PIANC58 - Seabed Erosion in Ferry Berths - Kristensen

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SEABED EROSION IN FERRY BERTHS Honing KRISTENSEN, Hexbeanenginerk, Port of Fedexthshown Yoermé) ‘Tate article daaia wlth erosion problems experienced tn tho forry besthe. in Frederiicahayy in the period 1970 to 1985, and with the methods of prateetion developed. in fonder, to alsnize erosion af the senbed caused by ships" propetiers. ‘The port of Fredarlkshawn which i owned fipd. tun by the Danish Seate has slace 1970 de veloped fo be a very Important ferry. arbour with 5 permanent ferry routes to Norway and sweden. With she introduction af stil bigger ferries, the Toad on the ferry berths has become severe and it is now necessary to protect the seabed against erosion. Tho biggest of the ferries now using. the hatbour have 2 length of 131 metres and a beam of 29 metees, & draught of 6.2 metres, and a main enginepower of 36,000 horse power and Bow propellers developing 14200 horse power. Ferry berth noe? ie frequented some 1,200 tlmes an- wally. Regular soundings are caried out along. the uusy every second week and a very dense survey Js carried out four times annuelly covering the whole. area of the ferry berth. These soundings, which ave been carried out through 15. years, sow typical predictable erosion patterns. Out of altogether 12. shaded scundings, 4 examples are given in this article (Sigures 2 and 3) and they show what happens when longer fereles aro intron dhuced. The tendency 18 clearly shown although the picture is disturbed by © number of factors ech fas4 extra fetty visits In the summer season, a mixture of stem of stern berthings, foe situations, the carrying out of seabed reinforcings In parts fof tho berth ares, and ship captalns ‘routine and split exe. etc PAANG. - ALP.G.N, — BULLETIN 1667 —~ NPS cst article teaite 1es probliaes oocastonnss par séroaton "gana Yon agsine”” pour’ babeaux ferry 8 Peaderiestaen pendant 1co ariabgs 1970 et 1985 adnal See eithotes Go. protection daveloposee pour sini S"Eeoalon ou fond havin par les nélices des bate, PORT OF FREDEREKSHAUN Figure 1 6 PIANC, - ALPEN. — QULLETIN 967 — NSS | SOUNDINGS FERRY BERTH NO. 3 20.-6.-1985 agers 3 UNDERTAKINGS TO PREVENT EROSION Before 1970, bottom protection had been carried out | fey lmes: by dumping stones 30/80 mm diameter in the feroded holes. close to the quaywalls. Later, 15 kilogram cobbles were used. The ship owners, however, could show photographs of heavily damaged propeller blades and they ‘could prove that the cobbles were swirled up by the pro- pellers Consequently, the ute of lange stones 0.5- {3 tons ‘was introduced and at a later stoge even stones as big. as 15-4 tone were intenduced. With the continued growth in size of the ferries and ‘onginepower it Dacame necessary t© protect the seshed between the stones agalnst erosion, In 1981, 3 critical places in the orth were covered, wlth altogether 1,200 square metres of filter cloth covered by 2-0 ton rocks. The rocks were placed by grabs It proved later that the rocks were not cubie enough and that the method of placing them was too inaccurate 50 that the filter cloth came Into dasrray between the racks. 1 was now necessary te have e coherent bottom pro- tection and a local company developed and tested two dit- erent types of protection ih cooperation with the port futherity, vize tle carpets and protection mats covered by Stones. Both types are patented, EXPERIENCE WITH FERRY BERTH No. 3 Although the tle- carpet is very flexible, the best result Is obtained if the seabed Is seasomably tat (oy ceding o& by fling up of volde wieh shingles). The tlle carpet must be fiked to the sheet jlle wall by chaine or hocks between the eyebolts and brackets welded to the sheet piles. 10 to 15 square metres tile carpet can be placed per hour and the total price amounts to about 1,000 Dak per equate metres Fr may 1987, a semple of the filter cloth was rex covered after months tervice and about 1600 ferry oper- ations. The sample showed no signs of wear. tt Is planned to carry aut direct measurements of how the tile carpet is attfected by the passing of a fery th 1983, 600 square metres of protection mat were placed in ferry berth no.3- The mat was covered by 2 to 4 ton cubic stones placed by diver. The stones are tited With eyebolts drilled theough the cocks and this bolt is used partly for placing and partly for chaining together the four oxtmost rows of stones along the circumference of the mat. The ching are 20. millimetre eocond hand on ‘reared chains PIANC. « ALPGN, — BULLETIN 887 — NP6B 1

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