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73. S. Piatti, C. Lengauer, K. Nasmyth, EMBO J. 14, Cell 73, 1393 (1993). cyclins (DI, D2, and D3) are induced as part
3788(1995). 88. J. Minshull et al., Curr. Biot., in press. of the delayed early response to growth factor
74. R. Heald et al., Nature 382, 420 (1996). 89. L. L. Sandell and V. A. Zakian, Cell 75, 729 (1993).
75. D. Zhang and R. B. Nicklas, ibid., p. 466. 90. J. Minshull, H. Sun, N. K. Tonks, A. W. Murray, ibid.
stimulation, and both their synthesis and
76. G. J. Gorbsky and W. A. Ricketts, J. Cell Biol. 122, 79, 475 (1994). assembly with their catalytic partners, CDK4
1311 (1993). and CDK6, depend on mitogenic stimula-
77. R. B. Nicklas, S. C. Ward, G. J. Gorbsky, ibid. 130, 91. G. I. Evan et al., Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 7, 825 (1995).
929 (1995). 92. G. van Heusden et al., Eur. J. Biochem. 229, 45 tion (5). The catalytic activities of the as-
78. M. S. Campbell and G. J. Gorbsky, ibid. 129, 1195 (1995); Y. Sanchez and S. J. Elledge, unpublished sembled holoenzymes are first manifest by
(1995). results.
79. R. Li and A. W. Murray, Cell 66, 519 (1991). 93. thank T. Weinert, A. Murray, A. Carr, C. Sherr, N. mid-GC, increase to a maximum near the
80. A. M. Hoyt, L. Totis, B. T. Roberts, ibid., p. 507. Walworth, J. W. Harper, S. Sazer, M. Kuroda, and Gi-S transition, and persist through the first
81. E. Weiss and M. Winey, J. Cell Biol. 132,111 (1996). members of the Elledge laboratory for criticism of the and subsequent cycles as long as mitogenic
82. B. T. Roberts, K. A. Farr, M. A. Hoyt, Mol. Cell Biol. manuscript; A. Murray, T. Carr, T. Weinert, P. Rus- stimulation continues. Conversely, mitogen
14, 8282 (1994). sell, M. Hoekstra, V. Lundblad, L. Hartwell, H.
83. K. G. Hardwick et al., Science 273, 953 (1996). Leiberman, D. Koshland, and 0. Cohen-Fix for shar- withdrawal leads to cessation of cyclin D
84. K. G. Hardwick and A. W. Murray, J. Cell Biol. 131, ing unpublished results, and all my colleagues in the synthesis; the D cyclins are labile proteins,
709 (1995). cell cycle field for stimulating discussions. Supported and because their holoenzyme activities de-
85. R.-W. Chen, J. C. Waters, E. D. Salmon, A. W. Mur- by grants from the NIH (GM44664) and the Robert
ray, Science 274, 242 (1996). Welch Foundation (Q1187). S.J.E. is an Investigator cay rapidly, cells rapidly exit the cycle. Spe-
86. Y. Li and R. Benezra, ibid., p. 246. of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and a PEW cific polypeptide inhibitors of CDK4 and
87. S. L. Holloway, M. Glotzer, R. W. King, A. W. Murray, Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences. CDK6-so-called INK4 proteins-can di-
rectly block cyclin D-dependent kinase ac-
tivity and cause GI phase arrest (9). The four
known 15- to 19-kD INK4 proteins
Cancer Cell Cycles (pl6 NK4a, pl5INK4h, p18INK4c, and pl9INK4d)

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bind and inhibit CDK4 and CDK6, but not
Charles J. Sherr other CDKs. Like the three D-type cyclins,
the INK4 genes are expressed in distinct
Uncontrolled cell proliferation is the hallmark of cancer, and tumor cells have typically tissue-specific pattems, suggesting that they
acquired damage to genes that directly regulate their cell cycles. Genetic alterations are not strictly redundant.
