Outline - Rectos Nationalism and Historic Past

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Recto’s Nationalism and our

Historic Past
I. Nationalism

A.Nationalism in its raw and general form

1. A “growing and deepening consciousness that we are distinct
people with our own character and spirit, our own customs and
traditions, our own ideals, our own way of thinking, our own way
of life.”
a. Nationalism sets the distinct characteristic of every nation in the
world. Whilst, every concept of nationalism on every nation are on its
own different context—and this gives every entities inside a nation
that sense of ‘nationalism’, that each nation are meant to be
independent, and set apart from the other.
b. It is nature’s rule that every nation are supposed to be liberated on
their own nationalistic standard and landscape, and live with shared
freedom—and if disrupted, a particular resistance will occur.
2. Nationalism “sets us apart as a people distinct from any other”—
and that is because of the different experiences and “vicissitudes”
that a nation have gone through on their own historical landscape.
a. The characteristic of nation and its entities concept of nationalism is
anchored to their history and how it was shaped through their
collective experiences.

B.Filipino Nationalism
1. A Filipino cannot assert this identity on his own and call himself a
nationalist, “unless he is one with the people’s history and has
enriched his heart the precepts and examples of our heroes and
a. This gives us the idea of the significance of understanding our
history and how it was formed. For a Filipino to be a true
nationalist, it must be aware of its nation’s past and current
struggles; and along the way establish a strong sense of
nationalistic consciousness and being.

2. “A firm belief in the genius of our race and in the capacity of the
people for advancement toward the attainment of their own destiny
is another basic component of nationalism.”

1|Recto’s Nationalism and our Historic Past

a. This belief should be rooted through an in-depth understanding
of their nation and people’s past in regards to struggle, trials, and
accomplishments. For Filipinos to continuously believe that they
are ‘able’, then they must look back to their history that speaks of
their collective narratives that pushed their nation’s history;
history establishes confidence that the Filipino people can carve
their own destiny and fulfill it, because they have done it in time.
b. The nation’s history establishes a concept of significance not just
to the people’s past, but also to their present and future; that their
land, sovereignty, freedom, and every other factor and variable
that collectively build their nation, should not be taken for granted.
This particular notion of significant consciousness will give birth
to a demand that this whole scope of the nation should be
nourished, protected, and loved.

3. Nationalism and Patriotism

a. “If, according to Webster, “nationalism” and “patriotism” are
synonymous, then, to be a patriot is to a nationalist, and vice-
b. This particular technical view of “nationalism” gave justice to its
sense and true end—that it is deep consciousness and identity
that should never be taken away from the nation’s people, as it is
a part of their very soul. With this, people cannot tone down the
magnitude of the concept of “nationalism” because it will defeat
the sense of “patriotism” itself.

4. Influence of Nationalism
a. The nationalism that is carved in the consciousness of the
present day’s Filipino nationalist are from the stone of patriotisms
carved by their Filipino ancestors—heroes and martyrs that
sacrificed their blood and very life for the nation and its people’s
b. By truly understanding the nation’s history and past, the
nationalistic consciousness of the ones before them will be
carved into their own ideologies, deeds, and lives, thus, it will
emanate to the present society; that during the process of the
formation of this nation’s Republic, it is as significant to know its
nationalistic pillars and pedestal, as it will be a highly influential
force that will dictate the nation’s future—the past and the present
will always have the tendency to mirror the future.

C.Nationalism as a vital force

1. It is preserving, militant and mature
a. Pres. Eisenhower of the USA ignored this force and became so
complacent that it became so powerful and uncontrollable. It
resulted in reduced colonial empires.

2|Recto’s Nationalism and our Historic Past

b. National self determination and democracy were the two mighty
2. Countries in Asia and Africa share things in common—both were
triumphant in driving away colonizers.

