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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Tuesday | August 18, 2020

Supes decide on final site for Confederate statue

Discord among supervisors continues they agreed the selected site is a
better fit because of its proximi-
The next step, said County
Engineer Bob Calvert, is to sub-

over Sanders’ refusal to resign ty to the Confederate section of

the cemetery.
mit several materials to Missis-
sippi Department of Archives
District 1 Supervisor Harry and History (MDAH) for ap-
BY YUE STELLA YU officials at the city-owned ceme- Sanders said Monday he and his proval, including a legal descrip-
tery — where both Confederate
fellow supervisors visited the tion and photos of the new site,
and Union soldiers are buried sites Aug. 3, and all favored the photos of the cracks and damag-
In a unanimous vote, Lown-
— as potential relocation sites. one selected. es on the monument and plan on
des County supervisors select-
ed Monday a piece of land ad- The alternative, which is locat- Sanders Brooks “We looked at both sites, and how to relocate the structure.
jacent to Confederate soldiers’ ed near the Tombigbee River to- I think the consensus was … the During the meeting, super-
graves at Friendship Cemetery ward the west of the cemetery, county to facilitate the process. best site would be the one over visors agreed the plan should
as the new location for the Con- is easier for heavy-duty trucks Compared to the alternative, where the Confederate soldiers be to relocate the entire monu-
federate monument outside the to navigate, city officials previ- some supervisors previously are buried, rather than the oth- ment, although some expressed
county courthouse. ously said. Mayor Robert Smith said the approved site may prove er end of the cemetery where concerns that such a plan may
The spot is one of the two lo- has said the city will yield the more challenging for monument there’s no historical value to put be expensive.
cations proposed by Columbus ownership of either parcel to the movers. Despite the difficulties, it there,” he said. See LOWNDES SUPES, 3A

West Point grappling with relocating Starkville man

Confederate monument at City Hall charged with
Mayor ‘not opposed’ to moving
it, concerned about funding
murder in
June stabbing
WEST POINT — Over the
past few months, Blair Key
Victim died Saturday
and Barry White have been
fielding more calls that usual.
from wounds sustained
One of the more recent
calls came from West Point
during attack
Mayor Robbie Robinson. DISPATCH STAFF REPORT
Robinson reached out to
Key, owner of Columbus Mar- A Starkville man
ble Works, and White, direc- Robinson was charged with
tor of historic preservation murder Monday for
for the Mississippi Department of Archives
the stabbing of an-
and History, to inquire about the possibility
other man in June.
of moving the Confederate monument located
Johnny Harris,
on city property next to City Hall.
63, was initially
“We’ve probably had about 10 calls from
charged with ag-
municipalities and counties about moving
gravated assault
monuments,” White said. “Most of them just Harris
want to know about the process.” for stabbing Elbert
Aside from Lowndes County, whose notice Vaughn, 56, on
of intent was filed with MDAH on Friday, most June 19 at the Roselawn Terrace
of the local governments are in the fact-gath- apartment complex on South Mont-
ering stage. gomery Street. Oktibbeha County
It’s much the same for Key, whose compa- Coroner Michael Hunt said Vaughn
ny has had informal talk “with about a dozen” died Saturday at North Mississippi
cities and counties about moving monuments. Medical Center in Tupelo.
To date, Columbus Marble Works has been Vaughn was initially treated
contracted to relocate just one monument — for the stab wound at OCH Re-
moving one at Ole Miss across campus to a gional Medical Center in June but
cemetery where Confederate soldiers are remained unstable and was trans-
buried. ferred to NMMC a few days later,
Antranik Tavitian/Dispatch Staff Hunt said. He was eventually placed
“I’ve given some cost estimates to some
West Point city officials are looking into the possibility of relocating a Confeder- in hospice care, and an autopsy has
ate monument first placed on the grounds of City Hall in 1907. The most likely others,” Key said. “I think, right now, they are
destination for the monument would be the city-owned Greenwood Cemetery, just trying to get an idea of how much it will been ordered since his death.
but Mayor Robbie Robinson said finding the $70,000 or more estimated for the cost and what the process is.” Harris and Vaughn both lived at
project will be a challenge. See MONUMENT, 6A See MURDER, 6A

Oktibbeha board considering

hazard pay for election workers
a precinct, therefore at risk of
Individual counties contracting the COVID-19 coro-
would cover hazard navirus.
The commission does not
pay for Sept. 22 have hazard pay in its budget,
especially since it did not antic-
special election ipate a special election, and the
federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief
BY TESS VRBIN and Economic Security Act did Montgomery Williams
not cover the cost either, Ful-
the state Legislature. gham said. Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff
Oktibbeha supervisors ta- Greg Fulgham, District 1 “Occasionally the Secretary Toby Sanford, left, Geographic Information System director at the Gold-
bled the suggestion to provide of State will drop down some en Triangle Planning and Development District, presents the updated
commissioner on the Oktibbe-
$50 maximum in hazard pay to house count for the county’s garbage collection services to Supervisors
ha County Election Commis- money, but we haven’t been Joe Williams of District 5 and Board President John Montgomery of Dis-
each poll worker working the sion, said at Monday’s meeting promised any money yet,” he trict 1 Monday. GTPDD is responsible for counting the houses, billing
upcoming special election on that poll workers will be in di- said. the residents and collecting the money, which the county then pays to
Sept. 22 for two open seats in rect contact with all voters in See OKTIBBEHA SUPES, 6A Golden Triangle Waste Services.


1 Launched by Linden Labs in 2003, and populated MEETINGS
by avatars, which massive virtual world was created by Aug. 18: Starkville
users? Board of Aldermen
2 Which former Mr. Universe left bodybuilding for the title meeting, 5:30 p.m.,
role in the CBS television series “The Incredible Hulk”? City Hall
3 According to a 2014 list by the Weather Channel, which Aug. 25: OCH
Dutch island in the Caribbean is home to a runway that is
only 7,150 feet long? Regional Medical
Elly Townsend Center Board of
4 Which British comedian co-wrote, co-directed and
Third grade, Heritage Trustees, 4 p.m.
starred in a BBC sitcom about daily life at the Wernham

91 Low 67
Hogg Paper Company? Aug. 28: Starkville
High 5 What fashion-forward Supreme Court Chief Justice Board of Aldermen
Sun and clouds
decked out his conservative black robe with four gold work session, 10
stripes on the sleeves in 1995? a.m., City Hall
Full forecast on Answers, 6B
page 3A. Sept. 1: Starkville
Board of Aldermen
INSIDE meeting, 5:30 p.m.,
City Hall
Classifieds 5,6B Health 6A Sept. 11:
Comics 3B Obituaries 5A Taliyah Lowe, 12, goes to Columbus Starkville Board
Crossword 6B Opinions 4A Middle School where she plays of Aldermen work
Dear Abby 3B basketball. session, 10 a.m.,


2A TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2020 The Dispatch •

Dems put divides aside, rally

behind Biden at convention

NEW YORK — Michelle Obama

delivered a passionate condemna-
Michelle Obama warns at DNC
tion of President Donald Trump
during the opening night of the
Democratic National Convention,
that Trump is ‘in over his head’
declaring him “in over his head” and THE ASSOCIATED PRESS whelming popularity in her party.
warning that the nation’s mounting She delivered her remarks in
crises would only get worse if he’s WASHINGTON — At the 2016 a casual setting — a living room,
reelected over Joe Biden. Democratic National Convention, with a Biden campaign sign on
“Donald Trump is the wrong former Michelle Obama told party the mantle — and identified as
president for our country,” she said. members that “when they go low, much with the beleaguered voters
“He cannot meet this moment. He we go high.” of America as the lineup of poli-
simply cannot be who we need him After four years of President ticians that preceded her in the
to be for us.” Donald Trump, she came back to program.
The former first lady, one of the give it to them straight. “You know I hate politics,” she
nation’s most respected women, “If you think things cannot pos- said, before diving into a speech
was the headliner at the first pres- sibly get worse, trust me they can; that appealed to both her long-
idential nominating convention and they will, if we don’t make a time fans in the Democratic coa-
of the coronavirus era. There was change in this election,” Mrs. lition and a broad audience she’s
no central meeting place or cheer- Obama told her party in a blunt drawn since leaving the White
ing throng during the all-virtual and emotional appeal that capped House and becoming a bestselling
affair Monday night. But it was an the first night of the Democrats’ author.
opportunity for Democrats — and convention. The president “has had more
some Republicans — to rally be- The former first lady outlined than enough time to prove that he
hind Biden, the party’s presidential dire stakes for the election ahead, can do the job, but he is clearly in
nominee. declaring President Donald over his head,” she said. “He can-
Bernie Sanders, the progressive Trump “in over his head” and the not meet this moment.”
Vermont senator who was Biden’s “wrong president for our coun- “It is what it is,” Mrs. Obama
last standing rival during the pri- try.” Warning of possible voter said — echoing a remark Trump
mary, encouraged his loyal sup- suppression, she told Americans made recently about the U.S.
porters to vote for the former vice they must vote for Joe Biden “in death toll from the coronavirus.
president in November, arguing the numbers that cannot be ignored” Citing the pandemic, the flag-
nation can’t survive another four if they want to preserve the “most ging economy, the political unrest
years of Trump. He notably backed basic requirements for a function- that’s broken out nationwide over
Biden’s plan for tackling health ing society.” systemic racism and what she de-
care, one of their most substantive The scathing assessment was scribed as America’s lack of lead-
differences in the past. Sanders delivered in the last and longest ership on the world stage, Mrs.
backs a Medicare for All plan while speech in Democrats’ experi- Obama said the nation is “under-
Biden has called for expanding the ment with a virtual convention in performing not simply on matters
current “Obamacare” law.” the coronavirus era, a spot Mrs. of policy, but on matters of char-
But it was Michelle Obama, Obama earned through her over- acter.”
making her fourth convention ap-
pearance, who once again delivered
an electrifying moment. Wearing ers who twice sent her family to the universal health care plan, Biden
a necklace that said “vote,” she White House. also won backing from Ohio’s for-
tapped into her enduring populari- Biden will formally accept the mer Republican Gov. John Kasich,
ty among Black voters and college nomination on Thursday near his an anti-abortion conservative who
educated suburban women — vot- home in Wilmington, Delaware. spent decades fighting to cut gov-
ers Biden will need to show up in His running mate, California Sen. ernment spending.
force. Kamala Harris, who is the first “My friends, I say to you, and
She issued a stark warning to a Black woman on a national ticket, to everyone who supported oth-
country already navigating health speaks Wednesday night. er candidates in this primary and
and economic crises along with a Leading up to that, Biden sought to those who may have voted for
reckoning on racism. on opening night to demonstrate
Donald Trump in the last election:
“If you think things possibly the broad ideological range of his
can’t get worse, trust me, they can The future of our democracy is at
and they will if we don’t make a On the same night he was stake. The future of our economy
change in this election,” she said praised by Sanders, a self-de- is at stake. The future of our plan-
as she issued a call to action for the scribed democratic socialist who et is at stake,” Sanders said as he
coalition of young and diverse vot- championed a multitrillion-dollar endorsed Biden’s health care plan.

Amid outcry, postmaster general to testify before House

urday on legislation that
The Postal Service said it has stopped removing would prohibit changes at
mailboxes and mail-sorting machines amid outcry the agency. The package
will also include $25 bil-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS leveled fresh criticism a major Republican donor, lion to shore up the Postal
on universal ballots and have endangered millions Service, which faces con-
WASHINGTON — mail-in voting. of Americans who rely on tinued financial losses.
Facing a public backlash “Wouldn’t do that,” the post office to obtain The Postal Service is
over mail disruptions, the Trump told reporters prescription drugs and among the nation’s old-
Trump administration Monday at the White other needs, including an est and more popular
scrambled to respond as House. “I have encour- expected surge in mail-in institutions, strained in
the House prepared an
aged everybody: Speed voting this fall. recent years by declines
emergency vote to halt de-
up the mail, not slow the Speaker Nancy Pelosi first-class and business
livery delays and service
mail.” is calling the House back mail, but now hit with
changes that Democrats
warned could imperil the Embattled Postmas- into session over the cri- new challenges during
November election. ter General Louis DeJoy sis at the Postal Service, the coronavirus pandem-
The Postal Service will testify next Monday setting up a political ic. Trump routinely criti-
said it has stopped re- before Congress, along showdown amid growing cizes its business model,
moving mailboxes and with the chairman of the concerns that the Trump but the financial outlook
mail-sorting machines Postal Service board of White House is trying to is far more complex, and
amid an outcry from law- governors. undermine the agency includes an unusual re-
makers. President Don- Democrats and some ahead of the election. quirement to pre-fund re-
ald Trump flatly denied Republicans say actions Pelosi cut short law- tiree health benefits that
he was asking for the mail by the new postmaster makers’ summer recess advocates in Congress
to be delayed even as he general, a Trump ally and with a vote expected Sat- want to undo.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2020 3A

