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Philippine Politics and Governance

Introduction to Politics
Introduction to Politics

After reading this module, you will be able to explain the

meaning of politics and differentiate various views on politics

At the end of this module, you are able to:

 Articulate the definitions of politics
 Differentiate between the various approaches to the study of
 Identify the doctrines of politics
 Discuss the values of politics

In doing this module, please

follow these reminders…
1. Take the pretest before
working or answering the
2. Perform the activities
as suggested.
3. Answer all the exercises.
4. Check your answers
against the Key to Cor-
5. Take the Post Test.

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. How did the American political scientist Harold Laswell sum-

marize political activity?
A. 'Politics is the art of the possible'.
B. 'Man is a political animal'.
C. Politics is about 'who gets what, when and how'.
D. All political power is corruptt
2.Students of politics are interested in ______.
A. who takes the key decisions.
B. the values that influence key decisions.
C. whether or not ordinary people have a chance to
influ ence key decisions.
D. all of the above.
3. Politics is derived from the Greek word _______ which
means city state.
A. scientia
B. polis
C. politika
D. policie
4. A key thesis of the 'end of ideology' and 'end of history' argu-
ments is that _____

A. no-one believes in ideology any more.
B. liberal democratic values are dominant in the developed
C. Karl Marx was right after all.
D. history is a very tedious subject which should disappear
from the National Curriculum.
5. How did Karl Marx understand politics?
A. as a way for one class to oppress another.
B. as a way of reaching mutually beneficial compromises.
C. as a natural product of human competitiveness.
D. as the only way to resolve class antagonisms.
6. The state is best understood as ______
A. the ruling party at any given time.
B. the bureaucratic machine.
C. a range of institutions which includes among other
things the bureaucracy, judges, the police and others all-powerful network of individuals from similar social
backgrounds, all of whom conspire to deprive ordinary
people of their rights.
7. Politics could be a 'science' like Physics if only...
A. politicians took more rational decisions.
B. the conduct of human beings was completely predictable
C. researchers were more painstaking in assembling their evi

D. students of politics wore white coats and worked in
8. Aristotle believed that_________
A. democracy was inevitable.
B. aristocratic rule was always corrupt.
C. monarchy was the 'ideal' form of government.
D. democracy could work but only in states which
adopted proportional representation.
9. Electoral analysis is defined as ___________
A. the most important aspect of political study, because it deals
with facts and figures.
B. the best way of predicting future political developments.
C. a valuable tool for researchers in Politics and related
D. just a way of making the study of Politics seem more
‘scientific' than it really is.
10. Rational choice theory is__________
A. an example of the inductive approach to politics.
B. an approach to politics that suggests that people should
think very carefully before making political decisions.
C. an approach to politics which is based on the
assumption that human beings are intrinsically rational.
D. all of the above.

KWL Chart :
Directions: Complete the chart to show what you already know
about the topic, what you would like to know and what you have

What I Already What I Would What I Have

Know Like to Know Learned

What is Politics ???

T o this deceptively simple question there is

no simple answer. It is there-fore difficult to
provide a single definition of
politics that everyone can agree on. The
best we can do is to explore some of the
more salient definitions of politics from dif-
ferent political philosophers for us to better
understand what is politics and how it af-
fects our daily life.

Meaning of Politics
1. The word “politics” comes from the Greek word “polis”
which means “city-state.” In the ancient world, city-states are
small countries regarded as centers of culture and civilization
where people interact under a unified government. What tran-
spires in the polis is politics.
2. Politics denotes a social activity. It is in essence the interac-
tion of individuals. As the Greek philosopher Aristotle ex-
plains, it is the master science through which individuals col-
lectively set structure, purpose, and ideals in their lives. Poli-
tics, therefore, does not emerge from the activities of a single
individual but from that of many.

3. Politics is about conflict and cooperation. People differ in the
way they perceive things, and disagree in almost every con-
ceivable aspect of life. Cooperation is motivated by men’s com-
mon goal of achieving a happy life. It is a fact that men argue
and fight, but it is undeniable that they desire for peace. The
process of overcoming conflict to attain order and thereafter
maintain that order is politics. In other words, politics is essen-
tially conflict resolution.
4. Politics is the creation, maintenance, and amendment of so-
cietal norms or rules. Modern states and international organiza-
tions rely on the adequacy and efficacy of their laws to meet
the demands of the people to attain domestic and international
peace. Politics therefore, in its broad sense means conflict res-
olution through the creation, maintenance, and amendment of
societal norms or rules.
Based from the above mentioned definitions of politics we can
say that it involves many things, but among those ,POWER is
its most important feature. So that when one talks about poli-
tics it connotes power.
The definitions of the word politics from the book of Danug and
Campilla(2004) shall also be taken into consideration. Politics
 The art of compromise to achieve certain ends-Ernesto
 Who gets what, when and how.—- Harold Lasswell
 Simply the capacity to say no to something dangerous and
inimical to public interest-Jovito Salonga