D. Nationalism as The Natural Antagonist of Colonialism

• Rallying in order to secure independence
• Indonesia and Philippines relied on their nationalist spirit
• To be independent, the last traces of colonialism must eradicate

E. Philippine Nationalism Contrasted With American Nationalism

1. Similarities on being a nationalist countries
a. Have the right to love their country
b. Have the right to cherish and protect their independence
c. Have the right to choose a government

2. American Nationalists of 1776

a. Advocated independence
b. Separation from a foreign state like Britain

3. American Nationalists as of Today

a. Do not seek independence
b. Only seek to expand their markets abroad
c. Use political power for surplus manufactures and capital

These hardly qualify to some underdeveloped nation

like the Philippines that is not prosperous and powerful
like America.
d. Americans must try to understand, without prejudice and rancor, the
nationalist goals of the Filipinos
e. Considering the history of Americans, they’ve also experienced this
process of being liberated as a nation and thus beginning to
establish goals as a liberal nation
e.1. In the early days of their independent national life, they
would still be a colony in fact, if not in name, of the British Empire.
F. Our Lingering Colonial Complex
1. Our dependent situation has been intensified by the unique
circumstances in which we attained our independence
a. Unlike with other liberated Asian nations which faced specific issues
towards colonizers
a.1. Blood and tears, exploitation and subjugation, and centuries
of enmity, divided Indonesians from the Dutch, etc.
2. We experienced extensive and pervasive cultural colonization

3|Recto’s Nationalism and our Historic Past

a. We were submissive to their domineering colonial policies although
it appears favorable to us
b. The system of free-trade introduced to us made us dependent on
American products and thus on American market
c. When our independence was proclaimed by this colonizer, it was not
so much an act of separation but more of a “more perfect union”
d. As a result, great numbers of Filipinos profess fealty in Americans,
constantly asking for assistance particularly in financial difficulties
e. We are afflicted with divided loyalties and not yet recovered from the
spell of colonialism
f. The split personality of our nation is still present and seen as
flagstaffs are still seen standing two by two in front of public buildings

G. Why Our Nationalist Movement Is Backward

1. Corruption and years of being exposed to demoralization

2. Because of Few Anti-Nationalists where we can find them as
politicians who obtain it only by renouncing nationalism and
became advocates or agents of foreign interest.
3. Some people call themselves true nationalists but the truth is that
their nationalism is purely emotional type.

H. The False Nationalist

1. Barong Tagalog Nationalist who deal in superficialities.

I. The False Nationalists

• With the emergence of the different types of so-called nationalists,

blunting and distortion of nationalism happens; thus, hindering its purpose to
make people realize that they are victims of misrepresented concepts of
nationalism. False nationalists are those who claim to be in support of the
nationalist movement while also trying to underhandedly break it.
1. Barong Tagalog Nationalists. The nationalism they embody deals
in superficialities; they are those with the surface concept of nationalism
which is to simply do things that portray “acts of being nationalistic.”
a. Singing the national anthem in the national language, wearing
the national costume, and reciting the piece “I am a Filipino”
2. Internationalist Nationalists. Their idea of nationalism is to
prioritize international relations at whatever cost, such as nationalist
advances in the political and economic fields, as long as it aids us for
military protection.
3. Hypocritical Nationalists. The nationalism they have is only shown
in words because they aren’t ones who really advocate for it but instead
only uses it as means for personal purposes.

4|Recto’s Nationalism and our Historic Past

4. President Magsaysay and Positive Nationalism. Positive
nationalism is the idea that subordination of the provincial loyalties to a
common and national loyalty will result in a more unified country.
a. “It does not seek to overthrow foreign control in all fields of
national existence.”
b. “Undue emphasis against provincialism and sectionalism
only divert our attention from the more transcendental concept
nationalism vis-à-vis all foreign nations – the assertion of our
sovereignty and independence against all others, whether
or not.”

J. Nationalism and Internationalism

• The dividing line between the broad concept of nationalism and
expedient internationalism is thin and delicate.
1. Nationalism as the necessary step towards the best in
internationalism. With a clearer view and mellow appraisal of the
various aspects of the country, one can openly criticize it for its
shortcomings when at home, while refraining from destructive criticisms
when away at home. This will keep us unwarped by inhibiting prejudices
and discriminations from a unified view of peoples and countries,
because we are secured by our own understanding, tolerance, and
a. At its worst, extreme nationalism which is a refusal to see the
defects in the country while exaggerating its good points results
in its slow progression and may even produce stagnation.
2. Internationalism as an enlightened extension of nationalism.
a. Patronizing the economic, political, social, and cultural fields
of the Filipinos doesn’t mean exclusion of the neighboring
countries. It only translates to the expression of regional self-
cultivation. self-dependence, and self-respect.
b. The terms do not overlap nor inimical; they constitute the ideal
of growth and development in the concept of the countries, to
provide worldwide attitudes, which have the right values.
3. Filipinos nationalism is not incompatible with sound
a. No true internationalism requires subordination of vital
national interests.
b. Internationalism is not imperialism. It cannot justify willing
reversions to the status of a colony.

