Whole Plant Reconstructions in Fossil Angiosperm 2008

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Int. J. Plant Sci. 169(7):918–927. 2008.

Ó 2008 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.

1058-5893/2008/16907-0009$15.00 DOI: 10.1086/589694


Zlatko Kvaček1
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Albertov 6, CZ-128 43 Prague 2, Czech Republic

There have been many recent advances in angiosperm paleobotany based on studies of reproductive organs,
but it remains important that ‘‘whole-plant’’ concepts not be neglected. Reconstructions of whole fossil plants
based on foliage, fruits, seeds, flowers, pollen in situ, and wood are not always easy, but where done well they
often yield important new insights. The most convincing whole-plant reconstructions are accomplished when
organs that are normally found separately are found attached. Such occurrences are relatively rare. The repeated
co-occurrence of dispersed organs that share anatomical features provides another acceptable line of evidence for
reconstructions. However, mere co-occurrence, particularly in the case of extinct lineages, provides less-
convincing evidence. An important way to connect dispersed pollen and macrofossils is the study of pollen in situ.
Several examples from Platanaceae, Fagaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Malvaceae s.l., and Cucurbitaceae show the
importance of whole-plant approaches for evolutionary and other interpretations.

Keywords: Cucurbitaceae, Fagaceae, fossil angiosperms, whole-plant reconstructions, Tertiary, Malvaceae s.l.,

Introduction in Wetterau. However, this reconstruction included in part

seeds of Magnolia (Mai 1975) and leaves belonging to Nyssa (Z.
One major difficulty in studies of fossil angiosperms and other Kvaček, unpublished observations). Another of Unger’s errors
plant groups is that the fossil record consists mainly of plant frag- was interpreting detached fruit valves as elm samaras (Unger
ments. By contrast with living plants, which are usually collected 1847, as Ulmus bronnii). These common fossils have since
as flowering or fruiting specimens of whole plants or their parts been attributed to an unrelated genus, Craigia (Kvaček et al.
(e.g., twigs), in fossil plants, individual organs are detached in 1991), and are discussed in more detail in ‘‘Malvaceae s.l.’’
most cases. From the earliest days of paleobotanical research, Like Unger, Heer (1856, 1859) also misinterpreted certain fos-
scientists dealing with such fossils have attempted to combine sil angiosperms as he attempted reconstructions. For example,
knowledge, at least from foliage and fruits, to get a more com- from leaf venation, Heer believed that one of the commonest
plete reconstruction of the original living plant. leaf fossils in the Miocene of Oehningen, superficially similar to
Early protagonists of this holistic concept in studies of fossil Tilia, actually belonged to Ficus. He supported this view with a
angiosperms were Franz Unger (1800–1870), Austrian botanist fossil fruit that, according to Kirchheimer (1957), was too poorly
and professor of botany at Graz and Vienna, and Oswald Heer preserved to have taxonomic value. Epidermal studies have sub-
(1809–1883), Swiss paleontologist and professor of paleontology sequently suggested (Knobloch and Kvaček 1965a, 1965b; Wo-
at Zürich. Some of their reconstructions of fossil angiosperms robiec 2003), that such ‘‘Ficus’’ leaves, at least those occurring
are partly correct and still remain valid. Unger, for example, was in the Neogene of Europe, are those of a malvalean plant and
successful in a reconstruction of Paliurus favonii Ung. based are properly known as Byttneriophyllum Givulescu ex Knobloch
both on fruits and foliage from the Miocene of Parschlug (Unger & Kvaček (1965b). Heer (1856) also wrongly combined two
1847; see also Bůžek 1971). Similarly, the reconstruction of other common plant elements from the European Tertiary and
Podogonium Heer, which Heer (1859) considered an extinct assigned the resulting reconstruction to Grewia (Malvaceae s.l.).
legume, was correct. Gregor and Hantke (1980) challenged Brown (1935) later recognized Cercidiphyllum (Cercidiphylla-
this interpretation and transferred Podogonium knorrii Heer to ceae) among these characteristic leaves. The fruits, which Heer
Gleditsia, but after more-detailed comparison with modern le- believed to belong to the same plant, were reidentified by Kirch-
gumes, Herendeen (1992) confirmed Heer’s original view. This heimer (1957) as endocarps of Celtis (Celtidaceae).
whole-plant reconstruction and its relationship to Podogonium The failure of many previous reconstructions of fossil angio-
are also supported by more-complete specimens and a study of sperms, combined with the realities of the plant fossil record,
detached flowers with pollen in situ (Mohr and Gregor 1984; has inevitably led to independent studies of detached organs. In
Liu et al. 2001), as well as by the same association of fossil fruits particular, studies of fossil fruits, seeds, and flowers preserved as
and foliage in China and Japan as in Europe (Wang et al. 2005). carbonized mesofossils have achieved much success and have
Although some early attempts at whole-plant reconstruc- contributed substantially to our current understanding of angio-
tions were successful, others turned out to be misleading. Un- sperm evolutionary history (Friis 1983; Friis et al. 1992, 1994,
ger (1860), for instance, believed that he had reconstructed the among many others). Similar progress has also been made in pa-
plant of Annona (Annonaceae) from the Miocene of Salzhausen leopalynology, particularly in using SEM and TEM observations,
as well as in studies of wood anatomy and epidermal anatomy.
E-mail: kvacek@natur.cuni.cz.
However, notwithstanding all of this progress, it is also impor-
Manuscript received February 2008; revised manuscript received April 2008. tant that the whole plant concept not be neglected.


