Presented by - Abhishek Goyal Priyanka Joliya Sakshi Kankar Sonali Bansal

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Presented by –

Abhishek Goyal
Priyanka Joliya
Sakshi Kankar
Sonali Bansal
Conflict can be defined in many ways and can be
considered as an expression of hostility , negative
attitudes , aggression and misunderstanding .
Conflict may emerge between different
organisations or within organisations , or between
organisations and their social and political
environments .
• A conflict is serious disagreement or argument
between two or more persons
Definitions Of Conflict
• According to Joe Kelly , “ Conflict is defined as
opposition or dispute between persons,
groups or ideas ”.
• According to Follett, “ Conflict is the
appearance of difference , difference of
opinions, of interests ” .
Views on conflict
Traditional view:
The early approach to
conflict assumed that
all conflict was bad.
Conflict was viewed
negatively, and it was
usedwith such terms as
violence, destruction.

• Human Relations view (1940-1970) : The human

relations position argued that conflict was a
natural occurrence in all groups and
organizations. Since conflict was inevitable(which
cannot be avoided) it is accepted and there are
even times when conflict may benefit a group’s
• Modern View: This view is based on the belief
that conflict is not only a positive force in a
group but is also necessary for a group to
perform effectively. This approach encourages
group leaders to maintain an ongoing
minimum level of conflict – enough to keep
the group viable, self-critical and creative.
Types of Conflict
• It is quite evident that to say that conflict is all
good or bad is inappropriate Whether a
conflict is good or bad depends on the type of
There are many types of conflict
• Functional or Constructive Conflict: works
toward the goals of an organization or group
Increase information & ideas
Encourages innovative thinking
• Dysfunctional/Destructive Conflict: blocks an
organization or group from reaching its goals
Tension, anxiety, stress
Drives out low conflict tolerant people
Reduce trust
Reduce information
Task conflict - task conflict occurs when two
parties are unable to move forward on
a task due to differing needs, behaviors or
attitudes. It can be conflict over organizational
policies and procedures, distribution of
resources or the method or means of
completing a task
• Relationship conflict - Relationship conflict is
a conflict resulting from either personality
clashes or negative emotional interactions
between two or more people.
Levels of Conflict

Individual level Group level Organizational level
Conflict Conflict Conflict

Intra Inter Inter Intra

Individual Individual Organizational Organizational
Conflict Conflict conflict Conflict

Inter Intra
Group Group
Conflict Conflict
Intra Individual Conflict
This is an Internal Conflict that involves the
struggle between the character and his / her

This has to do with individuals having to make

choices between wrong and right or even with
overcoming emotions or mixed feelings.
• A father or mother tries to make a decision
whether he/ she is to stay with the family or
take a job in another place or country to get
a better life for the family.
Inter Individual Conflict /EXTERNAL
Inter Individual Conflict is a character (man)
struggles against an outside force, such as
nature, a physical obstacles or another
• A character struggling against another
character mental or physical.
Example: Two persons fighting.
A character struggling
with the forces or
elements of nature
( natural disaster ,Flood etc.)
that is beyond
his/ her control but the
struggle is usually done for
The struggle between a character or a group of
characters fighting against the rules or laws that
govern the society in which he/ she lives.
Example: Religion and Politics
Intra Group Conflict (With in the
Intra group conflict refers to disputes among
some or all of a group’s members, which often
affect the group’s performance.
Inter group Conflicts (Between groups)
• Inter group conflict arises out of the interaction
of various groups. Inter group conflict, refers to
the conflict between groups, departments
between groups is frequent and highly visible.
Intra Organizational Conflict:
• The conflict which arises with in various levels
and departments of organization. Various
kinds are:
I. Horizontal Conflict
II. Vertical Conflict
Inter Organizational
Inter organizational
interaction results in
conflict among different
organizations. How ever, it
is not necessary that such
interaction may result in
The most common conflict occurred in
• Lockouts.
• Strikes.
• Issues related with performance appraisals.
• Resistance to change.
• Conflicts related with emotions.
• Conflicts due to frustrations.
Thank you

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