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Mapua University

School of School of Chemical, Biological, and

Materials Engineering and Sciences

Chemistry for Engineers Laboratory

First Quarter SY 2019-2020

Experiment 2: Molar mass of a Volatile Liquid

Abareta, Ian Carlo T.*
*Chandler Manlongat
CM011L-B10 Group No. 5

In this experiment, the concept of Calorimetry is to be experimented through three different
scenenarios and each with varying purposes which were determining the specific heat of metal,
enthalpy change of neutralizations of strong base and acid, and also to determine the enthalpy
change of the dissolution of salt. The results of the three procedures were as follows ; the
specific heat of the metal zinc is 0.305045202 J / g ° C,the enthalpy change of the acids are
20.92 KJ /mole, and lastly is the enthalpy change of the dissolution of ammonium chloride
−13.65059427 KJ /mole . After determining these values we have learn with these reactions we
have take into account the right cooling systems if we ever wanted to scale up this processs as to
not overheat the system in creating something like sulfuric acid.

1. Introduction

Calorimetry is used to measure amounts of heat transferred to or from a substance. To do so, the
heat is exchanged with a calibrated object (calorimeter). The measurement of heat transfer using
this approach requires the definition of a system (the substance or substances undergoing the
chemical or physical change) and its surroundings (the other components of measurement
apparatus that serve to either provide heat to the system or absorb heat from the system).
Knowledge of the heat capacity of the surroundings, and careful measurements of the masses of
the system and surroundings and their temperatures before and after the process allows one to
calculate the heat transferred as described in this section (Reardon et al., 2006). A
thermochemical expression tells us how much energy is transferred as a chemical process occurs.
This knowledge enables us to calculate useful results such as the heat transfer when a fuel is
burned. Also, when reactions are carried out on a larger scale— say, in a chemical plant that
manufactures sulfuric acid—the surroundings must have enough cooling capacity to prevent an
exothermic reaction from overheating, speeding up, running out of control, and possibly
damaging the plant. For these and many other reasons it is useful to know as many ∆rH° values
as possible (Moore & Stanitski, 2015).

2. Methodology

The objective of the experiment:

 To measure the physical properties of the substances
CM011L Laboratory Report
 To determine the amount of energy lost in the exothermic reactions of the substances.

 20 mL of Deionized water
 50 mL of HCL
 Ammonium chloride
 50 mL of HNO 3
 50 mL of NaOH
 Thermometer
 Bunsen burner
 Wire gauze
 Ring clamp
 Styrofoam Coffee cup 2 pairs
 50 mL graduated cylinder
 100 mL graduated cylinder
 Iron stand
 Zinc ingots
 Test tube

Procedure A. (Specific heat of a Metal)

1. Prepare the metal. Obtain 10–30 g of an unknown dry metal3 from your instructor. Record the number of the
unknown metal on the Report Sheet. Use weighing paper to measure its mass on your assigned balance. Transfer
the metal to a dry, 200-mm test tube. Place the 200-mm test tube in a 400-mL beaker filled with water well above
the level of the metal sample in the test tube (Figure 25.2). Heat the water to boiling and maintain this
temperature for ~10 minutes so that the metal reaches thermal equilibrium with the boiling water. Proceed to Part
A.2 while the water is heating. (fig 1 (a))
2. Prepare the water in the calorimeter. The apparatus for the calorimetry experiment appears in Figure 25.4. Obtain
two 6- or 8-oz Styrofoam coffee cups, a plastic lid, stirrer, and a 110° glass or digital thermometer. Thoroughly
clean the Styrofoam cups with several rinses of deionized water. Measure and record the combined mass (±0.01
g) of the calorimeter (the two Styrofoam cups, the plastic lid, and the stirrer). Using a graduated cylinder, add
~20.0 mL of water and measure and record the mass of the calorimeter plus water. Secure the glass or digital
thermometer with a clamp and position the bulb or thermal sensor below the water surface. (Caution: Carefully
handle a glass thermometer. If the thermometer is accidentally broken, notify your instructor immediately.) (fig 1
3. Measure and record the temperatures of the metal and water. Once thermal equilibrium (after ~10 minutes) has
been reached in Parts A.1 and A.2, measure and record the temperatures of the boiling water and the water in the
calorimeter. Record the temperatures using all certain digits plus one uncertain digit. (fig 2)
4. Transfer the hot metal to the cool water and record the data. Remove the test tube from the boiling water and
quickly transfer only the metal to the water in the calorimeter.4 Replace the lid and swirl the contents gently.
Record the water temperature as a function of time (about 5-second intervals for 1 minute and then 30–45-second
intervals for ~5 minutes) on the table at the end of the Report Sheet. (fig 2)
5. Plot the data. Plot the temperature (y-axis) versus time (x-axis) on the top half of a sheet of linear graph paper or
by using appropriate software. The maximum temperature is the intersection point of two lines: (1) the best line
drawn through the data points on the cooling portion of the curve and (2) a line drawn perpendicular to the time
axis at the mixing time [when the metal is added to the water. 5 Have your instructor approve your graph.
6. Do it again. Repeat Parts A.1 through A.5 for the same dry metal sample. Plot the data on the bottom half of the
same sheet of linear graph paper.
CM011L Laboratory Report