affecting p1 6INK4a and cyclin Dl, proteins that govern phosphorylation of the retino- A loss of cyclin DI-dependent kinase
blastoma protein (RB) and control exit from the G1 phase of the cell cycle, are so frequent activity before the restriction point pre-
in human cancers that inactivation of this pathway may well be necessary for tumor vents many cultured cell lines from entering
development. Like the tumor suppressor protein p53, components of this "RB pathway," S phase, but its absence later in the cell
although not essential for the cell cycle per se, may participate in checkpoint functions cycle is without effect (10, 11). Hence,
that regulate homeostatic tissue renewal throughout life. cyclin D-dependent kinases must phos-
phorylate some substrate or substrates
whose modification is required for G0 exit,
and the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor
The fundamental task of the cell cycle is to and because cell cycle exit can facilitate protein (RB) is one such target (12). Nota-
ensure that DNA is faithfully replicated once maturation and terminal differentiation, bly, cyclin D-dependent kinases are dis-
during S phase and that identical chromo- these processes are subverted as well. The pensable for passage through the restriction
somal copies are distributed equally to two decision to divide occurs as cells pass a point in cultured cells that lack functional
daughter cells during M phase (1). The ma- restriction point late in GI, after which RB, and in this setting, ectopic expression
chinery for DNA replication and chromo- they become refractory to extracellular of INK4 proteins does not induce GI phase
some segregation is insulated from interrup- growth regulatory signals and instead com- arrest (13). Thus, INK4 proteins inhibit
tion by extracellular signals, and its essential mit to the autonomous program that carries cyclin D-dependent kinases that, in turn,
and autonomous nature implies that damage them through to division (4, 5). An appre- phosphorylate RB (Fig. 2). Disruption of
to the pivotal components would be highly ciation of restriction point control is central this "RB pathway" is important in cancer.
debilitating, if not fatal, to cells. Therefore, to our understanding of how and why can- RB and other RB-like proteins (pI30,
genes commanding these processes should cer cells continuously cycle. plO7) control gene expression mediated by
not be frequent targets of mutation, deletion, a family of heterodimeric transcriptional
or amplification in cancer. Restriction Point Control regulators, collectively termed the E2Fs
Oncogenic processes exert their greatest and the G1-S Transition (14, 15), which can transactivate genes
effect by targeting particular regulators of whose products are important for S phase
GI phase progression (2, 3). During the G, Passage through the restriction point and entry (14, 16) (Fig. 2). In its hypophospho-
phase, cells respond to extracellular signals entry into S phase is controlled by cyclin- rylated form, RB binds to a subset of E2F
by either advancing toward another divi- dependent protein kinases (CDKs) that are complexes, converting them to repressors
sion or withdrawing from the cycle into a sequentially regulated by cyclins D, E, and A that constrain expression of E2F target
resting state (Go) (4, 5). Unlike transit (Fig. 1). In general, CDK activity requires genes (17). Phosphorylation of RB frees
through the S, G2, and M phases, G pro- cyclin binding, depends on both positive these E2Fs, enabling them to transactivate
gression normally relies on stimulation by and negative regulatory phosphorylations the same genes, a process initially triggered
mitogens and can be blocked by antiprolif- (6), and can be constrained by at least two by the cyclin D-dependent kinases (5, 12,
erative cytokines. Cancer cells abandon families of CDK inhibitory proteins (7). 13) and then accelerated by the cyclin
these controls and tend to remain in cycle, D-type cyclins act as growth factor sen- E-CDK2 complex (18-20) (Fig. 2).
