Property Law Syllabus

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Atty. Rami Hourani University of Cebu – School of Law

1st Sem, 2020-2021 Room/Section 702

1. Scope: e. Possession in Concept of

Property Law Owner, Holder, in one’s own
1. Classification of Property name, and in name of another
a. Immovables f. Rights of the possessor
b. Movables g. Loss or termination of
2. Ownership Possession
a. Bundle of Rights 7. Usufruct
i. Actions to Recover a. Characteristics
Ownership and b. Classification
Possession of Real c. Rights and Obligations of
Property and its Usufructuary
distinctions d. Rights of the Owner
ii. Actions for recovery of e. Extinction, Termination, and
possession of movable Extinguishment
property 8. Easements
b. Distinction between real and a. Characteristics
personal rights b. Classification
c. Modes of acquiring ownership Modes of Acquiring Easements
d. Limitations of ownership c. Rights and Obligations of the
3. Accession Owners of the Dominant and
a. Right to hidden treasure Servient Estates
b. Rules of accession d. Modes of Extinguishment
i. For immovables 9. Nuisance
ii. For movables a. Nuisance per se
4. Quieting of Title b. Nusiance per accidens
a. Requisites c. Liabilities
b. Distinctions between Quieting d. No Prescription
Title and Removing/Preventing e. Criminal Prosecution
a Cloud f. Judgment with abatement
c. Prescription/Non-prescription of g. Extrajudicial Abatement
action h. Special Injury to Individual
5. Co-Ownership i. Right of Individual to Abate a
a. Characteristics of Co- Public Nuisance
Ownership j. Right to Damages
b. Sources of Co-Ownership k. Defenses to action
c. Rights of Co-Owners l. Who may sue on private
d. Termination of Co-Ownership nuisance
6. Possession 10. Modes of Acquiring Ownership
a. Characteristics a. Occupation
b. Acquisition of Possession b. Donation
c. Effects of Possession c. Prescription
d. Loss or Unlawful Deprivation of
a Movable

2. Reference Material: De Leon & De Leon Jr.’s, Comments and Cases on Property, 2015 ed.
3. Methodology: The class shall be taught primarily via the Socratic method. The way this will be
accomplished shall be via videoconferencing provided by Schoology. The professor shall
disseminate a questionnaire at the start of the semester in order to grasp the student’s situations as
well as maintain open channels of communication in order to better enable the professor to
understand and adapt to the demands of online learning. The students, after consultation with
fellow classmates, should feel that they have the ability to reach out and communicate directly
with their professor. The professor shall from time-to-time use quizzes or short exams when the
demands of the material so dictate.
4. Rationale: The Socratic method forms the backbone of the law school experience because it
attempts to simulate the burden that is placed on a lawyer when he analyzes a legal problem and
the urgency with which a response is often required.
5. Pace: The material shall be taken up in the order that they appear in the designated reference
material. Students are expected to keep up a pace of reading as to ensure they come to class ready
for the day’s recitation without direction from their professor.
6. Amendments: The professor reserves the right to adapt or change the methodology of instruction
when, for matters that may arise over the semester, it becomes apparent that the employed
methodology is insufficient or otherwise ineffectual.
7. Class Structure: The 4 hour class shall be broken up into two 2-hour segments with a bathroom
break in between.
8. Attendance: The professor shall use Schoology’s function that generates a list of students who
are in attendance during the video conference as the means for checking attendance. He shall only
do so after 5 minutes have elapsed from the beginning of each 2-hour segment of class. If he fails
to do so, the entire class shall be considered present. If a student’s name fails to appear on the list
of those in attendance 7 times, he/she shall be dropped from the class.
9. Excused Absences: Student’s shall only be excused for recitation on account of great personal
tragedy, accident, or harm or on account of the same occurring to one’s nuclear family by blood,
affinity, or adoption. These excused absences shall still be counted towards the total absences for
the purposes of being dropped from the subject.
10. Decorum: All the students are expected to conduct themselves with the respect and dignity
commensurate to their aim of joining the legal profession.
11. Recitation: If a student is called for recitation, he/she must turn on his/her microphone,
unplug/remove his/her earphones/headset, and use his/her hands to cover his/her eyes. Every
student is expected to be in an environment where they can hear the voice of their professor
clearly through the speakers of his/her device. The professor will repeat the question as many
times as needed and within reason. If a student’s name is called during class hours and he/she is
not there, he shall get a 60 for that recitation. If a student’s name is called during class hours and
he/she is unable to answer at all, he/she shall get a grade of 70.
12. Questions: Questions shall be directed to the professor via the Schoology platform. He may then
elect to turn the question into a post for the class to discuss/debate. If a question is propounded
during class hours by a student, the professor reserves the right to answer it or direct the question
to another student as part of their recitation.
13. Consultation/Concerns: The students may request a consult with their professor or communicate
specific concerns by contacting him via Schoology or at his institutional e-mail:

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