Rerun Business Process: Create Short-Term Direct Trade Promotion (1 Prdcat/1 WK/ 2 Spends)

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Rerun Business Process: Create Short-term Direct Trade Promotion (1 prdcat/1 wk/ 2 spends)

Pepsico Avg: 2 pcat/2 spends PepsiCo KPIs 7/2/2009

 ok
 not ok
No. Transaction name /action /click Required Runtime [ms] Runtime
 no
1 Click on new to create TP 10000 3564 
2 Select Territory 2977
3 Select Account Type 3000 6248 
4 Select Status Profile (Short Term) 3000 3020 
5 Select type as Direct 3000 6444 
6 Enter Plan Dates 3000 1765 
7 Enter buying dates 3000 3488 
8 Assign Fund Plan 1000 
9 Product Category Popup 3000 3660 
10 Search Prod. Cat 3000 15021 
11 Select Prod Catg 3000 4046 
12 Enter BillBack 3000 2995 
13 Enter Rate 3000 2597 
14 Enter Causal Product Category (Press Insert) 3000 2829 
15 Click Details 3000 2796 
16 Enter Retail Price and Prom. Price 3000 2479 
17 Click Planning 30000 6533 
18 Go back after entering vol. 4775
19 Save the Promotion 5000 11885 

20 Set status to Selected 3000 2829 

21 Save TP 5000 18325 
22 Set status to Submit for approval 3000 2829 
23 Save TP 5000 11433 
24 Set Status to Approved Contract Pending 3000 6363 
25 Save TP 5000 10714 
26 Set Contract Verified 3000 6843 
27 Save TP 5000 9598 
28 Set Status to Released 3000 8083 
29 Save TP 5000 16397 
30 Set Status to In Process 3000 7346 
31 Save TP 5000 10713 

I collected traces additional traces for the steps highlighted in red.

Step Portal User Runtime (ms) STAD system time
Search Prod. Cat 92611039 16218 2009-Jul-02 10:39:58.968 (local time)

ST12 Trace No# Time User Comment Analysis GUID

7/2/2009 1 10:39:46 9048519 Search Prod. Cat 4ECLFGBFCRKLKXVWG17XPDEL5

Source code shows.

FORM get_subtree_rec
USING iv_category_guid TYPE comt_category_guid
CHANGING ct_category_guid TYPE comt_category_guid_tab.

DATA: ls_category_guid TYPE comt_category_guid_s.

FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_category> TYPE comt_category.

LOOP AT gt_category ASSIGNING <ls_category>

WHERE parent_guid = iv_category_guid.

ls_category_guid-category_guid = <ls_category>-category_guid.
APPEND ls_category_guid TO ct_category_guid.

PERFORM get_subtree_rec USING <ls_category>-category_guid

CHANGING ct_category_guid.
ENDLOOP. " At gt_category.


The interest point with the performance trace file is that even though I supplied the exact prod
category for search the trace files shows pages of the following statement, all retrieving only 5
Step Portal User Runtime (ms) STAD system time
Save status to Selected 92611039 19328 2009-Jul-02 10:45:02.390 (local time)

ST12 Trace No# Time User Comment Analysis GUID

7/2/2009 2 10:44:56 9048519 Save Status to Selected 4ECLGDLPIPN6AM5XQBD59VUAH

Step Portal User Runtime (ms) STAD system time

Save Status to Released 92611039 14923 2009-Jul-02 10:50:52.015 (local time)

ST12 Trace No# Time User Comment Analysis GUID

7/2/2009 3 10:50:47 9048519 Save Status to Released 4ECLHM73LLOBFH2RLUYFNADY1
Step Portal User Runtime (ms) STAD system time
Select Account Type 92611039 3910 2009-Jul-02 10:55:00.140 (local time)

ST12 Trace No# Time User Comment Analysis GUID

7/2/2009 4 10:54:53 9048519 Select Account Type 4ECLITIEIQ37GKQWIE5OCD5AX

Step Portal User Runtime (ms) StAD system time

Select type as Direct 92611039 5479 2009-Jul-02 10:56:44.859 (local time)

ST12 Trace No# Time User Comment Analysis GUID

7/2/2009 5 10:56:36 9048519 Select type as Direct 4ECLJ934YW3Y8A6OCCWKQCJKP
Step Portal User Runtime (ms) StAD system time
Click Planning 92611039 5943 2009-Jul-02 10:59:39.453 (local time)

ST12 Trace No# Time User Comment Analysis GUID

7/2/2009 6 10:59:33 9048519 Click Planning 4ECLJL1AGPVN7CFTF4JODEJO9

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