Revival of the Whole-Plant Concept Manchester 2004). This ancient plane tree is not related to the
Asian Platanus kerrii Gagnep. (subgenus Castaneophyllum Le-
Revival of a holistic approach to reconstructing whole fossil roy), which has also simple, unlobed but evergreen foliage. Plat-
angiosperms was initiated by those searching for more-complete anus kerrii differs from P. neptuni and all other living plane
fertile specimens in which reproductive structures and leaves are trees in that the petiole does not cover the bud. Platanus neptuni
attached. Such discoveries are rare but provide convincing evi- has been separated into an extinct subgenus Glandulosa Kvaček,
dence about the interconnection of otherwise detached organs. Manchester & Guo (Kvaček et al. 2001) because of an unusual
Plant fossils of Cretaceous age that show these connections attachment of single heads on stalks and peculiar epidermal
include those assigned to Prisca Rettalack & Dilcher (1981), anatomy. In most cases, the foliage is simple and lanceolate,
Archaefructus Sun et al. (1998, 2002), among others. Examples but compound trifoliolate and quinquefoliolate leaves are also
from the Paleogene and Neogene include, for example, extinct known. They all share the same epidermal pattern. For prag-
Fagopsis Hollick (Manchester and Crane 1983), Cedrelospermum matic reasons, the detached organs of P. neptuni were assigned
Saporta (Manchester 1987, 1989), monocotyledonous Limno- to several morphoforms (Kvaček and Manchester 2004).
biophyllum Krassilov (Stockey et al. 1997), and an aquatic plant Fossils of P. neptuni are often found in volcanic areas where
assigned to Decodon (Kvaček and Sakala 1999). However, how permineralized wood of the Platanus type is also present. The
far the affinities of these important specimens are understood wood is characterized by broad homocellular rays and scalari-
depends greatly on the quality of preservation. Although it is ad- form perforation plates with many bars. According to Sakala
visable to use all available techniques to ascertain characteristics (2006), this type of wood may represent trunks or branches of
of pollen in situ, cuticles, and details of the fructifications, this is P. neptuni. More studies are required to better understand vari-
not always possible. The key rare specimens that show attach- ation in fossil Platanus-like wood. Currently, wood of this kind
ment between different organs are often preserved as impres- is split into several narrow morphotaxa.
sions (e.g., extinct Pseudofagus Smiley & Huggins [Smiley and
Huggins 1981] or Pseudosalix [Boucher et al. 2003]).
Beyond these relatively rare examples of fertile plant speci- Fagaceae
mens, we are still at a loss to demonstrate the connections among
most of the plant fossils that we encounter. Nevertheless, several Contrary to the situation with Platanus, some common faga-
lines of argumentation have been employed to infer connections ceous fossils that typically occur in the Paleogene of Europe
between detached fossil plant organs never found in organic con- have been assigned not to a modern genus but to the extinct ge-
nection: (i) repeated co-occurrence; (ii) identical or similar epider- nus Eotrigonobalanus Walther & Kvaček (Kvaček and Walther
mal anatomy; (iii) identical or similar systematic affinities; (iv) 1989; Walther 2000). In this case, the fruits were originally
