Worksheet No. 1: B P S U

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Republic of the Philippines


(formerly Naval State University)

School of Teacher Education-Laboratory High School

School ID : 600074


Topic : Reading on Related Studies

Objective : The learner selects, cites and synthesizes properly related


Rationale :

A literature review is a specific type of academic essay that synthesizes and

evaluates the relevant scholarship on a particular topic, usually one that is fairly narrow
in scope.

A literature review does not contain any new research, but rather is an overview
and critique of work that already has been published. Forms of this kind of essay are
used in almost every field across the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

These essays are like book reviews, but examine a whole group of scholarly
journal articles or books rather than just one book.

Writing a literature review often serves as a first step before embarking on a

research project. Most large-scale research projects—like a doctoral dissertation—
incorporate a literature review as a formal component.

Overall, writing a literature review will help you obtain a better understanding of
a specific area of knowledge, and also give your insight into some of the major concerns
and debates within a particular discipline.

Typically, literature reviews are written about scholarly journal articles or books.
But in order to demonstrate how this type of essay works, in the exercise we’re about to
do we will use newspaper editorials, which are much shorter and less complex.

General Instructions :

1. Read and understand the editorials stated herein. This literature work is entitled
2. Critique each editorials with the strengths and weaknesses in its respective
3. Answer comprehensively the questions after reading and critiquing each
Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)

School of Teacher Education-Laboratory High School

School ID : 600074


Editorial #1: Getting Rid of Gun Control

Virginia finally is poised to repeal its unusual law that prohibits law-abiding
citizens from buying more than one gun per month. It's about time, because the red tape
has not had the desired effect in lowering crime. There is no academic research by
criminologists or economists that shows that one-gun-a-month regulations reduce crime
in either the states that pass them or their neighbors. The laws have merely
inconvenienced honest Americans who want to buy guns. Besides Virginia, only
Maryland, California and New Jersey still have these laws. South Carolina was the first
state to adopt the restrictions in 1976 but repealed the limit in 2004. New Jersey has had
the law on the books for less than two months now.

Contrary to the nanny-state notion that gun control is good, gun limitations are
actually harmful. The book “The Bias Against Guns” shows that one-gun-a-month rules
significantly reduce the number of gun shows, because they reduce the number of sales
that can occur. For the same reason, it's likely the regulation reduces the number of gun
dealers. The reduction in legal sources to buy guns can raise the cost of law-abiding
citizens buying guns relative to criminals, and thus disarm good people relative to
criminals. The book “More Guns, Less Crime,” the only peer reviewed research on one-
gun-a-month restrictions, from the University of Chicago Press, shows the laws either
have no effect or a detrimental effect on violent crime.

The Brady Campaign claims that Virginia's one-gun-a-month law reduced the
number of crime guns traced to Virginia dealers, but it provides no link to crime rates,
which is ultimately the bottom line. If people around the nation's capital should
understand anything, it is how hard it is to keep criminals from getting guns. The District
of Columbia banned handguns entirely, and murder rates still soared. Criminals got a
hold of guns despite the law, because by nature they don't care about breaking laws, and
they can't buy guns legally anyway. The question ought to be focused on whom these
laws prevent from getting guns, and the evidence is that law-abiding citizens are the ones
who are stopped.

One-gun-a-month rules are similar to gun bans and waiting periods, which tend
to disarm victims relative to criminals, and therefore, increase crime. If possible, it's a
good idea to keep guns from criminals, but laws that make it more difficult for law-
Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)

School of Teacher Education-Laboratory High School

School ID : 600074
abiding citizens to get guns relative to criminals because more harm than good. In the
case of the right to keep and bear arms, safety and freedom go together.

