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Global Culture II


1. Individually, watch the full video and answer the following:

BuzzFeedVideo. (2017, 5 november). I Became Friends With 100
Strangers In A Day [Video file]. Retrieved from https://

a. Describe the purpose of the person in the video

Be friends with strangers, to meet new people.

b. Which is the relationship between the purpose of the person in

the video and the concepts seen in this topic?
Meeting people and build relationships.

c. At the beginning of the video, what was the attitude of the

person towards his objective?
He was nervous and maybe shy.

d. How the attitude of the person of the video changed through the
Be became more open and confident. He wasn’t shy anymore.

e. What was the attitude of the person at the end of the video?
He was happy with the result.

f. What skills do you think a person can acquire when

accomplishing the objective of the video?
Be outgoing, less shy and relate to others.

2. Based on the comparison of the answers and the debate,

develop a chart that includes three columns: (1) the skills, (2)
purpose of the skills, and (3) the benefits of the skills when
meeting new people. Include at least four skills.
Skill Purpose of that Skill Benefit

Being less shy. Get out of your confort zone You talk more to other people.

Be kind to others. You learn how to treat others. Learn about empathy,
kindness and respect.

Being outgoing. Helps you how to be less shy. Learn how to build
relationships and start small

Empathy Learn how other are feeling Learn in how to be in the

and understand them. shoes of others.

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