pollen in situ and pollen ex situ (accumulations scraped from the assigned to the living genus Trigonobalanus s.l. (Mai 1970). At
surface of leaves). In some cases, one or more of these arguments present, living trigonobalanoids are split into three monotypic
have been combined to justify a reconstruction. genera (Trigonobalanus s.s., Colombobalanus, and Formano-
The following examples illustrate some of the ways in dendron), and in this respect, separation of the fossils into an
which reconstructions of Tertiary angiosperms have been as- independent extinct genus appears to be appropriate. The fos-
sembled. Most of the plants comes from the Tertiary of Cen- sils differ in many ways from all three living genera.
tral Europe, in particular from the Bohemian Massif and In Eotrigonobalanus, the foliage (fig. 2A, 2B) and fruits (fig.
adjacent areas. Details of research methods, occurrences, and 2D, 2E), which are found occasionally in catkinlike infructescen-
other circumstances of elements discussed are cited in the re- ces (Kvaček and Hably 1998), are treated separately as two mor-
spective publications and are not repeated here. phospecies, Eotrigonobalanus andreanszkyii (Mai) Walther &
Kvaček for fruits and Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis (Rossm.)
Walther & Kvaček for leaves. This is a common approach when
Platanaceae naming detached foliage and reproductive organs in many other
fossil angiosperms. Epidermal anatomy of E. furcinervis (fig. 2F)
The Tertiary platanoid Platanus neptuni (Ettingsh.) Bůžek, is very characteristic and sufficient to allow identification of leaf
Holý & Kvaček is well known from previous studies based on fragments. Staminate catkins of Eotrigonobalanus have not yet
its simple, unlobed leaves (Bůžek et al. 1967; Knobloch 1973; been recovered, and pollen in situ remains unknown. Only the
Hably 1980; Walther 1985). It is also known from infructescen- regular co-occurrence of dispersed pollen of the Fususpollenites
ces recalling heads of Sparganium or even Liquidambar (fig. type, also called Eotrigonobalanus eissmannii Walther & Zetter
1A), as well as by staminate inflorescences (fig. 1C) with pollen (Walther and Zetter 1999), suggests that this morphotype (fig.
in situ (fig. 1D) and vegetative organs such as foliage branches 2C) may belong to Eotrigonobalanus. This pollen, with faga-
(fig. 1B), isolated leaves, and stipules. All organs have been ceous morphology, but not corresponding to any particular ex-
combined into a single species because of the shared presence tant form, was found in concentrated masses on the leaf surfaces
of the same type of glandular trichomes (fig. 1E) and the regu- of Eotrigonobalanus.
lar co-occurrence of detached leaves, stipules, inflorescences, in- In the Evros Mountains, Thrace, northeastern Greece, accumu-
fructescences, fruitlets, and stamens at Markvartice in the lations of Eotrigonobalanus foliage accompany permineralized
Oligocene of northern Bohemia (Bůžek et al. 1967) and else- wood of the evergreen Quercus type, which may represent trunks
where. The plant is extinct and differs from living Platanus in of Eotrigonobalanus (Velitzelos et al. 1999). Several morphotaxa
the manner of attachment of the single head to the stalk, which of Eotrigonobalanus wood have been described. According to Sel-
is demarcated below by a narrow circuital rim (Kvaček and meier and Velitzelos (2000), this wood requires more comparison