—Washington Times, February 19, 2010


Editorial #2: Firearms Still Easily Available

Three years have passed since the massacre at Virginia Tech that took the lives of
32 innocent people, including my sister Reema. I look back over the past 1,097 days
since my sister died and wonder how it is still legal for criminals and people with serious
mental illness to buy guns without passing a background check. Reema was killed
because of a gap in Virginia's gun background check system that allowed a mentally ill
man to buy weapons. Even though a court determined that he was mentally ill and
therefore prohibited from purchasing and possessing guns, his record of mental illness
was not in the background check system.
Thankfully, following recommendations of the Virginia Tech review panel,
action was taken at the state and federal level to help get missing mental health and
criminal records into the background check system. The number of mental health records
submitted to the federal instant background check system has tripled from 298,571 (as of
Dec. 31, 2006) prior to the Virginia Tech massacre to 932,559 (as of March 31, 2010).

Unfortunately, the problem doesn't end there. Criminals, the mentally ill, and
even terrorists are still able to purchase firearms from gun shows with no background
check whatsoever. Federal law requires every licensed gun dealer to conduct criminal
background checks on all purchasers. But dealers without licenses are selling guns at gun
shows without these checks.

According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF),

30 percent of guns in federal illegal trafficking investigations are connected to gun
shows. This Gun Show Loophole is exploited by criminals and those who know they
cannot pass a background check.

Last May, I went to a gun show in Richmond to see for myself. I bought 10 guns
in less than one hour. No background check. No identification. No questions asked. It
was as easy as buying a bag of chips at a grocery store; simple cash and carry. Luckily,
I'm not a criminal. What’s clear is that anyone, even criminals, can go to any gun show
and buy an unlimited number of guns, without undergoing a background check. It's hard
to believe, but it's true. And there's nothing to stop them from doing it over and over

Three years have passed and the Gun Show Loophole still remains intact. The
solution is simple: Congress should pass legislation to require background checks for all
sales at gun shows. Sen. Jim Webb and Sen. Mark Warner, the families of the Virginia
Tech victims and survivors are counting on your leadership. Closing the loophole will
not affect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners. But it will help
Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)

School of Teacher Education-Laboratory High School

School ID : 600074
ensure that guns do not end up in the hands of people who, because they are a danger to
society, have lost the right to own them.

In May 2009 my father and I, and several other Virginia Tech family members,
met with Sen. Webb to ask for his support for legislation to close the Gun Show
Loophole. What impressed us was how seriously he took the issue and his promise to
work in Congress to fix this problem.

It has been almost 11 months since that meeting, three years since the tragedy at
Virginia Tech, and no action has been taken to move this lifesaving legislation forward. I
hope that all Virginians will stand with the families of the Virginia Tech victims and
survivors in calling on Sens. Webb and Warner to get behind this effort.

Closing the Gun Show Loophole won't bring my sister Reema back, or any of the
other victims of the mass shooting at Virginia Tech. But it would save an untold number
of innocent lives. It's been three years. The time to act is now. Sen. Webb and Sen.
Warner, what are you waiting for?

—Richmond Times-Dispatch, April 20, 2010


Editorial #3: Virginia Handgun Law: Don't Reopen the Pipeline of Guns

Seventeen years ago, pressured by its neighbors to stem the flow of guns into the
Northeast, Virginia enacted a bipartisan bill that limited the purchase of handguns to one
every 30 days. Virtually overnight, experts say, the “Iron Pipeline” slowed and the
number of guns used in crimes in New Jersey and traced to Virginia fell sharply.

But now a Virginia legislator wants to turn his state back into one of New Jersey’s
leading arsenals. A bill proposed by L. Scott Lingamfelter, a Republican, has cleared the
House of Delegates, with mostly Republican support, and is headed for the state Senate,
which is controlled by Democrats. There the bill’s chances are uncertain, but if it passes,
Gov. Bob McDonnell intends to sign it. Virginia’s gun-running days could be back

Lingamfelter, a retired Army colonel, insists Virginians’ Second Amendment rights are
being restricted. The current law “rations constitutional rights,” he says; “It hasn’t
reduced crime. It has reduced commerce.” Lingamfelter says the National Instant Check
System, which wasn’t around in 1993, can keep felons from purchasing guns. Maybe,
but many of the guns that end up in New Jersey are purchased by “straw buyers” —
people with valid Virginia drivers licenses who act as purchasing agents for a fee.