Mississippi will provide free virus testing to teachers

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS hopeful about the state’s

JACKSON — The state of 80% of Vermont inmates at Mississippi prison infected coronavirus numbers. Howev-
er, with students returning to
Mississippi is expanding ac- K-12 schools and colleges, he is
Valley Correctional
cess to free coronavirus testing
Facility in Rutland.
THE NUMBERS missioner is respon-
sible for, have tested concerned about more out-
for teachers and school-based An outbreak of the coro-
n Vermont reported breaks if safety protocols are
That prompted Ver- 12 new cases of the positive.
emergency telehealth coverage navirus at a private prison in mont’s Corrections coronavirus on Monday “This situation not followed.
after more than 70 of the state’s Mississippi has now infected Department on July for a statewide total has got to be man- “We have some real oppor-
82 counties have reported 80% of the Vermont inmates 30 to order that the to date of more than aged,” he said, tunities, we also have some
outbreaks during their first few housed there and more test remaining Vermont 1,520. Three people adding that he un- threats,” he said,
weeks back in the classroom. results are pending, the head inmates in Missis- were hospitalized. The derstood that the Meanwhile, college sports
The Mississippi State De- of the Vermont Corrections sippi be tested. total number of deaths facility is in a loca- are also surging ahead in the
partment of Health has report- Department said Monday. Most of the Ver- remained at 58. More tion “that has an state. The University of Florida
ed 245 cases of coronavirus in A total of 176 Vermont in- mont inmates who than 113,200 people enormous amount of football team will play at the
teachers and 199 in students mates at the Tallahatchie have tested positive
have been tested so
community spread.”
since some districts began far, according to the University of Mississippi on
County Correctional Facility are asymptomat- Health Department. “That means
returning to school in late July. Sept. 26. Mississippi State will
in Tutwiler, Mississippi, test- ic and 119 are in you’ve got to double
More than 2,000 students and ed positive for COVID-19, the play Louisiana State University
medical recovery, down on your proto-
around 600 teachers at the illness caused by the virus, he said. About 20 are consid- cols to prevent the community on the same day.
start of this week are in quaran- and 33 have tested negative, ered to be vulnerable based spread from coming into your The Health Department
tine after being exposed to the Interim Vermont Corrections on their health conditions, he facility,” he said. said Monday that Mississippi,
virus, Mississippi’s state health Commissioner Jim Baker said. The Corrections Depart- CoreCivic, the operator of with a population of about 3
officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs said. said. One inmate is hospital- ment is watching four inmates the prison, is now in the pro- million, has had at least 72,412
To curb the spread of the ized. More test results are very closely, Baker said. cess of testing the remaining reported cases and at least
virus, Dobbs announced pending, he said. The Corrections Depart- inmates from other states, 2,095 deaths from COVID-19
Monday that K-12 teachers in “We are anticipating that ment sent staff down to the Baker said. as of Sunday evening. That’s
the state will now have access we could see more positives,” prison and rewrote protocols In Vermont, testing this an increase of 276 confirmed
to free testing, whether or not Baker said. for the prison, such as for month at the Rutland prison cases and 11 deaths from num-
they have symptoms or know Vermont houses 219 in- contract tracing and the prop- after the return of the infect- bers reported the day before,
they’ve been exposed. They mates in Mississippi, because er use of personal protective ed inmates, has not turned with two deaths occurring
will be able to be tested at the of a lack of capacity in its equipment, he said. up any new positive cases, he between July 26 and July 27
state’s two community testing own prisons. In late July, six Baker said he could not said. Following contract trac-
inmates who were returned and identified later from death
sites, as well as 16 new regional express how disappointing it ing, two correctional officers
to Vermont from Mississippi certificates.
mobile testing sites to be set up was to learn that 80.4% of Ver- were tested by private health
prison tested positive when mont inmates in Mississippi, care providers and tested pos- The true number of virus
early next week.
they arrived at the Marble who he as corrections com- itive, he said. infections is thought to be far
Additionally, the Mississippi
higher because many people
Division of Medicaid said that
it has expanded its coverage to have not been tested and
sure that Mississippi’s schools and we know that there are Mississippi has seen de-
allow schools without nurses or studies suggest people can be
“will remain safe,” adding that risks if we choose not to open clining cases in recent weeks
school-based clinics to access he hopes expanding testing schools,” Reeves said during a after a surge of new cases and infected without feeling sick.
telehealth services. That for teachers, in particular, will news briefing. “Our job, once deaths in July. On July 29, the The virus causes mild or mod-
change began Aug. 1 and will give educators confidence and we have decided to do every- state’s seven-day average peak- erate symptoms for most but
continue through the end of the “peace of mind” about return- thing we can to safely reopen ed at 1,390 cases. On Monday, can be more severe or fatal for
pandemic, officials said. ing to school. schools, is to then administer the state’s seven-day average some, especially older adults
Republican Gov. Tate Reeves “We know that there are and find programs to mitigate was below 700. and those with existing health
said the two measures will en- risks with opening schools, risks as much as possible.” Dobbs said he is feeling problems.

Lowndes supes
Continued from Page 1A
District 3 Supervisor visor Leroy Brooks said Point, which he said can water utility permits and President Lavonne Latham leaders as well as the major-
John Holliman, who is moving only parts of the yield results in 20 min- designating new private Harris also called for Sand- ity of the supervisors have
also presiding over board monument goes against utes. roads in District 1. ers to resign. Protesters, called for him to entirely
meetings as the acting people’s will. “If somebody … is paid Sanders questioned local business and church resign from the board.
president, told The Dis- “There needs to be four days or five days wait- their abstentions — a
patch he would favor relo- some discussion with the ing on the results, and all method Smith and Brooks
cating parts instead of all people that made the re- of a sudden it comes back said shows their refusal
of the monument. quest,” he said. “In their … negative,” he said, “we to move on from Sanders’
“Moving all of it is go- mind, they said ‘monu- pay somebody four days comments.
ing to be really expensive. ment,’ and the rational or five days sitting at “We’ve got (supervi-
I suggested one time be- thinking would be the en- home when there’s no rea- sors of) District 4 and
fore about leaving the bot- tire thing.” son to do that.” District 5 abstaining every
tom part and just taking Fisher said the safest single issue that’s brought
option is to take the stan- up,” he said. “Then all of a
the soldier, the top part,
and moving it,” he said.
Employee COVID dard tests, which he said sudden, when something
“Right now, taxpayers, policies lowers the risk of false comes up … spending the
they tell me they don’t In other business, su- negative results. county’s money in District
want to pay for it.” pervisors passed a set of “The ‘instant’ tests … 4 on the roads, all of a sud-
Sanders shared the COVID-19 policies across I think, have less accura- den, you got the supervi-
same concern and raised county departments, cy than the tests that are sor down there voting for
the question if the board which was drafted by in- processed by laboratory, it.”
could reverse its June 15 coming County Adminis- which is taking multiple Brooks refuted Sand-
vote to relocate the mon- trator Jay Fisher. days,” he said. “If you ex- ers’ claim, arguing that
ument. Instead of screening hibit symptoms, it might Sanders was the reason
“If the cost to move this employees daily, the coun- be in your best interest to they abstained.
thing is so high … is there ty requires employees take the longer test, be- “If we choose not to
any chance we can leave to self-report to their su- cause you are going to be vote, that’s our preroga-
it where it is?” Sanders pervisors if they develop out regardless.” tive. It’s not your job to
asked Calvert during the sy mptoms The Dispatch will file question what we do,”
meeting. “That could be or have a public records request Brooks said. “We abstain
an option down the road been ex- today with the sheriff’s because every time we
as we look at all the data.” posed to office for its COVID-19-re- look at you, we get sick to
Former Columbus positive lated policies regarding the stomach. So don’t you
Packet owner Roger C OV I D -1 9 employees and jail in- question when we vote
Larsen, who spoke at the patients, mates. and why we vote, you just
Monday meeting, told the F i s h e r handle your business.”
board he can raise enough said. They Fisher Sanders clashes with During the meeting,
private funds for the re- must then Lowndes County NAACP
location of parts of the receive a test, self-quar- Smith, Brooks over
monument. Although the antine for at least 14 days abstention from
language of the state law and remain symptom-free agenda items
prohibits the alteration of for at least 72 hours before Two months after
a war monument, he said coming back to work. Sanders made remarks
there may be “leeway” for While under self-quar- that Black Americans re-
the county. The county antine, employees will mained “dependent” since
could also wait for the lo- be paid up to 80 hours of slavery ended, two Black
cal delegation to the state sick leave, Fisher said, but supervisors — Jeff Smith
Legislature to push for since there is no desig- of District 4 and Brooks —
bills that would allow the nated testing location for continue to abstain from
move, he said. them, the wait period for most county businesses
“The law … it sounds the results may vary. discussed during board
strict initially, but it gives Sanders asked Fisher meetings.
you all kinds of outs,” he if the county can recom- On Monday, they ab-
said. “The last thing the mend employees to take stained from items such as
Archives and History (De- the tests in clinics in West the county’s claim docket,
partment) is doing right
now is trying to impede a
good-faith effort to solve
the situation.”
Board Attorney Tim
Hudson said the county
could have submitted a
plan to MDAH to relocate
parts of the monument for
approval. If approved, that
could have left the county
with some flexibility to de-
cide how much of the mon- SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates

ument it wants to move. peak-feeding times for fish and game.

Tues. Wed.
Major 12:22a 1:17a
“If you submitted a plan Minor 6:09a 7:16a
to approve part of it, that Major 12:50p 1:43p
Minor 7:38p
doesn’t mean you have Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
to do that. But if they OK

The Dispatch
that, you save money and
move it. And if the board
decided, ‘No, we want to
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
move it all,’ well, hell, if Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
they’ll approve moving Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
parts, you know they’ll ap- POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
prove moving all,” Hudson The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
told The Dispatch. Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip:
But District 5 Super-
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

An especially relevant centennial
On this day 100 years ago, women N.Y. Generations of women who fought the amendment, sending it to the states both registered to vote and voted at a
in the United States earned the right for the right died without seeing the for ratification. Two-thirds of the states, higher rate than men.
to vote with the ratification of the 19th fruits of their labor, yet the effort never 36 in all, were needed to ratify the According to the latest data, 53 per-
Amendment to the Constitution. faltered, even in the face of repeated amendment. It came down to Tennes- cent of registered voters in the U.S. are
While some centennials are regard- failure. see, which voted for ratification by a women. In the 2018 midterm elections,
ed as little more than historical foot- Although women had secured the one-vote margin on this date in 1920, women voted at a 3.2 percent higher
notes to be casually noted and quickly right to vote in several western states bringing a successful end to a cam- rate than men.
forgotten, this anniversary retains as by the turn of the century, the first paign that had started 172 years earlier. Now, as we approach the 2020 elec-
much powerful relevance today as when effort to extend voting rights to wom- Today, the significance of the 19th tions in November, we should all take a
it was first enacted. en throughout the nation through an Amendment cannot be overstated. moment to recognize the long struggle
The journey of the suffrage move- amendment to the Constitution was Once earning the right to vote — a for women’s suffrage, as well as the
ment remains one of the most powerful proposed in 1878. Every year, the right not fully extended to Black wom- sacrifices of Black Americans in the
examples of persistence in American proposal was made in Congress. Every en until the 1965 Voting Rights Act — South, to secure the right to vote. It did
History. The American suffrage move- year, it failed — a string 41 consecutive women have become perhaps the most not come easily or painlessly.
ment traces its history to 1848 when failures. powerful voting bloc in our nation. The best tribute we can make is to
200 women convened in Seneca Falls, Finally, in 1919, Congress approved Over the past 40 years, women have register and vote.