Fig. 1 Platanus neptuni (Ettingsh.) Bůžek, Holý & Kvaček. A, Immature infructescence, lectotype, Kuclı́n, northern Bohemia, Eocene, 34. B, Leafy
twig, Kuclı́n, northern Bohemia, Eocene, 31. C, Staminate inflorescence, Markvartic, northern Bohemia, Oligocene, 35.5. D, Pollen in situ (SEM), Plesná,
core V 146, western Bohemia, Oligocene, 31500. E, Abaxial cuticle of a leaf compression, Plesná, core V 146, western Bohemia, Oligocene, 3350.

with the natural variation in wood anatomy seen in comparable 3D) with pollen in situ (fig. 3C) have also been recovered (Pingen
tropical Fagaceae. et al. 2001; Kvaček et al. 2002; Kvaček 2005).
The North American and Asian Craigia oregonensis (Arnold)
Kvaček, Bůžek & Manchester is known mostly from detached
fruit valves. However, in both locations, the pollen in situ or the
Malvaceae s.l. co-occurring dispersed pollen is of the Intratriporopollenites (i.e.,
tilioid) type. Kvaček et al. (2005) hesitated to assign the foliage
The case of fossil Craigia exemplifies a situation in which the accompanying fruits to the living genus and left both entities un-
name of the living genus is applied to reproductive organs, while der traditional morphotaxa: Dombeyopsis lobata Ung. and Plaf-
various morphogenera are used to accommodate vegetative re- keria obliquifolia (Chaney) Wolfe for the North American and
mains. Two extinct whole-plant species can be differentiated in Asian specimens, respectively. The two modern species of the ge-
the Northern Hemisphere (Kvaček et al. 2005). They are hardly nus also differ from each other more in foliar characters than in
distinguishable in fruit morphology but differ in the accom- fruit morphology. Only the large, mostly trilobate leaf fossils
panying foliage type. Craigia bronnii (Ung.) Kvaček, Bůžek & from Europe (fig. 3A, 3B) have yielded epidermal features that
Manchester from Europe (and Spitsbergen) is more completely match those of Craigia, but these features are also found in other
known. In addition to dispersed fruit valves, which are common, malvalean genera (Kvaček 2005).
complete fruits are also known in various stages of maturity (fig. Recent studies (Sakala 2007) revealed a new type of fossil mal-
3E), with seeds in situ. Dispersed flowers and flower buds (fig. valean wood, probably belonging to Craigia in the Oligocene of

Fig. 2 Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis (Rossm.) Walther & Kvaček/Eotrigonobalanus andreanszkyi (Mai) Walther & Kvaček/Eotrigonobalanus
eissmannii Walther & Zetter. A, Leaf impression, Staré Sedlo, western Bohemia, Eocene, 31.3. B, Leaf compression, Haselbach, Saxony,
Oligocene, 31.1. C, Pollen from the leaf surface (SEM), Zeitz, Saxony, Eocene, 34000. D, Fruit cupule, Etzdorf, Saxony, Eocene, 34.5. E,
Specimen in D from reverse side, 34.5. F, Abaxial leaf cuticle, Witznitz, Saxony, Oligocene, 3380.

northern Bohemia. The wood is semi–ring porous with vessels who recognized two morphospecies: Cercidiphyllum crenatum
mostly solitary or in short, radial multiples. Again, the problem (Ung.) R. Brown for leaves and Cercidiphyllum helveticum
of variation in wood structure of this type requires further com- (Heer) Jähnichen, Mai & Walther for fruits. Later studies of
parisons with extant taxa. The situation is further complicated Tertiary plants from the Czech Republic brought surprising
by the fact that other malvalean wood types occur with Craigia new information (Kvaček and Konzalová 1996). In particular,
fossils in volcanic areas of the Czech Republic, for example, co- the discovery of fertile branches with fruits attached (Oligocene
occurring fossil species of Tilia known by leaves and fruiting of Bechlejovice; fig. 4B), matching living Cercidiphyllum japo-
bracts (Kvaček and Walther 2004). Studies by Manchester nicum Sieb. & Zucc., made it unnecessary to assign fruits to an
et al. (2006), who characterized the wood of extant Craigia, independent morphospecies.
have facilitated further comparisons. One fossiliferous layer within the well-known Bı́lina Mine
in northern Bohemia, of Early Miocene age, also yielded stami-
Cercidiphyllaceae nate inflorescences in various stages of maturity in association
with the leaves and fruits of C. crenatum. While undeveloped
Remains of Cercidiphyllum, which are widely distributed in inflorescences appear similar to those of the living Cercidiphyl-
the European Tertiary, were revised by Jähnichen et al. (1980), lum (fig. 4D), fully mature inflorescences are different, with

Fig. 3 Dombeyopsis lobata Ung./Craigia bronnii (Ung.) Kvaček, Bůžek & Manchester. A, Leaf, Bı́lina Mine, N. Bohemia, Miocene, 31. B, Leaf,
lectotype, Brestany, northern Bohemia, Miocene, 31.3. C, Pollen in situ (SEM), Hambach, western Germany, Miocene, 31700. D, Flower bud,
Hambach, western Germany, Miocene, 320. E, Complete capsule, Bı́lina Mine, northern Bohemia, Miocene, 33.5.