(a) (b)

Figure 1. (a) the metal has been placed in a water bath and is set to be boiled (b) the calorimetry is being measured
and recorded.


Figure 2. measure the temperature of the thermal equilibrium while swirling the contents.

Procedure B. (Enthalpy of Neutralization for an Acid–Base Reaction)

1. Measure the volume and temperature of the HCl. Measure 50.0 mL of 1.1 M HCl in a clean graduated cylinder.
Measure and record its temperature. (fig 1 (a))
2. Measure the volume and temperature of the NaOH. Using a second clean graduated cylinder, transfer 50.0 mL of
a standard 1.0 M NaOH solution to the dry calorimeter. Record the temperature and exact molar concentration of
the NaOH solution. (fig 1 (a))
3. Collect the data. Carefully but quickly add the acid to the base, replace the calorimeter lid, and swirl gently. Read
and record the temperature and time every 5 seconds for 1 minute and thereafter every 30–45 seconds for ~5
minutes. (fig 1(b))
4. Plot the data. Plot the temperature (y-axis) versus time (x-axis) on the top half of a sheet of linear graph paper or
by using appropriate software. Determine the maximum temperature as was done in Part A.5. Have your
instructor approve your graph.
5. Do it again. Repeat the acid–base experiment, Parts B.1 through B.4. Plot the data on the bottom half of the same
sheet of graph paper.
CM011L Laboratory Report

(a) (b)

Figure 1. (a) the measured bases and acids is being place in the coffee cup. (b) swirling gently the contents and
recording the data every interval.

Procedure C. (Enthalpy of Solution for the Dissolution of a Salt)

1. Prepare the salt. On weighing paper, measure ~5.0 g (±0.001 g) of the assigned salt. Record the name of the salt
and its mass on the Report Sheet.
2. Prepare the calorimeter. Measure the mass of the dry calorimeter. Using your clean graduated cylinder, add ~20.0
mL of deionized water to the calorimeter. Measure the combined mass of the calorimeter and water. Secure the
thermometer with a clamp and position the bulb or thermal sensor below the water surface and record its
3. Collect the temperature data. Carefully add (do not spill) the salt to the calorimeter, replace the lid, and swirl
gently. Read and record the temperature and time at 5-second intervals for 1 minute and thereafter every 30–45
seconds for ~5 minutes.
4. Plot the data. Plot the temperature (y-axis) versus time (x-axis) on the top half of a sheet of linear graph paper or
by using appropriate software. Determine the maximum (for an exothermic process) or minimum (for an
endothermic process) temperature as was done in Part A.5. Have your instructor approve your graph.
5. Do it again. With a second salt sample, repeat the dissolution of your assigned salt, Parts C.1 through C.4. Plot
the data on the bottom half of the same sheet of linear graph paper.1

(a) (b)

Figure 1. (a) the measured calorimeter with 2o mL of water (b) swirling gently the contents and recording
the data in an interval.
CM011L Laboratory Report
3. Results and Discussions

The formulas used below have been implemented to procedure A, B and C to acquire the
results in the different situations:
Procedure (A): In this experiment, the metal has been heated to 100 ° C and is then
submerged to the room temperature water that is placed in a Styrofoam coffee cup (as to
controlled environment and to avoid as much as possible the unnecessary loss of heat to the
surrounding). The formula is as follows to find the unknown variable which is specific heat of
the metal.

