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7/30/2020 Combinations of kidney problems

Planetry Combinations of kidney problems Astrology/problems.php

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Kidney problems (tumour, cyst, stone, abscess, inflammation, pain, renal or stone, urine
trouble etc.): Role of Planets, Signs and houses for kidney diseases The seventh house
and Libra sign is the seat of this disease. Jupiter and Moon are significators. Venus is
ruler of diseases of urine and pelvis. Affliction to Libra sign, seventh house, and lord of
seventh house, Jupiter & Moon, all these give rise to diseases in kidney s. When malefic
Jupiter and Moon afflict the above houses and lords. If the above houses, their lords and
signifying planets connect sixth house or lord of sixth house by conjunction, aspec: etc.,
the diseases of kidney and pelvis appear.

An afflicted and weak Moon is always bad for kidney. Saturn also rules the diseases in
kidney and affliction to Libra sign, seventh house, lord of seventh house etc. by Saturn
give rise to diseases in kidney. When Mars and Mercury bein^ malefic, afflict the houses
and planets ruling kidney, they produce tumors,.abscesses etc. Virgo. 6th house, the Sun
and Mercury control Gall Bladder. Venus or even its dispositor in 6th makes one prone
to kidney trouble.

It involves Venus, Mercury and 6th & 7th houses. Astrology/problems.php 1/2

7/30/2020 Combinations of kidney problems

1. Mercury in a Jupiterian sign; and Jupiter getting Sun's aspect.

2. Moon in a watery sign and its lord in 6th afflicted by watery planet.

3. Malefic in 6th & 7th & 8th & in a cruel shashtiamsha.

4. 7th lord, an' aquatic planet and an aquatic planet in 7th.

5. Malefics in 5th.

6. Malefics aspect Mars in 7th.

7. Aquatic rasi in 7th and an aquatic planet in lagna or lagna aspected by an aquatic

8. Saturn in 7th aspected by Rahu.

9. Mercury, 6th lord and Mars together in a bad house or Mercury in 8th. Astrology/problems.php 2/2

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