long-stalked flowers arising from the basal scales in groups can be explained as paedomorphic. Living Cercidiphyllum is
of about four. Each flower has a pentamerous perianth (fig. arrested in the development of staminate flowers in a juvenile
4G) and several stamens with long filaments (fig. 4C). Thus, stage.
this fossil Cercidiphyllum is clearly not identical with the liv- Fossil wood of the Cercidiphyllum type co-occurs with C.
ing species, which has naked male flowers. It does, however, crenatum in volcanic areas in northern Bohemia. It is assigned to
provide evidence of the likely primitive condition in the group Cercidiphylloxylon kadanense Prakash et al. (1971). This species
and supports the inclusion of Cercidiphyllaceae in Saxifra- of fossil wood shares many features with living Cercidiphyllum,
gales, as emphasized by molecular data (Fishbein et al. 2001). according to Sakala and Privé-Gill (2004): diffuse-porous wood
In all other details, including the morphology of stamens and with mostly solitary vessels, angular in outline; scalariform perfo-
pollen in situ (fig. 4A), as well as leaves (fig. 4E) and fruits ration plates with ;40 bars; and heterocellular, mostly bi- to
(fig. 4F), C. crenatum matches living Cercidiphyllum. The re- triseriate rays. This plant provides the oldest record of wood at-
duction of staminate inflorescences in living representatives tributable directly to the genus Cercidiphyllum.

Fig. 4 Cercidiphyllum crenatum (Ung.) R. Brown. A, Pollen in situ, Bı́lina Mine, northern Bohemia, Early Miocene, 3600. B, Fertile leafy twig (position
of fruits marked by arrows), Bechlejovice, northern Bohemia, Oligocene, 31. C, Staminate inflorescence with long-stalked flowers, showing narrow perianth
and stamens, Bı́lina Mine, northern Bohemia, Miocene, 32.2. D, Pair of immature staminate inflorescences, same locality as C, 32. E, Leaf impression, same
locality as C, 31. F, Group of fruits, same locality as C, 33. G, Staminate inflorescence with pentamerous perianth devoid of stamens, same locality as C, 33.

Nyssaceae swamp assemblage preserved in the clay just above the worked
coal seam.
Nyssa bilinica (Ung.) Kvaček is another example of a more Foliage of N. bilinica is well characterized by epidermal anat-
completely known fossil plant that does not match any single omy with spatulate trichomes (fig. 5C; see also Kvaček and Bůžek
living representative of the genus. It was recovered in the Bı́lina 1972). Two leaf forms can be recognized: large, more mesomor-
area, together with Cercidiphyllum and other plants from the phic shade leaves with visible stomata and less distinct papillae on

the lower surface (fig. 5A) and narrow, coriaceous sun leaves (fig. The co-occurring fruits are preserved partly with the fleshy
5B) with heavily papillate lower cuticles and deeply sunken sto- exocarp (fig. 5E) and partly as isolated stones. The fruits in the
mata. They were distinguished as two forms of the same species fleshy exocarps are similar to those of the Nyssa sylvatica–Nyssa
(Kvaček in Kvaček et al. 2004, p. 29). Leaf morphology and epi- sinensis complex but are much larger. The endocarps are ribbed,
dermal anatomy (papillate abaxial surface) both suggest a relation- unlike those in N. javanica. According to Eyde (1997), they do
ship to the living Nyssa javanica complex. not match any living species.

Fig. 5 Nyssa bilinica (Ung.) Kvaček. A, Shade leaf (forma bilinica), Bı́lina Mine, northern Bohemia, Miocene, 31. B, Sun leaf (forma haidingeri),
same locality as A, 31.8. C, Abaxial cuticle of a shade leaf, same locality as A, 3300. D, Pollen in situ from staminate inflorescence, 31000. E, Fruit
with compressed exocarp, same locality as A, 31.8. F, Staminate inflorescence, same locality as A, 31.2.