It’s bigot time: Rattled by
Kamala Harris, Trump &
friends go full white power

Joe Biden’s selection of Sen. Kamala Harris as

his running mate last week placed two facts on
graphic display. The first is that President Donald
Trump, who is rattled by accomplished women
generally, is deeply rattled by Harris, a former
prosecutor who, as a member of the Senate Ju-
diciary Committee, drilled holes in experienced
dissemblers like Attorney General William Barr
and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
The second is that Trump’s reelection chances
hinge on two tactics: discouraging citizens of color
from voting in November or preventing them from
doing so altogether, and ginning up the largest
possible turnout of white voters disposed to think
that nonwhites threaten their way of life, if not their
A recent Pew Research Center survey told us
what we need to know about Trump’s path to retain-
ing power. It found that Biden leads Trump among
Blacks 89% to 8%, among Hispanics 63% to 35% and
among Asian Americans 67% to 31%. Among white
men with college degrees, Biden is ahead 58% to
41%; among white women with college degrees, he
leads 63% to 35%.
That leaves exactly one demographic that favors
Trump: white Americans without college degrees,
and he leads among them by nearly 2 to 1. Therein
The progressive racism of the Ivy League
lies the simplicity of Trump’s battle plan: suppress- If the definition of over diversity are basic nate against, or grant preferential
ing the vote in communities of color, frightening racism is deliberate questions, the resolu- treatment to, any individual or
the devil out of non-college-educated whites and discrimination based tion of which will affect group on the basis of race, sex,
pushing the view that he is the Preserver of White on race, color or the long-term unity of color, ethnicity, or national origin
Power incarnate. national origin, Yale the American nation. in the operation of public employ-
It worked for Trump in 2016, and he hopes it will University appears to Is discrimination ment, public education, or public
work again in 2020. In the lead-up to Biden’s widely be a textbook case of against white stu- contracting.”
expected choice of Harris, whose mother was born “systemic racism.” dents in favor of Black What Californians said in 1996
in India and father was born in Jamaica, Trump And, so, the De- students with far lower was: No discrimination means no
called the movement to affirm that Black lives mat- partment of Justice test scores morally discrimination.
ter “a symbol of hate,” stoking certain whites’ fear contends. acceptable if done to Civil rights activist Ward
of Blacks with characteristic elegance. Touting his Last week, Assistant advance racial “diver- Connerly, who is fighting the
rollback of an Obama administration rule simply re- Attorney General Eric Patrick J. Buchanan sity”? repeal of Prop 209, argues that
quiring local communities receiving federal fund- Dreiband charged, And, if so, for how while street mobs may be tearing
ing to study racial discrimination and set goals for “Yale discriminates based on long? Forever? down statues, West Coast liberals
reducing segregation, Trump declared himself the its undergraduate ad- Is it praiseworthy to advance are tearing down the principle of
savior of lily-white America. “I am happy to inform missions process and race is the Hispanic applicants over Asian equality.
all of the people living their Suburban Lifestyle determinative factor in hundreds applicants with far higher test It is the character of the repub-
Dream,” he tweeted, “that you will no longer be of admissions decisions each year. scores and academic achieve- lic that is at issue here.
bothered or financially hurt by having low income “Asian Americans and whites ments? If Asian Americans, outnum-
housing built in your neighborhood.” Suburbanites, have only one-tenth to one-fourth Why? What did these Chinese, bered 5 to 1 by Black and Hispanic
he continued, “are thrilled that I ended the long of the likelihood of admission as Korean, Filipino and Vietnamese Americans, can be indefinitely
running program where low income housing would African American applicants with high school seniors do to deserve discriminated against, this would
invade their neighborhood.” In order to make sure comparable academic creden- discrimination in the country to appear to be the very definition of
that no whites missed the message, he told report- tials... which their parents came where, “un-American.”
ers on July 31: “You build low-income housing, and “Yale uses race at multiple supposedly, “All men are created And if white Americans, the
you build other forms of housing — also having steps of its admissions process equal”? shrinking majority of the nation
to do with zoning — and destroy people that resulting in a multiplied effect of President Lyndon Johnson first and a minority in our most pop-
have lived in communities in suburbia. For years, race on an applicant’s likelihood formally introduced this notion of ulous states, can indefinitely be
they’ve lived there, and they want to destroy their of admission. benevolent racial discrimination. discriminated against in favor of
lives and destroy what they have.” “Yale racially balances its Addressing D.C.’s Howard Univer- people of color, they will eventu-
If Trump has a distinctive hallmark, it is his lack classes.” sity in 1965, LBJ said in a speech ally embrace the tribal politics of
of class, and he reminded us of it when the selec- Yale defends this admissions written by Richard Goodwin, “We race and identity that would risk
tion of Harris was announced. Born and raised policy by claiming it considers the seek...not just equality as a right the breakup of the union, as is
in California, Harris is indisputably an American “whole person” — leadership, a and a theory but equality as a fact happening in Europe and around
citizen. This did not stop Trump from pointedly likelihood students “will contrib- and equality as a result.” the world.
encouraging the crackpot hogwash that Harris’ ute to the Yale Community and But what if equality of opportu- The taproot of progressive
citizenship is an “open question.” “If she’s got a the world,” and, says Yale Pres- nity, an equal chance at the start- racism is LBJ’s Executive Order
problem, you would have thought that she would ident Peter Salovey, “a student ing line, fails to produce equality 11246. This altered the meaning
have been vetted by sleepy Joe,” sneered Trump, body whose diversity is a mark of of results? of “affirmative action” from guar-
thereby encouraging Americans to ingest the its excellence.” What if Black Americans anteeing the equality of opportu-
snake oil that Harris had “a problem” when she Yet, somehow, when all these dominate America’s most richly nity to bringing about an equality
has none. It was the very same racist claptrap that factors are considered, the rewarded sports such as the NBA of “results.”
Trump had promoted about Barack Obama. Harris higher-scoring Asian and white and NFL, while Asians and whites President Donald Trump,
and Obama are both Black, you see, which Trump students invariably come up short, excel in academic pursuits and before or after Nov. 3, should
hopes will suggest that their citizenship is dubious. because the racial composition of on admissions exams at Yale and convene with Ward Connerly and
Trump’s Kool-Aid chorus picked up the refrain, Yale’s incoming classes remains Harvard? ask him to redefine “affirmative
with wingman Tucker Carlson acting like a juvenile roughly the same every year. Why is it right to discriminate action” to mean exactly what its
delinquent by intentionally mispronouncing Harris’ The Justice Department against working-class white kids original author, JFK, intended it
first name. refused to wave its big stick — a from Middle America in favor of to mean.
It’s Bigot Time in America, and our president threat to cut off tax dollars that go urban and middle-class Black kids As for Yale and other Ivy
sees each news cycle as a new opportunity to hit yearly to Yale. Incidentally, Yale in admissions to prestige colleges? League universities, it is an indict-
a new low. “We are in a battle for the soul of the sits on an endowment of some $30 If so, what does social justice ment of conservatives who have
nation,” says Joe Biden, and is he ever right. billion — second only to Har- mean? Who defines it? held executive power often in the
Jeff Robbins, a former assistant United States vard’s. In California, the state leg- past 50 years that they have not
attorney and United States delegate to the United A court case alleging that Har- islature has put on the ballot a chopped federal funding for these
Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, was chief vard emulates Yale, or vice versa, measure to overturn the ban on all bastions of progressive racism.
counsel for the minority of the United States Senate and admits Black and brown racial and ethnic discrimination Patrick J. Buchanan, a nation-
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. An students whose test scores would that was voted into California’s ally syndicated columnist, was a
attorney specializing in the First Amendment, he is instantly disqualify white and Constitution in Proposition 209 in senior advisor to presidents Richard
a longtime columnist for the Boston Herald, writing Asian students is headed for the 1996. Nixon, Gerald Ford and Ronald
on politics, national security, human rights and the Supreme Court. That prohibition reads: Reagan. His website is http://bu-
Mideast. At the heart of this dispute “The state shall not discrimi-
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2020 5A

Report: Nursing home cases up

nearly 80% in COVID-19 rebound
‘The case numbers suggest the problem is far from solved.’
WASHINGTON — Tamara Konetzka, a research professor at the University of Chicago
COVID-19 cases in U.S.
nursing homes jumped the week starting July 26, policy that has not been forgetting to wash their
nearly 80% earlier this a 77% increase from a low fulfilled— securing sup- hands, congregating in
summer, driven by ram- point the week of June 21. ply chains for (personal break rooms, and wearing
pant spread across the The group is the indus- protective equipment) and (protective equipment)

Willie Whitten
South and much of the try’s main trade associa- rapid testing.” improperly. All the testing
West, according to an tion. The industry analysis in the world is for naught
industry report released Weekly deaths, rose to illustrates the march of if staff don’t adhere to the
Monday. 1,706 the week of July 26, the virus across the U.S. basic, longstanding infec- Willie Ruth Whitten, age 92, of Columbus,
“The case numbers an increase of nearly 25% As of the week of May tion control practices that MS passed away August 16, 2020, at Baptist
suggest the problem is far from a low point the week 31, fewer than one-third the federal government Memorial Hospital in Columbus.
from solved,” said Tamara starting July 5. of the weekly coronavirus has had in place for years.” Private graveside services will be held in
Konetzka, a research pro- Nursing homes in Sun- cases were from nursing Mark Parkinson, head
Ethelsville Community Cemetery with Rev. Mel
fessor at the University of belt states had more time homes in Sunbelt states. of the nursing home trade
Howton officiating and Skelton Funeral Home
Chicago, who specializes to prepare than facilities But by the week starting group that produced the
in long-term care. She in the Northeast that were July 26, that share was study, said the problem is
was not involved with the hit in late winter and early 78%. bigger. She was preceded in death by her husband,
study. spring, with grim results. Deaths followed a “The data indicate that James Whitten; son, James Edward Whitten;
Long-term care facili- But Konetzka and other similar pattern. Nursing this virus is spread by as- grandson, J. J. Whitten; daughter-in-law, Winna
ties account for less than researchers have been homes in states across ymptomatic carriers and Whitten and her parents.
1% of the U.S. population, warning that once a com- the South and parts of the that even perfect infec- Survivors include her son, Earnest Whitten;
but more than 40 percent munity anywhere experi- West accounted for 28% of tion control wouldn’t have daughter-in-law, Angie Whitten; sister, Mary
of COVID-19 deaths, ac- ences an outbreak, it’s only deaths the week of May stopped it,” he said. “The Gladys McDonald; three grandchildren, Patton
cording to the COVID a matter of time before 31. That share was 69% by challenge with this virus Whitten (Christi), Salethia Holifield (Chris)
Tracking Project. the coronavirus enters its the week starting July 26. is that because it is spread and Drew Whitten (Ashley); seven great-
The situation is a polit- nursing homes. A leading The Trump adminis- by asymptomatic carriers grandchildren, Austin Whitten (Courtney),
ically sensitive issue for theory is that staffers who tration says it’s executing the prior infection control Callop Whitten (Miranda), Dalton Whitten,
President Donald Trump, don’t yet know they’re in- on its plan to provide fast- procedures didn’t work.” Caris Whitten, Dakota Hill, Preston Whitten,
who is scrambling to hold fected unwittingly bring test machines to nursing Parkinson said that Brooklyn Holifield, and Jackson Holifield; two
on to support from older the virus in. Inside, the homes and make sure about 10% of facilities still great-great grandchildren, Tynley Whitten
voters as polls show dis- coronavirus encounters that all facilities have the report lacking an adequate and Zoey Whitten and a number of nieces and
approval of his adminis- an ideal environment in protective equipment they supply of N95 masks, con- nephews.
tration’s response to the which to spread among need. But Seema Verma, sidered standard for hos- Willie Ruth was born June 18, 1928, in Alabama
pandemic. frail older people living in head of the Centers for pital personnel. to the late Clifton Henderson and Willie Holmes
The White House an- close quarters. Medicare and Medic- He said the administra- Henderson. She was a homemaker and a member
nounced in late July the “As the virus surges in aid Services, said states tion’s effort to distribute of Ethelsville Baptist Church.
release of $5 billion for Sunbelt states, there’s no and nursing homes also fast-test machines could In lieu of flowers the family suggests memorials
nursing homes, while reason to think it won’t have responsibility to be a “game changer,” but to Ethelsville Baptist Church, 230 Main Street,
launching a program to affect nursing homes in safeguard residents. She added “there’s still a long Ethelsville, AL 35461.
equip each of some 15,000 the same way it did in called on nursing homes way to go.” Distribution is
states that surged earli- to step up their game. expected to be completed
Paid Obituary - Skelton Funeral Home
facilities with a fast-test
machine to screen res- er,” said Konetzka. “We “The reality is that (a) by the end of September.

Eric Holley
idents and staff for the have learned some things facility’s infection control In the meantime, Par-
coronavirus. about how to minimize the practices is the number kinson said it can still
Monday’s study from effect in nursing homes, one factor leading to the take three days, and
the American Health Care but providers need the spread of COVID within sometimes more, to get
Association found there tools to implement those these facilities,” Verma results. “We continue to Eric Brent Holley, 45, of Columbus, MS passed
were 9,715 coronavirus best practices. This is said in a statement. In- be plagued with a testing away Saturday, August 15, 2020, at Baptist
cases in nursing homes the critical role of federal spectors “have seen staff problem,” he said. Memorial Hospital-GT.
A family memorial service will be Tuesday,
August 18, 2020, at 1:00 PM at Lowndes Funeral
Home with Bro. Kenny Gardner officiating.
Friends may view online at Lowndesfuneralhome.
AREA OBITUARIES net. A drive through visitation will follow from
2:00-3:00 PM in the Lowndes Funeral Home
parking lot.
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Cincinnati, Ohio and announced by Carter’s home. Cleveland-Mof-
OBITUARY POLICY Mr. Holley was born on March 9, 1975, in
Antonia Malone of Funeral Services of fett Funeral Home of
Obituaries with basic informa- Amory, MS. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, yak life,
Olive Branch; siblings, Columbus. Amory is in charge of
tion including visitation and and salt life. Mr. Holley enjoyed spending time
service times, are provided Virginia Ivy of Shuqual- arrangements. with his friends and family.
free of charge. Extended obit- ak, Elfreeda Lovelace Fuezell Burks Mr. Oliver was born Mr. Holley is survived by his wife, Tracy
uaries with a photograph, de- of Macon, Ann Malone, COLUMBUS — June 8, 1998, in Amory, Nath of Columbus, MS; sons, Ethan Holley, Seth
tailed biographical information Louise Bryson, Brenda Fuezell L. Burks, 78, to Charles Eric Oliver Holley and Hank Johnson; daughters, Heaven
and other details families may Williams all of India- died Aug. 16, 2020, at and Elisabeth Williams Johnson and Brittany Suter; grandchildren,
wish to include, are available
for a fee. Obituaries must be
napolis, Indiana, James Baptist Memorial Hos- Oliver. He was a grad- Jessa, Hank, Emma and Jaxson; mother, Tammy
submitted through funeral Malone of Macon, pital-Golden Triangle. uate of Amory High (Daniel) Sandlin Barnes; brothers, Chad Holley,
homes unless the deceased’s Manuel Malone and Arrangements are School and was former- Drew Newell and Daniel Barnes Jr.; sister, Shelly
body has been donated to Larry Malone both of incomplete and will be ly employed as a welder Orsborn; and a host of nieces and nephews.
science. If the deceased’s Austell, Georgia; six announced by Carter’s with Bolzoni Auramo Honorary pallbearers will be Cory Sanders,
body was donated to science,
grandchildren; and one Funeral Services of of Sulligent. He attend- Luke Butler, Jeramiah Butler, Colby Bishop, Josh
the family must provide official
great-grandchild. Columbus. ed Hamilton Revival Williams, Dustin Nichols, Greg Crump, Chad
proof of death. Please submit
all obituaries on the form Center and Greenbri- Dove, Seth Holley, Chad Holley, Drew Newell,
provided by The Commercial Mildred Austin Errik Oliver er United Methodist Hank Johnson Jr. and Bubba Suter.
Dispatch. Free notices must COLUMBUS — Mil- AMORY — Err- Church. Memorials may be made to Cedar Hill Animal
be submitted to the newspa-
dred Austin, 89, died ick Skyler Oliver, 22, In addition to his Sanctuary 144 Sanctuary Loop Caledonia, MS
per no later than 3 p.m. the
Aug. 17, 2020, at North died Aug. 16, 2020, in parents, he is survived 39740.
day prior for publication Tues-
Mississippi Medical Quincy. by his brother, Cade Compliments of
Lowndes Funeral Home
day through Friday; no later
than 4 p.m. Saturday for the Center. Funeral services will Oliver.
be at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Pallbearers will be
Sunday edition; and no later Arrangements are
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday incomplete and will be at Cleveland-Moffett James Jones, Caleb
Funeral Home, with Robertson, Brandon

Jonathan White
edition. Incomplete notices
announced by Lown-
must be received no later than
des Funeral Home of Shawn Hile officiating. Brown, Austin Causey,
7:30 a.m. for the Monday
Columbus. Burial will follow in Jordan Panel, Devin
through Friday editions. Paid
notices must be finalized by 3
Hatley Cemetery. Visi- Flynn, Victor Vega, Na-
tation is from 5-8 p.m. than Bentley and Bailey Jonathan Charles White, 33,
p.m. for inclusion the next day
Monday through Thursday; and
Mary Jefferson today, at the funeral Doolittle. of Ethelsville, AL passed away
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday COLUMBUS — Sunday, August 16, 2020, at his