New Jersey officials — from U.S. senators to police chiefs — are wondering what
Virginia lawmakers are thinking. In a gun-trafficking study of 2008, the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives determined that, even with the reduced flow,
Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)

School of Teacher Education-Laboratory High School

School ID : 600074
Virginia still ranked third among outside states providing guns used in New Jersey

Repealing Virginia’s firearm law will mean hundreds more guns on New Jersey streets
each year, many married to a violent, criminal intent. To argue that the law is an onerous
burden on law-abiding gun buyers is silly. Virginians can buy 12 guns a year. How many
do they need?

—Star-Ledger (Newark, NJ), February 22, 2010

Literature Review Worksheet: Gun Control and Virginia

1) List the strengths and weaknesses of Editorial #1.

 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
2) Please do the same for Editorial #2.
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
3) And please do the same for Editorial #3.
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)

School of Teacher Education-Laboratory High School

School ID : 600074

Guide Questions:

1) To your mind, which of the three articles was the most persuasive? Why?
2) Which of the three articles was the least persuasive? Why?
3) Are there any important issues regarding gun control that are not covered by these
three pieces, but that you would write about if you were addressing this topic?


Topic : Understanding Research Methods and Designs

Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)

School of Teacher Education-Laboratory High School

School ID : 600074
Objective : The learners demonstrate thorough understanding of the concepts
research methods, approach, and design.

Rationale :

Quantitative Research is classified into five general kinds: descriptive, correlational, ex post
facto, quasi-experimental, and experimental. Each of these kinds has its corresponding research
designs. (Barrot, 2017)

A research design refers to an overall strategy that a researcher uses to logically and
coherently integrate the various components of a study. (Barrot, 2017)

Descriptive research design aims to observe and report on a certain phenomenon, type of
behavior, or trait as it takes place or manifests itself. The researcher achieves this objective by using
rating scales and other means to measure variables as they occur. (Barrot, 2017)

Correlational Research Design aims to determine whether an increase or decrease in one

variable corresponds to the increase or decrease in another. (Barrot, 2017)

Ex Post Facto Research Design aims to infer a cause from the already existing effects.
Although, this research design attempts to establish a causal relationship between variables, the ex
post facto design dos not use experimental manipulation. (Barrot, 2017)

Quasi-experimental Research Design aims to establish a causal relationship between two

variables. (Barrot, 2017) This means that experimental manipulation is applied to the subjects to
some extent.

Experimental Research Design aims to establish a cause-effect relationship. It applies

variable manipulation extensively. (Barrot, 2017)

Prototyping is a development approach to improve the planning and execution of creative

designs such as software or technology development. A retrospective study looks backwards and
examines exposures to suspected risk or protection factors in relation to an outcome that is
established at the start of the study. In a retrospective study, the outcome of interest has already
occurred at the time the study is initiated. (Barrot, 2017)

General Instruction: Read the sample research titles below and answer the questions
that follow.

1. “The Attitudes of Parents towards the K to 12 Curriculum”

Question: What research design is appropriate to use here in this study? Justify your
Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)

School of Teacher Education-Laboratory High School

School ID : 600074

2. “The Farming Practices of Filipinos in the 1980s”

Question: Can this be classified as a retrospective research? If yes, what data can be
sought in the research design? If no, defend your answer why.

3. “Training on Kumon and its Effect on the Math Performance of

Elementary Pupils”
Question: What type of research design is appropriate to use in this research? Explain
your answer.
Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)

School of Teacher Education-Laboratory High School

School ID : 600074


Topic : Sampling Techniques/Strategies in Qualitative and Quantitative


Objective : The learners show the correct sampling design or procedure for
given situations in research.