5|Recto’s Nationalism and our Historic Past

K. The True Ultra-Nationalists
1. Difference of our nationalism to that of the accusers
a. No desire and never attempted to deny the national self-
interest of other people in the country. They only want to defend
themselves, in their own territory.
b. Filipinos are nationalists that can live in harmony with other
nationalists because all nationalisms can work out a plan where
the sovereignty of any nation is not detracted.
2. Ultra-nationalist is another term for imperialist.
a. Ultra-nationalists are those who are carry their nationalism
beyond their national frontiers to overrun other nationalism.
b. These ultra-nationalists want to be first not only in their
country, but also in other countries.
3. Concept of Nationalism
a. Respects the legal rights of foreign firms.
b. Welcome foreign interests that contribute to the welfare of the
country, increase the per capita income of the Filipinos, and do
not attempt to influence government policy for selfish ends.

L. The Evils of Lack of Nationalism

1. Lack of Nationalism slows down our development and serve

as a hindrance to achieve our goals and aspirations as a nation.

a. Nationalism is a tool to unite the people and an effective basis

for social, economic and political policies for the administration.
Lack of nationalism is the reason behind our backwardness and
some of its negative effects are:

a.1. Impede industrialization. No one but only us Filipinos

can adhere a better state for our economy.

a.2. Highly dependent on free trade from America and

disadvantageous raw material export economy. Our
resources and rich agricultural lands can sustain us if we
will be able to utilize it properly.

6|Recto’s Nationalism and our Historic Past

a.3. It is behind the weak and unassertive government
policies that makes Filipinos become obedient with United
States. As a result, American have control with our
economic life which implies that we still do not have
complete freedom.

a.4. Produce another set of problems for the succeeding

generations like unemployment, underproduction and low
per capita income.

2. Lacks of nationalism is behind the half-hearted attempts at

3. Lacks of nationalism is behind our continued reliance on a
disadvantageous raw material export economy.
4. Lacks of nationalism is behind the weak, docile and
unassertive of our government which have resulted in a high
degree of foreign control over our economic life.

M. The Meaning of Independence

1: Political independence is not the end, but only the beginning.

It is not the end itself but only the means to an end.

A. The declaration of our independence in July 1946 is just a

proclamation. The very essence of our independence is not
visible with our decisions, actions and consciousness.

1. A grant not an assertion of rights.

1.a. Still dependent to United States in terms of finance

and economy.

1.b. Colonial mentality is still present, and our focus is on

foreign interest.

1.c. Our national defense is controlled by America.

1.d. Foreign policies are not strict and stable.

7|Recto’s Nationalism and our Historic Past

1.e. National Identity is missing.

2. We should not lose hope. True nationalism will soon awaken

every Filipino.

2.a. Collective conscience continues to grow.

2.b. The writings of our heroes brings realization and

contributes to recognize our true capacities as a nation.

2.c. Nationalist movements constantly fight for what we

deserve and clamor for change up until each one of us
become aware of our current and real situation.

3. There is no declaration of independence, except that in Kawit.

4. We did not declare independence when we regained our
independence in July 1946 because we are satisfied with the
Proclamation, which is a concept of Americans.
5. The ultimate justification and greatest challenge of
1. Only by our own efforts can freedom be achieved and
a. Freedom can be guaranteed by our vigilance,
determination, wisdom, courage, and readiness to make
2. No matter how commendable the status and morals a
foreign master possesses, he still a master.
a. Vested upon him is the power to take away or
withhold at pleasure whatever benefits he may confer on
his subjects.
6. Our country’s poor status is brought about by our
1. The curtailment of our political rights is the result of our
failure to prevent it.
2. The reason behind our economic insecurity is our lack of
wit and willingness to make it secure.
3. We’re the ones at fault for the unresolved social
problems and for the absence of peace and order.
7. “It is far worse to expect too little from our own people, than for
them to have expected too much from independence.”
1. Too much expectation from independence

