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Nabilla salma

XI MIPA 7 / 20

Corona virus is thought to originate from animals, such as bats and

camels, and can be transmitted from animals to humans, as well as
from humans to humans. Human transmission is most likely through
sputum sparks when coughing or sneezing.
When killing the Corona virus, a person will emit a flu-like problem,
like a fever, cough, and runny nose. However, a few days later, people
infected with the corona virus can become infected due to infections
of the lungs (pneumonia).
The cause of this outbreak is a new type of coronavirus called the
2019 coronavirus novel (2019-nCoV).
Corona infection virus called COVID-19 was first occurred in the city
of Wuhan, China and has now been found in more than 100 countries,
including Indonesia.
Some things that are done to prevent Corona infections are:

1. Wash your hands properly

Wash your hands with running water and soap, lasting for 20 seconds
(back of hands, hands, between fingers, nails) and then dry with a
clean tissue or towel, or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
to more effectively disinfect.

2. Using a mask
To prevent transmission of the virus, Corona can use an N95 type
mask or mask to dissect.
N95 type mask is a special type of mask to filter out harmful particles
in the air.
3. Maintain endurance
By consuming healthy foods and vitamins, exercise and rest that can
increase endurance so as to avoid transmission of the Corona virus.

4. Don't go to an infected country

5. Limit yourself from crowded places

6. Comply with and implement appeals that have been submitted by

the government.

7. Stay alert and don't panic

Features of Explanation Text

1. Written in Present Tense .........
2. Text arranged into some numbered points and
written in a sequence .........
3. Time connectives ........
4. Technical vocabulary ......
5. Answer the question of “How” and “Why” ......

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