Thomas Millender
and Monday publication. For Mary M. Jones Jeffer- residence.
more information, call 662- son, 75, died Aug. 16, Visitation will be Tuesday,
328-2471. 2020, at Baptist Memo- August 18, 2020, from 1:00-2:00
rial Hospital-Golden Thomas Edward Millender,87, of Aberdeen, at Springhill Baptist Church,
Pinkie Malone Triangle. MS passed away Monday, August 10, 2020, at Millport, AL. A funeral service
DECATUR, Ga. — Arrangements are Creekside Manor, Saltillo, MS. will follow at 2:00 PM with Bro.
Pinkie Malone, 83, died incomplete and will be The family will hold a memorial service at a Trey Reece officiating and
Aug. 11, 2020, at Emory later date. Rev. Jordan Lollar assisting.
Hillandale Hospital. Mr. Millender was born January 2, 1933, in Interment will be in Ebenezer Cemetery,
A private family only Prairie, MS to the late Fay Ray and W.E. (Buster) Fernbank, AL with Lowndes Funeral Home,
graveside service is Millender. He graduated from Aberdeen High Columbus, MS directing.
at 11 a.m. today, in Odd- School, then went on to receive his bachelor Mr. White was born on October 25, 1986, in
fellow Cemetery of Ma- in pre-law at MSU and was in the Sigma Alpha Amory, MS to Carla Adams White and Charles
con, with the Rev. Ron Epsilon Fraternity. Mr. Millender was a Charter White. He enjoyed hunting and fishing, spending
Houston Sr. officiating. member of St. Marks Methodist Church in time with family and friends. Mr. White was an
Private family only visi- Aberdeen, MS. Mr. Millender was a farmer and avid Alabama Football fan.
cattleman in Monroe County for many years. Mr. White is preceded in death by his maternal
tation was from 2-5 p.m.
In addition to his parents, Mr. Millender is grandfather, Edgar Adams.
Monday, at Carter’s
preceded in death by his daughter, Georgia Mr. White is survived by his mother, Carla
Funeral Services. Car-
Millender. Adams White of Ethelsville, AL; father, Charles
ter’s Funeral Services
Mr. Millender is survived by his wife, Doris White; daughters, Abigail Shay White, Daylin
of Macon is in charge of
Fulgham Millender; daughters, Lynn (Mike) Rose White and Raelynn Jo White; brothers,
Hanson of Columbus, MS, Lisa (Wally) Soplata Justin (Nicole) White and Jaleb (Chelsey) White;
Mrs. Malone was
of Collierville, TN and Leslie (Bruce) Tucker of maternal grandmother, Elizabeth Adams, and
born July 15, 1937, in
Tupelo, MS; grandchildren, Matthew Hanson, paternal grandmother, Dean White; paternal
Noxubee County, to the
Blake Hanson, Jacob Hanson, Austin Soplata, grandfather, J.T. White; and a host of nieces and
late West Malone and
Avery Soplata, Luke Tucker and Josh Tucker; nephews and cousins.
Annie Laura Malone.
great-grandchildren, Ayden Hanson and Lucas Pallbearers will be Dustin Vail, Brian Adams,
In addition to her
Hanson; sister, Joan Loftin; brother, Frank Eric Adams, Kory Adams, Joshua Chitwood,
parents, she was pre-
Millender and step-brother, Donald Bunch all of Jeremy Chitwood and Blake Moore.
ceded in death by her
Aberdeen, MS. Honorary pallbearers will be the Class of
children, McArthur
Memorials may be made to The Georgia 2005- South Lamar, Pastor Dan Finney and
and Michael Malone;
Millender Memorial Leadership Award c/o Pastor Calvin Hall.
six brothers and three
MUW Office of Development and Alumni 1100 Memorials may be made to American Diabetes
sisters. Association 200 Office Park Drive, Suite 303
She is survived by College Street MUW 1618 Columbus, MS 39701
or online at Birmingham, AL 35223.
her children, John
Malone, Gary Malone Compliments of Compliments of
both of Decatur, Geor- Lowndes Funeral Home Lowndes Funeral Home
gia, Eddie Malone of
6A TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2020 The Dispatch •

n Cook at home more often. Try to make a habit
of cooking at home most nights, rather than eating
out. For one, it’s easier on your budget. Second, by
cooking your food yourself, you’ll know exactly what
is in it. You won’t have to wonder about any hidden
unhealthy or high-calorie ingredients.

Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

Unmasking the effectiveness Their study, published in the Amer-
ican Journal of Cardiology, involved
of masks data on more than 61,000 adults,
During the 1918 Spanish flu pan- 6,000 of whom said they regularly
demic, Americans were warned practice some form of meditation.
that “spit spreads death.” One an- After controlling for factors such
nouncement in the San Francisco as rage, age and sex, the research-
Chronicle read: “The man or wom- ers found that those who meditated
an or child who will not wear a mask
were half as like to have coronary
now is a dangerous slacker.” The
heart disease. The meditation
more things change, the more they
group also had significantly lower
stay the same!
rates of diabetes and stroke.
In a recent JAMA paper, the Cen- Drs. Oz and Roizen
If you’re looking begin meditat-
ters for Disease Control and Pre-
moving it. ing, here’s a simple exercise: Place
vention affirms that cloth face cov-
■ Wash your reusable cloth your index finger at the base of the
erings are an effective way to fight
mask — ideally, after each wearing pinky finger on your opposite hand.
the virus, particularly when they’re
— in the washing machine or soak Breathe in for the count of four
worn by everyone. They also recent-
it in hot, soapy water for at least five while tracing your index finger up
ly published a case study of a hair
minutes, rinse well. For N95 masks, to the tip of your pinky and breathe
salon in which both stylists were
use dry heat at 158 F for one hour, out to the count of four to six while
infected with COVID-19, but not
and they will remain protective. you trace back down. Then move
one of their 139 clients contracted
Disposable, blue surgical masks on to your ring finger. Continue un-
the virus. Why? In large measure,
cannot be laundered or cleaned. til you’ve traced your whole hand.
because everyone wore masks.
Masks are more likely to be Then reverse direction and head
worn if government leadership en- Meditate on this: lowering your back toward your pinky.
courages it. (It’s mandated or rec- risk of heart disease Bonus: If you also adopt the YOU
ommended in more than 160 coun- Clint Eastwood is 90 and has diet, exercise regularly, get your
tries.) But failing that, it’s up to you practiced transcendental medita- blood pressure and LDL cholester-
to advocate for and practice their tion for about 40 years. That might ol in the normal range and avoid
consistent and effective use. Here explain why his often high-stress toxins, you can cut your cardio and
are some tips on how to do that: work as an actor and director hasn’t dementia risk by more than 80 per-
■ Wash your hands before put- taken a toll on his health. There has cent.
ting on your mask. been research showing meditation Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of “The
■ Place your mask securely over is linked to a lower risk for cardio- Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike Roizen,
your nose and mouth, and under vascular disease. However, it hasn’t M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and
your chin. been rock solid — until now. Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleve-
■ Take it off correctly. Handle it Recently, researchers from the land Clinic. To live your healthiest,
only by the strings or elastic; wash Cleveland Clinic and elsewhere de- tune into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
your hands immediately after re- cided to conduct a closer analysis.

Continued from Page 1A
Robinson said that erected in 1907. cause it is located on $18,000 surplus, which
describes West Point’s “It should be pretty the grounds of City Hall, isn’t much. That’s proba-
position at the moment. easy to move it,” Key which was added to the bly the biggest question:
“I think I’ve only had said. “It’s bigger than the Register in 2009. Where’s the money go-
a couple of people say one at Ole Miss, but it’s “That really won’t af- ing to come from? The
anything about the mon- easy to access, both the fect anything as far as city doesn’t have it, not
ument in the last year,” current location and at relocating it, though, be- in this year’s budget.”
Robinson said. “But the cemetery.” cause it doesn’t require
it came up during our The most likely new federal funding,” White
special (call) meeting venue, Robinson said, said.
earlier this month. We would be the city-owned Robinson said the
couldn’t take it up then, Greenwood Cemetery. presence of the mon-
but I did start making In addition to being ument hasn’t been a
some calls, just to find designated as a Missis- hot-button topic around
out what the steps are.” sippi Landmark, which town, but he’s not op-
Robinson said based requires MDAH ap- posed to relocating it.
on a call he made to proval to be modified or “The big question is
Key, it will cost the moved, the West Point where is the money going
city between $70,000 monument is listed on to come from,” Robinson
to $75,000 to move the the National Registry said. “We just finished
monument, which was of Historic Places be- our budget. We have an

Oktibbeha supes
Continued from Page 1A
District 1 Supervisor supervisors heard a re- county that would be add-
and Board President John port from Golden Trian- ed to the billing list.
Montgomery said he had gle Planning and Develop- GTPDD is responsible
no problem with the sug- ment District. Geographic for counting the houses,
gestion but needed to look Information System Di- billing the residents and
at funding options first. rector Toby Sanford and collecting the money,
District 5 Supervisor Joe Utility Services Director which the county then
Williams agreed that poll Jennifer Odom reported pays to GTWS.
workers should receive the number of residenc- The property owner is
extra compensation. es the county can bill for ultimately responsible for
“I would like to see poll house-to-house garbage paying an unpaid garbage
workers get that extra collection fluctuates reg- bill even if the previous
money since they’re put- ularly as people move in owner or renter did not
ting themselves in harm’s and out of those houses. pay it, Odom said.
way,” Williams said. GTPDD currently Board
The Legislature tried bills 8,841 of the 9,533 Attorney
to pass a bill allowing haz- residences in Oktibbeha Rob Rob-
ard pay for poll workers County. This does not in- erson said
through Dec. 31. The bill clude apartment complex- he has re-
failed, but the Legislature es, which have their own ceived some
did allow each county to dumpsters, and some of complaints
make its own decision on the remaining residences about the
the matter. Earlier this are not occupied, Sanford billing pro- Roberson
month, Clay County su- and Odom said. cess.
pervisors unanimously Golden Triangle Waste “People have got to un-
approved $50 in hazard Services charges Ok- derstand that we’ve got
pay for the special elec- tibbeha County more to get a handle on this
tion. than $76,000 per month because there is a sub-
State Rep. Gary Chism at $8.12 per residence. stantial amount of money
(R-Columbus) resigned The agency increased its that’s not being collect-
from the District 37 billing from $64,000 per ed,” Roberson said.
House seat and State Sen. month in January to ac- GTWS formed in 1997
Gary Jackson (R-French count for residences that to provide garbage pickup
Camp) resigned from the had not been billed previ- for Oktibbeha, Lowndes
District 15 Senate seat in ously. and Webster counties,
June. The Sept. 22 elec- Supervisors voted and supervisors from
tion will decide their re- unanimously in Decem- the three counties serve
placements. ber to bill property own- on the GTWS board.
The Oktibbeha super- ers instead of renters for Williams and District 3
visors will revisit the topic garbage collection ser- Supervisor Marvell How-
in September. vices and to request a full ard represent Oktibbeha
Later in the meeting, list of addresses in the County on the board.

Continued from Page 1A
Roselawn Terrace and knew each other, Starkville Police Department Public Infor-
mation Officer Brandon Lovelady said. The two men had an argument outside that
escalated into a physical altercation, he said.
Harris has been in Oktibbeha County Jail since June 20. His bond was revoked
due to a previous felony charge of sexual battery in January 2018, Lovelady said.
662-241-5000 B



Dispatch file photo

On Monday, Mississippi State learned it will open the 2020 10-game conference only season against LSU on the road on Sept. 26.

Sept. 26 — at No. 5 LSU a massive amount of tal- his first year as the head Wilson is back after he or better this year, this ent loss, Ed Orgeron’s coach in Fayetteville and was sidelined all of last game is a must-win.
What better way to
recruiting classes have it’s looking increasing- season with a torn patel-
STARKVILLE — Foot- start one’s tenure than a
ball season is on the hori- season opener against the
averaged a national fin-
ish of 6.6 in the 247sports
ly likely the Razorbacks
won’t win a game in 2020.
lar tendon and boasts a
12-3 record as a starter.
Oct. 17 — No. 13 Texas
zon. defending national cham- Composite since he took Florida transfer quarter- Senior Asim Rose and A&M
Monday night, Missis- pions? over in 2016. back Feleipe Franks and sophomore Kavosiey Stop me if you’ve heard
sippi State learned its of- Mississippi native MSU has proven ca- senior running back Ra- Smoke also both return at this before: This is the
ficial ledger for the 2020 Myles Brennan is slated pable of beating LSU keem Boyd could make running back and should year Texas A&M can
season as the Bulldogs to take the reins under as recently as 2017 and Arkansas mildly more in- help Wilson lead a bal- compete for an SEC title.
will partake in a 10-game, center for the Tigers after have more wins in Baton teresting than they were a anced offensive attack, Since Jimbo Fisher ar-
conference-only slate Joe Burrow’s video game- Rouge over the Tigers season ago, but this squad while the Wildcat defense rived in College Station
amid the COVID-19 pan- like 2019 campaign. And (18) than in Starkville (7) is in rebuilding mode to brings back four of its five with expectations bigger
demic. while Brennan likely since their series began the ‘nth degree. leading tacklers a season than the state of Texas
With first year head won’t replicate Burrow’s in 1896. That said, expect ago. could even handle, the
coach Mike Leach open- numbers, he should prove the defending champs to Oct. 10 — at Kentucky MSU narrowly es- Aggies have yet to break
ing fall practices Tuesday efficient. hold serve on home turf. Gone is one-man of- caped Kentucky in through despite per-
and the first game against Following its national fensive juggernaut Lynn Starkville last season sistent shouts that each
LSU less than six weeks title, LSU set a conference Oct. 3 — vs. Arkansas Bowden, but Kentucky and a trip to Lexington year could be their year.
Bringing back senior
away, here’s a deep dive record with 13 players se- I’ll keep this one short. might actually be better this fall could prove even
into MSU’s matchups and lected in the 2020 NFL Sam Pittman has a hell of despite his loss. Start- more taxing. If the Bull- quarterback Kellen Mond
what to expect this year: Draft. And though that’s a schedule to navigate in ing quarterback Terry dogs hope to reach .500 See MSU, 2B

