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Question 1.
(a) Grasscutters are prolific
prolific means abundance production of offsprings by an animal(grasscutter).
Effect on profitability
When grasscutter is of high prolificacy,the profit of the farmer will increase.this is
because income in grasscutter production is generated from sales of offsprings for
breeding or older ones for meat.The one with low prolificacy will generate low profit
due to less number of offsprings for sale.

(b) grasscutters are early maturing

Early maturity means it takes less time for grasscutters to grow.
Effect on profitability
Grasscutters undergo rapid growth.they therefore attain maximum weight within a
short time which makes them ready for sale.the interval in which income generated
is small leading to high profit
(c) grasscutters are reared intensively
intensive rearing refers to a form of rearing animals in a system of housing where
the animals are confined to the house entirely,with no access to the land outside,
and it is usually adopted where land is limited and expensive.
Effect on profitability
usually animals reared intensively are fed by the farmer,and are mostly given
concentrates .these type of feed are of high concentration in nutrients and helps in
the proper growth of the view of this,grasscutters reared intensively
experience proper growth leading generation of higher profit.

(d) grasscutters are hardy and adaptable

 hardy means they are strong
 Adaptable means they easily fit or correspond to new environment.
Effect of profitability
In animal farming,animal specie of high strength are sold to breeders at a higher
price.the sale of these strong and adaptable grasscutters at a higher price increases
the profit of the farmer.

(e) grasscutters are susceptible to predation and theft

Susceptible to predation and theft means that grasscutters are vulnerable or easily
be attacked by predator and be stolen.
Effect on profitability
This characteristics of grasscutters causes reduction in their number therefore
reducing sales income and profitability.
(f) grasscutters are non seasonal breeders
Seasonal breeders are animals that can mate at anytime and period of the year.their
offsprings can survive in all the conditions of the year .
Effect on profitability
The non seasonal characteristic of grasscutters makes available higher number of
offsprings per year more than those that are seasonal breeders.this therefore helps
in the increment of the profit of the farmer through the sale of larger number of

Question 2
 Easy access to feed ingredients
 Advantage of joining business clubs or group
 Easy access to financial institution for financial assistance
 nearness to the market
 Easy Access to feed ingredients
 Access to quality power supply
 Availability of ready market through contract,partnership etc.
 Availability of equipment for livestock management
 Easy Access to veterinary hospital

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