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OPINION Damage control resuscitation in pediatric trauma
Meghan Gilley and Suzanne Beno

Purpose of review
Damage control resuscitation is an overall management strategy used in trauma patients to rapidly restore
physiologic stability, while mitigating hypothermia, coagulopathy and acidosis. We review the evidence
and current practice of damage control resuscitation in pediatric trauma patients with a specific focus on
fluid management.
Recent findings
There have been a number of studies over the last several years examining crystalloid fluid resuscitation,
balanced blood product transfusion practice and hemostatic agents in pediatric trauma. Excessive fluid
resuscitation has been linked to increased number of ICU days, ventilator days and mortality. Balanced
massive transfusion (1 : 1 : 1 product ratio) has not yet been demonstrated to have the same mortality
benefits in pediatric trauma patients as in adults. Similarly, tranexamic acid (TXA) has strong evidence to
support its use in adult trauma and some evidence in pediatric trauma.
Attention to establishing rapid vascular access and correcting hypothermia and acidosis is essential. A
judicious approach to crystalloid resuscitation in the bleeding pediatric trauma patient with early use of
blood products in keeping with an organized approach to massive hemorrhage is recommended. The ideal
crystalloid volumes and/or blood product ratios in pediatric trauma patients have yet to be determined.
damage control resuscitation, massive transfusion protocol, pediatric trauma

INTRODUCTION considerations in the application of these strategies,

Trauma is the leading cause of morbidity and mor- as the adolescent patient has different anatomy,
tality in children [1,2]. Blunt craniocervical trauma physiology and mechanisms of trauma than the
is the most common cause of death in pediatric young child.
patients; however, hemorrhage remains a leading
cause of preventable death. Damage control resus-
citation (DCR) is a management strategy widely
used in adult trauma resuscitation to attempt to A 5-year-old girl was struck by a car traveling at
avoid the lethal triad of hypothermia, acidosis 65 km/h and thrown 10 ft away. Upon paramedic
and coagulopathy [3,4 ,5,6]. This strategy has arrival, the child had a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of
evolved over the past decade, but dates back to 14, heart rate (HR) of 150 and a blood pressure (BP)
World War II when whole-blood transfusion was of 85/60. She arrives to the emergency department
recommended based on the concept that both shock (ED) immobilized with a cervical spine collar
and coagulopathy needed to be addressed for opti- on a backboard with one intravenous line. You
mal patient outcomes [7]. DCR today consists of note bruising on her abdomen and suspect intra-
immediate hemorrhage control, limited use of crys- abdominal injury as well as a pelvic fracture given
talloid fluids, early use of warmed blood products,
balanced massive transfusion protocols (MTPs), per-
Division of Emergency Medicine, Hospital for Sick Children, University of
missive hypotension, use of hemostatic agents and Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
damage control surgery [4 ]. Evidence for these Correspondence to Meghan Gilley, MD, Division of Emergency Medicine,
strategies in the pediatric population is wanting, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, 525 University Ave,
and much of it derived from adult literature. Using Toronto, ON, Canada M5G1X8. Tel: +1 604 218-8614;
a case-based approach, we will review evidence for e-mail:
DCR in pediatric trauma focusing on fluid manage- Curr Opin Pediatr 2018, 30:000–000
ment and hemostasis. We will also discuss patient DOI:10.1097/MOP.0000000000000617

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MOP 300304

Emergency and critical care medicine

delay. Venous cutdowns and central access are rarely

KEY POINTS used now for initial vascular access given the high
 Hemorrhage control and early vascular access success rates of intraosseous placement, but are a

(intravenous or intraosseous) are essential initial consideration if skilled personnel available [9 ].

