Solutions: Question One

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 Surfing the world wide web. An employee who surfs the web leaves a "calling card" at
each website that he visits, from which the organisation may be identified. This could
cause embarrassment to the organisation if a visited site contained inappropriate material.
 There are a variety of criminal offences which employees might commit through the use
of their computers, for example, criminal harassment, downloading pornography or
gaining unauthorised access to a computer system (known as “hacking”).
 Material downloaded from the internet (such as screen savers) onto a company’s internal
network could contain computer viruses. Even if employees only have access to the
internet by e-mail, they can still import executable files that could contain viruses. Such
viruses can be potentially catastrophic for a business’ systems and data, so employees
must be clearly informed of the dangers.
 The risk of employees infringing copyright is not new, but the risk to business has
increased because of the ease with which content can be copied from the internet and
then quickly and widely distributed to others. For example, employees might copy
content from the internet and transfer it by e-mail without having any actual or implied
licence to copy from the owner of that content.
 In many businesses there is a possibility of legal action for sexual or racial harassment
through the use of e-mail. In Australia, for example, employee e-mail harassment has
been held to breach anti-discrimination laws, and in the UK (where an employer has duty
to take reasonable steps to prevent an act of harassment occurring in the workplace),
harassment has been held to include colleagues accessing pornography on the internet.


 Without offices or organizational structures, employees may find it difficult to know who
they officially report to in different situations, and it may become unclear exactly who
has the final responsibility for what.
 Offices improve operational efficiency by providing clarity to employees at all levels of a
company. By paying mind to the organizational structure, departments can work more
like well-oiled machines, focusing time and energy on productive tasks.
 The management decision making process takes a short period of time due to the
centralization of the organizational structure.
 Mode of communication: an office not only keeps record of information but also plays
the role of reliable channel of communicating the information. It is required for smooth
functioning of the organization.
 Coordinating centre: the success of business depends on the proper coordination of
people and activities of the organization. It keeps relations with all departments and deal
with information necessary for effective coordination; it is a mechanism or coordination.
 The office controls the whole organization: an organizational structure acts as a control
centre. Controlling is the important function of management. It helps to monitor plans
and policies which help in the implementation of proper working environment. It helps to
prevent from unwanted deviations. It provides data for managing and correcting
 Service centre: an organizational structure works as a service centre. It provides services
to all the department of an organization. It provides necessary information to all the
department of an organization. Business cannot operate successfully without better
service system and office fulfills this requirement.
 Memory centre: an office or organizational structure is the storehouse of records. It keeps
the records of past and present. It provides necessary information for future. It helps to
report letters, circulars, notifications, policies etc. It is known as ‘brain’ of organization.
 interlinked and this linkage is made possible through the help of office.

 In conclusion, it is evident that office is an important department in any business unit and it
contributes to the efficient and economic running of the business. It is the centre which cooers
information from each part of the organization and much useful knowledge goes out of its four
walls. It is thus regarded as the brain of the business unit. A business without an office is just like
a fish out of water. Thus, no business can run successfully without a well-organized and
efficiently managed office.

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