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Learning Target: To examine the environmental and human factors affecting patterns and

trends in physical water scarcity and economic water scarcity.

The level of water scarcity in a country depends on precipitation and groundwater supply, population
growth, demand for water, affordability of supplies and infrastructure. Where water supplies are
inadequate, two types of water scarcity exist.

Physical water scarcity – where water consumption exceeds 60% of the usable supply and has therefore
exceeded sustainable levels. It relates water availability to water demand and implies that arid areas are
not necessarily water scarce if demand is small.

Economic water scarcity - where water is available locally but not accessible for human, institutional or
financial capital reasons. E.g. because extraction or transportation costs are too high, or because the
water is polluted and it is not possible to treat it.

1. Describe the pattern of physical water scarcity shown on the map [3]

2. Suggest two reasons for this scarcity [2+2]

3. Describe the pattern of economic water scarcity shown on the map [3]

4. Suggest two reasons for this scarcity [2+2]

Environmental and human factors affecting water scarcity
1. Research water scarcity.
2. Find 3 environmental factors and 3 human factors affecting water scarcity and examples of places affected
3. Complete the table below
Some suggestions might include: population growth, increased affluence, privatization of water, weather (eg drought); geology; agricultural production
Factor Explanation Example


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