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Under the IMC Plan - " Làm chương trình câu lạc bộ cũng là làm IMC"

Chị Vân đã phân tích rõ ràng nhất những giá trị mà một IMC mang đến cho hoạt động Truyền thông.
Có 4 lí do chính mà các hoạt động truyền thông nên kết hợp với IMC:


1. Define Purpose
OMO Detergent – a Unilever product and an advocate of an active lifestyle for kids and grown-ups >> So
DiG’s sustainable living purpose aims to restore childhood and enable children to experience real play,
every day
Dove > Be build self-esteem and positive body confidence.
WHY: believes that beauty is not one dimensional; – it’s feeling like the best version of yourself.
Authentic. Unique. Real. We invite all women to realise their personal potential for beauty by engaging
them with products that deliver superior care.
Dove’s social mission: inspire a positive relationship with women look and raise their self-esteem
WHAT: body washes, hand and body lotions, facial cleansers...
HOW: moisturisation
Famous campaign: ‘Real Beauty Sketches’, ‘Choose Beautiful’ and ‘My Beauty, My Say

CLEAR mission:
CLEAR believes that those who are more resilient, are stronger to challenge the odds of life and are able
to perform better. This is why we power up your scalp resilience, but we also power up your emotional
resilience, so you are stronger to cope with any challenge in life.

An inspiring vision for more hygienic, healthier and ultimately more vital communities
By 2020, Lifebuoy aim is to change the hygiene behaviour of 1 billion consumers >> Lifebuoy
Handwashing Programme was launched in 201

AXE:empower men to express their individuality, becoming their most attractive selves.
>> a broader range of male grooming products to help men develop their individual style, and a
partnership with three NGOs:
Seven Generation: ‘to inspire a consumer revolution that nurtures the health of the next seven
generations’. >> Campaigns to increase brand trust & brand equity attributes such as ‘safe for me 16 and
my family’ and ‘helps make my home a healthier place’.

2. Take action
- Lifebuoy is taking action in 29 countries where infant mortality is highest. Its flagship School of
5 programme works with teachers to encourage schoolchildren to wash their hands, with fun
materials such as comics, posters, diaries, enrolment cards and prizes
- Public health issue through its campaign, Help a Child Reach 5.
Hellmann’s opened its doors for the first time to one of its tomato farms in Latin America, connecting
parents and children with real farmers, some of whom livestreamed from their tomato fields with
cameras on their hats. This helped people to appreciate the journey food to reach their plates.
3. Talk my world
People care most about people and issues relating to their personal world – ‘my world’ – rather than the
wider world – ‘the world’.
They saw an opportunity to persuade mainstream and conventional buyers that products made with plant-
based ingredients
The Vaseline® Healing Project made it easy to get involved by using a ‘buy one to heal one’ promotion;
every product purchased triggered a matching product donation to Vaseline’s global partner, the
humanitarian NGO Direct Relief.

1. Tôn trọng thời gian

Ví dụ như không trễ hẹn, dành thời gian đủ để Mentor xem xét và cho nhận xét về progession của bạn,
luôn xác định mục tiêu trước khi thực hiện các buổi mentoring rồi bám sát vào đó trong suốt thời gian gặp
mặt nhằm có kết quả tốt.

3. Có mục tiêu rõ ràng, cụ thể

1 tháng Mentor và Mentee chỉ gặp nhau 1 lần trong khoảng thời gian từ 1 đến 2 tiếng, vì vậy trước những
buổi mentoring, Mentee hãy chuẩn bị thật kĩ những điều mình có khúc mắc và đưa ra một mục tiêu cụ thể
sau khi được Mentor dẫn dắt. Cá nhân hóa cuộc trò chuyện sẽ là chìa khóa để Mentor và Mentee rút ngắn
thời gian, đẩy nhanh tiến độ phát triển của mối quan hệ và cùng nhau tìm ra hướng đi cho vấn đề nhanh
Focus on your thoughts (what you want to speak), not your behaviours
Presentation Tips: Take up space (Comfortable, More balanced, Hand gesture, Facial Masking - Lock
on nature, Relaxed face), Focus your eyes, Pausing, Breathing, Neck muscle/ Eyes and nose are not

Give Yourself a Pep Talk: you’re smart, you’re qualified, You’re tough.
Nervousness and adrenaline are highly correlated, it gives you energy. Never admit I'm neverous, just
focus on: I'm strong & what Im going to say
Being able to perform in a high-stress situation is a skill that you can and will get better at with practice
over time!
Simply squeeze your buttocks or your thigh muscles – and most clothes will completely mask your
(gradually working your way up) to strengthen your diaphragm (cơ hoành)
Kỹ thuật thư giãn cơ cấp tiến (Progressive Muscle Relaxation)
Cổ và vai. Cánh tay và bàn tay

