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Cihaseum Desa Sawarna




Class : IX (Sembilan )
Time Allocation : 60 menit

Text for question No. 1 - 7 c. Rock and Roll.

d. All countries.
Rock Music
Rock music is part of popular music today. 4. The main idea of paragraph two is….
It is a. in 1955
played and listened in almost every b. young singer
countries in the c. Elvis Presley’s voice was heard across
world. Rock and roll was the name given to the US
the music that developed in the early 1950’s. d. young singer from Tennessee, Elvis
It is believed that the term rock and roll was Presley
first used by a disk jockey, Alan Freed.
In 1955, records of a young singer from
Tennessee, 5. The supporting idea of paragraph two
Elvis Presley, were heard across the US. is…. .
After he a. Elvis Presley’s singing and his
appeared on nation-wide television, Elvis performing style
Presley’s b. After Elvis appeared on nationwide
singing and his performing style came to television
mean rock c. Bill Haley and The Comets
and roll all over the world. Then came Bill d. Elvis Presley’s performing style
Haley and The Comets. Rock mainly
became the music of the young. They
understood its beat and sound, and its 6. What is the supporting idea of
lyrics. paragraph three?
The 1970’s were the time of big a. Rock mainly became the big business.
developments in b. The 1970’s were the time of big
the rock industry. Rock became a very big developments in rock music.
business, c. Rock music vs film industry.
earned more money annually than any d. By the early 1970’s.
other form of
entertainment including the film industry. 7. Which statement is not true based on
the text?
1. What is the best title for the text? a. Rock is popular among young
a. Music. people.
b. Kinds of Music. b. The term rock and roll wasn’t first
c. Rock Music. used by a disk jockey, Alan Freed.
d. Music from Time to Time. c. Rock became a very big business at
2. What is the main idea of paragraph one? that time.
a. Rock and Roll was the name given by d. Bill Haley and The Comets sang rock
Alan Freed. and roll in their times
b. Alan Freed was the one who used the
term rock Text for question No. 8 - 11
and roll.
c. Rock music is played and listened in most DIALOGUE
d. Rock music is part of popular music Riana has made some fruit kebabs. She
today. wants Angga
to taste them.
3. What does the word “it” in paragraph “Hi, Angga. Care to taste this?”
one line 1 refers to? “What is it? It looks so delicious.”
a. Popular music. “Well, I call this fruit kebab.”
b. Rock music. “Oh I see. How do you make them?”
“It’s easy. I saw the recipe in my mom’s
“Great!” Of course I’ll taste it”

8. Riana has made a .

a. juice
b. snack
c. cookies

9. Angga’s expression to show his

admiration is .
a. what’s that?
b. oh, I see.
c. it looks so delicious!

10. Angga’s expression to show his

attention is .
a. oh, I see.
b. it looks so delicious.
c. great!

11. Does Angga want to taste fruit kebab?

a. No.
b. Yes, he does.
c. Not really.

Text for question No. 12 - 15 Puppets have been used for
centuries in Indonesia to tell the stories of
Bees are flying insects closely related the ancient epics, the Ramayana and the
to wasps and ants, and are known for their Mahabarata, as well as ancient myths.
role in pollination and for producing honey Modern stories also utilize this ancient art
and beeswax. There are nearly 20,000 form for contemporary audiences.
known species of bees in nine recognized Puppets fall into two major
families though many are undescribed and classifications, wayang kulit the leather or
the actual number is probably higher. They shadow puppet
are found on every continent except of Central Java, and wa yang golek-wooden
Antarctica, in every habitat on the planet
puppets of West Java. There are several
that contains insect-pollinated flowering
varieties of wooden puppets. Some
expatriates enjoy collecting the same
Bees have a long proboscis (a character by various artisans, or all the
complex "tongue") that enables them to characters in a scene or story, or just
obtain the nectar from flowers. They have characters that strike their fancy. Good
antennae almost universally made up of 13 guys, bad guys, gods,demons, nobles,
segments in males and 12 in females, as is giants, clowns, princes and princesses and
typical for the super family. Bees all have monkeys, all can be found in traditional
two pairs of wings, the hind pair being the puppet forms. Less commonly seen are the
smaller of the two; in a very few species, Wayang Klitik, a flat at wooden puppet.
one sex or caste has relatively short wings
that make flight difficult or impossible, but 16. What did the puppets use for centuries
none are wingless. in Indonesia?
The smallest bee is Trigona minima, a a. Used to tell the stories of the ancient
stingless bee whose workers are about epics and myths.
2.1 mm (5/64") long. The largest bee in the
b. Used to tell the stories of ancient art.
world is Megachile pluto, a leafcutter bee
c. Used to form a local art.
whose females can attain a length of 39 mm
d. Used to tell the characters of
(1.5"). Members of the family Halictidae, or
sweat bees, are the most common type of Indonesian people.
bee in the Northern Hemisphere, though 17. What are the famous tales of puppets in
they are small and often mistaken for wasps Indonesia?
or flies a. Wayang kulit and wayang golek.
b. Wayang klitik and wayang orang.
12. What is the text about? c. Ramayana and Mahabrata.
A. Describing bees in general. d. Malin Kundang and Timun Mas.
B. Explaining bees in Antarctica. 18. What is wayang kulit also called?
C. Telling the habitat of the bees. a. Wayang golek.
D. Giving information about bees in b. Shadow puppet.
the Northern Hemisphere. c. Skin puppet.
13. What is the main idea of paragraph one? d. Wooden puppet.
A. Bees live on every continent. 19. Who are enjoying to collect characters of
B. Bees belong to flying insects. Indonesian puppets?
C. Bees produce honey and beeswax. a. Some tourists.
D. Bees only live with insect-flowering b. Some rich people.
plants. c. Some elders.
14. Which of the following sentences describes d. Some expatriates.
the physical appearance bees?
A. None has wings. 20. What can we found in traditional
B. It has 13 antennae. puppet forms?
C. Its length is 39 mm. a. Nature, animals, people.
D. Its tongue is complex. b. Nature, kingdom, people.
15. “They are found on every continent except c. Animals, people, demons.
Antarctica,…” d. Demons, nature, animals
The word “they” refers to … . .
B. bees
C. insects
Our body can perform some actions such as
D. flying insects rotating, bending, stretching, jumping, and
turning. With all these physical actions, we can
Text for question No. 16 - 20 create a number of body movements.
Puppets Every culture emphasizes certain features in its
dance styles. For example, lilin dance from West

Sumatra, has some candles carried by the
dancer, or topeng dance from Betawi, uses a 21. What can our body perform?
mask to perform its dance. And there are many 22. What is the use of some physical actions?
more. 23. Could you give an example that every
Basically, our body has the potential to be culture emphases certain features in its
developed, usually through long periods of dance?
special training. For example, in ballet, the 24. Could you mention another example of our
ballerina exercises to rotate, or turn out the legs body’s potential?
at the hips and many more. 25. Where does the Topeng dance come from?


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