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Name: ______________ Subject: Science

Grade: 5 Sec: PRWS : 4 (L-13)

Roll No.: In d ia n In t e r n a t io n a l S c h o o l Date: __/__/__ (2016-17)

Q1. Answer in one word:

1.1 Anything that has mass and occupies space: matter

1.2 The binding force between the molecules: force of attraction

1.3 A liquid in which a solid dissolves: solvent

1.4 The space between the molecules: inter molecular space

1.5 A mixture of salt and water: solution

1.6 A hard substance which has definite shape and volume: solid

Q2. Fill in the blanks:

2.1 No new substance is formed in a __physical_ change.

2.2 __Molecule__ is the smallest unit of a substance.

2.3 __Physical__ changes can be reversed.

2.4 The change of state of material changes the arrangement of _molecules___ in it.

2.5 A molecule is made up of __same_ or __different__ atoms.

2.6 The molecules in solids have __strong___ force of attraction between them.

2.7 A room is empty but it is still occupied by _air___.

2.8 _Liquids__ have definite volume but no definite shape.

Q3. State whether the following statements are True or False

3.1 Condensation takes place when water becomes ice. __F_______

3.2 Liquids have their own shape. _F________

3.3 Burning of a cracker is a chemical change. _T____

3.4 A solute dissolves faster in cold water. ___F______

3.5 There are molecular spaces between the molecules of liquid. ___T______

3.6 Heating or cooling brings about physical change. __T_______

3.7 Aquatic plants prepare their food with the help of oxygen dissolved in water. ____F__

3.8 All kind of changes can be reversed. _F______

Q4. Think and answer:

4.1 Saurabh observed fizz when he opened a soft drink bottle? Why?

Saurabh observed fizz when he opened the soft drink bottle because it had CO 2 gas

dissolved in it under pressure which gets released out in the form of bubbles.

4.2 Why boiling water is a physical change while boiling of rice is a chemical change?

When we boil water, it changes into vapour. This can be changed back into water by

condensation. Boiling rice results into cooked rice which cannot be reversed.

4.3 Raju, the kulfi seller sprinkles salt over ice to prevent it from melting. How does

sprinkling of salt help?

Sprinkling of salt over ice reduces the melting point of ice and hence ice melts at a

temperature lower than normal.

Q5. Complete the table:

Conversion in state Process involved Example

Solid liquid Melting Ice cream changing into milk

liquid Gas Evaporation Sea water changing into vapour.

Gas liquid Condensation Water vapour changing into droplets

of water on a cool surface.

liquid Solid Freezing Water changing into ice.

Solid Gas Sublimation Odonil changing into vapour.

Gas Solid Deposition Frost crystals on plants.

Q6. State whether the following statements are a Physical Change or a Chemical Change

3.1 Melting of wax: PC 3.5 Stretching of a rubber band: PC

3.2 Burning of paper: CC 3.6 Inflating a balloon: PC

3.3 Breaking of a glass: PC 3.7 Formation of curd: CC

3.4 Cooking of food: CC 3.8 Boiling of an egg: CC


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