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seatic Severe. ee clieN Article incr p nds Loss of specific! thing, General Rule, Obligation is Lextingoished. excep ton + | ) When ae: eae De z)ideltor is Made lable by a)| aw = ~ BD. Shipulady’ on 7 Dasunptron of WS Loss. ‘of . Generic sea General fue, oblgaton Not exhnguidals Qephons - (Df Generic thing 65 delimited (sg « of agar.) Wt Counce thing las been segregated or sep asile ait Kaa hecaher Peek. Article 1264 t (269 —bPlease lead the CPAs . PiIn the case of Article 1266 > ih Care OF Partial impossiibty Art, (264. apptes. Article 1270 _ Remission or Covonahion’- is the grabitous Abandonment by the creditor of his right [fetictle 7B ae =p Delivery oF priate document ty cr | the setter, a. Renssion is Presomed. Scanned with CamScanner —~T Aiicle (173 2 1274 PAGE :.... DATE =... + Arte nye gives _a. presumphon of Vduntary ioe —p Art 1273, Please Read .Codals. Bb Apt. 104 p__Reason her Presumption, + tS eSsentyal to Pledge Hat the hing tebe chimed to ile Credit of, te a thd parson y Connon agleenen t- Adie IUIS- l277 Merger or Confysion - the Meeting in one Petion the Qualities: of Creditor and debtor: wrth Tespect te the Same obliga. () T+ Shuld fake 7 5 and Creditor dlevke, Confasion wile fe juarantyr cows ob extinguish — Frimapal obligation. 1) Merger must be 3) The very (obligatha be the, Satie of id Merger of al "fiws dcesmieS. Gut Retger of te latter dogs not filler ihe forbet , ™Accessny ‘lls Princpal.” —» Act. (217. Please ead the COpALS. Starncies) Scanned with CamScanner __ Asticle 1278 | Compenserion= is the extinguishment inthe Citi - Grount OF the obligations of those fersens whe are nese ee Teciprocally delters and creditors of each other, Article (27q_ 3. [230 Requisites for lagl Conpenserhon'? 2 (S) ef 1279 Tm Aflitle (80 is an excerhion to Art. (279 (Cort SUBSIUARIY Bound, nob. Prine, Reason? Extingushnent (Parta|/Iolal) °F _PrineiPal Obligation extinguishes (Partly fotelly) the. Guaranty (whet 'S Rerely on Atessoey obliqaton) 7 fide. [221.0 A2$q° 7 > Kee sy, this article 1s. true For all _ Ifferen? kinds of. compensation whether Voluntary, legal, e+e. ri ik s_suffecent in _Convntoml _ | Conpensation hat the cavfrct which dete 7 “Fhe conpensntan Shuld AW bo valid et orks ust. have legal capacit any wi freely Give their Consent. — Spares) Scanned with CamScanner Tor set-off | Yeachng ane) Drool of -coumler-claim —+~ Pst. be ade } —— Top All Pequisites oF Ark 1279 ust be Prexend ereeph | ——|~—tlat at the tie of fhe leading the Claim Need ‘Reigonint Pode with He _hoooledge —p A 133, this refers to Jibreral Conpenserion Mot Yet be ides . The hqvisectin (fixing of Prper 50m) tut be Made 1 the Proceedings E p> Art. 1234, - Rescissible or vordable dels ane Vald | uni] fescinded Or Vorded ; hence: Compensation sy allowed, Anicle 1235 5 Assignment May be made with the Consent of © debtor - ‘effect 2 Compensation cannot be Set-up ( because there has been Consent ond, therefore, a waiver) ns Tf the fight to Compensation (Hat has . already taken place) 1S. besered .. [bot witht Consent or against the - will of debtors [efbech; compensation can he Set-up regatding preweer debts previous tthe cession or assignment . Fis refers f deits Maturing before the a55inhent (Hal i, before the Notice); hence here, egal. Compensation has already fatten Place. Scanned with CamScanner PAGE sonal 2S DATE snes Assigment Pode withoot thes Trowledge of the. debtor, ‘| effect * Debtor can Set-Up “Conpensation as a eee [er defense pr all debhe Maturing Piety 7 Lakh his Knowledge , of the assignment. (wher debts ratured before or of ter oaeigament ote The Crocia| Hike hore 6 the time of of Krew ledge of «the assionnent, Mot thes tite of asrynment itself: 1 Aiticle 123¢ exanples A owes PIM payable 0. Manila