Health Staples (Millets, Quinoa) - Market Size, Relevant Channel, Competition and Positioning

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Company Name: ITC

Project Code: ITC 1

Objective: Health Staples (Millets, Quinoa) - Market Size, Relevant Channel, Competition and positioning

Understanding the problem:

Studying the current market for health staples in India and benchmarking competitors’ offerings. Selecting
relevant bases for customer segmentation. Assessing potential market size and selecting target customers.
Creating a value proposition for target customer groups and developing recommendations for a GTM

Step 1 - Market Sizing & Competitive Landscape
Step 2 - Customer Segmentation
Step 3 - Customer Targeting
Step 4 - Value Capture and Need Gap Analysis
Step 5 - Positioning Recommendations based on Value Propositions
Step 6 - Develop Go-to-Market Strategy

Key Questions:

Step 1: Market Sizing & Competitive Landscape

Initial study based on secondary data to develop a complete picture of the health staples market -
 Products - estimate the market size for quinoa, millets (majorly pearl millets)
 SKUs - identify most purchased SKUs 500g, 1kg etc.
 Channel - study effective channels for different kinds of products - online, modern retail, traditional
retail etc.
 Price points - define price brackets [eg. premium vs. mass-market]
 Household consumption - form in which millets are consumed

Competitor benchmarking - We will map the major competing brands against the ITC brands in the given
product category. For ex: Maha Millet’s multi millet flour will be mapped as a competing brand against
ITC’s Aashirvaad multi millet mix.

Step 2: Customer Segmentation

Develop customer segmentation on bases like -
 Demographics – might be higher for health-conscious consumers
 Geography – rural consumption might be based on regional agricultural patterns
 Rural vs. Urban Markets - characteristics & preference of rural & urban consumers [eg. preference
for packaged vs. loose health staples]
Any other relevant bases of segmentation based on our initial scoping

Group No. 23 – Nikita Gulgule (B19031) | Snehal Tiwari (B19055) | Anusha Sinha (B19068) | Aditya Kashyap (B19121)
Step 3: Customer Targeting
Develop customer insights based on data sources including primary data collection
Select target segments based on discussion with firm on relevant criteria (for example - potential market
size & ease of accessing the segment)

Step 4: Value Capture and Need-Gap Analysis

Conduct primary research & use secondary data to understand need-gap in terms of factors like –
 Awareness – knowledge of health benefits of millets consumption
 Availability – assortment & presence across channels
 Affordability – in comparison to substitutes
Answer to this step will also be shaped by a comprehensive view of the current offerings in the market.

Step 5: Positioning Recommendations based on Value propositions

Creation of value proposition customized to the target segments.
We could also benchmark against product categories with a similar value proposition. For example, creation
of ready-to-eat millet products drawing on success of Quaker Oats ready-to-eat porridge.

Step 6: Develop Go-to-Market Strategy

 Products – develop product ideas based on need-gap & similar products
 Pricing – can decide between premium vs. mass-market prices based on value proposition
 Place (Channel) – select channels for distribution to target segments
 Promotion – create awareness on the benefits of consuming millets in different forms, for example
included in flour used for everyday consumption


Time in Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Market Sizing and competitive landscape

Customer Segmentation

Customer Targeting

Mid Review
Value Capture and Need Gap Analysis

Positioning Recommendations based on Value

Develop Go-to-Market Strategy

Teaming Remotely:

Considering the novelty of the remote working situation, we plan to coordinate majorly over call, emails,
google documents and zoom. We also plan to explore applications such as Trello for schedule
synchronization and Drawp Unlimited for white boarding in order to coordinate effectively.

Group No. 23 – Nikita Gulgule (B19031) | Snehal Tiwari (B19055) | Anusha Sinha (B19068) | Aditya Kashyap (B19121)

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