resuscitation strategies in the bleeding child.
 Judicious use of warmed crystalloid resuscitation CRYSTALLOID FLUID
(10–40 ml/kg) in the pediatric trauma patient with
early initiation of blood product is appropriate. The ideal amount of fluid in pediatric trauma resus-
citation is as of yet unclear. Adult trauma literature
 Attention to avoiding hypothermia and correcting supports limited use of crystalloid fluid and early
acidosis through appropriate volume expansion in the packed red blood cell (PRBC) transfusion, as evi-
injured bleeding child are paramount. Active warming
dence suggests excess fluid resuscitation leads to
efforts include ambient temperature control, external
warmers and administration of warmed hemodilution of clotting factors with worsening
intravenous fluids. coagulopathy and acidosis, and can result in tissue
injury related to tissue edema [3,5]. Advanced
 Massive transfusion protocols should exist at major Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Student Manual. 9th
pediatric centers; however, the ideal ratio of product
ed. Chicago, Illionois: American College of Sur-
components for massive transfusion is not yet clear.
Currently, a balanced approach of 1 : 1 : 1 is utilized in geons; guidelines thus now suggest 1 instead of 2 l
adult trauma patients. of crystalloid for adult trauma [10]. Conversely, this
edition still recommends three boluses of 20 ml/kg
 TXA requires further research before becoming crystalloid prior to PRBC transfusion in pediatric
standard of care in pediatric trauma. It is however
trauma. Similarly, 2010 pediatric advanced life sup-
reasonable to consider TXA in pediatric trauma patients
with active bleeding requiring transfusion, and in port (PALS) guidelines support 60 ml/kg of crystal-
adolescents as per adult protocols. loid for hypovolemic shock, and whereas the 2015
PALS update acknowledged risk of aggressive fluid
resuscitation in certain populations, they did not
specifically address hemorrhagic shock [11]. The
Advanced Pediatric Life Support 2015 Update
crepitus on examination. You are asked what you (United Kingdom) has incorporated this practice
would like in the way of further intravenous access change and recommend immediate blood or
and fluids. 10 ml/kg aliquots of crystalloid prior to transfusion
in pediatric trauma [12 ]. Upcoming ATLS (10th
edition) guidelines may potentially address this
ACCESS issue further.
Intravenous access is the paramount first step in Little evidence exists in pediatric trauma that
initiating fluid resuscitation in trauma patients. can direct these guideline changes. A 2015 study
Pediatric patients can pose increased difficulty with done by Edwards et al. utilizing the Department of
this task due to smaller vascular structures and Defense Trauma Registry examined children youn-
therefore limited cannulation options. Ideally an ger than 14 years requiring transfusion. Increased
18-gauge or larger catheter would be placed to facil- crystalloid administration was associated with
itate use of a rapid infusion device, which can increased intensive care and ventilator days, and
deliver crystalloid fluids at rates up to 600 ml/min, hospital stay when adjusted for age and Injury
while simultaneously warming them [8]. Rapid Severity Score (ISS). Patients receiving more than
infusers are not compatible with smaller gauge cath- 150 ml/kg in their first 24 h had a significantly
eters, and one may instead use a pressure bag or higher mortality rate (18 versus 10%, P ¼ 0.011)
multiple handheld syringes to provide rapid fluid when adjusted for ISS. Mortality was also increased
resuscitation; however, neither of these methods with fluid resuscitation less than 50 ml/kg in 24 h,
takes into account fluid warming. Warm fluids are which the authors attributed to both early death and
a necessity for trauma patients as cold or room inadequate resuscitation [13]. Acker et al. [14] simi-
temperature fluids can worsen hypothermia and larly found crystalloid resuscitation in excess of
contribute to coagulopathy. Fluids can be warmed 60 ml/kg/24 h was associated with increased length
by placing them under forced air warmers or with a of stay and need for mechanical ventilation, but
Hotline Fluid Warmer (Smiths Medical, Dublin, increased rates of other complications were not
Ohio) [9 ]. If access is unobtainable after two observed, thus concluding injured children appear
attempts (90 s or less), or the patient is in extremis, relatively resistant to some of the adverse effects of
then an intraosseous line should be placed without early high-volume fluid resuscitation.

2 Volume 30  Number 00  Month 2018

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CE: Swati; MOP/300304; Total nos of Pages: 6;
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Damage control resuscitation in pediatric trauma Gilley and Beno