and B owes A. PM Payable in Englatd. Whoever Claims Compensation. Mus} Pay for the Xchange Pate of Corrency. | [Article (2 7 a 7 —— this has the same ‘feason AS. “the fe Me, As depositor [F gwen the rig ht hb ! iets eat Cengabaton) —_— pe (Note [ot bank deposit , fe sua_i5 feel a loa) Scanned with CamScanner EE: yew one tt ane ton _alee_in_cormaiaton > — - ¢) ‘wero of property . Who Pay fothng fer tHe_lbon) is Tf) When one Pou CL a perm designated —¥ The depository is oblidges te Keep the thing Sofely’ and.» fetumn it, wher required, tothe | Tle lender May Claim - Compensation; Fhe _berrover eo IN the borraver fo alowel to do A) a debt arises because of a (CRinnepae title. TT (ele: Support in atreetS may be compensated Art. | 30|, far 2 civ| Code) bot not folure Support —t for this (5 “yal & the. life of the feapien}” ) depositor, or fe his Jers and, Successors of fo fhe in fhe Contract. Article (Ub Ho conpensation (f Olle debt arises from G crite, bot the Wietim may Claim compensation Aclicle 1294 Cioss- reference +t» appiication af» Paynents (An: R52) rticle (240 : To Concurrent amount’ Means if one debt 1% {age than Ha Otter, the balance supsyts AF elt, Scanned with Camecanner PAGE 3 asso DATE = sessecsene Article \24) t [242 a _| Heaton the Substit@fon or Change of an — Obligation’ by another, which extinguishes or Trodities the first, either Changing its object oF Prinibal condition, oF Substituting another ih fee Plece of Lebar aaa a td Bram a ye of fe Cred ber. etka pate) Sibyl (ae Article (293 +o \LAS 4 Article (143 Steans of ative Subjective Nyetion (Substity-ton of debtor) Which Poy be iin form of | —4 a) — iMrtiative Corest- from 40d Peson_ b.) délegacion! — initatie cone froh debtor, fr Th {5 he tho delegates anoter fe pay tle delt and ths lL. excuses hinsel, —~s Scanned with CamScanner PAGI DATI quisites for Expromsrong Tnikatine Must Come from 3d person (oe) se a) The Mew 2ebfar ard the Crediter Must Consent, | 3) old debtor tust be teleases from his obligation sites for Delegacton ‘WD Initiative comes from old debtor. (2) All parties concernes rust Consent or agree, Pn the case. of Expromision, the old debtor will not be cesponsible for the new ‘debtor's «insolvency or his non- fylfillment . Because 11 wos wrtloot the old ckLtors initiate the expronision flat (5 (Art 1244) LP In the case of delegacion, Generally, old debtor is Tot _responsille, Exeert when’ t (A) Insolvency was already existing and of Public Krowledge ‘ot the time of, the Velegacron, BBD Zosotoncy Was already exiting and. Known te the debtor a4 the time of _Pelegacion. Article 1296: to - 1294 These: articles are easily ondestandable, Place Corefully pead. the .CoDALS, they are also Trportant, : Stariaie) Scanned with CamScanner PAGE :. DATE : Anticle [400 ; Subrogation= iS the transfor to a third Peon : 2 of all the rights appertaining to the Cred tor, including the right to proceed ages, _ Guarantors, SF Possessors of MoftaagesS Subseet i te any legal provision or any modification Hat Moy he ogreed Upon, t 3 fon is Mot presumes, excerf in cases expressly mentines by fo | “ t must be cleanly established | : Otherwise EAS aSif po Subragaton has taken place. Arkote Sol 7302 Please tread the -COdai[5.- Aor faite abou} eae Pequares th Conventonal Sergein. | Pleas: read the -Codals . = Talks aboot the Instances. when there is legal Svbregatioy. Article, 1303 | Note that the Credit and all appurtenant | fights ether against debtor or against - rl Cerrone, are transfered (thus) in a sttoe the obligation sobsH% [that is, s/t haf hot yet been eXthgwited or | Pad), Starasy)—— — ssamenmnrcanscama canned witl ~amscanner PAGE : DATE : Articte [304 _ tue Creditors: ay the “OU Creditor, who sul] Pemarns a Cedilor | b.) 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