sors, with their expression depending more In proliferating cells, the expression of
The author is at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, on extracellular cues than on the cell's posi- cyclin E is normally periodic and maximal
Department of Tumor Cell Biology, St. Jude Children's
Research Hospital, 332 North Lauderdale, Memphis, TN tion in the cycle (8). As cells enter the cycle at the GI-S transition (Fig. 1), and through-
38105, USA. E-mail: from quiescence (GO), one or more D-type out this interval, cyclin E enters into active
1 672 SCIENCE * VOL. 274 * 6 DECEMBER 1996
i a; F000 -A

complexes with its catalytic partner CDK2. least three proteins: p21ClI, p27KIP, and The RB Pathway in Cancer Cells
Because the cyclin E gene is itself E2F- p57KIP2 (29-31). The single most remark-
responsive, cyclin E-CDK2 acts through able feature in relation to cancer is the Cyclin DI is overexpressed in many human
positive feedback to facilitate progressive inducibility of the CIPJ gene by the tumor cancers as a result of gene amplification or
rounds of RB phosphorylation and E2F re- suppressor p53 [(29), and see below], al- translocations targeting the Dl locus (for-
lease (16, 19) (Fig. 2). In addition, E2F-1 though these genes also respond to many mally designated CCNDl) on human chro-
stimulates its own transcription. Positive other types of stimuli during terminal dif- mosome 1lq13 (2, 3). The gene encoding
cross-regulation of E2F and cyclin E produc- ferentiation (7). KIP] may be the most its catalytic partner CDK4, located on chro-
es a rapid rise of both activities as cells directly involved in restriction point con- mosome 12q13, is also amplified in sarcomas
approach the G1-S boundary. In concert trol. In quiescent cells, p27KIP1 levels are and gliomas, although several other poten-
with the irreversible commitment to enter high, but once cells enter the cycle, they tial oncogenes, including the p53 antagonist
S phase, RB inactivation shifts from being fall (Fig. 1) (32). Residual p27KIPI is se- MDM2, map to this region. In the first
mitogen-dependent (cyclin D-driven) to questered into complexes with excess cy- studies to implicate cyclin DI in cancer,
mitogen-independent (cyclin E-driven). clin D-CDK complexes (31, 32), alleviat- Motokura et al. isolated Dl (originally des-
Inactivation of RB by phosphorylation or ing p27KIPl-mediated repression of cyclin ignated PRAD1) linked to the parathyroid
by direct genetic damage to the RB gene E-CDK2 and cyclin A-CDK2 activity in hormone gene in parathyroid adenomas
itself shortens the GI phase, reduces cell cycling cells. The level of p27KIPI is large- containing an inversion of human chromo-
size, and decreases, but does not eliminate, ly controlled by translational (33) and some 11 [inv( 11)(pI5;q13)] (38). They rec-
the cell's requirements for mitogens and posttranslational (34) mechanisms, and ognized the position of DI in relation to a
adhesive signals (11, 21-23). Because RB- because its turnover can be accelerated by recurrent chromosomal amplification unit at
negative cells retain some requirements for cyclin E-CDK2-mediated phosphoryla- 1 1q13 and to the previously described BCL1

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growth factors, events in addition to RB tion (35), cyclin E-CDK2 and p27KIPI breakpoint in the translocation 1 1;14 (q13;
phosphorylation must contribute to restric- may oppose each other's function (Fig. 2). q32). The latter, characteristically observed
tion point control. When proliferating fibroblasts are de- in B lineage mantle cell lymphomas, moves
Cyclin A- and cyclin B-dependent ki- prived of serum mitogens, synthesis of the immunoglobulin heavy chain enhancer
nases probably maintain RB in its hyper- p27KIPI not only increases, but the inhib- into the cyclin Dl locus, leaving the Dl
phosphorylated state as the cycle moves itor is released from cyclin D-CDK com- coding sequences uninterrupted. B lympho-
ahead (Fig. 1), and RB is not dephospho- plexes as cyclin D is degraded. The loss of cytes normally express only cyclins D2 and
rylated until cells complete mitosis and re- cyclin D-dependent kinase activity cou- D3, but all lymphoma cells containing t( 11;
enter the GI phase (or Go). The onset of pled with p27KIPl-mediated inhibition of 14) ectopically synthesize cyclin DI, which
cyclin A synthesis late in GI is important CDK2 induces arrest in GI-Go within a is sufficient to provide a growth advantage.