Research delineating crystalloid volumes in chil- goal is a 1 : 1 : 1 ratio to minimize clotting factor
dren is very much needed, as the approach can and hemodilution and coagulopathy; literature has
should vary based upon age and sustained injuries. shown improved patient outcomes with early initi-
At this time, judicious crystalloid resuscitation ation of balanced MTPs in trauma patients [5,9 ,20–
(10–40 ml/kg) in the injured and bleeding child 24]. The PROMMT and PROPPR trials are both large
is appropriate for patients in compensated shock, multicenter prospective studies addressing this
recognizing early transition to blood products is issue; both support high plasma-to-PRBC transfu-
necessary should their condition not improve. Chil- sion ratios in adult trauma patients given an associ-
dren in decompensated hemorrhagic shock need ated mortality reduction from hemorrhage with
blood immediately or as soon as logistically possible. increased hemostasis [23,24]. The PROPPR trial
was a randomized control trial that looked specifi-
cally at transfusion ratios and found that adult
CASE 2 patients receiving 1 : 1 : 2 (plasma : platelets : PRBCs)
A 14-year-old boy was shot twice in the abdomen. transfusion had no significant difference in mortal-
He arrives to your ED with a GCS of 14, HR of ity at 24 h or 30 days compared with those receiving
120 and a BP of 85/60. His abdominal wounds are 1 : 1 : 1, with the latter group achieving better hemo-
actively bleeding. stasis and less death by exsanguination at 24 h [24].
Children appear to be at equal or higher risk for
coagulopathy with reported rates ranging from 10 to
HEMORRHAGE CONTROL 77% [25]. Trauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC) is
Hemorrhage control through surgical or nonsurgi- thought to be driven by initial tissue injury and
cal means is a fundamental component of DCR. shock, and worsened by hypothermia, acidosis
Pelvic binders, direct pressure and tourniquet use and hemodilution. TIC is also related to traumatic
when necessary are essential prehospital interven- brain injury (TBI), a common condition in children,
tions that save lives. Modern tourniquet application with ongoing research working to further elucidate
is estimated to have saved between 1000 and 2000 this phenomenon [25–27].
lives during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars [15–17]. Thus, despite maturational differences in their
Prehospital hemorrhage control has been so success- coagulation systems, it falls to reason that balanced
ful that the Department of Homeland Security and resuscitation in pediatric patients would have a
the American College of Surgeons launched ‘STOP similar benefit as in adults, but this has not been
the Bleed’ in 2015 in response to the Sandy Hook fully demonstrated in the literature to date
& &&
mass shooting [17,18]. This campaign is designed to [13,28,29 ,30 ]. Case reports of children having
train and empower bystanders to help in a bleeding excellent outcomes without coagulopathy after
emergency with application of direct pressure and receiving balanced MTPs exist, but several studies
tourniquet use. in pediatric trauma have not found the same benefit
of 1 : 1 : 1 transfusion to that seen in adult trauma
literature [31]. Nosanov et al. performed a retrospec-
MASSIVE TRANSFUSION tive review of 6675 pediatric trauma patients in
Massive transfusion in pediatrics had not been which 105 were massively transfused (greater than
clearly defined prior to a 2015 study by Neff et al., 50% of total blood volume in 24 h). They did not
in which massive transfusion was defined in a pedi- find that plasma to platelet to PRBC ratios were
atric combat trauma population by retrospectively significantly associated with mortality; however,
analyzing outcomes of over 3600 patients requiring limitations included small sample size, retrospective
transfusion. Sensitivity and specificity analysis sug- nature, heterogenous ratios and exclusion of
gested a massive transfusion definition of 40 ml/kg patients dying within 24 h, making it susceptible
(roughly half the circulating volume of a child) of to survivorship bias [28]. Edwards et al. [13] actually
any blood product in the first 24 h as optimal for suggested an increase in mortality with aggressive
differentiating pediatric patients at risk for both plasma transfusions; patients transfused with a ratio
early and late mortality [19]. This definition, albeit equal to or greater than 0.8 Fresh Frozen Plasma
derived in a combat population, has now been (FFP) to 1.0 PRBCs had significantly increased mor-
incorporated into many pediatric MTPs across North tality even when adjusted for age, ISS, mechanism
America. and volume of crystalloid. A retrospective review by
MTPs are an element of hemostatic resuscitation Cannon et al. compared pediatric patients receiving
and are designed to correct hemorrhagic shock with massive transfusion with plasma : PRBC transfusion
a balanced transfusion ratio of plasma, platelets and ratios defined as ‘high’ (>1 : 2) versus ‘low’ (<1 : 2).
PRBCs mimicking whole blood. In adult trauma, the The ‘high’ group received less PRBCs but more FFP