−specific heat H O × mass H O × ∆ T H O

specific heat M = 2 2 2

mass M × ∆ T M

Procedure (B): In this experiment we are to find the enthalpy change of the two different
acids as it came in contact with a base which in this particular experiment is NaOH and the acids
that we used were HCl and H NO 3 respectively. To calculate the enthalpy change we first have to
calculate the joules that was given off by the solution:

∆ H n =−specific heat H O × combined massacid+ base × ∆ T


After this we should then find the limiting reactant to be able to know the maximum moles that
was used in the reaction, then divide the joules that was calculated before to the moles of the
limiting reactant and lastly convert the joules of reaction to KJ/moles as the standard unit of the
enthalpy change.(this will be also used to the second acid)

J 1 KJ
total enthalpy change per mole , ∆ H s= x =K J /mole
moles limiting reactant 1000 J

Procedure (C): In this experiment we are to find the enthalpy change of the dissolution of a
salt to water. To calculate the enthalpy change we first have to calculate the joules of water
and ammonium chloride

∆ H s=−(q H O+ q N H
2 4
CL ) (4)

Then divide the ∆ H s to the moles of the salt and lastly, convert the joules to Kilo-joules to get the
desired units

(−energy change H O ) + (−energy change salt ) 1 KJ

total enthalpy change per mole , ∆ H s= ×
=KJ /mole
mole salt 1000 J

Data gathered
CM011L Laboratory Report

Table 1: Specific Heat of a Metal

1. Volume of water 20 mL
2. Mass of zinc metal 10.16 g
3. Mass calorimeter 29.16 g
4. Initial temperature of water 30.0 ° C
5. Final temperature of water 32.5 ° C
6. Initial temperature of zinc metal 100.0 ° C
7. Final temperature of zinc metal 32.5 ° C
8. Specific heat of water 4.184 J /g ° C
9. Specific heat of zinc metal 0.305045202 J / g ° C

Based on the data gathered on the specific heat of water, volume of water, change of temperature
of water, mass of metal and change of temperature of metal which are 4.184 J /g ° C , 20mL, 2.5
° C, 29.16 g, −67.5 °C respectively. By placing these values to the formula of the specific heat
of metal, we get the specific heat of metal which is 0.305045202 J / g ° C .

Table 2: Enthalpy of Neutralization of an Acid–Base Reaction

1. Volume 50 mL 50 mL
2. Molarity 1.1 M 1.1 M
3. Molarity of NaOH 1.0 M 1.0 M
4. Volume of NaOH 50 mL 50 mL
5. Initial Temperature 30.0 ° C 30.0 ° C
6. Final Temperature 32.5 ° C 32.5 ° C
7. Enthalpy change −20.92 KJ /mole −20.92 KJ /mole

For the results of the HCl is 50 mL of 1.1 M and the HNO 3is 50 mL of 1.1 M are both neutralize in NaOH
which NaOH with 50 mL of 1.0 M. Both of the reaction has undergone neutralization and produced the
same enthalpy change which is 20.92 KJ /mole

Table 3. Data Gathered: Enthalpy (Heat) of Solution for the Dissolution of a Salt

10. Volume of water 20 mL

11. Mass of Ammonium chloride 5g
CM011L Laboratory Report
12. Mass calorimeter 29.16 g
13. Initial temperature of water 30.0 ° C
14. Final temperature of water 16.0 ° C
15. Initial temperature of Ammonium chloride 30.0 ° C
16. Final temperature of Ammonium chloride 16.0 ° C
17. Specific heat of water 4.184 J /g ° C
18. Specific heat of Ammonium chloride 1.5 J / g° C
19. Energy change of Ammonium chloride −105 J
20. Energy change of water −1171.52 J J
21. Moles of Ammonium chloride 0.093513877 mol
22. Total enthalpy change per mole −13.65059427 KJ /mole
For the dissolution of salt, based on the acquired data and the calculations it has yielded
−13.65059427 KJ /mole of energy in the reaction.


