An Historical and Commercial Atlas of China by Albert Herrmann PHD (1935)

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Albert Herrmann, Ph.D.

An Historical and
Atlas of China
Harvard University Press
An Historical and Commercial Atlas of China

中 国 历 史 地 图 册
Harvard University Press 1935

by Albert Herrmann, Ph.D.



目  录
Physical Geography with the Boundaries of Ancient China 古代中国地理与边界

Prehistoric Sites in China 中国的史前文明

The Beginnings of Ancient China, 1900-1300 B.C. 古代中国的开始,公元前1900-1300

China at the End of the Shang or Yin Dynasty. ca.1110 B.C. (Inset-The Geography of the Yu-kung according to the Confucian

Tradition) 殷商末年的中国,约公元前1110

Original Centre of Ancient China 古代中国发详地区

The Chou Dynasty, 11th-9th Centuries B.C. 周朝,公元前11-19世纪

Chun-ch'iu Period, 722-482 B.C. (Insets-The Nine Provinces-The Home of Confucius) 春秋时期,公元前722-482(放大图-九


The Contending States-Boundaries of 350 B.C. 战国时代-公元前350年的边界

The Hsiung-nu or Huns in Central Asia, 176 and 128-36 B.C. 中亚的匈奴及匈人,公元前176年和公元前128-36

The Ts'in Dynasty, 255-206 B.C. 秦朝,公元前255-206

Economic Development under the Earlier Han Dynasty, ca. 100 B.C. 汉朝早期的经济发展,约公元前100年

Lo-yang and Ch'ang-an, Ancient and Modern 洛阳、长安的古代与现代

China under the Earlier and Later Han Dynasties, 206 B.C.-220 A.D. 汉朝早期及晚期的中国 公元前206-公元220

China in Central Asia, 114 B.C.-127 A.D. (Inset-Ancient Frontier Line near Tun-huang) 中亚地区的中国,公元前114-公元


The Three Kingdoms, 220-265/280 A.D. 三国,公元220-265/280

Asia, ca. 160 A.D. 亚洲,约公元160年

The Western Tsin Dynasty, 265-316 A.D. (Insets-The Western Region-The Ruins of Lou-lan) 东晋,公元265-316(放大图-西域


The Sixteen States and the Empire of ther Eastern Tsin Dynasty, 317-420 A.D. 十六国和东晋帝国,公元317-420

Eastern, Central and Southern Asia, ca. 440 A.D. 东中南亚,约公元440年

The Southern Ch'i and the Northern Wei Dynasties-Boundaries of 500 A.D. 南齐和北魏-公元500年的边界

The Divisions of China, 535-560 A.D. 中国的分裂,公元535-560

Asia, ca. 610 A.D. 亚洲,约公元610年

The Sui Dynasty, 581-618 A.D. 隋朝,公元581-618

China in Central Asia, 660 A.D. (Inset-The Ruins of Kucha) 中亚的中国,公元660(放大图-高昌遗址)

Asia, ca. 750 A.D. 亚洲,约公元750年

The T'ang Dynasty, 618-906 A.D.-Boundaries of 700 A.D. 唐朝,公元618-906-公元700年的边界

The Five Dynasties, 907-960 A.D. 五代,公元907-960

The Sung, Liao and Chin Dynasties, 960-1280 A.D. (Inset-The Delta of the Yangtse) 宋、辽、金,公元960-1280(插入图-长江

Manchuria and Mongolia under the Liao (Kitan) Dynasty, 937-1125 A.D. 辽(契丹)统治下的满洲和蒙古,公元937-1125

Foreign Religions in Central Asia and China up to the 14th Century A.D. 十四世纪以前中国和中亚的外来宗教

Eastern, Central and Southern Asia, 1141 A.D. (Inset-The Ruins near Turfan-The Ruins of Hui-ning) 东中南亚,公元1141年

K'ai-feng and Hang-chou, Ancient and Modern 古代和现代的开封、杭州

Beginnings of the Mongol Empire-Boundaries of 1234 A.D. 蒙古帝国的开始,公元1234年的边界

Asia under the Mongols, 1290 A.D. (Inset-The Ruins of Karakorum-The Ruins of Shang-tu) 蒙古统治下的中国,公元1290年

The Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty, 1280-1368 A.D. 元(蒙古)朝,公元1280-1368

Europe in search of new Routes to India and China, 1486-1616 A.D. (Inset-Toscanelli's Map, 1474 A.D.) 欧洲对于通往印度及中

Asia during the Ming Dynasty-Boundaries of 1415 A.D. (Inset-The Northwestern Frontier of China) 明朝的亚洲-公元1415年

The Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644 A.D.-Boundaries of 1580 A.D. 明朝,公元1368-1644年-公元1580年的边界

Peking and Nanking, Ancient and Modern 古代及现代的北京、南京

Eastern, Central and Southern Asia, 1760 A.D. (Inset-The Summer Residence of Jehol) 东中南亚,公元1760年(放大图-热河

Chinese Turkistan, 1820 A.D. 中国吐厥斯坦,公元1820年

The Manchu Empire and the European Powers, 1644-1912 A.D. 满洲帝国及欧洲列强,公元1644-1912

The Ch'ing (Manchu) Dynasty-Boundaries of 1900 A.D. 清(满洲)朝-公元1900年的边界

Peiping-Tientsin, Kuan-tung, Wei-hai-wei, Kiaochou, Shanghai, Kuang-Chou-wang, Canton-Macao-Hongkong 北京-天津,关


Wu-han, Tientsin, Nanking-Shanghai, the Plain of Ch'eng-tu, Canton or Fan-yu 武汉,天津,南京-上海,成都平原,广东或番

The Chinese Republic with Tibet and Mongolia-Political, Racial, and Linguistic (Inset-The Modern Subdivisions of the Mongol
Republic) 包括吐蕃和蒙古的中国民国政治,种族及语言(放大图-现代蒙古人民共和国的分裂)

Modern Northwest China-Political 现代中国东北政治

Modern Chinese Turkistan (Hsin-chiang)-Political and Economic 现代中国吐厥斯坦(新疆)-政治和经济

Modern Northeastern China-Political 现代中国东北政治

Modern Manchuria-Political (Inset-Mukden) 现代满洲-政治(放大图-沈阳)

Modern Manchuria and Mongolia-Economic (Inset-Foreign Trade of Manchuria for 1930) 现代满洲和蒙古经济(放大图


Modern Southeastern China-Political (Inset-Hai-nan) 现代东南亚政治(放大图-海南)

Modern Tibet (Hsi-K'ang and Hsi-tsang)-Political and Economic (Inset-Lhasa) 现代吐蕃(西康和西藏)-政治和经济(放大图


Modern Southwestern China-Political 现代中国西南政治

Modern China-Agriculture and Live Stock 现代中国农业和畜牧业

Modern China-Minerals and Mining 现代中国矿业和采矿

Modern China-Industries 现代中国工业

Modern China-Traffic and Communications (Inset-Foreign Trade of China proper) 现代中国-交通和通讯(放大图-中国本土


Chinese abroad, ca. 1930 A.D. 海外中国人,约公元1930年

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