COVID-19, not championships, hot topic at SEC practices Swanson’s walk-

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS threatening the season tancing are hot topics the season. off homer gives
Braves 7-6 win
— and teams’ depth even with LSU trying Alabama athletic
Southeastern Con- charts. to repeat as national director Greg Byrne
ference teams opened “The teams that han- champions without its Tweeted a photo Sunday
preseason camp Monday dle this the best and the Heisman Trophy-win- showing dozens of peo- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS with a single, but Hud-
with the precarious sta- players that are the saf- ning quarterback and Al- ple, many not wearing
son retired the next two
tus of the season largely est, those teams are go- abama aiming for anoth- face masks, bunched to- ATLANTA — Dans- hitters to put the Braves
overshadowing even the ing to win a lot of games,” er national championship gether waiting to get into by Swanson hit a two- down to their final out.
annual am- first-year Mississippi run after failing to make a popular bar in Tuscalo-
out, two-run homer in It never came.
bitions of coach Lane Kiffin said. the playoffs last season. osa on the day sororities
the bottom of the ninth Swanson drove one
Alabama The SEC, winner of 10 Safety protocols have accepted new members.
inning to cap a four-run over the wall in right-cen-
and Geor- football national cham- been the norm around “Who wants college
rally that gave the Atlan- ter for the game winner.
gia. pionships since 2006, football buildings, with sports this fall?? Obvi-
ta Braves a stunning 7-6 When he got to home
Ques- is just hoping to have a frequent testing and tem- ously not these people!!”
victory over the Wash- plate, his teammates
tions like season and play out the perature checks and a Byrne said in a tweet,
ington Nationals on Mon- toasted him from afar,
how will league-only schedule largely bubble-like exis- urging people to wear
day night. jumping up and down
LSU fare Kiffin starting Sept. 26. It’s an tence. But now students masks.
With the Braves trail- with their hands in the
without open question of how a are returning, creating Likewise, Kiffin ad-
ing 6-3 against Washing- air.
quarter- national champion will troublesome scenes on dressed the lack of pre-
ton closer Daniel Hudson The rally ruined a
back Joe Burrow took a even be crowned, with some campuses, includ- cautions among some
(1-2), Adam Duvall made memorable night for
backseat to uncertain- the PAC-12 and Big Ten ing Alabama. people and predicted the
it close by hitting a two- Washington rookie Luis
ty. Quarterback battles opting not to play this SEC coaches and of- number of students test-
run shot that just cleared Garcia, who became the
seem fairly inconse- fall. ficials have sounded the ing positive won’t be a
first player born in the
quential with COVID-19 Masks and social dis- alarm in efforts to save See SEC, 2B the wall in left field. Jo-
han Camargo followed See BRAVES, 2B
2B TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1B

2000s to hit a big league look over-matched in the er walk — his sixth of the fifth homer of the season nez said. “We don’t want Atlanta’s beleaguered ro-
homer. least. game — Braves manager in the fifth. Soto, on the to lose him for three tation will go to the bull-
The youngest player Two batters later, Brian Snitker had seen day he was announced weeks. If we lose him for pen for a starter. RH Josh
in the majors at age 20, Thames delivered an enough. It was another as NL player of the week, three weeks, that’s pretty Tomlin (1-0, 1.59) makes
Garcia hit a two-run shot even longer drive over blow to Atlanta’s belea- led off the ninth with sev- much game over.” his first start of the sea-
off Touki Toussaint in the the center-field wall to guered rotation, which enth homer against Will son, hoping to dupli-
second inning. Asdrubal give the Nationals a 3-0 lost ace Mike Soroka to a Smith (2-0). UP NEXT cate the performance of
Cabrera, Juan Soto and lead. season-ending injury and Nationals: RHP Aus- Robbie Erlin on Sunday.
Eric Thames also hom- The Braves responded demoted two other start- TRAINER’S ROOM tin Voth (0-2, 3.21 ER A) Erlin went four innings
ered for the defending with two runs in the bot- ers, Mike Foltynewicz Washington’s Howie gets the nod for Wash- in a 4-0 victory over the
World Series champs, tom half against Anibal and Sean Newcomb. Kendrick did not start ington on Tuesday in Marlins, giving the At-
but it wasn’t enough. Sanchez, but Toussaint Toussaint’s spot in the for the third game in a the second game of the
Garcia, who was born surrendered another run rotation now appears in lanta staff a much-need-
row because of a sore series at Truist Park. He
on May 16, 2000, came in the fourth without giv- jeopardy after another ed boost. While Tomlin
hamstring. Manager is hoping to bounce back
into the shortened sea- ing up a hit. The right- shaky start. He gave up Dave Martinez said the from a rough outing at has been used mostly as
son as one of Washing- hander hit a batter and four runs in three-plus in- team is taking no chanc- New York, where he gave a reliever during his two
ton’s top prospects. He walked three more, in- nings and threw only 34 es with the oft-injured up six hits, three runs seasons with the Braves,
got his chance when Star- cluding Kurt Suzuki with of 73 pitches for strikes, veteran, though the in- and two homers in four this is hardly a new role.
lin Castro went on the in- the bases loaded. his ER A climbing to 7.97. jury does not appear to innings against the Mets. He made 144 starts over
jured list with a broken When Toussaint start- Cabrera went deep be serious. “We’ve just Braves: For the sec- nine seasons with Cleve-
right wrist and doesn’t ed the fourth with anoth- off Grant Dayton for his got to be smart,” Marti- ond time in three games, land.

Continued from Page 1B

is assuredly a start giv- back Najee Harris and finished No. 101 in total gers have split their eight be intriguing nonethe- iar with former Appa-
en he’s among the most projected first round wide defense and No. 124 in to- meetings since 2012, but less. lachian State coaches
experienced returning receiver prospect DeVon- tal offense last year, Van- Malzahn’s squad should after they fell to first
signal-callers in the SEC
and has proved largely
ta Smith. derbilt is almost certainly
headed for another rough
take the lead in 2020
against an MSU team
Nov. 28 — at Ole Miss year Missouri head
Defensively, Alabama How on earth could coach Eliah Drinkwitz’s
effective in his three sea- also returns a young core season. rebuilding under its first last season’s game get former boss Scott Sat-
sons guiding the Aggie from a unit that dipped Chalk this one up as a year head coach. more insane? We’ll find terfield and Louisville
offense. from No. 16 to No. 21 na- win for the Bulldogs. out. in the 2019 Music City
MSU’s loss in Col- tionally in total defense Lane Kiffin and Mike Bowl.
lege Station last season
was uninspiring, though
between 2018 and 2019. Nov. 14 — vs. No. 11 Nov. 21 — at No. 4 Leach’s relationship date And while Satterfield
With five starters back spurned a quick turn-
whether that was a cred- in Tuscaloosa, expect
Auburn Georgia back to their previous
stops at USC and Wash- around with the Cardi-
Last year’s trip to The MSU drew Georgia as
it to Texas A&M or a this unit to be among the ington State, respectively, nal, Drinkwitz’s task
Plains was downright em- one of its two additional
down-on-its-luck team country’s best. and we’ll now see their might prove more diffi-
barrassing for Joe Moor- Southeastern Confer-
isn’t clear. The Aggies MSU has beaten Al- paths cross annually. cult.
head and co. as MSU fell ence games this fall due
should be favored in this abama just twice since Ole Miss still has yet Missouri was rela-
behind 21-0 just over six to COVID-19-related
one, but Fisher’s squad 2001 and the Crim- to determine a starting tively even-keel under
minutes into the contest scheduling changes.
has dropped four of their son Tide have taken quarterback between Barry Odom’s watch,
en route to a 56-23 thrash- The red and white
last six against the Bull- 12-straight from the Bull- Matt Corral and John finishing no worse than
ing. clad Bulldogs will be
dogs — including three- dogs in the series. Expect Rhys Plumlee, but ju- 6 -6 over his final three
However, the Tigers’ among the favorites to
straight in Starkville. If that trend to continue in nior playmaker Elijah years. But with a roster
vaunted defensive line win the SEC East and
MSU has a chance at a 2020 during this Hallow- Moore is back along with that returns less than
from last season suffered the additions of Wake
major upset this fall, it’s een affair. the Rebels’ top five pass half it’s offensive pro-
its share of losses and will Forest graduate transfer
this contest. catchers from a season duction at quarterback,
have to reload when they quarterback Jamie New-
Nov. 7 — vs. Vanderbilt meet the Bulldogs this man coupled with the ago. So too is the sopho- receiver and offensive
Oct. 31 — at No. 3 As was the case with fall. immediate eligibility of more running back tan- line according to The
Alabama Arkansas, this will be It’s expected sopho- USC import JT Daniels dem of Jerrion Ealy and Athletic, 2020 should be
New quarterback, no brief. Vanderbilt is likely more quarterback Bo should only strengthen Snoop Conner. a rebuilding season for
problem in Tuscaloosa. going to be bad; like real- Nix, a former five-star re- their case. Predicting the out- the Tigers.
While Tua Tagovailoa is ly bad. The Commodores cruit in the class of 2019, After finishing the come of an Egg Bowl is Missouri senior Lar-
off to the NFL, Alabama have barely sniffed a win- will take a step forward 2019 season with the generally futile, but it ry Rountree III is likely
returns fourth-year junior ning season since Jame with another year under nation’s No. 3 ranked could be the difference to be among the SEC’s
Mac Jones under center Franklin departed to be- Gus Malzahn’s guidance. defense, Georgia will be between a .500 or win- top returning running
to guide what should be come the head coach at Auburn also returns its as stiff a test as any for ning record and a losing backs, but if MSU’s de-
another high-powered Penn State and that’s not top three receivers from Leach’s air raid offense. one for MSU. fense can keep him in
and physical Crimson likely to change this year. a season ago in Seth Wil- It’s unlikely MSU can check, this is a game
Tide offense that also Derrick Mason is pre- liams, Anthony Schwartz spring an upset in Ath- the Bulldogs should win
boasts honorable mention sumably coaching for his and Eli Stove. ens, but the strength-on- Dec. 5 — vs. Missouri to close out Leach’s first
All-American running job and with a roster that The Bulldogs and Ti- strength matchup should MSU is plenty famil- season in Starkville.

Continued from Page 1B

low one. face with it becoming ing time right now with “Really wouldn’t be 12 and SEC play out a have great medical care
“If people think peo- harder for players to re- all the students coming surprised if we had season. here and we have great
ple are doing this well, main in their virtual pro- back to the campus,” coaches opt out, to be “That’s one of the medical protocols here
open your eyes,” he tective bubble. the Tigers coach said. honest with you,” said biggest questions our to try to keep people
said. “Just drive around. Auburn, for instance, “What we’ve just told Mullen, who declined to players ask is, ‘Coach, if safe,” Saban said.
This ain’t kids. Adults had 33 positive tests our guys, is let’s control identify which “couple” we play will we be able Georgia cornerback
don’t do it. Just drive among players over the us. Most of our classes of players were held out to play in a playoff? We Eric Stokes said play-
through downtown and summer, according to are going to be on line of practice. “Coaches want a chance to play ers are safer on campus
look around or look at coach Gus Malzahn. A for all our players, so are at such high risk be- for a championship if we than at home, but urged
pictures on the Internet high number of players we’re just doing every- cause of the age group have a good season.’” students to wear masks,
of other places. in quarantine either for thing we can to really that they’re in.” For his own safety, wash hands and practice
“This is not taken positive tests or contact stay self-isolated to pro- But, he agrees with the 68-year-old says other safety protocols.
very serious by a lot of with those who have tect our players so we Kiffin, saying “the team he and wife Terry have Like the players them-
people and especially by the virus could derail a have a good chance of that’s able to adapt will stayed in a “personal selves presumably are.
young people who are team’s fortunes faster playing the season.” end up holding up that bubble” with immediate “I know for a fact
back at college that have than any injury wave. Some players around national championship family. He said he sits that everybody here on
been sitting at their It has Malzahn the country have opted trophy at the end of the on a park bench 10 feet our team wants to have
house with their par- talking about the im- to sit out the season, and season.” away when visiting his a season and play this
ents for however many portance of not just Florida coach Dan Mul- Alabama coach Nick 88-year-old mom. fall,” Stokes said. “So
months.” second-teamers but len expects more — and Saban said he believes “I don’t fear this be- we’re doing everything
But those are the third-teamers. perhaps some coaches, there should still be a cause we’re trying to do in our power to make
challenges SEC teams “It’s going to be a tell- too. playoff if the ACC, Big the right thing and we sure we can.”
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2020 3B

James on his return to postseason: ‘This is the toughest’

