mukhtaar Abdilahi Maxamed ........ 50%

3.3. The property of the company will be distributed as above.

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3.4. If one of the owners dies, it is for his family they have to take ownership of the
company and become part of it company.

Article 4: Employment

4.1. The company will hire youth who have knowledge of their services doing it.

4.2. The staff will be selected for their expertise and experience

They are doing.

4.3. The company will consider all employees' rights and responsibilities

General laws in Somaliland.

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