Staminate inflorescences (fig. 5F) with pollen in situ (fig. 5D) Geissert wisely embedded the fossil leaf compressions in glyc-
co-occur in the same layer of the Bı́lina Mine and obviously be- erol on the bottom of transparent plastic boxes to keep them
long to the same plant (J. Sakala, Z. Kvaček, and J. Dašková, un- moist for future cuticular studies (Kvaček et al. 2008).
published manuscript). The inflorescences are globular (as opposed One of the leaf forms (fig. 6A, 6C) is similar to Acer leaves
to cylindrical in the N. sylvatica–N. sinensis group) and sub- but is different in stomatal type and pubescence (fig. 6C). The
tended by small bracts, as in the N. javanica complex, but a list of the co-occurring carpoflora (Geissert 1972) and prelimi-
detailed comparative study of pollen in situ (Dasková 2000) nary reports (Geissert 1987; Geissert et al. 1990) include seeds
suggests a relationship to the N. sylvatica–N. sinensis group. In (fig. 6D) assigned to Trichosanthes fragilis E. M. Reid (Cucurbi-
this case, the fossil appears to represent an extinct Nyssa line- taceae). This genus of herbaceous plants, which is today confined
age, perhaps endemic to the Miocene of Europe, that incorpo- to Asia and Australia, often produces palmately lobed leaves
rates features of several living descendants from North America somewhat similar to maple foliage. Comparison of epidermal
and Asia. It is certainly not an isolated case in the European structure in Cucurbitaceae also shows that several leaf fossils
Tertiary. Similar combinations of characters have been found from Alsace, although quite variable in form, can be assigned to
in extinct Juglandaceae (e.g., Engelhardia complex) and other genera of Cucurbitaceae near Trichosanthes on the basis of sto-
groups with the Asa Gray disjunction. mata, trichomes, and peculiar shield glands on the leaf surface.
It is still uncertain whether the dispersed seeds really belong
to Trichosanthes or to a different genus of Cucurbitaceae. Most
Cucurbitaceae authors (Szafer 1947; Dorofeev 1963, 1966; Geissert et al.
1990) followed the initial suggestion by Reid (1921), but per-
This last case, drawn from the Cucurbitaceae, shows how haps more comparative studies will be necessary to confirm this
combining co-occurring fossil organs may help guide a search systematic assignment. The seeds are characteristically orna-
for living counterparts. The nicely preserved Pliocene flora of mented on the surface but so far have not been compared ade-
Alsace collected by the late Fritz Geissert (Geissert 1972; Geis- quately because of the limited number of living plants. In leaf
sert et al. 1990) is available as isolated carbonized leaf fossils. architecture, the fossils compare well with only a few East

Fig. 6 Trichosanthes sp./Trichosanthes fragilis E.M. Reid. A, Isolated leaf compression, Auenheim, Alsace, Pliocene, 32.5. B, Isolated leaf
compression, Auenheim, Alsace, Pliocene, 32.2. C, Abaxial cuticle of the leaf in C, 3200. D, Seed, Sessenheim, Alsace, Pliocene, 33.

Asiatic living representatives of Trichosanthes that have entire- fruits, etc.). Experience shows that such reconstructions contribute
margin–lobed leaves. Additional work on foliage of other ex- to a more complete understanding of angiosperm evolution and
tant Cucurbitaceae is needed to establish a more secure base for can help correct errors in the systematic interpretation of previ-
further comparisons. ously described plant fossils. A refined understanding of whole
Mädler (1939) described leaf forms from the Pliocene of Nie- plants can also serve more reliably as the basis for paleoecological
derrad similar to those from Alsace as maple leaves (Mädler and climatological considerations and any other interpretations in
1939, pl. 9, figs. 17, 18); these are accompanied by the kind of phytostratigraphy and paleobiogeography.
seeds just described (Engelhardt and Kinkelin 1908; Mädler
1939). Unfortunately, this plant was completely destroyed by
bombing during the Second World War. Because of this newly Acknowledgments
suggested reconstruction (Kvaček et al. 2008), Trichosanthes fo-
liage reported from the Upper Miocene of Kodor (Kolakovsky This article reviews results of many previous studies that I carried
1964) may not belong to this family. Those leaves correspond out together with C. Bůžek, F. Holý, S. R. Manchester, H. Walther,
much better to a different leaf form of the Miocene Berberidaceae J. Sakala, and others. This fruitful cooperation is greatly appreci-
called Epimedium praeasperum (Andreánszky) Givulescu (1979). ated. I also greatly appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the
Else Marie Friis Jubilee Conference, Stockholm, 2007. I thank P.
Endress (Zurich) for discussion on relationship of Cercidiphylla-
Conclusions ceae; J. Sakala (Prague) for data on fossil wood; S. R. Manchester
(Gainesville, FL) and the reviewers, who suggested improvements
Recent studies of fossil angiosperms reiterate the importance of of the text; and V. Teodoridis (Prague) for technical assistance in
the whole-plant concept for a full understanding of fossil angio- preparing illustrations. Most work presented here was subsidized
sperms. Although this can be a risky undertaking, reliable recon- by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic within various projects,
structions can be accomplished by the use several lines of evidence most recently by the Ministry of Education and Youth, Czech Re-
(studies of pollen and cuticles in situ, co-occurring wood, foliage, public, within Research Scheme MSM 002162085.

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