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Emergency and critical care medicine

and total blood product volume, and had a longer pediatric trauma before widely implementing in all
length of stay [30 ]. Finally, Livingston et al. [32] in age groups and all clinical situations. Further
a retrospective review of 435 patients in Canada research is absolutely necessary in young injured
found that massive transfusion was utilized in 3% children; it is however appropriate to treat adoles-
of their patients and was associated with coagulop- cent patients as adults with respect to their anat-
athy and poor outcomes; of note, without an estab- omy, physiology and response to blood loss and
lished massive hemorrhage protocol, only eight of resuscitation. It is reasonable to consider TXA in
13 patients received plasma and platelets in the pediatric trauma, and to administer TXA within the
first 24 h. first 3 h of presentation if actively bleeding and
In summary, MTPs expedite access to PRBCs and requiring blood products [43].
other blood products, and have shown clear mortal-
ity benefit in adults [3,23,24]. Although this evi-
dence for mortality reduction is not yet present in PERMISSIVE HYPOTENSION
pediatric trauma, it is strongly recommended that Permissive hypotension is a resuscitation strategy
pediatric institutions have MTPs available to orga- based upon observations that trauma patients
nize and expedite product delivery [29 ,33,34]. In with uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock worsen with
addition, although it makes physiologic sense to intravenous fluid resuscitation, likely related to
take a ‘balanced’ approach to the resuscitation of coagulopathy and hemodilution, but also to desta-
a child in traumatic hemorrhagic shock, evidence bilization of the clot with increased hydrostatic
does not currently suggest that the 1 : 1 : 1 ratio is pressure [21]. Permissive hypotension as a resuscita-
ideal. Further research is necessary to clarify blood tive strategy balances an acceptable amount of
product ratios in pediatric trauma. hypotension with end-organ ischemia and hypoxia
until surgical or interventional control of the
bleeding can be established, essentially tolerating
TRANEXAMIC ACID a palpable pulse and mentation as opposed to resus-
In adult trauma, tranexamic acid (TXA) is now a citating to a normal BP. Permissive hypotension has
cornerstone of hemostatic resuscitation with strong most benefit in specific scenarios, such as hemor-
supporting evidence in mortality reduction if used rhage from an arterial source. It is controversial and
early [35,36 ]. TXA is an antifibrinolytic agent that not recommended in patients with concomitant
reversibly binds to plasminogen, preventing the head injuries [44 ].
degradation of fibrinogen and promoting clot sta- There is no evidence supporting the use of per-
bility. TXA in trauma is estimated to save one in 67 missive hypotension in pediatrics. In addition, there
lives [35]. Evidence regarding the use of TXA in TBI is significant concern for use of this strategy based
is pending the results of the CRASH 3 trial and other on the understood physiologic response pediatric
ongoing studies [37]. patients have to hypovolemia; children’s ability to
Data in pediatric trauma patients is more lim- increase HR and utilize peripheral vasoconstriction
ited, with the majority of pediatric literature doc- to maintain BP means that hypotension is a late sign
umenting the use and benefit of TXA in spinal, of shock and represents a critical and uncompen-
craniofacial and cardiac surgeries [38–41]. Nishijima sated state [4 ,21]. Permissive hypotension for
et al. [42 ] reviewed TXA use across US Childrens’ young children is therefore not currently recom-
Hospitals from 2009 to 2013 and found 0.31% use mended due to lack of evidence, physiologic con-
in trauma. The PED-TRAX study retrospectively siderations and high rates of concomitant TBI.
reviewed pediatric patients injured in Afghanistan Certain clinical scenarios may challenge this view
from 2008 to 2012, in which 66 (9%) of 766 children point: specifically the adolescent population is more
received TXA. When adjusted for demographics, similar in physiology to adults, and therefore,
injury type, severity, vitals and laboratory parame- management strategies may include permissive
ters, TXA was independently associated with hypotension. There can be nuanced approaches to
decreased mortality without significant increase utilizing this DCR strategy in pediatric trauma.
in thromboembolic events. In addition, patients
receiving large volume transfusion with TXA had
improved neurological outcomes [41]. Although ROTATIONAL THROMBOELASTOMETRY/
data to support widespread use in pediatric trauma THROMBOELASTOGRAPHY
remains limited, widespread use in other clinical Viscoelastic hemostatic assays (VHA) such as rota-
situations and preliminary evidence in trauma is tional thromboelastometry (ROTEM) and throm-
suggestive of benefit with minimal harm or cost. boelastography (TEG) are functional assays that
As of 2017, TXA requires further investigation in provide rapid information regarding clot formation,

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Damage control resuscitation in pediatric trauma Gilley and Beno

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