for the Gi-S transition, because inhibition single cycle (Fig. 1). Antisense inhibition Amplification of chromosome 1 1q13 is
of cyclin A function in cultured cells can of p27 synthesis in cycling cells can pre- frequent in a broad spectrum of common
also inhibit S phase entry (24). Many cells vent them from becoming quiescent (36). adult cancers, including squamous cell car-
exhibit a dual requirement for growth fac- Mice nullizygous for the gene encoding cinomas of the head and neck (43% of cases
tors and adhesive signals to enter S phase, p27 grow faster than littermate controls on average), esophageal carcinomas (34%),
and not only RB phosphorylation but also and exhibit frank organomegaly, with all bladder cancer (15%), primary breast carci-
cyclin A gene expression is adhesion-de- tissues containing increased numbers of noma (13%), small-cell lung tumors, and
pendent (23, 25). Substrates for cyclin E- smaller cells (37). This phenotype under- hepatocellular carcinomas (-10% each)
CDK2 and cyclin A-CDK2 could include scores the importance of p27KItPI in regu- (3). The amplicons are large, but evidence
proteins at replication origins (Fig. 2) whose lating both cell size and cell number. that Dl is the critical target gene stems
phosphorylation might promote DNA syn-
thesis or prevent reassembly of preinitiating
complexes (1, 26).
Once cells enter S phase, the timely Mitogen stimulation
inactivation of cyclin E and E2F activities
may be equally crucial for cell cycle progres- p27
sion. Rapid turnover of cyclin E is mediated
by ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis, and its
phosphorylation by its own catalytic part- E
ner, CDK2, signals its destruction (27).
E2F-1 transactivation activity also decreas- IT
~~~~j /A
es once cells enter S phase, as cyclin
A-CDK2 complexes accumulate (Fig. 1). Go G1 S G2-M G1 S G2-M Go
Cyclin A-CDK2 binds to the RB-regulated Fig. 1. Fluctuations of cyclins and p27KIPl during the cell cycle. Expression of cyclins E, A, and B (mitotic
E2Fs and phosphorylates one of their het- cyclin) is periodic (6). D-type cyclins are expressed throughout the cycle in response to mitogen
erodimeric components (DP-1), thereby stimulation (the period indicated by the top bar), and a less idealized scheme would indicate that different
precluding DNA binding (28). Because the ones (Dl, D2, and D3) are induced by various signals in a cell lineage-specific manner (8). The cyclins
cyclin E-CDK2 complex lacks this func- assemble with more stably expressed CDKs to temporally regulate their activities. D-type cyclins form
tion, the reversal of E2F-mediated transac- complexes with CDK4 and CDK6; cyclin E with CDK2; cyclin A with CDK2 (in S phase) and with CDC2
tivation during S phase depends on the (CDK1) (in late S and G2); and cyclin B with CDC2. The holoenzymes can be negatively regulated by
phosphorylation, so that even though cyclin B-CDC2 complexes progressively assemble as B cyclins
appearance of cyclin A-CDK2. accumulate, their catalytic activity is restricted to mitosis (6). p27 levels are high in quiescent cells, fall in
Cyclin D-, E-, and A-dependent ki- response to mitogenic stimulation, remain at lower threshold levels in proliferating cells, and increase
nases are negatively regulated by a distinct again when mitogens are withdrawn. In proliferating cells, most p27 is complexed with cyclin D-CDK
family of CDK inhibitors that include at complexes (7, 31).
SCIENCE * VOL. 274 * 6 DECEMBER 1996 1 673
from its frequency of involvement com- These animals spontaneously develop a stems from observations that inactivation of
pared with those of flanking markers and spectrum of different tumors by 6 months of any one component of this pathway in a
from its selective and consistent overex- age, with the rate of tumor formation accel- tumor greatly decreases the probability of
pression in tumor tissues. In esophageal, erated in response to carcinogen treatment identifiable damage to other components.
hepatic, and head and neck cancers, there is (42). Cultured INK4a-/- embryo fibroblasts For example, tumor cells that overexpress
a correlation between Dl amplification and do not senesce, and unlike their wild-type cyclin DI or lose p16 tend to retain wild-
cyclin DI protein overexpression; in breast counterparts, they can be transformed by type RB, but those with inactivating RB
cancer, however, where the Dl amplifica- oncogenic RAS alone. Although the INK4a mutations generally express wild-type pl6
tion frequency is only 13%, more than 50% locus also encodes a second, potentially con- and show no elevation in DI levels (7).