 Procedure (A)

 Calculate specific heat of metal:

−specific heat H O × mass H O × ∆ T H O

specific heat M = 2 2 2

mass M × ∆ T M

 Calculate by substituting the gathered data:

−( 4.18 J / g ° C ) ×20 g × ( 32.5−30.0 ) ° C

specific heat M = =0.305045202 J / g ° C
10.16 g × ( 32.5−100.0 ) ° C

 Procedure (B)

NaOH + HCL → NaCl+ H 2 O

 Calculate the enthalpy change:

∆ H n =−specific heat H O × combined massacid+ base × ∆ T


∆ H n =−4.18 ° C × ( 50+50 ) × ( 32.5−30 ) ° C=−1046 J (9)

 Calculate the limiting reactant:

CM011L Laboratory Report
1.0 mole
0.05 LNaOH × =0.05 mole

1.1 mole
0.05 LHCl × =0.055 mole

 Divide ∆ H n by moles of NaOH:

−1046 J
total enthalpy change per mole , ∆ H s= =−20920 J / mole
0.05 mol

 Convert Joules per mole to Kilojoules per mole:

−20920 J 1 KJ
× =−20.920 KJ /mole
mole 1000 J

NaOH + HNO3 → Na NO 3 + H 2 O

 Calculate the enthalpy change:

∆ H n =−specific heat H O × combined massacid+ base × ∆ T


∆ H n =−4.18 ° C ×50+50 × ( 32.5−30 ) ° C=−1046 J (15)

 Calculate the limiting reactant:

1.0 mole
0.05 LNaOH × =0.05 mole

1.1 mole
0.05 LHN O × =0.055 mole (17)

 Divide ∆ H n by grams of NaOH:

−1046 J
total enthalpy change per mole , ∆ H s= =−20920 J /mole (18)
0.05 mole

 Convert Joules per mole to Kilojoules per mole:

−20920 J 1 KJ
× =−20.920 KJ /mole (19)
mole 1000 J
CM011L Laboratory Report

 Procedure (C)

 Calculate the energy change of water:

−q H O=m×C ×∆ T


−q H O= ( 20 g ) × 4.18 4
2 ( g )
° C × (16−30.0 ) ° C=−1171.52 J

 Calculate the energy change of ammonium chloride:

−q N H 4 CL =m ×C × ∆ T

−q N H 4 CL =( 5.0 g ) × ( 1.5 J / g° C ) × (16−30.0 ) ° C=−105 J (18)

 Calculate the total enthalpy change per mole:

(−energy change H O ) + (−energy change salt )

total enthalpy change per mole , ∆ H s=

mole salt

(−1171.52 J )+ (−105 J )
total enthalpy change per mole , ∆ H s= =−13 650.59427 J /mole

 Convert Joules per mole to Kilojoules per mole:

13650.59427 J 1 KJ
× =−13.65059427 KJ /mole
mole 1000 J

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, the specific heat of the meta zinc based on the acquired values is
0.305045202 J / g ° C. In the neutralization of acids and bases although the experiment has used
two different acids the experiment yielded same enthalpy change which is −20.92 KJ /mole.
Based from the data the gathered, the computed total enthalpy change of the dissolution of salt in
water is −13650.59427 J /mole. Each of the experiments have demonstrated the importance of a
cooling system especially if we have to create a larger scale of these experiments.
CM011L Laboratory Report

[1] Moore, J. W., Stanitski, C. L. (20140206). Chemistry: The Molecular Science, 5th Edition
[VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from vbk://9781305156098

[2] Reardon, F., Leppik, K., Wegmann, R., Webb, P., Ducharme, M. and Kenny, G. (2006). The
Snellen human calorimeter revisited, re-engineered and upgraded: design and performance
characteristics. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 44(8), pp.721-728.. 

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