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‫بسمه تعالی‬

‫مرکز خدمات ترجمه شما‬

‫آزمون تشریحی ترجمه‬

‫متن اصلی(‪1‬‬
‫ایمیل)‬ ‫تلفن همراه‬ ‫ترجمه متن(‪)1‬‬
‫نام و نام خانوادگی‬

‫در چه زمینه یا تخصص هایی قادر به انجام ترجمه هستید؟ ( حداکثر ‪ 3‬مورد را درج کنید)‬ ‫‪-1‬‬

‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬

‫تمایل دارید مرکز ترجمه از طریق چه روش های با شما ارتباط برقرار نماید؟ (می توانید چند مورد را انتخاب کنید)‬ ‫‪-2‬‬

‫پیامک ☐‬ ‫تلگرام ☐‬
‫ایمیل ☐‬

‫توانایی انجام حرفه ای کدامیک از سرویس های زیر را دارید؟ (می توانید چند مورد را انتخاب کنید)‬ ‫‪-3‬‬

‫خالصه‬ ‫ترجمه فایل صوتی و تصویری ☐‬ ‫پارافریز ☐‬ ‫ویرایش ☐‬

‫نویسی ☐‬

‫تایپ و پاورپوینت‬ ‫نگارش مقاله ☐‬ ‫ترجمه زیرنویس ☐‬


Critics might also contend that Labour Law and
Industrial Relations are two distinct disciplines,
and thus should be dealt with separately.
However, it is undeniable that there is a certain
degree of overlapping in conceptual and
linguistic terms, with much terminology that is
common to both fields. Thus, Linguistics of
Labour Law and Industrial Relations will be
taken to cover both domains, even though
significant differences will be considered. In the
following, an attempt will be made to provide
evidence of the need to bring under the
umbrella of this emerging area of research a
topic that has so far been the (partial) focus of
several disciplines – that is the relationship
between language and concepts in the fields of
Labour Law and Industrial Relations – and
therefore to establish the connections between

)2(‫متن اصلی‬ )2(‫ترجمه متن‬

English is the official language of the United
States and one of the two official languages of
Canada (French is the other), but many people
born in these countries do not grow up speaking
it. For them, English is a second language that
they learn at a later time. In some cases this is
because their parents are immigrants or because
they grow up in an ethnic neighborhood where
Spanish, Chinese, or another language is spoken
by almost everyone. For a small percentage it is
because their ancestors were the original natives
of this continent, the Indians who were here
before the arrival of the European settlers in the
sixteenth century. Is this situation unique in
North America? Or can you think of other parts
of the world in which many people learn the
official language of their country as a second
language? Do people like this have a harder
time succeeding in society? Does this situation
make a society weaker or stronger?

)3(‫متن اصلی‬ )3(‫ترجمه متن‬

Xerxes’ accession, in the end, was a much more
straightforward affair than his father’s, and rival
claims were weak. U2) Xerxes was the son of
Atossa and was the first of Darius’ sons to be
born while he was on the throne of Persia. U3)
When Darius died, according to Herodotus, a
dispute arose as to who was to be his successor.
U4) The eldest son was Artobarzanes
(Herodotus) or Ariaramnes (Justin), but Xerxes
argued that this brother had been born when
Darius was still a private citizen, and not yet
king, and therefore had a lesser claim to the
throne. U5) (Artobarzanes, if that was his name,
must there-fore have been close to forty years
old.) Furthermore, Xerxes’ mother, Atossa, was
the daughter of Cyrus, while Darius’ first wife
was also not of royal blood. U6) As Darius had
at least three other wives, including another
daughter of Cyrus, Artystone, there must have
been a considerable number of potential
claimants to the throne.

:‫ پیشنهاد و یا انتقادی دارید در این صفحه درج نمایید‬،‫اگر توضیح خاصی در مورد آزمون ها‬


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