appear to overexpress the protein. Aberrant tributory protein (pl9ARF) from an alterna- If p16, cyclin DI, and RB function in
overexpression of cyclin DI is also seen in tive reading frame (43), the weight of cur- the same pathway, why do alterations of
sarcomas, colorectal tumors, and melano- rent evidence favors the primary involve- their genes sometimes yield different tu-
mas, even though Dl gene amplification ment of pl6INK4a in tumorigenesis (42). mor types? Mouse embryos nullizygous for
frequencies are exceptionally low (3). That Inactivation of RB itself is the sine qua RB survive beyond midgestation but die in
cyclin Dl can directly contribute to onco- non of retinoblastoma (44), but overall the utero with erythroid aplasia and neuronal
genesis is supported by studies with trans- gene is targeted more often in adult cancers, degeneration, implying that only specific
genic mice, in which targeted overexpres- particularly small-cell carcinomas of the cell types depend crucially on RB during
sion of DI in mammary epithelial cells leads lung (3). Similarly, inherited allelic loss of prenatal development (45). Mouse Rb'l-
to ductal hyperproliferation and eventual INK4a confers susceptibility to melanoma heterozygotes develop midlobe Rb-'- pi-
tumor formation (39). Conversely, mice (9), but the gene is inactivated at a much tuitary tumors (versus retinoblastoma in
nullizygous for Dl show profound defects in higher frequency in sporadic tumors of dif- humans), so these cells are uniquely sus-

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mammary lobuloalveolar development dur- ferent types. Presumably, p16INK4a loss ceptible to losses of Rb later in life. In
ing pregnancy, indicating that cyclin Dl might mimic cyclin DI or CDK4 overex- humans, inactivation of RB is most com-
plays a critical, uncompensated role in the pression, each leading to RB hyperphospho- monly observed in retinoblastomas, osteo-
maturation of this tissue (40). This special rylation and physiologic inactivation (Fig. sarcomas, carcinoid tumors, and small-cell
dependency of breast epithelial cells on cy- 2). Support for this functional interrelation lung cancers, again suggesting that specific
clin DI, coupled with the ability of the
same regulator to induce breast cancer,
points toward a striking concordance be-
tween normal developmental controls and
neoplastic processes. Yet, one must bear in 53-. --O.
(F) I
mind that overexpression of cyclin DI also I (ORCs, MCMs, CDC6)
occurs in many other tumor types, including ,

those involving B cells that normally ex-

press only cyclins D2 and D3. Constitutive
overexpression of the D2 and D3 genes has
not been reported, possibly because they 0,-
reside in chromosomal regions that do not
readily undergo amplification. F;K4
Mutations that inactivate the CDK in-
hibitory function of the INK4a gene (also
called CDKN2 or MTS1, on chromosome
9p2l) are associated with familial melano-
ma and occur at high frequencies in biliary
tract (-50%) and esophageal (-30%) car-
cinomas (3, 7). Reciprocally, a mutation in
CDK4 that prevents its interaction with 0
p16 has been found in melanoma (41). 51
Homozygous deletions of the INK4a locus Replication
occur commonly in gliomas and mesotheli-
omas (-55% each), nasopharyngeal carci- Fig. 2. Restriction point control. RB phosphorylation triggered by cyclin D-dependent kinases releases
nomas (-40%), acute lymphocytic leuke- RB-bound E2F. Rather than illustrating the many E2F-DP heterodimers that are differentially regulated
mias (-30%), sarcomas, and bladder and by various RB family members [see text and (14, 15)], E2F "activity" is shown for simplicity. E2F triggers
ovarian tumors. Pancreatic, head and neck, the expression of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), thymidine kinase (TK), thymidylate synthase (TS),
and non-small-cell lung carcinomas sustain DNA polymerase-o. (POL), CDC2, cyclin E and possibly cyclin A, and E2F-1 itself. This establishes a
both INK4a mutations and deletions (3). positive feedback loop promoting RB phosphorylation by cyclin E-CDK2, contributing to the irrevers-
Although the INK4b gene (also called p15 ibility of the restriction point transition and ultimately making it mitogen-independent. In parallel, cyclin
and MTS2) maps in tandem with INK4a E-CDK2 may oppose the inhibitory action of p27KIPl by phosphorylating it (35). This allows cyclin
and is usually included in the deletions, A-CDK2 and possibly cyclin E-CDK2 to start S phase. Possible CDK substrates include those of the
INK4b is not targeted by inactivating mu- origin-recognition complex (ORC), minichromosome maintenance proteins (MCMs), and CDC6, all of
which assemble into preinitiation complexes (26). Once cells enter S phase, cyclin A-CDK2 phosphor-
tations. Nor have mutations or deletions of ylates DP-1 and inhibits E2F binding to DNA (28). Like p27, p53-inducible p21 c/PR can induce G1 arrest
INK4c or INK4d been reported in tumors. by inhibiting the cyclin D-, E-, and A-dependent kinases (29, 30). In contrast, INK4 proteins antagonize
The hypothesis that INK4a disruption is only the cyclin D-dependent kinases (9). The proteins most frequerltly targeted in human cancers are
critical gains further credence from studies highlighted. Arrows depicting inhibitory phosphorylations (P) or inactivating steps are shown in red, and
of INK4a nullizygous (INK4a-1-) mice. those depicting activating steps are shown in black.

