Seminar Insight

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Cebu Doctors’ University

College of Arts and Sciences

Department of Psychology

A.Y. 2016-2017

Seminar Insight Paper

ASPIRE TO INSPIRE: Summit on the Family, Society, and Education in Character

Submitted by:

Binghay, Lorenz Moises Enrick S.

Submitted to:

Ms. Melda Rubillos

Submitted on:

September 7, 2016
When I arrived in the said place for the seminar, all I was thinking was that it’s

just another kind of seminar where they spout about religion, values and what is the

vital role of the family for the society which has been said by a lot of speakers.

Upon receiving my Id, I saw the picture of Mr. Torralba, Sir Gomez and the

main speaker for the day, Sir Francis Kong. I did not mind who they were because

what was running on my mind at that time was that I want this to be over because

there are still a lot of things that I have to do especially arranging my travel.

The person who came first to speak Dr. Antonio Torralba. He was talking

about the society of the now and before. What he was saying in front of us was

somehow acceptable but it was not that of relevance for me because I heard this

kind of talk already. The thing that got into me about his talk was that in this age, we

have to adapt and respect the diversity of generations weighing both the pros and


Sir Zoilo Gomez Came next after the break that was given to us. He

discussed about how Family shapes the society that we are having, as what he said

and with the help of the Webster’s dictionary, Family is the basic unit for society.

Before he proceed with his talk, he called the attention of the members of his family

he was blessed with and shared to the audience the beauty of having a big

successful family. He then shared the ups and downs and the tides that made him

strong- his personal story about his family. Two of her daughters took the stage for

him. The elder sister shared the struggle their mother went through and the younger

one shared her challenges in life but came out to be a successful author for a book.

This gave me a new outlook in life that if the family helps each other in time of
distress, impossible is just a non-existent word in the vocabulary. After Sir Gomez’s

speech we took a lunch break for 45 minutes.

Before Sir Francis Kong made his amazing speech, a little video clip was

played on the projector about his awards and the success that Sir Francis himself

garnered. After the video, we saw a Chinese man standing in front, brimming with

confidence and a big smile in his face, it was no other than Sir Francis Kong. He was

indeed a good speaker. He knows what he is trying to convey to his audience,

delivering the message was just a piece of cake for him that it questioned me how

many times did he fail just to arrive up to this point. During his talk, he discussed

something about believing in one’s self. I started to become interested in the talk

when he mentioned about finance, since this is one of the sub-skills that I have that I

want to develop. It is no easy task to hold onto money without proper knowledge

about it. One thing that I cannot forget about he said was that it is better to earn with

dignity than to earn highly in harm’s way.

Wrapping up all that was shared during the seminar, I believe that Francis

Kong is a man who raised himself with his own two hands to success and I always

admire this kind of people. The two other speakers were good in their own respective

manner as they tried their best to deliver what they wanted to say. I learned that it is

always hard when your outlook in life is the pessimistic side when there are a lot of

things to look at in the brighter side.

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