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August 16, 2020

Katherine R. Dahang
Reading Review Entry #: 1
Titles of the Article(s) or Author(s): The Importance of Art in Child Development
by Grace Hwang;  Art for our sake By Ellen Winner and Lois Hetland 2007 Lynch


The Importance of Art in Child Development and learning to create and appreciate

visual aesthetics may be more important than ever to the development of the next

generation of children as they grow up.

Personal Reaction: 

As a future teacher, I think arts should be taught in school because arts make

the children to be involved.  Arts helps the students today to to be more involved in

the society that they tend to appreciate the beauty of  the surroundings there are many

benefits art can do for the students today, arts encourage collaborative relationships.

Arts integration is using the arts to teach and understand other subjects, such as math,

science, english and social studies, while gaining proficiency in both. Integrating the

arts into core academics through experience or project-based learning results through

the arts treated as important core subjects. At the very least the arts change

perspective. The arts encourage a student to observe, evaluate, predict and analyze or

self-assess. They broaden thinking and ability to imagine. They do enable the ability

to focus and to understand process and hard work. These skills will make for happier,

better prepared students to embark on their lives.Having the arts in schools give a

diverse balance to educational experiences that will enhance the view of the students

in the world and can deepen the ability to think and create and imagine. Arts give

students a privilege to express themselves on what their feelings are.

As I read the article art has the power to expose students to the physical aspect of

what they are studying and can create a more exciting and comprehensive method of

education. Just like the sciences, art has the power to revolutionize the world. It

reflects our ever changing culture and has the ability to alter society’s values.

Moreover, art brings meaning into people’s lives and helps preserve the world’s

culture and societies. Arts molds the student to do better and to take an experiment

outside the classroom of what they have observed. The arts should be used in

education in different ways. Teaching the arts for the art’s sake, the individual

disciplines of visual art, music, dance and drama is important. We learn the aesthetic

value of these media and how they impact our lives from past to the present. We can

learn to do and in that learning and exposure, talent can be discovered and nurtured.

As well, we need to cultivate audiences for all the arts for the future. We need to learn

that artistic experience goes beyond our interaction with a screen or a computer.

As a future teacher, I will teach the students about the arts because for me art

is a reflection of what we are and I want the students to face the reality that they live

in. It is the essence of our own existence, the key that leads us to the world outside,

and it returns to us a door leading inside ourselves. Creating art is to invent ourselves

one more time, giving life to the things that we see, giving a second opportunity to

turn appearance into something more than what it is. Observing is to look at

ourselves, as each step that we walk in the way toward invention is a new opportunity

for the world and for us.


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