1 674 SCIENCE * VOL. 274 * 6 DECEMBER 1996

cell types are particularly sensitive to RB breast cancers correlates with poor progno- (51). The loss of p53 predisposes cells to
loss. But, in cells in which the loss of RB sis (35, 50). Identification of components drug-induced gene amplification and de-
function is better compensated by expres- of the protein synthetic and degradation creases the fidelity of mitotic chromosome
sion of other RB family members, tumors machinery that determine cyclin E and transmission (61). Duplication of the cen-
would not arise. Because cyclin D1-CDK P27KIP1 turnover rates may provide the key trosome normally begins at the G -S
complexes can phosphorylate the other to understanding their altered expression in boundary, but in the absence of p53, mul-
RB-related proteins as well (12, 46), over- tumor cells and whether it is a cause or tiple centrosomes appear to be generated in
expression of DI may have farther reach- consequence of cell transformation. Perhaps a single cell cycle, ultimately resulting in
ing consequences than does RB loss. Sim- there is a class of oncoproteins and tumor aberrant chromosomal segregation during
ilarly, inactivation of pl6INK4a might up- suppressors awaiting discovery whose role is mitosis (62). Barring changes so severe as to
regulate the cyclin D2- and cyclin D3- to regulate protein turnover. precipitate mitotic catastrophe, the result-
dependent kinases in addition to cyclin ing genetic instability leads to changes in
D1-CDK complexes. The predicted fre- The p53-Dependent G1 chromosome number and ploidy, further in-
quency of involvement of these genes in Checkpoint creasing the probability that such cells will
cancers would then be INK4a > DI > RB, more rapidly evolve toward malignancy by
which matches what is observed. However, Although cell cycle transitions depend on escaping immune surveillance, tolerating
this model does not explain why the INK4b, the underlying CDK cycle, superimposed hypoxia, and becoming angiogenic, inva-
-c, and -d genes seem not to be disrupted in checkpoint controls help ensure that cer- sive, metastatic, and, ultimately, drug resis-
tumors, or why loss-of-function mutations in tain processes are completed before others tant in the face of chemotherapy.