8|Recto’s Nationalism and our Historic Past

a. Is merely a sin of presumption
b. The result of overconfidence
2. Underestimation of our own people is further exacerbating
a. It is a more terrible sin of despair
b. It stems from an uncontrollable fear and total loss of
8. Only when we have risen from beggary, stood on equal footing
with other nations, and have the full right and power to govern
ourselves, can we be worthy of celebrating independence.
N. Nationalism and Culture
A. Our ancient history of servitude makes it hard for us to
outgrow certain adverse qualities over time.
1. Colonial-mindedness
2. Indiscriminate imitativeness of whatever we see in our
former masters
a. We took after the Spaniards in many of their
b. This undiscerning imitativeness can be heavily
noticed among the youth in their obsession with
American pop culture
B. We should not pretend to be occidentals when it is common
knowledge that we are orientals.
1. We apologize for our Western customs because we know
deep in ourselves that we are orientals.
a. We are disturbed and embarrassed when we are
charged with being pro-Western, particularly in our
manners and habits acquired from Americans and
2. Yet, we are also ashamed of what characterizes us as
a. Filipinos become a target of criticisms whenever they
trace their roots and revive old traditions.
b. They hide behind the curtains of embarrassment
because of humiliation.

O. Nationalism and Culture

A. Educational System.
1. The education of Filipino was influenced by the standards of
American people.
B. Education after Independence.

9|Recto’s Nationalism and our Historic Past

1. The medium that we are using in teaching is still English which
2. We still adapted the culture or influence of American Colony.
C. Indiscriminate Assimilation according to Rizal.
1. grossest aspect of Foreign Culture;
2. the aimless Americanization of our ways, our customs and
3. the disregard, bordering on contempt, for all things native.
D. Effect of neglecting and disregarding Rizal's teaching to the
1. Wittingly offering ourselves to total foreign domination;
2. We are allowing our minds, our beliefs, and our economic life
to be enslaved;
3. We have allowed our tongue to be enslaved.
4. The distinguishing traits of our race will gradually disappear,
as will the
native customs bequeathed to us by our ancestors;
5. And the natural resources that Divine Providence destined for
enjoyment of our race.
E. Things to do to maintain our Nationalism and Culture
1. We should cherish, bless, safeguard and develop all that is
our own.
2. Let us comfort ourselves just like true Filipino as Rizal’s
wanted us to
be and take pride in it, not only in this country but also if we go
another country like Rizal's did.
3. Following the precious legacy lessons and teaching of Rizal
to his
people, the Filipino.
4. Let us strive to put our country in its proper place because the
and dignity of a state rest on the security and dignity of its

P. Our Duty As Patriotic Citizen

1. Politically
a. “we must reassert our national rights, drawing
inspiration from the nationalist spirit that animated our heroes of
2. Economically
a. “we must unshackle ourselves from the chains of a
colonial economic system which can bring us nothing but poverty
and economic stagnation.”
3. General Notion of this patriotic duty

10 | R e c t o ’ s N a t i o n a l i s m a n d o u r H i s t o r i c P a s t
a. This nation is able to create the likes of Jose Rizal,
Apolinario Mabini, Andres Bonifacio, Marcelo H. del Pilar, and
many more that exemplified the Filipino heart and mind. These
are embodiments of the Filipino Patriotism and Nationalism that
this nation is able to build and establish its own — “a race that
can, with the right leadership, perform such feats of nation-
building as will command the respect and admiration of the entire
b. The current generation, and the generations to come
will carry on this torch of Patriotism and live out the identity of
Nationalism with pride as Filipinos. This nation will continue to
resist against oppression and other abuses for the sake of its
land, and will continue to move forward, progress, and fulfill their
own destinies just like the ones who came before them.
c. This duty is rooted from their love for the land, and an
ideology “that this world is one world and we are one with

Q. Faith in The Filipino Nationalists

1. The sense of Nationalism that was established during the days
of Rizal, should be immortalized until the present and the future.
a. An ultimatum that each Filipino should live by these
nationalistic ideologies and practices. May this faith in the
Filipino Nationalists of the past, present, and future always
prevail against any and every kind of imperialist and oppressive

11 | R e c t o ’ s N a t i o n a l i s m a n d o u r H i s t o r i c P a s t

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