N ow that we are done defining politics, we are going to

answer the next equally important question, “How to study poli-
tics?”. Students taking up Political Science and students of
Senior High School enrolled under HUMSS strand knows that
there are certain approaches in studying politics. These ap-
proaches are principles and theories that guides political scien-
tist and analyst in their pursuit to analyze and understand polit-
ical phenomena. As discussed from the book of Corpuz,,
below are some of these approaches.
 Historical Approach. This approach emphasizes on the
sequential development of society based on history. Histori-
cal approach relies mainly on facts from the past to explain
the present and probable political development with political
institutions and process. Political thinkers like Machiavelli,
Sabine and Dunning believe that politics and history are in-
tricately related and the study of politics always should have
a historical perspective
 Behavioral Approach. Behavioral approach was found-ed
on the belief that political phenomena could be better
studied by scientific method of observation, quantitative
analysis and verification. The objectives is to make the
study of political science scientific, which focuses on
observ-able behavior.
 Structural functional Approach. This approach examine
certain political system in society. It tries to analyze how the
system functions towards the development of society.

The theory asserts that each of these structures has a particu-
lar function that supports the establishment of an orderly, sta-
ble system of governance within which individuals and other
societal structures fulfil roles of their own. Typical political
structures include: legislative bodies, courts, bureaucratic or-
ganizations, executive bodies, and political parties. (Powell,
Dalton, Strom, pg 35)
 Political Economy Approach. Economics and politics are
two important disciplines of social science and in sever-al
respects they are intimately related. While economics is
concerned with the resources of society, politics deals on
who should get the benefit of the products of economy in-
cluding services. It focus on the role of the government in
its intervention to economy and regulations about the re-
 Legal Approach. This approach focus on constitution-al
,legal framework and developments as well as issues such
as the rule of law, law making, interpretation, admin-
istration and enforcement of the laws and their implications.

Doctrines of Politics
I sms form a great part of our political, cultural, and scholarly
language. It would be a little difficult to communicate schol-arly
conversation on literature, music, religion, or sciences without
isms like “romanticism,” “classicism,” “realism,”

The manner in which an individual makes decisions and how
he chooses to act is guided by a doctrine or we can say the
isms of his advocacy. Based from the book of Corpuz,, we
are going to cite four isms or doctrine in politics. These are as
1. Idealism. For an idealist, Man is an Idea; the state is an
idea. In a layman’s term, idealism is a doctrine that professes
that reality exist only in ideas. It also states that ideally, every-
thing and everyone should be perfect and flawless. Giving what
is due to a person as the basic definition of justice is also the
basic component of idealism. Some popular idealist leaders in
the world includes Mahatma Gandhi, Jimmy Carter, Woodrow
Wilson, Benigno Aquino Jr..
2. Realism. Political realism is a theory of political philoso-
phy that attempts to explain, model, and prescribe political
relations. It takes as its assumption that power is the primary
end of political action, whether in the domestic or international
arena. ( ) In the real world,
there are struggles and these struggles aim for power, a power
vested on personal or state interest. Power is always propelled
by interest-it is a reality in the real life settings.
3. Rationalism. Realism owned its roots from the wisdom of
Niccolo Machiavelli. It is the belief that humans are rational
creatures, capable of reason and logic. In politics, power and
influence must be exercised through rational actions and deci-
sions. Discernment, reflection and dialogue before decision is
made are powerful instrument of political rationalism.

4. Extremism. Extremist believes that the reality today is the
reality forever. Extremism is essentially a political term which
determines the activities that are not in accordance with norms
of the state, are fully intolerant toward others, reject de-
mocracy as a means of governance and the way of problem
solving and also reject the existing social order. Example of
which is Bin Laden and his Al-Qaida networks and currently the
ISIS ( Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) which are jihadist group
with particularly violent ideology.

The Values of Politics

1. Politics helps you to know

your rights
2. Politics clarifies what you
yourself believe.
3 .Politics is a living, breathing
4. Politics helps you to under-
stand our nation’s parties.
Credit to BlogIn2English
5. Politics prepares you for adult life.

In this module we learned about
the meaning of politics.

 Politics is the study of (who

gets what, when and how) as Image Credit: The Independent
Harold Laswell states.
 Politics is the exercise of power, the science of government,
the making of collective decisions, the allocation of scarce re-
sources and the practice of deception and manipulation.

We also discussed about the different approaches on how to bet-

ter understand politics. These approaches helps political scientist
provide a conceptual framework in understanding political life.
Doctrines of politics like idealism, rationalism, realism and extrem-
ism was also given emphasized for students to fully grasp the
different political events that shape our history and our nation.