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS finished practice Monday individuals, that hasn’t Kobe Bryant, one of the the first four in Miami and would become a free
in a Disney World conven- changed,” James said. franchise’s icons, was the last four in Cleveland. agent that summer, might
LAKE BUENA VIS- tion center ballroom. “What’s different is this killed in a helicopter But the first serious choose to leave the Cava-
TA, Fla. — LeBron James His Los Angeles Lak- environment. I’m not crash in January. And injury of his career, a liers again.
never took it for granted, ers cruised to the best re- home with my family. Not they continue to count groin injury sustained There was no such
no matter how routine it cord in the Western Con- in my own bed. I’m not on his experience as they on Christmas 2018 in his thought it would be so
became. ference, but there are no in our practice facility. deal with the obstacles of first season in Los Ange- long until his next post-
He never counted on luxuries usually afforded I’m not preparing to be what’s potentially a three- les, doomed the Lakers. season game.
playing even one playoff the No. 1 seed. There’s no at Staples tomorrow with month road trip. Their playoff hopes were Still, his mind is on
game in a season, even celebrities sitting court- our fans. I’m not with a lot “He’s the best leader long since gone when he more than basketball.
long after it became side at Staples Center to of things that’s essential I’ve ever been around shut it down for good at He was one of the sign-
viewed as a failure if he boost them. There’s an to my everyday regimen. and just represents all the end of March. ers Monday of an open
didn’t play for a title. The opponent, the Portland So that’s what’s different. the right things,” Lakers His return to the play- letter written by More
NBA is hard. He only Trail Blazers, who took But as far as mentally, coach Frank Vogel said. offs took longer than ex- Than A Vote, a coalition of
made it look easy. advantage of a four-month that’s always going to be “Oozes class and we’re pected because of the sea- Black athletes and artists
And he said this post- break caused by the coro- sharp.” just lucky to have him on son’s suspension, with the whose mission is to “edu-
season, his first in two navirus pandemic to get So are his skills, of our squad and leading our usual mid-April start this cate, energize and protect
years and the most un- healthy and arrive with course. He averaged team.” time coming in mid-Au- Black voters.” The coali-
usual in league history, a loaded roster that’s far 25.3 points and led the James was in the post- gust. That makes it 26 tion partnered with the
will be his most challeng- more talented than the av- NBA with 10.2 assists season every year from months since James’ last Los Angeles Dodgers to
ing yet. erage No. 8 seed. per game, but the Lakers 2006-18 and they weren’t postseason game, back use Dodger Stadium as a
“This is the toughest The only sure thing needed much more than just cameos. He never on June 8, 2018 in Cleve- vote center for the pres-
championship run for me this time around might be that. lost in the first round and land, when the Warriors idential election in No-
personally, for the cir- James’ mind. They needed some- didn’t lose at all until the completed a sweep. vember and is aiming get
cumstances of just being “As far as me locking one to help steer them NBA Finals in the last By then there was a more arenas and sports
in here,” he said after he in on an opponent and through tragedy after eight years of that stretch, sense that James, who facilities in use.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: you the names of one, you might be happier en-
My wife left qualified profes- tertaining them in your home.
me a little sionals. Please DEAR ABBY: My wife and
over two years don’t wait to ask. I retired five years ago. I have
ago, and I can’t DEAR ABBY: adequate savings and an
seem to get over My daughter just excellent pension for us to live
it. All she said was informed me that comfortably.
that we had an she will be hang- I took up a hobby three
“emotional dis- ing a deer head years ago that generates
connect.” I don’t in their living about $5,000 in annual
believe she was room. Her live-in income, which I put aside in
unfaithful. boyfriend loves a separate bank account. My
ZITS All I can think to hunt, and she wife asked, “What are you
about is being is doing this for saving that money for?” I said,
with her, and I him. Just thinking “Maybe a classic car, helping
cringe if I think about it makes with a family reunion (on my
about her being me physically ill. side)”, etc. She responded,
with someone Dear Abby My thoughts turn “We need to be on the same
else. I’m a profes- to a dying animal page about how it gets spent
sional with a good career and who is suffering. because half of it is mine.”
pension, and I have been ap- My husband and I gave my When I reached out to my
proached by some nice women daughter $12,000 to buy this son for his insight, he sided
who would like to date. How can home. I want her to rethink with her because (legally)
I get over my feelings for my ex? her decision based on the fact half of what I have is hers. I
— LONELY IN THE PLAINS that this disturbs me, not that have no problem consulting
DEAR LONELY: Have you I’m trying to push her around with her on a major expendi-
been getting out and partici- because we gave her this ture coming out of our other
GARFIELD pating in leisure activities since
your wife left? That would be
money. I know she will take it
personally and be upset at me.
savings, but on this one I feel
she is controlling and petty.
one way to get your mind off her Help! — UNEASY IN OREGON Your thoughts? — HOBBY IN
because sitting around thinking DEAR UNEASY: I think we CALIFORNIA
about her is counterproductive. both know your daughter is DEAR HOBBY: I agree with
Your ex should have been an adult and entitled to make you. Not only that, but she also
more specific about why she that decision without worrying lacks tact.
left. Understanding would have that her fella’s hobby bothers Dear Abby is written by Ab-
helped you start to really heal. you. We don’t have to like it igail Van Buren, also known
Because it has been two years or approve. Because what’s as Jeanne Phillips, and was
and you haven’t been able to upsetting you is the idea that founded by her mother,
work this out, please talk with the deer suffered, ask your Pauline Phillips. Contact
a licensed psychotherapist. daughter (or him) how many Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.
Your physician or your health shots it took to take the crea- com or P.O. Box 69440, Los
insurance provider can give ture down. If it was more than Angeles, CA 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Aug. sary; then do what’s possible; CANCER (June 22-July 22).
18). You’re not one to take a and suddenly you are doing the Questions will lead you down a
risk just for the thrill of it, but impossible.” — St. Francis of path. Don’t be overly eager to
you’ll risk quite a lot for the Assisi get to the answer. Answers may
results and people you deem TAURUS (April 20-May 20). be briefly satisfying, but once
worthy, and that’s precisely It’s easier to forgive an enemy they come, the journey is over.
what makes this year stellar. than it is to let someone close LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You
You’ll go all in, and not only will to you off the hook. Do both. No are needed, and it’s wonderful
it be enormously satisfying in one is ever so free as they are to feel like your help makes a
the moment; you’ll look back in when they are free of resent- difference. Accept help when it
BABY BLUES pride and astonishment at who ment. is offered and you’ll allow some-
you are and all that unfolds. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). one else to feel this wonderful
Virgo and Scorpio adore you. Inside every long-term, mutually feeling.
Your lucky numbers are: 19, 10, caring relationship, a little im- VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
4, 18 and 12. patience must fall. How these If today were an orchestration,
ARIES (March 21-April 19). less-than-ideal moments get your contribution would be
Do not doubt that you can go handled can be defining in the along the lines of a bassoon
beyond your previous limits. relationship. It’s an opportunity part, which is to say essential
“Start by doing what’s neces- for grace and resilience. although low-key and not in the
least bit self-serious.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Those who care to show you
part of the world you wouldn’t
otherwise know are giving you
love in a very useful form. You’ll
BEETLE BAILEY soon enjoy paying this forward.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). You rely on those you
love, and you like that they rely
on you, but if you didn’t have
one another, you’d each stand
up just fine on your own. The
leaning you do is a dance, more
artful than it is necessary.
21). People have different ca-
pacities for understanding and
processing one another. Be pa-
tient with this. Communication
is trickier and more nuanced
MALLARD FILLMORE than usual today.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Cause and effect isn’t al-
ways obvious or timely. Some of
what you are experiencing today
is part of a cycle that began at
least a decade ago. It makes
you think about what you’re
starting right now.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). It’s the simple decisions
— the yes/no/stay/go variety
— that will make the biggest
difference in how things develop
from here. Don’t know what
FAMILY CIRCUS you’re doing? Just say yes,
then. You’ll learn as you go.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). When you give of yourself
without pretense or agenda,
your honest and pure attention
is a precious gift. Pay attention
to who appreciates that.

4B TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2020 The Dispatch •
road and bridge repair at which

time they will be publicly
opened and read aloud.
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch, Bid A: Furnish and install soil-
cement base stabilization for
The Starkville Dispatch and Online county roadways in accord-
ance with Section S-308-A and
S-308-B of the Standard Spe-
cifications for State-Aid Road
To place ads starting at only $12, and Bridge Construction, latest
edition. Application rate is
call 662-328-2424 or visit 39.71 pounds per square yard
for 8 inch incorporation depth
over 22 feet roadway width.
Bids shall be based on a rate
per mile and shall include all
materials and labor necessary
to complete the work.
Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices


Bid B: Mill existing asphalt
and/or DBST and furnish and
Call us: 662-328-2424 PARK SIGN SIPPI
ization for county roadways in
accordance with Section S-308-
STARKVILLE, MISSISSIPPI VS. Road and Bridge Construction,
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF VS. CAUSE NO.: 2020-0162-JNS CAUSE NO.: 2020-0055-JNS latest edition. Application rate
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- Sealed bids for the North Star CAMERON COLEMAN DEFEND- is 39.71 pounds per square
SIPPI (Starkville/Oktibbeha Co.) In- IRENE COBB, ET AL. DEFEND- BY PETITIONERS: LONNIE ANT JAMIE MICHELLE CARAG, PETI- yard for 8 inch incorporation
dustrial Park, Sign will be re- ANTS DWAYNE SHEPPEARD and TIONER depth over 22 feet roadway
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- ceived by the Oktibbeha County KARINA DORENE SHEPPEARD CAUSE NO. 2020-0273 width.
TATE OF BARBARA FAY ELY, Economic Development Author- NO. 2019-0005-ED2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS
DECEASED ity (OCEDA) at their office at THE RELIEF SOUGHT HEREIN SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Bids shall be based on a rate
200 East Main Street, Stark- ALIAS SUMMONS BY PUBLICA- MAY AFFECT YOUR LEGAL STATE OF MISSISSIPPI per mile and shall include all
CAUSE NO. 2020-0153-RPF ville, MS, until 2:00 P. M., TION RIGHTS. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTY OF LOWNDES materials and labor necessary
September 10, 2020, and then NOTICE OF ANY HEARING ON to complete the work.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS at said office publicly opened TO: RONALD GRAY, LOUIS THIS PETITION, TO ATTEND TO: CAMERON COLEMAN who Letters of Administration have
and read aloud. GRAY, THE UNKNOWN HEIRS- ANY SUCH HEARING, AND TO is not to be found in the State been granted and issued to the $___/ PER MILE
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI AT-LAW AND DEVISEES OF THE BE REPRESENTED BY AN AT- of Mississippi on diligent in- undersigned upon the Estate of
COUNTY OF LOWNDES This project includes all items FOLLOWING DECEASED INDI- TORNEY. quiry and whose post office ad- Steve Erwin Curry, deceased, Bid C: Removal of existing as-
related to the construction of VIDUALS: VIOLA SYKES, NOLA dress is unknown. by the Chancery Court of phalt pavement on county road-
Letters Testamentary have sign located at the North Star SMITH, WALLACE GRAY, AND SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Lowndes County, Mississippi, ways in accordance with Sec-
been granted and issued to the Industrial Park. ALL PERSONS OR ENTITIES You have been made a Defend- on the 29th day of June 2020. tion S-202 of the Standard
undersigned upon the Estate of HAVING OR CLAIMING A LEGAL THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI ant in the suit filed in this This is to give notice to all per- Specifications for State-Aid
Barbara Fay Ely, deceased, by The above general outline of OR EQUITABLE INTEREST IN Court by Chyna Marchbanks sons having claims against Road and Bridge Construction,
the Chancery Court of Lowndes features of the work does not CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOC- TO: AMANDA INEZ ABSHIRE seeking custody of the minor said estate to Probate and Re- latest edition.
County, Mississippi, on the in any way limit the responsibil- ATED IN BLOCK 22 NORTH OF Last known address: child, Camilla Coleman. gister same with the Chancery
11th day of August 2020. This ity of the Contractor to perform MAIN STREET, AT 311 4TH AV- 13623 Hamshire Road Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- Bids shall be based on a rate
is to give notice to all persons all work and furnish all labor, ENUE NORTH, COLUMBUS, Hamshire, TX 77622 YOU ARE SUMMONED TO AP- sissippi, within ninety (90) days per square yard and shall in-
having claims against said es- equipment and materials re- LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- PEAR AND DEFEND AGAINST from the first publication date clude all materials and labor
tate to Probate and Register quired by the specifications SIPPI You have been made a re- THE PETITION FILED AGAINST of this Notice to Creditors. A necessary to complete the
same with the Chancery Clerk and the drawings referred to spondent in the Petition for Ap- YOU IN THIS ACTION AT 9:30 failure to so Probate and Re- work.
of Lowndes County, Missis- therein. You have been made Defend- pointment of Guardians of a O’CLOCK, A.M., ON THE 15TH gister said claim will forever
sippi, within ninety (90) days ants in a lawsuit filed in this Minor under Section 202 [Doc. DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2020 IN bar the same. $__/ PER S.Y.
from the first publication date CERTIFICATE OF RESPONSIBIL- Court by the Columbus Re- No. 2] filed August 11, 2020, THE COURTROOM OF THE WEB-
of this Notice to Creditors. A ITY: Each contractor submit- development Authority to con- by Petitioners, Lonnie Dwayne STER COUNTY COURTHOUSE This the 27th day of July 2020. Bid D: Furnish and install
failure to so Probate and Re- ting a bid in excess of demn by eminent domain cer- Sheppeard, also known as IN OKOLONA, MISSISSIPPI, double bituminous surface
gister said claim will forever $50,000.00 must show on his tain real property located in Dwayne Sheppeard, and Karina AND IN CASE OF YOUR FAIL- /s/ Jamie Michelle Carag treatment for county roadways
bar the same. bid and on the face of the en- Block 22 North of Main at 311 Dorene Sheppeard, also known URE TO APPEAR AND DEFEND, in accordance with Section S-
velope containing the bid, his 4th Avenue North, Columbus, as Dori Sheppeard, seeking A JUDGMENT WILL BE PUBLISH: 8/11, 8/18, & 410 of the Standard Specifica-
This the 12th day of August Certificate of Responsibility Mississippi. The property is ne- guardianship of A.I.S., a minor ENTERED AGAINST YOU FOR 8/25/2020 tions for State-Aid Road and
2020. Number, as required by Sec- cessary to renew and redevel- child born xx/xx/2011. Other THE RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE Bridge Construction, latest edi-
tion 31-3-21 and 31-3-15, Mis- opment blighted conditions in than you and the Petitioners, COMPLAINT. THE CHANCERY COURT OF tion. Application rate is 100.0
/s/ Wortley H. Cole, Executrix sissippi Code of 1972. If the accordance with the Urban Re- the only other interested party LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- gallons CRS-2P and 5.68 tons
bid does not exceed newal Plan (Burns Bottom) of in this action is Toby Wayne You are not required to file an SIPPI #57 stone per station for Mat
PUBLISH: 8/18, 8/25 & $50,000.00, a notation so the City of Columbus, Missis- Stanford. answer or other pleading, but Coat and 90.0 gallons CRS-2P
9/1/2020 stating must appear on the sippi. you may do so if you desire. IN RE: THE ESTATE OF MILTON and 3.79 tons #7 stone per
face of the envelope. You are summoned to appear LEWIS, DECEASED station for Seal Coat.
You are summoned to appear and represent your interests Issued under my hand and the
Advertisement for Bid Each bid must be submitted in and defend against the com- against said Petition before the seal of said Court, this 29TH CASTELLA HENDERSON, AD- Bids shall be based on a rate
a sealed envelope, addressed plaint or petition filed against Honorable Joseph N. Studdard, day of July, A.D., 2020. MINISTRATRIX per mile for a 20 ft. roadway
Elevator Upgrade for Education to OCEDA, 200 East Main you in this action at 1:30 Chancellor of the 14th Chan-
Building and shall include all materials
Street, Starkville, MS 39759. o’clock p. m. on the 9th day of cery District at 9:00 a.m. on CINDY E. GOODE CASUE NO.: 2020-0299-PDE and labor necessary to com-
Each sealed envelope contain- September, 2020, in the the 18th day of September Chancery Clerk of Lowndes plete the work.
Sealed Bids may be mailed to ing a bid shall be clearly second floor courtroom of the 2020, at the Oktibbeha County County, Mississippi
the Office of Purchasing or sub- marked on the outside as: BID NOTICE TO CREDITORS
Lowndes County Courthouse in Courthouse in Starkville, Mis- $__/ PER MILE
mitted electronically via ENCLOSED “North Star Indus- Columbus, Mississippi, and in sissippi, and in case of your BY: TINA FISHER Letters of Administration have
trial Park, Sign” and the envel- case of your failure to appear failure to appear your interest been granted and issued to the Bid E: Furnish and install hot
sources/purchasing/bids. The ope should also bear on the and defend, a judgment will be in this matter will not be con- PUBLISH: 8/4, 8/11 &
bid opening will be held in the undersigned upon the estate of mix asphalt paving for county
outside the name of the Com- entered against you for the sidered. 8/18/2020 MILTON LEWIS, deceased, by roadways in accordance with
Office of Purchasing, Whitfield pany and the Company’s ad- money or other things deman-
Hall, Columbus, MS at 2:00 the Chancery Court of Lowndes Section S-403 of the Standard
dress. If forwarded by mail, the ded in the complaint or peti- You are not required to file an IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF County, Mississippi, on the Specifications for State-Aid
p.m. Monday, September 14, sealed envelope containing the tion. answer or other pleading, but
2020 at which time they will be bid must be enclosed in anoth- LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- 12th day of August A.D., 2020. Road and Bridge Construction,
you may do so if you desire. SIPPI This is to give notice to all per- latest edition. Material shall be
publicly opened and read. Spe- er envelope addressed to You are hereby further given
cifications may be obtained sons having claims against a surface course meeting
OCEDA, 200 East Main Street. notice that not less than ten Issued under my hand and the IN RE: ESTATE OF NELLIE J. said estate to Probate and Re- MDOT specifications for MT-
from: Any bid not received in writing (10) days prior to the date of seal of said Court, this the CALDWELL, DECEASED gister same with the Chancery 9.5.
at this office by the date and the trial on September 9, 14th day of August 2020. Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis-
Office of Purchasing time specified will be declared 2020, you are required to file
Whitfield Hall LYNN C. SAUCER, EXECUTRIX sissippi, within ninety (90) days Bid is for a 2 in. lift on a 20 ft.
late. OCEDA will not be re- the Statement of Values pursu- CINDY E. GOODE, CHANCERY from this date. A failure to so roadway and shall include all
1100 College Street, MUW sponsible for delays in delivery. ant to Miss. Code Ann. §11-27- CLERK
1628 NO. 2020-0165-PDE Probate and Register said materials and labor necessary
It is solely the responsibility of 7, which shall be treated as LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- claim will forever bar the same. to complete the work.
Columbus, MS 39701 the vendor that bids to reach pleadings in this action. The SIPPI
Telephone (662) 329-7126 NOTICE TO CREDITORS
the opening on time. Any bid date of the filing of the Com- This the 14th day of August, $__/ PER MILE received after deadline will be plaint herein is the 10th day of (SEAL)
tract_bid_search/Home/Sell Letters Testamentary have 2020.
returned unopened. Bids or al- October, 2019, and the name BY:/s/ Shantrell W. Grander- been granted and issued to Bid F: Furnish and install HP-
On this website, once you have terations by fax or phone will and address of the attorney for son, D.C.
registered as a supplier, you Lynn C. Saucer, Executrix of s/ Castella Henderson 10x42 piles in accordance with
not be accepted. Electronic the Plaintiff is Martha Bost the Estate of Nellie J. Caldwell, CASTELLA HENDERSON Section S-803 of the Standard
can find the open bid under bids shall be accepted, if re- Stegall, P. O. Box 7120, Tu- PUBLISH: 8/18, 8/25 &
“Procurement Opportunities”. deceased, by the Chancery Administratrix of the Estate of Specifications for State-Aid
ceived prior to the bid date and pelo, Mississippi 38802. Oth- 9/1/2020 Court of Lowndes County, Mis- Milton Lewis, Deceased Road and Bridge Construction,
time. er than the Statement of Val- sissippi, on the 13th day of Au- latest edition. Length = 20 ft.
When searching for the con- ues you are not required to file
tract bid, refer to IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF gust, 2020. This is to give no- Published: 8/18, 8/25 &
No bidder may withdraw his bid an Answer or other pleading LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- tice to all persons having 9/1/2020 $__/ PER EACH
RFX#3160003838. within ninety (90) days after but you may do so if you de- SIPPI claims against said estate to
the actual date of the opening sire. Probate and Register same Bid G: Furnish and install HP-
Mississippi University for Wo- thereof. IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF
men reserves the right to re- IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- with the Chancery Clerk of LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- 10x42 piles in accordance with
Issued under my hand and the TATE OF WILLIAM DAVID Lowndes County, Mississippi, Section S-803 of the Standard
ject any or all bids. EVIDENCE: No bid will be seal of said Court, this 30th SIPPI
PLYLER, DECEASED within ninety (90) days after Specifications for State-Aid
opened, considered or accep- day of July, 2020. the first publication of this No- Road and Bridge Construction,
PUBLISH: 8/11 & 8/18/2020 ted unless the above informa- IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-
CAUSE NO.: 2020-0136-JNS tice to Creditors. A failure to so TATE OF WILLIAM DAVID latest edition. Length = 30 ft.
tion is given as specified. TERESA BARKSDALE, CLERK Probate and Register said
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF MARY ANN PLYLER, ADMINIS- claim will forever bar the same. $__/ PER EACH
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- Awarding public contracts to DOMAIN, TRATRIX
non-resident Bidders will be on LOWNDES COUNTY, MS CAUSE NO.: 2020-0136-JNS
SIPPI /s/ Lynn C. Saucer Bid H: Furnish and install 4”
the same basis as the non-res- SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Lynn C. Saucer, Executrix wide thermoplastic edge stripe
ident bidder’s state awards BY: Ann Marie Langford, D.C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- (continuous white) (60 mil) in
DECEASED tractors bidding under similar Publish: 8/4, 8/11, Aubrey E. Nichols, MB # 3842 of the Standard Specifications
circumstances. In order to en- 8/18/2020 COUNTY OF LOWNDES
TO: All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of The Nichols Firm, PLLC for State-Aid Road and Bridge
CAUSE NO.: 2020-0055-JNS sure that Mississippi’s Golden William David Plyler, deceased, Post Office Box 1081 Construction, latest edition.
Rule is followed, state law re- Letters of Administration have
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF and Any Unknown Parties In In- Columbus, MS 39703-1081 been granted and issued to the
JAMIE MICHELLE CARAG, PETI- quires a non-resident bidder to terest (662) 243-7312 undersigned upon the Estate of Bids shall be based on a rate
TIONER attach to his bid, a copy of LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS-
SIPPI William David Plyler, deceased, per mile and shall include all
his/her resident state’s cur- All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of Jef- materials and labor necessary
rent laws pertaining to such by the Chancery Court of
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION frey Mark Plyler, deceased, and PUBLISH: 8/18, 8/25 & Lowndes County, Mississippi, to complete the work.
state’s treatment of non-resid- IN THE MATTER OF ORANJULA
SHANKLIN, DECEASED Any Unknown Parties In In- 9/1/2020 on the 31st day of July 2020.
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI ent contractors. terest $__/ PER MILE
This is to give notice to all per-
TO: All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of Each Bidder must deposit with You have been made a defend- said estate to Probate and Re- Bid I: Furnish and install 4”
Steve Erwin Curry, deceased, his proposal, a Bid Bond or ER LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS-
ant in the Petition for Adjudica- gister same with the Chancery wide thermoplastic traffic stripe
and Any Unknown Parties In In- Certified Check in an amount tion of Heirs-at-Law [Doc. No. SIPPI (skip yellow) (90 mil) in accord-
equal to five percent (5%) of NO. 2018-0106-B Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis-
terest 13] filed by the Administratrix, sissippi, within ninety (90) days ance with Section S-621 of the
his bid, payable to OCEDA, as Mary Ann Plyler, on August 3, IN RE: ESTATE OF OLIVIA DI- Standard Specifications for
SUMMONS ANE WARD GATEWOOD, DE- from the first publication date
You have been made a defend- bid security. The successful 2020, seeking to determine of this Notice to Creditors. A State-Aid Road and Bridge Con-
ant in the Petition for Adjudica- bidder will be required to fur- (Publication) CEASED
the heirs-at-law of William Dav- failure to so Probate and Re- struction, latest edition.
tion of Heirs-at-Law filed by the nish a Payment Bond and Per- id Plyler, deceased, and Jef- gister said claim will forever
Administratrix, Jamie Michelle formance Bond each in the STATE OF MISSISSIPPI DAVID WARD GATEWOOD, AD-
COUNTY OF LOWNDES frey Mark Plyler, deceased. bar the same. Bids shall be based on a rate
Carag, on August 11, 2020, amount of one hundred per- Other than you, the only other MINISTRATOR per mile and shall include all
seeking to determine the heirs- cent (100%) of the contract interested parties in this ac- This the 31st day of July 2020. materials and labor necessary
at-law of Steve Erwin Curry, de- amount. TO: HEIRS-AT-LAW AND CAUSE NO.: 2020-00150-JNS
WRONGFUL DEATH BENEFI- tion are Mary Ann Plyler, Willi- to complete the work.
ceased. Other than you, the am Lester Plyler, Philip D. /s/ Mary Ann Plyler, Adminis-
only other interested parties in Bid documents are being made CIARIES OF ORANJULA SHANK- NOTICE TO CREDITORS
LIN, DECEASED, not known to Plyler and William Alexander tratrix $__/ PER MILE
this action are Jamie Michelle available electronically and via Neely.
Carag and Stephanie Dickey. original paper copy (if reques- Petitioner STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
PUBLISH: 8/4, 8/11 & Bid J: Furnish and install 4”
ted). Plan holders are required You are summoned to appear COUNTY OF LOWNDES wide thermoplastic traffic stripe
to register for an account at You have been made a Defend- 8/18/2020
You are summoned to appear and represent your interests (continuous yellow) (90 mil) in
and represent your interests to ant in the suit filed in this Letters Testamentary have
Court by Lynette Shanklin, Peti- against said Petition before the accordance with Section S-621
against said Petition before the view and order Bid Documents. been granted and issued to the STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
tioner, to determine Heirs-at- Honorable Joseph N. Studdard, of the Standard Specifications
Honorable Joseph N. Studdard, All plan holders are required to undersigned upon the Estate of OKTIBBEHA COUNTY
Law and Wrongful Death Bene- Chancellor of the 14th Chan- for State-Aid Road and Bridge
Chancellor of the 14th Chan- have a valid email address for cery District at 9:00 a.m. on OLIVIA DIANE WARD GATE- Construction, latest edition.
cery District at 9:00 a.m. on registration. Electronic bids ficiaries. Defendants other WOOD, Deceased, by the Chan- ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID PRO-
than you in this action are the 16th day of September
the 18th day of September shall be submitted through cery Court of Lowndes County, POSALS
none. 2020, at the Lowndes County Bids shall be based on a rate
2020, at the Oktibbeha County Mississippi, on the 6th day of MISCELLANEOUS COUNTY
Courthouse in Columbus, Mis- per linear foot and shall in-
Courthouse in Starkville, Mis- Bid documents are non-refund- August, A.D., 2020. This is to ROAD WORK
You are summoned to appear sissippi, and in case of your clude all materials and labor
sissippi, and in case of your able and must be purchased failure to appear your interest give notice to all persons hav- necessary to complete the
failure to appear your interest through the website. Please then and there at 9:00 a.m. on ing claims against said estate Sealed or electronic bids will
the 23rd day of September, in this matter will not be con- work.
in this matter will not be con- contact Plan House Printing at to Probate and Register same be received by the Board of Su-
2020, at the Lowndes County sidered.
sidered. (662) 407-0193 with ques- with the Chancery Clerk of pervisors of Oktibbeha County,
Chancery Courthouse in Colum- Mississippi at the Oktibbeha $__/ PER LINEAR FOOT
tions regarding website regis- You are not required to file an Lowndes County, Mississippi,
You are not required to file an tration and online orders. bus, Mississippi, to show within ninety (90) days from County Court House, 108 East
cause, if you can, why the Peti- answer or other pleading, but Bid K: Furnish and install ther-
answer or other pleading, but this date. A failure to so Pro- Main Street Starkville, Missis-
tion filed in this civil action by you may do so if you desire. moplastic legend (white) (120
you may do so if you desire. OCEDA hereby notifies all Bid- bate and Register said claim sippi 39759 until 10:00 A.M.
said Lynette Shanklin, and ex- Thursday, September 10th, mil) in accordance with Sec-
ders that it will affirmatively in- Issued under my hand and the will forever bar the same. tion S-621 of the Standard
Issued under my hand and the sure that in any contract hibited against you should not 2020 for miscellaneous county
be allowed and approved and seal of said Court, this the 7th Specifications for State-Aid
seal of said Court, this the entered into pursuant to this This the 6th day of August road and bridge repair at which
relief demanded therein gran- day of August 2020. Road and Bridge Construction,
13th day of August 2020. advertisement, disadvantaged 2020. time they will be publicly
ted. opened and read aloud. latest edition.
and women’s business enter- CINDY EGGER GOODE, CHAN-
CINDY EGGER GOODE, CHAN- prises will be afforded the full CERY CLERK /s/ /S/ David Ward Gatewood Bids shall be based on a rate
CERY CLERK opportunity to submit bids in You are not required to file an DAVID WARD GATEWOOD Bid A: Furnish and install soil-
answer or other pleading but LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- per square foot and shall in-
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- response to this invitation and cement base stabilization for
may do so if desired. Issued SIPPI clude all materials and labor
SIPPI will not be discriminated PUBLISH: 8/11, 8/18 & county roadways in accord-
under my hand and the seal of ance with Section S-308-A and necessary to complete the
against on the grounds of race, (SEAL) 8/25/2020 work.
(SEAL) color, or national origin in con- said Court this the 12th day of S-308-B of the Standard Spe-
August, 2020. BY: /s/ Shantrell W. Grander-
BY: TINA FISHER, D.C. sideration for an award. cifications for State-Aid Road
son, D.C. $___/ PER SQUARE FOOT
and Bridge Construction, latest
PUBLISH: 8/18, 8/25 & OCEDA reserves the right to re- CINDY GOODE, CHANCERY edition. Application rate is
CLERK PUBLISH: 8/11, 8/18 & Bid L: Furnish and install 4”
9/1/2020 ject any bids and all bids and 39.71 pounds per square yard
8/25/2020 wide traffic stripe (continuous
waive any informality. All notices must be for 8 inch incorporation depth
white) in accordance with Sec-
BY: Cindy E. Goode, Clerk over 22 feet roadway width.
emailed to tion S-619 of the Standard
BY: /s/ Lynn Spruill Specifications for State-Aid
BY: Shantrell W. Granderson, Bids shall be based on a rate
Sell idle items OCEDA
classifieds@ Road and Bridge Construction,

with a quick action DATES OF PUBLICATION:

Read local.
per mile and shall include all
materials and labor necessary latest edition.
PUBLISH: 8/18, 8/25 & to complete the work.
classified ad.
August 11, 2020
August 18, 2020 9/1/2020 Bids shall be based on a rate
per mile and shall include all
materials and labor necessary
Bid B: Mill existing asphalt to complete the work.
and/or DBST and furnish and
$___/ PER MILE

Just a click
install soil-cement base stabil-
ization for county roadways in
accordance with Section S-308- Bid M: Furnish and install 4”
A and S-308-B of the Standard wide traffic stripe (skip yellow) Specifications for State-Aid in accordance with Section S-

Road and Bridge Construction, 619 of the Standard Specifica-
latest edition. Application rate tions for State-Aid Road and

is 39.71 pounds per square Bridge Construction, latest edi-
yard for 8 inch incorporation tion.
depth over 22 feet roadway
width. Bids shall be based on a rate
per mile and shall include all
Bids shall be based on a rate materials and labor necessary
per mile and shall include all to complete the work.
materials and labor necessary
to complete the work. $___/ PER MILE

$___/ PER MILE Bid N: Furnish and install 4”

One call will bring you results. 662-328-2424

wide traffic stripe (continuous
Bid C: Removal of existing as- yellow) in accordance with Sec-
phalt pavement on county road- tion S-619 of the Standard
ways in accordance with Sec- Specifications for State-Aid
tion S-202 of the Standard Road and Bridge Construction,
Specifications for State-Aid latest edition.
Road and Bridge Construction,
latest edition. Bids shall be based on a rate
Road and Bridge Construction,
latest edition. AUGUST 18, 2020 The Dispatch •
Bids shall be based on a rate
per Notices
and shall include all Houses For Sale: Other

Rentals Vehicles
materials and labor necessary
to complete the work. House & 5 wooded acres in
$___/ PER MILE
Vernon, AL. Inside city ON THE WEB
limits, but with the privacy
Bid M: Furnish and install 4”
Ads starting at $25 of living in the country. Ads starting at $12 Visit
Turner Hill Subdivision. Fish
for a printable copy of
wide traffic stripe (skip yellow)
in accordance with Section S- Apts For Rent: North pond, block shop bldg, Motorcycles & ATVs
619 of the Standard Specifica- storage bldg & large storm
tions for State-Aid Road and
Bridge Construction, latest edi-
FOX RUN APARTMENTS 1 shelter. 2,100 sqft. Older 2005 HONDA 250 REBEL these puzzles.
& 2 BR near hospital. home, quality construction, MOTORCYCLE.
tion. 1956, can easily be up−
$595−$645 monthly. Black, red, and gray.
Bids shall be based on a rate Military discount, pet area, dated. See North MS 1,428 miles. $1500.
per mile and shall include all pet friendly, and furnished Craigslist, real estate, for 662−364−0120.
materials and labor necessary corporate apts. photos. No texts please!
to complete the work. 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL Call for appointment to
see. $139,000. Trucks, Vans & Buses
$___/ PER MILE ON SITE MAINTENANCE. 205−695−2146
Bid N: Furnish and install 4” ON SITE MANAGEMENT.
24−HOUR CAMERA Lots & Acreage
wide traffic stripe (continuous
yellow) in accordance with Sec- SURVEILLANCE. Benji &
tion S-619 of the Standard Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. 1.75 ACRE LOTS. Good/
Specifications for State-Aid Bad Credit Options. Good
Road and Bridge Construction, credit as low as 20% down,
Apts For Rent: West $499/mo. Eaton Land,
latest edition.

Bids shall be based on a rate
per linear foot and shall in-

clude all materials and labor Exceptional one−owner
necessary to complete the 36 ACRES ON GATLIN RD. maintained Ram 3500
work. Excellent timber & building w/5.9L Cummins
sites. $72,000. For more engine, automatic
$__/ PER LINEAR FOOT Apartments & Houses info, call 205−799−9846 transmission & spray−
or 205−695−2248.
1 Bedrooms
Bid O: Furnish and install traffic
in Bedliner. Truck has
legend (white) in accordance 203,000+ miles, but
with Section S-621 of the 2 Bedroooms runs like new and looks
Standard Specifications for
State-Aid Road and Bridge Con- 3 Bedrooms Merchandise great! $12,000.
struction, latest edition.

Bids shall be based on a rate

Furnished & Unfurnished
Ads starting at $12 Sudoku YESTERDAY’S ANSWER

per square foot and shall in-

clude all materials and labor
necessary to complete the
1, 2, & 3 Baths
Lease, Deposit Appliances
Community Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 1 6 3 2 9 5 8 7 4
& Credit Check WASHER & DRYER, solid ber-placing puzzle 2 5 9 7 8 4 6 3 1
Ads starting at $12 given numbers. The object

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

wood bookcase, solid wood
$__/ PER SQUARE FOOT based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 7 8 4 6 1 3 5 9 2
end tables, dinette tables,
Proposals shall be good for a chairs & butcher block Free Pets grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 8 2 6 4 3 9 7 1 5
period of 180 days from date
of signing.
table. Call 662−328−6224 given
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 4 3 1 5 7 2 9 8 6
FREE TO good home. Male object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place
between 9−5.
Apts For Rent: Other box 9 7 5 8 6 1 4 2 3
Plan Holders are required to
Burial Plots mixed breed, brown, black, numbers 1 to 9 in
log-in or register for an ac- contains the same number
white with 8 patch on back. the 5 1 7 3 4 8 2 6 9
count to view or order bid docu- empty spaces so
Will be neutered. Does not only once. The difficulty 6 9 2 1 5 7 3 4 8
ments at www.pritchardengin- Burial Plots For Sale 3
like cats. House trained. that each row, each Bid docu- level increases from
ments are non-refundable and
Burial Plots for Sale −
Call 662−435−2722. column and each 3 4 8 9 2 6 1 5 7
Friendship Cemetery Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 8/17
must be purchased through the $600.00 662−352−4723
website. Questions regarding the same number only once. The difficulty level
website registration and online
orders please contact Plan
Furniture Five Questions: increases from Monday to Sunday.
House at 662-407-0193. For
questions related to the con- Sectional Sofa Four year

1 Second Life
tract documents contact the of- old sectional sofa brown/
fice of Pritchard Engineering, beige speckled fabric.
Inc at (662) 324-2205, 100 Mi- Good condition. Has two
ley Road, Starkville, Missis- holes on the side that need
sippi 39759. No partial sets of
2 Lou Ferrigno
repairing. $300.00 662−
drawings of project manuals 574−9397
will be issued.

Proposal shall be submitted on General Merchandise

this form. Bids may be submit-
ted in person, or for those in-
terested, bids can be electron-
1987 CORVETTE with
removable top, less than
3 St. Maarten
ically submitted at 90k mi. Needs work,
www.pritchardengineeringplans. $2,550. Cashier’s Check
4 Ricky
com under the project page. No only. Antique sofa with
oral, telegraphic, telephonic, or
e-mail proposals will be con- original tapestry, $150
sidered. For sealed bids, the
current Certificate of Respons- COLEMAN
OBO. 662−241−7148.
ibility Number of the bidder RENTALS ROOM FOR RENT,
shall appear on the outside of FULLY FURNISHED

5 William
each sealed envelope contain- IN WEST POINT.
ing a proposal, said envelope
being plainly marked Bid for 1 BEDROOM Includes appliances,
furniture & utilities.
Oktibbeha County Road and
Bridge Repair. If submitting
2 BEDROOMS $400/mo. 662−295−4701
electronically, please include 3 BEDROOMS
this information on a cover
page with your bid submission. LEASE,
© The Dispatch

Each Bid must be accompan- DEPOSIT

ied by a bid bond/security de-
posit or certified check in an AND
amount equal to 5% of the bid, CREDIT CHECK
payable to Oktibbeha County
as bid security. In the event
that an electronic bid is submit-
ted, a copy of the bid bond
Place an ad safely
must be included with the sub-
mission. If submitting electron- 2411 HWY 45 N
ically, a hard copy of all bid
documents must be provided COLUMBUS, MS

from home with

within 3 business days if re-
quested after the bid opening. Houses For Rent: Other
John Montgomery, President

the Classifieds.
Oktibbeha County Board of Su- NEAR CAFB: 3BR/2BA @
pervisors 525 Co−Op Rd, Columbus.
1600sqft, quiet area,
Publish Dates: August 11, Columbus City Schools.
2020 and August 18, 2020 ALL appliances, washer/
dryer, pool table, & dining
room furn incl. Large

private lot close to golf
course. $850/mo + dep.
Call us: 662-328-2424 Mobile Homes for Rent ACROSS
1 Takes advan-
Restaurant / Hotel 3BR/2BA Trailer, New
Hope school dist. $650/
tage of
5 Small stream
CAFE UNIQUE: Part-time mo & $650 dep. No pets,
Prep cook and dish washer no drugs, no partying. Call 10 Danger
wanted. 15-20 hours per b/w 10a−9p. 662−386− 12 Pound part
week. Apply in person @ 94 4292. NO TEXT MGS.
Airline Rd. or call 662-327- 13 New Zealand
0840 or 662-386-1554 for shrub with red
more information. Leave Looking
message if no answer.
Real Estate 15 Seventh
for goods
Greek letter
Ads starting at $25 16 Gallery fill
PART TIME Shuttle Bus
or services?
17 Neon or
Drivers needed for Stark- Commercial Property For Sale helium
ville area. CDL with pas- 18 Eye part
senger endorsement req. MILITARY QUICK STOP for
Contact Cory 314-422- lease or sale. High traffic 20 Female
2020, count. Busy location. friend, in France

Find your dream job.

Possibly some owner
financing. B.F. at 662−329 Find it in the classifieds! 21 Was bold
22 One of the 42 Stopwatch 19 Dublin natives
−3833 or 662−889−0837.
Tudors button 20 Church
23 Singer Cara 43 Hotel units replies

Service Directory
25 Pert talk DOWN 24 Sergeant, for
28 Some invest- 1 Shoe part one
ments 2 On the sofa 25 Asian deer
31 St. Louis sight 3 Book goofs 26 Wake up
32 Pants mea- 4 Knight’s title 27 Jeers
Promote your small business starting at only $25 sure 5 Expense 29 Make a
34 Cow call 6 Massage choice
Building & Remodeling Carpet & Flooring General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping
35 “No Scrubs” 7 Puzzle 30 Took to the
group 8 Bakery treat sea
& Bonded. Carpentry, minor No lawn too large or too 36 Spying org. 9 Grammer of 33 Shopping
electrical, minor plumbing, small. Mowing, trimming & 37 Wild West “Frasier” centers
insulation, painting, demo− weedeating.
Show creator 11 Car from a 35 Like lemons
lition, gutters cleaned, Call 662−243−1694
pressure washing, land− 40 Concerning repair shop 38 Opponent
scaping, cleanup work. 41 Runway 14 Legislation 39 Hope of
662−242−3608. Lawn Care / Landscaping worker about tariffs comedy
Specializing in: DAVID’S CARPET &
Residential Carpentry, Residential. House, Mowing, cleanup,
Electrical, Painting, CLEANING
1 Room − $50 concrete, sidewalks & landscaping, sodding,
Appliance Repair & Minor mobile washing. Free est. & tree cutting.
Plumbing. Free estimate. 2 Rooms − $70
3+ Rooms − $30 EA 662−386−8925. 662−356−6525
Call 662−570−5570.
Rugs−Must Be Seen Painting & Papering
Car Upholstery Cleaning

Are you a
Ext/Int Painting.
Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
General Services Repair. Pressure Washing.
Free Estimates. Ask for
A & T TREE SERVICES specials! Larry Webber,
Bucket truck & stump 662−242−4932.
removal. Free est.
Serving Columbus SULLIVAN’S PAINT
since 1987. Senior SERVICE
citizen disc. Call Alvin @ Special Prices.
242−0324/241−4447 Interior & Exterior Painting.
Advertise "We’ll go out on a limb for 662−435−6528
here to you!"
Tree Services
Slag − $400
business. Clay Gravel − $250 Work from a bucket truck.
Available for hauling any Got leaky pipes? Call Jimmy Prescott for free
materials. Columbus. Call
Find a plumber here. estimate, 662−386−6286. Walter, 662−251−8664.

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