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Rolando E. Caser Jr.


What is your greatest struggle in your life right now?

Every person has their own battle to fight. We have our own life challenges that needs to
be conquered in order for us to improve. Struggles in life is inevitable, it is always present. It just
depends on how you cope up with it. No one in this world is excused from experiencing life
struggles; rich or poor, fat or thin, old and young, man or woman, I believe each of us have
struggled at some point in our lives. Life is like a video game, there will be obstacles that we
need to pass and there will be enemy bosses that we need to defeat in order to level up. Leveling
up makes us stronger and unlocks our new skills that will help us to gain the victory in this game
called life.
My greatest struggle in my life right now is taking up Bachelor of Science in
Accountancy (BSA). Accounting is very challenging because it challenges one’s mental ability
to analyze transactions and make different financial statements. My dream to become a Certified
Public Accountant (CPA) started when I was in high school because there were many Marians
that became CPAs during those times. That’s the time that I’ve decided to take BSA in college
here in Saint Mary’s University. But during senior high school, I’ve doubted myself if I’m going
to finish BSA and become a CPA because of the low passing rate of the past board exam results.
But I still enrolled this course because I don’t want to give up my CPA dream easily. I promised
to myself that I won’t go down without giving a fight. My first semester as a BSA student was
full of mixed emotions, there were times that I feel like giving up and there were times that I feel
motivated that I want to ace every seat works and quizzes my professor is giving us. I’m taking
up BSA not just only for myself, but also for my family because I know that accountants have a
good salary that will enable me to provide the needs and wants of my family in the future. I also
feel a lot of pressure taking up accountancy because I know my family have high expectations on
me. I just want to finish this as soon as possible so that I can find a job and give back to them. I
will honestly say that I envy those who have accountants in their family, because unlike me they
have someone to teach them accounting. As a freshman, I know that I still have a long way to go
and I will open pathways that I didn’t even know existed. My sister told me that I will make huge
mistakes during college, but I should forgive myself for creating those mistakes. She said that
her greatest gift to me is letting me create my own mistakes.
There is no perfect life, there will always be challenges waiting for us. No matter how
hard or impossible it is, never lose sight of your goal. And when you feel like giving up, always
remember why you started.

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