In conclusion, one has to remember that Politics is about human

relationships. It is how humans behave differently when dealing
with others when there is cooperation, competition and conflict. *
(and other social interactions ). Politics is a part of our everyday
life, everyone must needs to have a basic grasp of politics espe-
cially in a democratic nation like the Philippines. We have to bear
in mind that democracy is not run by the government alone but
includes its citizens thru active political participation and coopera-
tion. A society that is politically aware is a society that cares about
its people’s well being.

As best put in the words of Bertolt Brecht:

“ One type of illiterate is a political illiterate, he doesn’t hear,
doesn’t speak, nor participates in the political events. He doesn’t
know the cost of life, the price of the bean, of the fish, of the flour,
of the rent, of the shoes and of the medicine, which all depends
on political decisions. companies.”—(
-is-politics-important )

Activity # 1 Concept Map
Direction: What words or ideas come to your mind whenever you
hear the word “ politics”? Write those words in the blank dia-logue
box below. Then combining all these ideas, come up with a short
description or definition of politics.


Politics is _______________ Well done! On

________________________ the next page,
________________________ you will learn
________________________ more
Activity # 2 Examining Political Life
Direction: Complete the graphic organizer by describing at least
three broad approaches in studying politics.

Approach Proponent Main Idea

Activity # 3 Slogan Making
Directions: Create a SLOGAN that will established how good
politics can be applied in our daily life.

Oppsss.. Refer to the

next page for the Ru-
brics before you create
your Slogan

Activity # 3 Slogan Making


Relevance to the Topic 10 pts

Creativity 10 pts
Neatness 5 pts
TOTAL 25 pts

Direction: Let us find out how much you know bout our top-ic on
Politics. Encircle the letter of the correct answer .

1. Which of the following concepts is not included in the definition

of politics?
A. power
B. popular sovereignty
C. allocation/distribution
D. society/community/public

2.Political culture is________.

A. composed of the most deeply held values and
beliefs B. held collectively by the society
C. both a and b
D. none of the above

3.Choose from the given statement which is NOT true about poli-
A. the process by which people try to influence the government B.
the practice of state and government issues taking place in
the society
C. the process of allocating scarce resources to the underprivil
eged member of society
D. the actual process of how humans interacts in groups

4.. A HUMSS student who is inclined in politics is usually interest-

ed in_______.
A. who takes the key decision
B. the values that influence the key decisions
C. whether or not ordinary people have a chance to influence
key decisions
D. all of the above

5.How did the American political scientist Harold Lasswell sum-
marize political activity?
A. Man is by nature a political animal
B. Politics is the art of the possible
C. Politics is about who gets what, when and how
D. The end justifies the means

6. Select from the choices given which is not an approach in the

study of politics.
A. Idealism Approach
B. Political economy Approach
C. Historical Approach
D. Legal Approach

7.The theory which asserts that each of these structures has a

particular function that supports the establishment of an orderly,
stable system of governance.
A. historical Approach
B. Legal Approach
C. Structural functional approach
D. Behavioral Approach

8.Doctrine in politics which widely encourages discernment, re-

flection and dialogue before coming up with political decisions.

A. Extremism B. Rationalism C. Realism D. Idealism

9. A hurricane hits the coast of the Philippines, causing damage
that stretches from Samar to Aurora. Representatives from
each province make their cases for the amount of money
needed from the state emergency budget to repair this dam-
age. Each representative claims to have greater needs than
any other. Which definition of politics is illustrated in this ex-

A. politics is a process of conflict resolution through

negotiation, conciliation, and compromise.
B. politics is the power-struggle that determines how limited re
sources are allocated
C. politics is a corrupt activity that causes trouble by
its tendency toward manipulation and lies.
D. politics is the art of conflict resolution for dealing with
unlimited resources.

10.The president meets with the leaders of two countries that are
currently involved in a conflict with one another. He leads them to
acceptable compromises in order to diffuse tensions. Which defi-
nition of politics is seen in this example?
A. politics is the escalation of conflict.
B. politics is a gathering of voter support.
C. politics is the interaction of citizens in the public sphere.
D. politics is a process of conflict resolution.

Well done!

Pre -Test

1. C
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. C

Post Test

1. C
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. B
10. D

ACTIVITY#3 RUBRICS for the Slogan Making

Relevance to the Topic 10 pts

Creativity 10 pts
Neatness 5 pts
TOTAL 25 pts

Corpuz,R.M., Tabotabo,C.V.,&Mellejor,L.W. (2012).Philippine
History with Politics and Governance. Philppines.

Magstadt,T.M. & Schoten P.M. (1988) “Understanding Politics:

Ideas, Institutions, & Issues. New York: St. Martin’s Press

Introduction to Politics. (2014). Retrieved from

Apporaches to the Study of Politics.(2017) Retrieved from

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Dagupan City National High School—Senior

High School


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