pO7 or p130 have not been found in cancer begin. A critical conceptual distinction be- In some cell types, p53 induces apoptosis
cells. Thus, although groups of INK4 pro-

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tween cell cycle phase transitions and these when overexpressed (63) and is required for
teins, D-type cyclins, and RB family mem- surveillance operations is that components apoptosis in response to severe DNA dam-
bers may differentially contribute to restric- of checkpoint control need not be essential age, chemotherapeutic drugs, or MYC or
tion point control in various cell lineages, to the workings of the cycle. Instead, their EIA overexpression (64). Launching this
some special role in oncogenesis seems to be role is to brake the cycle in the face of stress apoptotic program does not depend on p2l
played by pl6 NK4a, cyclin DI, and RB. Per- or damage. By allowing repair to take place, (59), and p53 may directly activate death
haps p16INK4a selectively functions in a sig- checkpoint controls become crucial in genes, such as BAX, or down-regulate sur-
naling pathway that detects certain onco- maintaining genomic stability (51). vival genes, such as BCL-2 (65). Hence, GI
genic perturbations and brakes the cell cycle The p53 gene is the most frequently arrest and apoptosis appear to be alternative
in response. Positive selection of cells defi- mutated gene in human cancer (52) and is p53-induced outcomes. Cell suicide is argu-
cient in this putative surveillance mecha- an archetypal checkpoint regulator. Al- ably the most potent natural defense against
nism would be manifested by a recurrent though it is not essential for normal mouse cancer, because it eliminates premalignant
disruption of the RB pathway in tumor cells development (53), one of its roles is to cells that enter S phase inappropriately af-
(see below). ensure that, in response to genotoxic dam- ter genetic sabotage of restriction point
age, cells arrest in GI and attempt to repair controls (64, 66). Consistent with the idea
Other G1-S Regulators in Cancer their DNA before it is replicated (54). Al- that p53-induced p2l"" can limit RB
though p53 is ordinarily a very short-lived hyperphosphorylation (Fig. 2), loss of RB
Although the E2F genes are the apparent protein, it is stabilized and accumulates in function can bypass p53-mediated GC arrest
targets of the RB pathway, their overexpres- cells undergoing DNA damage or in those (67). However, overexpression of E2F- 1 not
sion, mutation, or inactivation has not as responding to certain forms of stress (54- only drives quiescent cells to synthesize
yet been reported in human cancers. In 56). The precise signal transduction path- DNA, but it induces p53-dependent apop-
mice, the elimination of both wild-type way that senses DNA damage and recruits tosis (68). Cooperation between the RB
E2F1 alleles leads to developmental defects p53 has not been elucidated, but is likely to and p53 pathways likely determines wheth-
in some tissues and to tumors in others (47), include genes like ATM [mutated in ataxia er p53 induces G1 arrest or apoptosis in
but in humans, alterations in a single E2F telangiectasia (AT)I (57). The p53 protein response to DNA damage, with the loss of
complex might be adequately compensated. functions as a transcription factor, and can- RB tilting the balance toward the latter. In
Alterations in the cyclin E and cyclin A cer-related mutations cluster in its DNA cells that have sustained lesions in the RB
genes in human cancers also appear to be binding domain (55). MDM-2, a p53-in- pathway, there could be a strong selection
rare (3). Very few cases of cyclin E ampli- ducible and amplifiable proto-oncogene for the loss of normal p53 (66).
fication have been reported in established product, neutralizes p53 action by binding
tumor cell lines, and there is only one in- to and inhibiting its transactivating domain A Final Accounting
stance in which the cyclin A gene was (58). The gene encoding the CDK inhibitor
found to be altered in a hepatoma (48). p21l1"'1 is another target of p53-mediated Of the more than 100 proto-oncogenes and
Nonetheless, sustained overexpression of regulation (29) and is at least partially re- tumor suppressor genes that have been iden-
cyclin E is tolerated under experimental sponsible for p53-mediated GI arrest (59). tified, most function in signal transduction
conditions (21), and the protein is aber- When treated with DNA-damaging drugs, to mimic effects of persistent mitogenic stim-
rantly overexpressed in carcinomas of the cells lacking p2lClh appear to undergo re- ulation, thereby uncoupling cells from en-
breast, stomach, colon, and endometrium, peated S phases, possibly reflecting aberra- vironmental controls. Their signaling path-
and in some adult acute lymphocytic leuke- tions in controls linking the completion of ways converge on the machinery controlling
mias (49). Overexpression of cyclin E could S phase with mitosis (60). passage through the GC phase, inducing GI
result from its failure to undergo ubiquitin- Ionizing radiation not only triggers arrest cyclins, overriding CDK inhibitors, prevent-
