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Your exam results

Your CIMA exam results are available to view below.

You can see all your exam results for any CIMA qualifications that you are studying or have studied here. Exam results are grouped so that you can easily see your results against the
current Certificate in Business Accounting (CBA) and Professional Qualification syllabuses together under the ‘CIMA Professional Qualification’ tab.

CIMA Professional Qualification 2015 CIMA Professional Qualification 2019

Your exam results are listed below.

Where a breakdown of exam performance is available you can expand the result to review your detailed performance feedback.

Operational level

  F1 Financial Reporting -- 14/Dec/2019

  P1 Management Accounting 102 28/May/2020

  E1 Managing Finance in a Digital World 111 11/May/2020

  E1 Managing Finance in a Digital World 96 01/May/2020


Interpreting your results
For more information on interpreting your exam results, please go to
Case study exams
A pass is awarded if you achieve a scaled score of 80 or more.
For more information on results and feedback, please go to
Objective tests
Your overall grade (Pass/Fail) is an aggregation of performance across all exam content areas. There is no minimum threshold in any exam content area to pass the exam.
The feedback on exam content area topic is intended to support your further studies. When using this feedback to plan further studies, please bear in mind the topics’ study
weightings and ensure you develop and maintain your proficiency across the breadth of the syllabus.
Marginal Fail (2019 professional qualification only)
A 'MARGINAL' result means you failed by a very small margin. For more information, please go to
CIMA regrets that a re-marking service is not available, and no correspondence can be entered into regarding results.
Under the syllabus
CR denotes a credit from a previous syllabus
CE denotes a converted exemption from a previous syllabus
CA / AWARD denotes a credit award against an exam subject

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