Rationale :

 Sampling refers to the process of systematically selecting individuals, units or groups to

be analyzed during the conduct of study. [ CITATION Bar171 \l 1033 ]
o The reason of selecting the samples is to get information about the target
 Thus, it is the goal in research to make sure that the samples selected
represent the target population. [ CITATION Bar171 \l 1033 ]
 There are four ways that you can use to determine the sample size for your study:
heuristics, literature review, formulas, and power analysis. [ CITATION Bar171 \l
1033 ]
o Heuristics is a term normally used in qualitative studies as a research approach
that utilizes introspection.[ CITATION Bar171 \l 1033 ]
 Heuristics refers to the rule of thumb for the sample size used in a study.

Research Design Number of Participants

Descriptive 800
Correlational 100 to 200
Ex Post Facto 30+
Experimental 30 or more
Source: Barrot, J. S. (2017). Practical Research 2 for Senior High School. 839 EDSA, South Triangle, Quezon City: C
& E Publishing, Inc.

o Another way to determine the sample size is through literature review.

[ CITATION Bar171 \l 1033 ]
 You may want to read studies similar to yours and check the sample size
that they used. [ CITATION Bar171 \l 1033 ]
Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)

School of Teacher Education-Laboratory High School

School ID : 600074
 These studies can serve as a reference in proving the validity of the
sample size that you plan to use.[ CITATION Bar171 \l 1033 ]
o The third strategy is using formulas. The formula below by the National
Education Association in the United States can be used to compute for the
needed sample size. [ CITATION Bar171 \l 1033 ]
 Each variable in the formula has a set value you can use for the
computation.[ CITATION Bar171 \l 1033 ]
 S= (𝑋2 𝑁P(1−𝑃))/(𝑑2 (𝑁−1)+𝑋2 𝑃(1−𝑃)
 Where: s= required sample size
 X2 = table value of chi-square for 1 degree of freedom at the
desired confidence level (1.96)2
 N= Population Size
 P= Population Portion (0.5)
 d= the degree of accuracy expressed as a proportion (.05)
o The last strategy that you can use in determining the sample size is power
analysis.[ CITATION Bar171 \l 1033 ]
 Among the four analysis, power analysis is considered the most precise.
[ CITATION Bar171 \l 1033 ]
 As suggested by its name, this strategy is founded on the principle of
statistical power.
 Statistical Power refers to the probability of rejecting a false null
hypothesis, thus suggesting that there is, indeed, a relationship between
the dependent and dependent variables. [ CITATION Bar171 \l 1033 ]
 Power analysis is then used to determine the sample size sufficient for
measuring the effect size of a treatment. [ CITATION Bar171 \l 1033 ]
 Effect size refers to the degree of difference between the control and
treatment groups.
 If statistical power indicates the existence of a relationship between the
independent and dependent variables, the effect size indicates the extent
of the relationship between these two variables. [ CITATION Bar171 \l
1033 ]
 Random Sampling or Probability Sampling involves the
selection of a group of participants from a larger population by
chance. [ CITATION Bar171 \l 1033 ]
 Through the random sampling, the researcher is expected to
obtain samples that will represent the population where they are
taken.[ CITATION Bar171 \l 1033 ]

Types of Random Sampling Methods

 The major types of random sampling for quantitative research are: simple
random sampling, stratified random sampling, cluster sampling, and systematic
sampling. [ CITATION Bar171 \l 1033 ]
o In simple random sampling, all individuals in a given population have an
equal chance of being selected. It is considered the best way to obtain a
representative sample. [ CITATION Bar171 \l 1033 ]
Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)

