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What is JSON?

| How It Works |
Advantages & Disadvantages
What is JSON?
The lightweight and independent data interchange software, which is quite popular nowadays, is known
as JSON. JSON formatter execution is quite easy and was designed by Douglas Crock ford in order to
enhance the readability of human beings. The extension used for the filename of JSON is .json. It is
language independent and is marvelous enough that it could smoothly go anywhere. Basic elements of
JSON includes:

● Strings: Double quotes are used to cover the strings. It perfectly surrounds the strings.
● Values: It can be any of these such as literals, array, object or string
● Arrays: Arrays are known to contain different values and have braces at both ends
● Object Members: These are composed of strings and values. For the separation purpose,
commas (,) is being used
● Objects: Curly braces are used at the start and end of objects
● Commas (,) are used for separating the values, and Strings can be separated with the aid of
Unicode colon (:).

Working of JSON Formatter:

The working of JSON formatter is a matter of interest for many of the web developers and especially for
those who want to shift to this latest tool. It works by organizing all the data and to convert it into the
desired form. For the purpose of exchange, ensure to have the data in the text form. Data accessing is
quite easier and can be done as objects. This lightweight format is quite fabulous and interchanging the
data quite swiftly. Storage of files in as per the extension of JSON, which is .json.

Preference of JSON over XML:

JSON format contains text and works on the standards of JavaScript. It is capable of converting the string
into objects. JSON formatting is neither the markup language nor the document format. This is not the
invisible structure or cycling structure. It is quite easier to retrieve values in JSON formatting. You can
access the data quite rapidly as objects. It is easy to share JSON files, and it is highly human-readable.
This structured file format is commonly being used in web development, and its demand is increasing
day by day.

XML is known to be one of the oldest formats which web developers previously used. JSON formatter is
successfully replacing XML through providing better services and facilitation. In JSON, users have got
relaxation regarding the closing tag as they are not bound to mention the closing tag, which is
compulsory to be mentioned in the XML formatting. JSON lacks in datatypes; however, XML is found to
be rich in it.

Advantages of JSON:
JSON is flooded with lots of benefits. Web developers feel quite relaxed to use JSON because of its
stunning benefits. is one of the most reliable and trustworthy sites which offers a
great deal of JSON formatter. Most popular of these include Chrome extension JSON formatter and
Sublime text JSON formatter. lets you get the access to the
formatter quite rapidly.

With the use of JSON formatter, you can enjoy the following benefits quite efficiently. These include:

● Exchanging data
● Sending data
● Receiving data
● Storing data
● It is quite faster to use and support Schema.

Miscellaneous Advantages:
It perfectly supports a huge range of browsers. JSON formatter is highly compatible with the operating
systems. Applications constructed on the JSON format work efficiently on the majority of the browsers.
With the use of ->, you can easily enjoy parsing the data.  Web developers strive hard and look for the
server parsing. In JSON formatting, they enjoy getting the server-side parsing for bringing ease in their
work. It is known to be a solid point and brilliant benefit which encourages web developers to use JSON.

If you want to share data in any form such as video, audio, etc., then JSON is known to provide you
optimum facility in this. The basic reason for this lies in the fact that storage in JSON is in the form of
arrays. Hence, the process of transferring data becomes quite facilitating. It would not be wrong to say
that JSON formatting is indeed the superior file format for web developers as well as for web APIs.

Disadvantages of JSON:
The advantage of JSON is quite extensive that it overshadows the disadvantages. It works accurately and
avoids the risk of errors as much as possible. In JSON, the user does not have any sort of support for
formal grammar. In addition to this, its extensibility is poor. Another support that JSON does not provide
is the namespace. It does not offer this facility. Likewise, when we talk about development tools, then
these are found to be quite limited in JSON formatter.

It is required that users should take caution while using JSON as it comes up with limited support.
Hence, keep your data and device secure from the threats in order to protect it. 

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