The Science – Why We Get Nervous In Job Interviews

In response to the release of hormones such as adrenaline, your blood pressure increases and breathing
speeds up preparing you for muscular effort, i.e. the fight or flight.
For most people that is as far as it goes and they feel energised and ready. For others the feelings can be
more intense and they may experience some shakiness and muscles may become tense
Repeat confidence-boosting mantras
Calm shaky hands: clenching your thigh muscles (nắm chặt)

Frontiers: ranh giới, biên giới

stumble: to step awkwardly while walking or running and fall or begin to fall: vấp, xảy chân
alien: unfamiliar, unusual/ foreign
vogue: Popular; fashionable. thịnh hành, ưa chuộng
nuance: sắc thái
toss: quăng, ném, hất Let's toss a coin to see who'll go first.
faint: (1)not strong or clear; slight: mờ nhạt (2) feel faint: uể oải, lả, ngất vì đói
distinct:"; sharp, clear-cut, marked: riêng biệt, rõ ràng, khasc nhau
citadel: stronghold, fort: thành quách, thành lũy: potential stronghold for Yoji
offset: bù lại, đền bù The decline of Elite in traditional SKUs was offset by its organic
reimburse: hoàn trả/ trả lại, repay, compensate
culinary: ẩm thực ˈkʌlɪn(ə)ri
Confectionery: chế biến mứt kẹo
protocols: giao thức, nghi lễ, report: ‘protocol forbids the prince from making any public statemen
remedy: phương thuốc inch is a the best remedy against the excess use of salt
Hurdle: vượt rào, cuộc chạy đua
cult: sung bai, tho phung. a network of Satan-worshipping cults’ (2) craze, fad, vogue . ‘the series has
become a bit of a cult in the UK’ kʌlt
intransigent: rebellion, persistantL cố chấp, ương ngạnh. the story of intransigent young architect, whose
integrity was as unyielding as granite: đá granit
exquisitely: tinh xảo the exquisitely beautiful woman
outrageous: firece, tàn nhẫn, insulting, thái quá Shockingly bad or excessive. ‘an outrageous act ’ aʊtˈ
vitality: sức sống, liveliness "the vitality of seeds"
Contemplation: thưởng ngoạn, ngắm, chiêm nghiệm (see, look)
salvation: the salvation of man (sự cứu rỗi)
Keep driving advocacy amongst organisations
We wanted to help shine the way forward, instilling a sense of empowerment for each man to take
positive action: to infuse slowly into the mind or feelings; insinuate; inject
stigma: social stigma (kỳ thị)
leap - leapt: nhảy (loyalty and penetration leap)
custodian: người trông coi, canh giữ (guardian, curator, keeper)
compelling story and the shimmering elegance
A most tender and gentle story: mềm mại
The mystic quality in the odd adventures of the boy: huyền bí
stir our imagination
The Alchemist is a beautiful and heartwarming story with an exotic flavor: kỳ lạ, độc đáo
conquerors: người chinh phục
The boy mumbled an answer: lầm bầm, lẩm nhẩm
The world was huge and inexhaustible: vô tận >< exhaust: cạn kiệt
manifesto: tuyên ngôn: ‘a manifesto for gay liberation’ manɪˈfɛstəʊ
spark conversations
retrench: reduce costs ‘as a result of the recession the company retrenched’ /rɪˈtrɛn(t)ʃ
mirage /məˈräZH/: ảo ảnh => illusion, fantasy, unrealistic hope ‘the hope of sanctuary proved a mirage’
sentiment: feeling, cảm nhận, tình cảm => positive sentiment
intervention: sự can thiệp/ xen vào (a lifesaving intervention)
groundswell: làn sóng ngầm (cả nghĩa đen/ bóng) (1. Ensure and maintain a groundswell of attention on
the importance of handwashing)
‘Help A Child Reach 5’ - A simple message that continues to have profound ground level implications.
Take our purpose on ground to ensure we are driving widespread on ground behaviour change
garments: may mặc, clothing, apparel
dignity: self esteem, pride, self worth (vẻ đứng đắn, phẩm cách)
provoke a conversation
tyranny: cruel governace, bạo chúa, tàn bạo
omen: điềm báo
trivial: minor, không quan trọng, k đáng kể

From the thinking and talking parts: strategic planning, analysing Nielsen index and market trends,
qualitative and quantitative studies to find consumer insights, pitching to my managers and leadership
team, etc.
To the thinking and acting parts: going to a near hundred of supermarkets and small stalls, talking to
random pedestrians in parks and in the building lobbies, making claims, visuals and testing them, working
with other teams like R&D and legals from other P&G subsidiaries.
It was a truly immersive, well-rounded, and exceptionally authentic experience in Marketing.

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