School of Teacher Education-Laboratory High School

School ID : 600074
o Stratified Sampling is similar to simple random sampling in that the
members of the population can all be selected by chance. [ CITATION
Bar171 \l 1033 ]
 However, in stratified sampling, the population is divided into
subgroups (strata). The samples are then selected from these
subgroups, and not from the population as whole.[ CITATION
Bar171 \l 1033 ]
o Cluster sampling involves the grouping of the population into subgroups
or cluster. However, these clusters are not created based on specific
characteristics or traits; thus, they are heterogeneous. [ CITATION
Bar171 \l 1033 ]
 One problem with using this type of random sampling is the
possible inadequate representation of each type of characteristics
among the population. To overcome inadequacy, a large number
of samples should be used from different subgroups or clusters.
[ CITATION Bar171 \l 1033 ]
o In systematic sampling, participants are selected from a list based on their
order in the population or on a predetermined interval.[ CITATION
Bar171 \l 1033 ]
 This interval is obtained by dividing the population size by the
sample size for the study.
 For example, you need a sample size of four participants from a
population of 12 individuals. Using systematic sampling, you may
decide to select every third person in the list. Take note that you
are not required to begin with selecting person #3. You may begin
with any of the first three individuals (person 1, 2, and 3).
Succeeding samples, however, should be consistently selected
using the specified nth value (i.e., every third).[ CITATION
Bar171 \l 1033 ]

General Instructions: Suppose you were asked to decide on what sampling technique
to use, what would it be --- given the following situations? Discuss the methods used to
come up with the number of respondents.

1. You need to get the opinions of parents who represent 60% of the school population
with a total of 5, 000 students on the issue of the K to 12 Basic Education Program.
Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)

School of Teacher Education-Laboratory High School

School ID : 600074

2. You want to gather the responses of school principals in the whole Division of
Biliran regarding the effectiveness of the school-based management program.


Topic : Instrumentation/Data Gathering Tools and Techniques

Objective : The learners choose correctly and wisely the types of data
gathering tools
to use in one’s research.

Instruments in Quantitative Research

Instruments are tools used to gather data for a particular research topic. Some of
the common instruments used for quantitative research are tests (performance-based or
paper-and-pencil), questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The last two instruments
Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)

School of Teacher Education-Laboratory High School

School ID : 600074
are used more often in qualitative research. However, they can also be employed in
quantitative studies as long as the required responses or analyzed data are numerical in
nature. (Barrot, 2017)

Whether your instrument is adopted, modified, or self-created, it is necessary to

ensure its validity and reliability. (Barrot, 2017)

Validity refers to the degree to which an instrument measures what it is supposed

to measure. (Almeida , 2016)

Validity has several types, namely, face validity, content validity, construct
validity, concurrent validity, and predictive validity. (Almeida , 2016)

Reliability refers to the consistency of the measures of an instrument.

It is an aspect involved in the accuracy measurement. (Almeida , 2016)

There are four types of reliability: test-retest reliability, equivalent forms

reliability, internal consistency reliability, and inter-rater reliability. (Almeida , 2016)

General Instruction: Read the given statements or instructions and do what is asked

1. Research Problem: “The effects of “Kumon Program on the Math Performance of

elementary Pupils”. What kind of data would be needed to answer the problem?
Develop a questionnaire or interview guide for this purpose.
Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)

School of Teacher Education-Laboratory High School

School ID : 600074

2. You are assigned to conduct a research about the health status of grade one pupils
under the governments “conditional cash transfer program”. How will you gather the
data for this? Construct the appropriate questionnaire and/or interview guide based
on the guidelines.
Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)

School of Teacher Education-Laboratory High School

School ID : 600074


Instructions: In at least 150 words, write your own “Acknowledgement”.

Republic of the Philippines
(formerly Naval State University)

School of Teacher Education-Laboratory High School

School ID : 600074


1. Read and understand each instructions, the rationale, and questions of each
2. Write your answers in an A4 sized bond paper using Arial – 12 font size and
3. After completing the worksheets, save the file in a PDF. Submit it to the google
classroom using the code uunx7pv.
4. I will be waiting for all the worksheets up until May 30, 2020.

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