mediated degradation. Homozygous inacti- at the G,-S checkpoint but it also slows S ing cell cycle exit, and ultimately perturb-
vation of the KIP] and CIP1 genes has not phase and blocks progression in G2, allow- ing checkpoint controls. Some transcrip-
been reported either, but reduction in ing additional time for the repair of chro- tion factors such as MYC play important
p27KI''' levels in a subset of colon and mosome breaks before entry into mitosis roles in cell cycle progression, directly reg-
SCIENCE * VOL. 274 * 6 DECEMBER 1996 1 675
ulating CDC25 phosphatases that control the loss of RB, DI, or pi6 during much of nonessential but otherwise important
CDK activity (69) and, probably indirectly, development is tolerated and does not fore- checkpoint function in self-renewing tis-
cyclin expression as well (70). Other tran- shadow their later importance in cancer. sues, being selectively induced in response
scription factors, including many encoded In children who inherit a mutant RB to certain types of damage, or to "inappro-
by genes that are targeted by cancer-specific allele, retinal tumors lacking both copies of priate" mitogenic or constitutive onco-
chromosomal translocations, instead seem the gene appear early in life with almost gene-mediated signals. Alternatively, p16
to control lineage-specific differentiation 100% penetrance, emphasizing the particu- may be a senescence gene whose expres-
and developmental decisions (71), includ- lar susceptibility of retinoblasts to RB loss sion is triggered by a generational alarm
ing apoptosis (72). (19, 44). The overall incidence of cancer in clock that records an allocated number of
Despite this plethora of oncogenes, an persons under 15 years of age is one-thirtieth cell divisions before promoting cell cycle
accounting indicates that pathways domi- that of the population as a whole, and even exit. The observation that p16 levels rise
nated by two tumor suppressor genes, RB in children, familial and sporadic retinoblas- as cells age, although consistent with a role
and p53, are the most frequently disrupted tomas are rare (together, 3% of all pediatric for p16 in cell senescence (79), is also com-
in cancer cells. The functions of p53 are tumors) (77). Indeed, most pediatric cancers patible with an inducible surveillance func-
subverted by mutations in about half of consist of leukemias, lymphomas, and sarco- tion. RB-negative tumor cells, but not fibro-
human cancers, but other less direct mech- mas, or arise elsewhere in the nervous sys- blasts from RB-'- mice, express uncharac-
anisms also contribute to p53 inactivation. tem. Thus, although retinoblastoma provid- teristically high levels of p16 (7, 9, 13), so
For example, proteins like MDM2 or hu- ed the historical basis for Knudson's now RB loss may occur in the face of elevated
man papillomavirus E6 are likely to be on- classic "two-hit hypothesis" for tumor sup- p16 expression, bypassing the putative p16
cogenic because they antagonize p53 func- pression (44), the very short developmental checkpoint. Cyclin DI amplification would

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tion. How p53 senses DNA damage or in- history of these tumors in humans [and of represent yet another way to override p16's
duces apoptosis remains unclear, but we pituitary tumors in RB+'- mice (45)] is braking effects on the cell cycle. If this is
might guess that those tumors that retain atypical of cancer in general. The loss of RB true, an inability of cells to exit the cycle is
wild-type p53 instead accumulate epistatic or INK4a in childhood tumors need not likely to be more important than their ab-
lesions that mirror a loss of p53 function. In stem from inherited defects because their solute proliferative rate in tumor formation,
short, most if not all cancer cells may have inactivation is also observed in sporadic pe- at least in the earliest stages of oncogenesis.
lesions in this pathway. Preventing p53- diatric cancers, with disruption of RB func- Identification of the alarm or senescence
dependent apoptosis appears to be key to tion occurring in osteosarcomas and that of signals to which pi6 responds should be
tumorigenesis. If so, loss of a death gene or p1 6 in a high percentage of childhood T cell telling. Whatever the explanation, p16, DI,
overexpression of a survival gene might also leukemias and glioblastomas (3, 7). and RB must play a special role in somatic
mimic p53 inactivation. In contrast, more than 80% of adult cell divisions after birth. Cancer cell cycles
What about the RB pathway? The dis- cancers in the United States are carcinomas tell us this.
covery of RB in the context of familial (tumors arising from basal epithelial cells of
retinoblastoma pointed toward its special- ectodermal or endodermal origin), and 8% REFERENCES AND NOTES
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chemical behavior connoted a more gener- ance of myeloid leukemia than is observed (1994); J. Wuarin and P. Nurse, ibid. 85, 785 (1996).
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